#reylo crack


Kylo gazing at Rey in wonder right before she tries to kill him: a compilation

How Ben should have won back Rey in The Last Jedi: with sweet song

liberlibelulaart:Many people asked me to do something about the Shirtless Scene. So… this is what I liberlibelulaart:Many people asked me to do something about the Shirtless Scene. So… this is what I liberlibelulaart:Many people asked me to do something about the Shirtless Scene. So… this is what I


Many people asked me to do something about the Shirtless Scene. So… this is what I think of whenever I hear “Star Wars themed underwear” :D

More fandom crack here!


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me in the theatre when reylo finally kiss:

::Don’t cry…don’t scream:: My thoughts when it happens

meetingyourmaker:Rey Palpatine Hopefully she does gets her looks from her grandmother’s/mother’s s


Rey Palpatine

Hopefully she does gets her looks from her grandmother’s/mother’s side of the gene pool. 

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Synopsis: Unable to focus on her Jedi training, Rey de-stresses with a little help from BB-8. Little does she know she’s being watched…


“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force…” This was the mantra that Rey repeated to herself as she sought to connect deeper into the Force. 

Rey sighed. Meditation was a bust. It was always a bust. She couldn’t focus. She was never at peace and in tune with the Force enough to focus. Everytime she did, her thoughts would inevitably drift to him, and then she’d find herself trying to search for him.

Ben…Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the military cult she was fighting against as a member of the Resistance.  She knew she should hate him, but for some reason she couldn’t. Maybe it was just the bond they shared through the Force. Maybe it was just the connection they shared in the hut that one stormy night on Ahch-To. Maybe it was just purely physical: he was a man, she was a woman, it was just nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever it was, it was complicated.

It had been months since their last meeting, even after all those months, on opposite sides of the war, on opposite sides of the Force, Rey still found herself thinking of him, dreaming about him, worrying about him.

At times she’d find herself in the same room as him, and then she couldn’t get enough of him when they were together, and yearned for him when parted. She missed the flesh against flesh, the smells and tastes, the sights and sounds. She knew it was wrong, but the way he made her feel…

Opening her eyes and uncrossing her legs, Rey unhooked the her lightsaber from her belt and decided to run the training course that she had set up in the expansive forest terrain of Ajan Koss.

BB-8 beeped in curiosity at her feet. Rey smiled at her little droid companion. The orange and white ball-shaped droid had been quite taken to her ever since she had rescued it on Jakku over a year ago, and had frequently accompanied her as she trained and meditated, beeping encouragement at her.

“Ready to run the course with me, BB-8?”

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Synopsis: Unable to focus on her Jedi training, Rey de-stresses with a little help from BB-8. Little does she know she’s being watched…


“I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is with me. I am one with the Force…” This was the mantra that Rey repeated to herself as she sought to connect deeper into the Force. 

Rey sighed. Meditation was a bust. It was always a bust. She couldn’t focus. She was never at peace and in tune with the Force enough to focus. Everytime she did, her thoughts would inevitably drift to him, and then she’d find herself trying to search for him.

Ben…Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the First Order Kylo Ren. Supreme Leader of the military cult she was fighting against as a member of the Resistance.  She knew she should hate him, but for some reason she couldn’t. Maybe it was just the bond they shared through the Force. Maybe it was just the connection they shared in the hut that one stormy night on Ahch-To. Maybe it was just purely physical: he was a man, she was a woman, it was just nature, nothing more, nothing less.

Whatever it was, it was complicated.

It had been months since their last meeting, even after all those months, on opposite sides of the war, on opposite sides of the Force, Rey still found herself thinking of him, dreaming about him, worrying about him.

At times she’d find herself in the same room as him, and then she couldn’t get enough of him when they were together, and yearned for him when parted. She missed the flesh against flesh, the smells and tastes, the sights and sounds. She knew it was wrong, but the way he made her feel…

Opening her eyes and uncrossing her legs, Rey unhooked the her lightsaber from her belt and decided to run the training course that she had set up in the expansive forest terrain of Ajan Koss.

BB-8 beeped in curiosity at her feet. Rey smiled at her little droid companion. The orange and white ball-shaped droid had been quite taken to her ever since she had rescued it on Jakku over a year ago, and had frequently accompanied her as she trained and meditated, beeping encouragement at her.

“Ready to run the course with me, BB-8?”

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In this modern au, Rey is surprised on her birthday by her boyfriends Kylo, Ben, Matt and Randy: the Solo quadruplets.


Rey couldn’t believe Senator Organa made her work on her birthday, of all days. Loads and loads of paperwork, gophering, coffee runs. By the time she slogged up to her apartment, she was beat. 

She never really got to celebrate her birthday much as a child, having been abandoned by her shit parents and dropped off to her even shittier Uncle Plutt at his desert junk hole. It was school and college that saved her, turning her away from a future of petty crime and landing her this lucrative government job in her early twenties–virtually unheard of–and that was due to missing a lot of birthdays, and a lot of holidays, through hard study.

That’s why she was hoping that when she finally put enough time in (and the fact that she was on more than professional terms with the good Senator, practically family) that she could finally celebrate her birthday in style, the way she never got to before. 

That was probably why she had to work on her birthday, actually. Wouldn’t want to show favoritism. She had Finn and Poe on her back enough as it was.

With a sigh she put the key in the lock and turned the knob. She flipped the light on and let out a squeal of–


“Oh!” Rey gasped, and not just because of the unexpected surprise. “Oooh…”

They sat on their large leather sofa, all stark naked, with neat little bows tied around their rock-hard cocks. All four of her beloved Solo brothers. It was a long story, but they were all her boyfriends…

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Rey was angry, and not for the first time since she started this mission.

She had come all this way, halfway across the galaxy– fleeing from stormtroopers in the desert, jumping over TIEs, infiltrating First Order Star Destroyers–all for this stupid thing, stuck deep in the dingy and damp wreckage of the Second Death Star on this damp, force-forsaken jungle planet of Kef Bir.

All to find the Sith Wayfinder to lead the way to Exegol, where the supposed-to-be-dead Emperor Palpatine was waiting  for them with a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers called the Final Order, built in secret by his Dark Side cult, the Sith Eternal.

She had come all this way, and the Wayfinder just slipped from her hand, sliding across the sloped floor. She scrambled after it, desperate to reach it.

Another hand got there first, larger, black-gloved. She looked up. Kylo Ren loomed, his black cape wet with ocean spray.

By the Force. Him again. 

“Look at yourself, Rey. Trying to prove to yourself and everyone that you are a Jedi, but all you continue to do is prove that you’re anything but.” Kylo hissed, holding the Wayfinder at his side. “You can’t go back to them now.”

Rey launched herself up, glowering at him. She ignited her lightsaber. “Give it to me.”

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