#death star duel





Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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