#cvs pharmacy


September 19, 2020

Shit. I’m bored again… why do I get bored in relationships so easily? Maybe because every guy I’ve ever dated was a complete dumb shit. They really act as if they’ve never had girlfriends before. For instance today my boyfriend and I were out, well he asked me to drive him to CVS. Before we left I jokingly said “You need to learn how to drive, I’m sick of driving us around.” He took it the wrong way and had a fucking attitude the whole entire day. Why are you mad at me because you’re a 23 year old man who doesn’t know how to drive? Even when I offer to teach him he declines my offers. Does he really think that he’ll be driven around by me his entire life? I think not.. But that’s besides the point, I went to go get gas when we were out he didn’t even offer to pump my gas.. he didn’t even offer to pay for it.. he just sat his ass in the car. I thought boyfriends were suppose to do things for you like pump your gas or open doors for you. Atleast sometimes! Yeah mines doesn’t do those things. And it has gotten to a point now where I think I’m the man in our relationship. He’s MY GIRLFRIEND! Lmao that’s freaking CRAZY! Anyway him having an attitude all day led to me having a good day. I finished watching a anime called Toradora (it was amazing btw), and I started learning Japanese. Well I’ve been trying to learn but today I took it serious, mostly because I trying out the 14 day free trail on Duolingo. I think if I stick to it everyday I’ll be fluent in a year. So basically I have a better days when we aren’t talking. I’m always way more productive when he isn’t around. I’m starting to feel like we aren’t good together. Not in a relationship anyway. We just don’t get each other in that way you know? I just want someone who understand me, all of me and he’s not that sadly.. Anyway よる (night)
