#dark academics


We are the Lost Boys of America. But don’t let our name deceive you. We are more found than you know. Away from a home that we once knew. We are the Lost Boys that were never lost. 

Anyone have books suggestions?

I have a free book coupon on ThriftBooks and there are so many choices I would love to read, but I feel as if my options are really for me to buy with what I earn

so, any recommendations on what book I should get?

A Love Poem.

Let me be your darling.

My heart yearns to hold

Yet I face each day alone,

From rise til fall,

Each night grows,

My love comparable.

So, if I may ask,

Your hand in mine,

Let me be your darling,

And you’ll equate my love.

some of my favorite smells that I’ve been needing a perfume and/or cologne to replicate:

– old books and newspapers

– typewriter ink

– vinyls

– sweaters

– rain

– trench coats

– leather gloves

– an old church or library

– a red wine cork

– fountain water

– a museum

add more if you’d like

I wish it were fall, 

but time goes by too quickly.

I wish it would slow down,


I still yearn for the autumn winds.

I wish it were fall,

I long for the long awaited views from below.

Reading while making sure your coffee or tea stays hot should be considered an extreme sport.


i want to feel like how the oh hello’s make me feel but on a daily basis. 

returning to this account two years later and i can safely say i feel like this a lot more now, even if i don’t listen to the oh hellos anymore and even if it’s not permanent

i lost almost all my friends but i’ve got a best friend who i love infinitely and the guy i liked liked me back and now we’re together; i’m not great academically but i have a university to work towards now; i have hopes and dreams and i can look to the future with not just romanticism but with fondness that i know i will get to live in it

it gets better even if the betterness is not present every single day
