#reylo smut







Post-TLJ. Kylo is forced out of the First Order, and Rey catches up with him. He has some interesting information about her parents that will lead her on a quest for revenge. And Kylo will help every step of the way.

Rated T for Teen
Chapter 1/?
2.2k words so far


Kylo’s grip was waning.

After the fiasco at Crait, he heard the whispers behind his back, that which echoed throughout the First Order. It came from no one source; everyone was thinking it: that Kylo was unhinged. A terrible leader. Distracted. Incomplete in his training. Too involved in personal affairs. He’d cost them the victory. Now the Resistance ran free, right when they were in their grasp. He failed. Nothing like Snoke.

Snoke? Did Rey really kill Snoke? And the guards? Alone?

Kylo could feel his army turning on him. He made examples where he could, to reinstate fear, but it wasn’t enough. In fact, it only made them hate him more.

Even sitting alone in his room, he could feel the outside turmoil of the First Order. The rumors and twistings. He was devising what new ways he could arrest their obedience, when she appeared.

She always appeared at the worst fucking times.

Keep reading

“Where are you going?” Kylo asked her.

“Where do you think,” Rey quickly threw on her tunic, “Back to Jakku.”


This fic will be between 3-5 chapters and will finish by the end of next week (9/6/2020)

“Welcome home, Rey.”


What do you want, Rey? Kylo thought to her. What do you want to do?

He asked that question like they had any other option.


ONE MORE CHAPTER TO GO! Last one will have SMUT.


Reylo smut ahead❤️

Chapter Five

Thank you for reading ❤️


Nyx-Chapter 2

“How are you feeling?” He asked.

Blinking at the stranger from the waiting room, Rey swallowed hard. She didn’t like the fact that he was speaking to her. It made the moment too real. She didn’t want to miss him when she woke up.

“Shhh…don’t talk,” Rey muttered, crawling her nude body over his.

Lifting a dark brow, Kylo eyed her with a surprised look on his face. Apparently, she was feeling much better than he thought she would.

“Don’t talk…?”

Shaking her dizzy head, Rey pushed away the plush comforter and straddled the man’s sharp hips. It really didn’t matter that she wasn’t completely aroused, her dream lovers always found a way to take her from zero to ecstasy in no time.

“Shhh…shut up…just lie there and let me ride you,” Rey ordered.

Taken aback by her boldness, Kylo huffed in a mixture of excitement and disbelief. He couldn’t remember the last time she had taken the reins. He liked it. A lot.

His day was off to a good start for sure.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he replied, relaxing his head back upon the pillow.

Ready for more? Click HERE to read Chapter 2 of Nyx by CoraRiley

Ohhhh things are heating up!


AO3 Fic: Moments

Rated: E (mind the tags)

Summary: Rey has some difficulty adjusting to being a new mother. Ben is here to help.


Rey perfunctorily uses the refresher, careful to avoid the mirror. The steam from her recent shower swirls around and her gaze drops down and away, as she lifts her towel from the floor and wraps it around her body. Only then does she glance up, her eyes meeting her foggy reflection’s briefly, before dipping her head down and wrapping another towel around her hair.

She beelines out and softly pads to the bedroom, almost bumping into her husband in their narrow hallway on the way.

“Well, hello,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her in a half circle. He ducks his head and captures her lips in a short, but searing kiss. She melts against his body for a brief, blissful moment, before pulling away.

“Mmm,” she mumbles her assent. “Hello. Did she go down?”

“For now,” he responds, good humouredly. “She didn’t give me too much trouble anyway.”

“Thank the Force,” Rey says on a sigh. “I’m starting to feel like a thala-siren.” An image of foamy green milk dripping from a bearded face flashes through her mind and she shudders.

“A what?” Ben asks, looking at her quizzically. It occurs to her that the mammal was likely native to the shores of Ahch-To and those who have not had the pleasure of visiting the planet would likely not know what she was talking about. She considers projecting an image to him through their bond, but decides against it. She’s certain the last thing her husband needs at this point is a visual of yet another lactating hypermammarian creature in his midst.

Instead, she just shakes her head. “You don’t want to know. Needless to say, if we can get her down to five feedings during the day and maybe one at night, I’ll be happy. And so will these guys,” she adds, palming a heavy breast in each hand through her towel and giving them a jiggle.

Ben groans out loud. “Please don’t do that to me.”

She sheepishly withdraws her hands from her tender breasts. He ducks his head to kiss under her ear, in the silky spot where a tender pulse beats. Then he continues kissing down her neck, wet, soft kisses. She gently exhales and loses herself in the moment as she twines her arms around him. His lips migrate to hers as his hands go to the knot in her towel.

“What did the medic say today?” he murmurs against her mouth as he loosens the front and starts to pull it away from her.

Rey comes back to reality with a suddenness akin to a bucket of cold water being poured over her head. She pulls away abruptly with a barely stifled gasp and tears the towel from his hands, wrapping it tighter around herself.

“Still too soon,” she manages to gasp out. “Said to wait a bit longer.” At those words, she brushes past him.

Once in the safety of their room, she quickly pulls a pair of sleep pants on under her towel and pulls one of Ben’s shirts over her head. Only then does she allow the towel to fall to the floor. Ben walks in as she’s bent over, drying her hair with the other towel. He sits at the edge of the bed and stares at her. He doesn’t speak and neither does she. Once she’s vigorously rubbed the towel through her wet hair, beyond the point of what’s necessary, she drops it to join the other one on the floor and then crawls into bed.

“Can you pass me my datapad?”

He turns to look at her and makes no move to do as she’s asked.

“Please, Ben,” she wheedles. Let it go. Please let it go. “I told Finn I’d check their trajectory for tomorrow and see if I could find him a better route than the one they’re taking. If he can avoid—"

“What’s going on, Rey?” he interrupts, impatient with her efforts to dodge the issue. He has eternally, frustratingly, been nothing if not straightforward. “Is there something you’re not telling me? Did the medic say something was—” He visibly needs to collect himself, jaw clenching, “—wrong? With the way you’re healing? It’s been over five months…” His voice trails off and he looks at her, almost pleadingly. “Talk to me.”

She responds in a visceral way to the worry and anxiety in his tone, but a knot forms in her throat at the thought of having to explain to him what, exactly, it was that was wrong with her. “Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Not like that. I just don’t – I don’t feel ready, that’s all.” She can feel her hackles rising, an innate defensiveness borne from a need to survive first and foremost at an early age, and she tries desperately to quash it before it consumes her. This is not Jakku. This is not Unkar Plutt or the other scavengers and traders. This is Ben. She can be honest with Ben. She can be herself with Ben.

Can’t she?


(More please.)


Summary:16-year-old Rey knocks on Doctor Solo’s door after her mean brother kicks him out of his party, he finally has an opportunity to act on his lust for her.
She is eager to oblige.
Warnings:Underage. Ben is 42, Rey is 16. Fluff. Dubious consent.Underage drinking. Ben Solo isn’t nice. Age difference, size difference, size kink, daddy kink, unhealthy relationship, grooming. More in the chapters.

If you like my work, consider buying me a coffeeor subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.


Chapter 1 (12th of May)

Chapter 2 (19th of May)

Chapter 3 (26th of May)

Chapter 4 (2nd of June)

Chapter 5 (9th of June)


Doctor Solo’s Favour Girl” hasn’t come to my Patreon, but if you want to support my work and have access to many exclusive fics, consider subscribing! I post every day, and your support helps me a lot in the hard times I’m going through. 


Based on a prompt sent by@preshprinceofstarkiller


Summary: Ben convinces Rey to watch a cliché porn video with him in this modern Reylo au one-shot.

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Synopsis: Unable to focus on her Jedi training, Rey de-stresses with a little help from BB-8. Little does she know she’s being watched…


“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force…” This was the mantra that Rey repeated to herself as she sought to connect deeper into the Force. 

Rey sighed. Meditation was a bust. It was always a bust. She couldn’t focus. She was never at peace and in tune with the Force enough to focus. Everytime she did, her thoughts would inevitably drift to him, and then she’d find herself trying to search for him.

Ben…Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the military cult she was fighting against as a member of the Resistance.  She knew she should hate him, but for some reason she couldn’t. Maybe it was just the bond they shared through the Force. Maybe it was just the connection they shared in the hut that one stormy night on Ahch-To. Maybe it was just purely physical: he was a man, she was a woman, it was just nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever it was, it was complicated.

It had been months since their last meeting, even after all those months, on opposite sides of the war, on opposite sides of the Force, Rey still found herself thinking of him, dreaming about him, worrying about him.

At times she’d find herself in the same room as him, and then she couldn’t get enough of him when they were together, and yearned for him when parted. She missed the flesh against flesh, the smells and tastes, the sights and sounds. She knew it was wrong, but the way he made her feel…

Opening her eyes and uncrossing her legs, Rey unhooked the her lightsaber from her belt and decided to run the training course that she had set up in the expansive forest terrain of Ajan Koss.

BB-8 beeped in curiosity at her feet. Rey smiled at her little droid companion. The orange and white ball-shaped droid had been quite taken to her ever since she had rescued it on Jakku over a year ago, and had frequently accompanied her as she trained and meditated, beeping encouragement at her.

“Ready to run the course with me, BB-8?”

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BuffShipper Reylo Master Post

  1. Yeild: A Reylo Story: After defeating Ben in a heated sparring match, Rey engages in an even more heated encounter with Ben in the bedroom.
  2. Reylo: Red: Rey discovers her kinky side when she is captured by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
  3. Reylo: Blue: Ben and Rey enjoy a honeymoon on Naboo.
  4. Duality: A Breylo Story: Rey confronts the dual nature of Ben Solo / Kylo Ren.
  5. Reylo: Rey reunites with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren through the Force Bond following a sapphic encounter with Rose Tico.



For all my Reylos and Reybros!

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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Chapter 1: The Capture


Kylo leaned closer. “I know you’ve seen the map. It’s in there…and now you’ll give it to me.”

He smiled softly. “Don’t be afraid. I feel it, too.”

“I’m not giving you anything,” Rey defiantly replied, despite her own trepidation at the spector of another mind probe.

“We’ll see,” retorts Kylo as he peers into Rey’s eyes intently to resume the probe.

She met his gaze, and his confidence begin to waver as he slams into a barrier in her mind. She does the unthinkable and enters his mind, and in that moment their minds merge as one, their innermost feelings and intentions laid bare.

A blaze of faint memories, emotions, fears, and deep desires. 

Staring at each other in stunned silence, it was Kylo who spoke first.

“Perhaps…there’s more than one way to find what I seek…”

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(Art from @hotside. Used with permission)

Complete! Likes ❤ and Reblogs are much appreciated


Rating : Explicit

Part I Dark Reign After narrowly defeating Rey on Starkiller, Kylo Ren sets out to seduce her to the Dark Side and conquer the galaxy

Part II Dark Reign: Dark DecadenceAfter the events of Dark Reign, General Phasma travels to the Fortress Ren on Mustafar to answer the summons of Empress Kira Ren (WIP)

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Synopsis: A series of one shots in which Rey f**ks her way through the Sequel Trilogy

Chapter 1: Desert Heat After a tough day of scavenging, Rey decides to enjoy some relaxing alone time…

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Chapter 2: Awakening Kylo Ren interrogates Rey at Starkiller Base, probing her mind with the Force for clues to BB-8 and the map to Luke Skywalker. What else he finds in her mind however, is something neither of them expected

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Chapter 3: How to Make Love the Wookiee Way With Jedi Master Luke Skywalker unwilling to take up the lightsaber in the fight against the First Order, Rey finds out that Chewbacca has his sights set on her as a new mate as they pass the time together on Ahch-To…

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Chapter 4: The First Order’s Finest To escape Kylo Ren’s clutches, Rey enlists the help of JB-007 and his fellow stormtroopers, but only if she does something for all of them…

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Chapter 5: The Jedi Master When Rey travels to Ahch-To find the lost Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the reluctant hermit agrees to come, but only if Rey makes it worth his while…

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Chapter 6: A Long Way to Pasaana During a long flight to the planet of Pasaana in search for clues to the location of the planet Exegol, Finn and Poe stave off boredom in their quarters. Rey, equally bored, decides to join them…

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Chapter 7: Rey’s Sapphic Self-Cest Rey faces her dark side aboard the wreckage of the Second Death Star…

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Chapter 8: “You’re Offering Me a Job?” Han Solo offers Rey a job, and she accepts. However, the wily old scoundrel wasn’t specific about what kind of job it would be…

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Chapter 9: “You’ll Be The One To Turn” Through their Force bond, Rey develops a crush on Kylo Ren and goes to him on the Supremacy to turn him to the Light. However, Kylo has other plans and brings Rey before Supreme Leader Snoke…

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Chapter 10: Jakku Gloryhole Bitch Scavenger Rey bargains for extra portions with the miserly junk boss Unkar Plutt…

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Summary: After Ben SolocatchesRey playing around with his prized Star Wars replica props, he gives her a tough lesson in obedience in this modern au.


After a morning shift at his father and Uncle Chewie’s car shop and an afternoon trip to the gym, Ben went into his man cave for a game of Star Wars Vol. 3, and much to his surprise, he was nearly hit in the face with his Kylo Ren lightsaber.

If it was anyone else, he’d probably rip their head off, but it was Rey. Denim Daisy Duke’s that rode up her ample ass, a white tank top that accentuated her athletic curves, and now from his surprise his to his irritation, she was wearing his fucking Kylo Ren helmet.

“Hey look at me!” Rey giggled as she swung the prop Kylo Ren lightsaber around, her voice muffled by the helmet. “I’m a big git with a laser sword!”

Ben scoffed at her. “Hey! C'mon! Those are expensive! Put them away!”

“Afraid I’m gonna break your toys?” Rey laughed, twirling the lightsaber around, humming the ubiquitous hum of the lightsaber as she did so.

Ben ducked another errant swing of the hard light tube that comprised the red blade. “They’re not fucking toys! They are highly collectable replica props!”

“I’m not gonna break your stupid props, Ben. I’m just –” Rey aimed another playful swing and Ben caught it.

“Having fun?” Ben snapped, raising his eyebrows. “Fun that costs a lot money. Just leave my shit alone, huh?”

Rey petulantly jerked the lightsaber out of his grip. She was annoyed at his attitude. He was being such a fucking dick over his stupid toys!

Excuse her. Collectable replica props. Air quotes, sarcasm intended.

How about you make me?” she replied flippantly, continuing to twirl his lightsaber prop around carelessly.

Anger flashed across Ben’s face and he crossed the room in a flash, knocking the lightsaber out of her hands and to the sofa.

“What the–” Rey began as he yanked the Kylo Ren helmet off her head, tossing it to the sofa next to the lightsaber.

“What the fuck is your probl–” Rey screeched before Ben pushed her against the wall, his hand around her jaw, his towering body pressed against her’s. 

Rey was reminded just how enormous he was compared to her. Her jaw just met his collarbone. He had to outweigh her by almost a hundred pounds. 

She pressed her hands to the front of his chest to push him away, but something in his eyes stopped her. He had a temper, but he was never violent towards her. No, this was something else. Something…exciting…

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Summary: Rey and Kylo Ren share a night of passion and intimacy with the power of their Force Bond


One night in a blur of days, Kylo Ren shifted uneasily in his bed, tossing and turning. He rolled to his side, and his large arm bumped into a form.

A sigh and a soft snore.

He flinched awake. He was still in his quarters, but he was not alone.

It was her. It was Rey. She slept on her side, no blanket. Wherever she was, it must have been warm enough that she didn’t need it.

She was dressed simply: her off-white sleeveless shirt, her calf length pants. She was barefoot, her belt and torso scarf elsewhere, beyond his sight.

A breeze gently blew her hair from where she lay. It wasn’t from the stale air of his chambers: she must have been outside or somewhere similar.

Not for the first time, Kylo wondered to himself why the Force was connecting them, especially when they were sleeping. Well, while she was sleeping. Kylo never rested soundly enough to sleep properly.

Or perhaps he was sleeping, and this was all a dream…

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Synopsis: Unable to focus on her Jedi training, Rey de-stresses with a little help from BB-8. Little does she know she’s being watched…


“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force…” This was the mantra that Rey repeated to herself as she sought to connect deeper into the Force. 

Rey sighed. Meditation was a bust. It was always a bust. She couldn’t focus. She was never at peace and in tune with the Force enough to focus. Everytime she did, her thoughts would inevitably drift to him, and then she’d find herself trying to search for him.

Ben…Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the military cult she was fighting against as a member of the Resistance.  She knew she should hate him, but for some reason she couldn’t. Maybe it was just the bond they shared through the Force. Maybe it was just the connection they shared in the hut that one stormy night on Ahch-To. Maybe it was just purely physical: he was a man, she was a woman, it was just nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever it was, it was complicated.

It had been months since their last meeting, even after all those months, on opposite sides of the war, on opposite sides of the Force, Rey still found herself thinking of him, dreaming about him, worrying about him.

At times she’d find herself in the same room as him, and then she couldn’t get enough of him when they were together, and yearned for him when parted. She missed the flesh against flesh, the smells and tastes, the sights and sounds. She knew it was wrong, but the way he made her feel…

Opening her eyes and uncrossing her legs, Rey unhooked the her lightsaber from her belt and decided to run the training course that she had set up in the expansive forest terrain of Ajan Koss.

BB-8 beeped in curiosity at her feet. Rey smiled at her little droid companion. The orange and white ball-shaped droid had been quite taken to her ever since she had rescued it on Jakku over a year ago, and had frequently accompanied her as she trained and meditated, beeping encouragement at her.

“Ready to run the course with me, BB-8?”

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Based on a prompt sent by@preshprinceofstarkiller


Summary: Ben convinces Rey to watch a cliché porn video with him in this modern Reylo au one-shot.

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Summary: Rey and Kylo Ren share a night of passion and intimacy with the power of their Force Bond


One night in a blur of days, Kylo Ren shifted uneasily in his bed, tossing and turning. He rolled to his side, and his large arm bumped into a form.

A sigh and a soft snore.

He flinched awake. He was still in his quarters, but he was not alone.

It was her. It was Rey. She slept on her side, no blanket. Wherever she was, it must have been warm enough that she didn’t need it.

She was dressed simply: her off-white sleeveless shirt, her calf length pants. She was barefoot, her belt and torso scarf elsewhere, beyond his sight.

A breeze gently blew her hair from where she lay. It wasn’t from the stale air of his chambers: she must have been outside or somewhere similar.

Not for the first time, Kylo wondered to himself why the Force was connecting them, especially when they were sleeping. Well, while she was sleeping. Kylo never rested soundly enough to sleep properly.

Or perhaps he was sleeping, and this was all a dream…

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Summary: After Ben SolocatchesRey playing around with his prized Star Wars replica props, he gives her a tough lesson in obedience in this modern au.


After a morning shift at his father and Uncle Chewie’s car shop and an afternoon trip to the gym, Ben went into his man cave for a game of Star Wars Vol. 3, and much to his surprise, he was nearly hit in the face with his Kylo Ren lightsaber.

If it was anyone else, he’d probably rip their head off, but it was Rey. Denim Daisy Duke’s that rode up her ample ass, a white tank top that accentuated her athletic curves, and now from his surprise his to his irritation, she was wearing his fucking Kylo Ren helmet.

“Hey look at me!” Rey giggled as she swung the prop Kylo Ren lightsaber around, her voice muffled by the helmet. “I’m a big git with a laser sword!”

Ben scoffed at her. “Hey! C'mon! Those are expensive! Put them away!”

“Afraid I’m gonna break your toys?” Rey laughed, twirling the lightsaber around, humming the ubiquitous hum of the lightsaber as she did so.

Ben ducked another errant swing of the hard light tube that comprised the red blade. “They’re not fucking toys! They are highly collectable replica props!”

“I’m not gonna break your stupid props, Ben. I’m just –” Rey aimed another playful swing and Ben caught it.

“Having fun?” Ben snapped, raising his eyebrows. “Fun that costs a lot money. Just leave my shit alone, huh?”

Rey petulantly jerked the lightsaber out of his grip. She was annoyed at his attitude. He was being such a fucking dick over his stupid toys!

Excuse her. Collectable replica props. Air quotes, sarcasm intended.

How about you make me?” she replied flippantly, continuing to twirl his lightsaber prop around carelessly.

Anger flashed across Ben’s face and he crossed the room in a flash, knocking the lightsaber out of her hands and to the sofa.

“What the–” Rey began as he yanked the Kylo Ren helmet off her head, tossing it to the sofa next to the lightsaber.

“What the fuck is your probl–” Rey screeched before Ben pushed her against the wall, his hand around her jaw, his towering body pressed against her’s. 

Rey was reminded just how enormous he was compared to her. Her jaw just met his collarbone. He had to outweigh her by almost a hundred pounds. 

She pressed her hands to the front of his chest to push him away, but something in his eyes stopped her. He had a temper, but he was never violent towards her. No, this was something else. Something…exciting…

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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BuffShipper Reylo Master Post

  1. Yeild: A Reylo Story: After defeating Ben in a heated sparring match, Rey engages in an even more heated encounter with Ben in the bedroom.
  2. Reylo: Red: Rey discovers her kinky side when she is captured by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
  3. Reylo: Blue: Ben and Rey enjoy a honeymoon on Naboo.
  4. Duality: A Breylo Story: Rey confronts the dual nature of Ben Solo / Kylo Ren.
  5. Reylo: Rey reunites with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren through the Force Bond following a sapphic encounter with Rose Tico.



For all my Reylos and Reybros!

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Chapter 1: The Capture


Kylo leaned closer. “I know you’ve seen the map. It’s in there…and now you’ll give it to me.”

He smiled softly. “Don’t be afraid. I feel it, too.”

“I’m not giving you anything,” Rey defiantly replied, despite her own trepidation at the spector of another mind probe.

“We’ll see,” retorts Kylo as he peers into Rey’s eyes intently to resume the probe.

She met his gaze, and his confidence begin to waver as he slams into a barrier in her mind. She does the unthinkable and enters his mind, and in that moment their minds merge as one, their innermost feelings and intentions laid bare.

A blaze of faint memories, emotions, fears, and deep desires. 

Staring at each other in stunned silence, it was Kylo who spoke first.

“Perhaps…there’s more than one way to find what I seek…”

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(Art from @hotside. Used with permission)

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Synopsis: A series of one shots in which Rey f**ks her way through the Sequel Trilogy

Chapter 1: Desert Heat After a tough day of scavenging, Rey decides to enjoy some relaxing alone time…

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Chapter 2: Awakening Kylo Ren interrogates Rey at Starkiller Base, probing her mind with the Force for clues to BB-8 and the map to Luke Skywalker. What else he finds in her mind however, is something neither of them expected

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Chapter 3: How to Make Love the Wookiee Way With Jedi Master Luke Skywalker unwilling to take up the lightsaber in the fight against the First Order, Rey finds out that Chewbacca has his sights set on her as a new mate as they pass the time together on Ahch-To…

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Chapter 4: The First Order’s Finest To escape Kylo Ren’s clutches, Rey enlists the help of JB-007 and his fellow stormtroopers, but only if she does something for all of them…

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Chapter 5: The Jedi Master When Rey travels to Ahch-To find the lost Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, the reluctant hermit agrees to come, but only if Rey makes it worth his while…

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Chapter 6: A Long Way to Pasaana During a long flight to the planet of Pasaana in search for clues to the location of the planet Exegol, Finn and Poe stave off boredom in their quarters. Rey, equally bored, decides to join them…

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Chapter 7: Rey’s Sapphic Self-Cest Rey faces her dark side aboard the wreckage of the Second Death Star…

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Chapter 8: “You’re Offering Me a Job?” Han Solo offers Rey a job, and she accepts. However, the wily old scoundrel wasn’t specific about what kind of job it would be…

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Chapter 9: “You’ll Be The One To Turn” Through their Force bond, Rey develops a crush on Kylo Ren and goes to him on the Supremacy to turn him to the Light. However, Kylo has other plans and brings Rey before Supreme Leader Snoke…

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Chapter 10: Jakku Gloryhole Bitch Scavenger Rey bargains for extra portions with the miserly junk boss Unkar Plutt…

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Chapter 11: Rey and the Hentaitar When Han Solo and Chewbacca’s ship The Eravana gets boarded by space gangs after their discovery of Rey, Finn, and BB-8 aboard the Millennium Falcon as they flee the First Order, all hell breaks loose and admist the chaos, Han Solo’s cargo of tentacled Hentaitars get loose…

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