#elijah kamski

“What is it really? A piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being?” Fem Elijah“What is it really? A piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being?” Fem Elijah

“What is it really? A piece of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being?”
Fem Elijah Kamski (@trishalayons)// Chloe ( @matthewkroner )

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-The very first Chloe is deviant and wants to join Jericho.-

Détroit : Become Human/ Chapter : Meet Kamski / Mods : Chloé / + modification


I’m gonna start replacing random characters I see in the background with Gavin… Just because. (If I’m modding I always play as young Kamski, its a legal obligation)



yet another thing i wish the dbh fandom would acknowledge more:

the implied relationship between elijah and carl. markus was a gift from elijah to carl, and elijah owns one of carl’s paintings.

how is that not talked about more?? that’s just objectively interesting, like-

they’re both real big on philosophy, and they both believe deviants are alive. carl is a famous artist, possibly with a career that’s lasted longer than elijah’s even been alive, which means that there’s a strong possibility that elijah looked up to carl when he was younger.

just imagine, like- 19 year old elijah kamski staring at one of carl’s paintings going “we’re really in it now, mr. manfred-”

tell me that’s not funny i dare you-

kamski: … chloe, a checkup with diagnosis please. suspect a heart attack. chest feels tight

chloe: [analyzing]

chloe: i think you are having a heart attack.





chloe: just kidding


yet another thing i wish the dbh fandom would acknowledge more:

the implied relationship between elijah and carl. markus was a gift from elijah to carl, and elijah owns one of carl’s paintings.

how is that not talked about more?? that’s just objectively interesting, like-

they’re both real big on philosophy, and they both believe deviants are alive. carl is a famous artist, possibly with a career that’s lasted longer than elijah’s even been alive, which means that there’s a strong possibility that elijah looked up to carl when he was younger.

just imagine, like- 19 year old elijah kamski staring at one of carl’s paintings going “we’re really in it now, mr. manfred-”

tell me that’s not funny i dare you-


yet another thing i wish the dbh fandom would acknowledge more:

the implied relationship between elijah and carl. markus was a gift from elijah to carl, and elijah owns one of carl’s paintings.

how is that not talked about more?? that’s just objectively interesting, like-

they’re both real big on philosophy, and they both believe deviants are alive. carl is a famous artist, possibly with a career that’s lasted longer than elijah’s even been alive, which means that there’s a strong possibility that elijah looked up to carl when he was younger.

just imagine, like- 19 year old elijah kamski staring at one of carl’s paintings going “we’re really in it now, mr. manfred-”

tell me that’s not funny i dare you-

I found the wonderful comic aboutCarl’s and Elijah’s backstory:


I’m gonna start replacing random characters I see in the background with Gavin… Just because. (If I’m modding I always play as young Kamski, its a legal obligation)



I love the headcanon that Gavin and Kamski are brothers/cousins because it completely explains why Connor was sent to that specific precinct out of all Detroit. Like it’s such a classic sibling move like i can just imagine

Cyberlife employee: Mr. Kamski, the RK800 prototype is complete and ready to operate. Do you have any request of which precinct it should begin its investigation?

Elijah, remembering his annoying brother Gavin works as a detective in Detroit, who happens to hate androids: Oh he’s going to love this

Just a very small comic done for DE Artfest with the prompt: All Human AU.Kamski is trying to be a g

Just a very small comic done for DE Artfest with the prompt: All Human AU.

Kamski is trying to be a good dad, but he’s got some learning to do. Ada is pure chaos. lol

For more work find me on twitter @ inkytortoise

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* Here it is ! T’was fun ^^

Original and Audio | Michael Mcintyre SHOWTIME

#detroit become human    #elijah    #elijah kamski    #dbh elijah    #dbh gavin    #gavin reed    #dbh chloe    