#deuce spade


Deuce: I drink to forget, but I always remember.

Ace: Man, you’re drinking orange juice.

Deuce: So oxygen went on a date with potassium, it went OK.

Ace: I thought oxygen was dating magnesium, OMg-

Deuce: Actually oxygen first asked nitrogen out, but nitrogen was all NO.

Epel: I thought oxygen had that double bound with the hydrogen twins?

Ace: Looks like someone’s a HO.


Crewel:I’m done with all of you.

*First year batch after every chapter*

Ace and Deuce: And once again, Ace, Deuce and Yuu save the day!

Jack: You two didn’t do a thing, it was all Yuu. 

Ace: We’re a package deal, everyone knows that.

*Heartslabyul dorm, 2:30 am*

Deuce: Maybe hot chocolate wants to be called beautiful chocolate just one time.

Ace:*wrapping the blanket around himself tighter* Maybe you should get the fuck to sleep, Deuce.

*Chapter 1 be like*

Riddle: Fight me!

Ace: Look at your size! What are you going to do? Kick me in the ankle? 


Yuu: Um, why is Ace quivering on the ground crying?

Deuce: Riddle kicked him on the ankle.


Deuce: What would you say if I came home one day with 12 chickens?

Riddle: What’s in the box?


Riddle: What’s in the box, Deuce?

Ace:*standing behind Deuce with his own box*: I think you know.

some fake screenshots i did with mercie! assets by @alchemivich , thank you as always!!some fake screenshots i did with mercie! assets by @alchemivich , thank you as always!!some fake screenshots i did with mercie! assets by @alchemivich , thank you as always!!

some fake screenshots i did with mercie! assets by @alchemivich , thank you as always!!

Post link

“I want to know… I want to test it!”



Classroom 1-C

Ortho: Today’s groupwork was super fun. I’ve already uploaded the information to my memory, but…

Ortho: It really is fascinating to hear all the different views on the same topic. That’s something that can only happen through these kinds of interactions.

Ortho: Well, now… I wonder how I should spend today’s lunch break?

Ortho: Everyone else goes to the cafeteria, so it’s always a bit boring around this time…


[Interior Hallway]

???: Heeey, Ortho.

Ortho: Oh, this voice is…

Ortho: Ace Trappola-san, Deuce Spade-san, [Yuu]-san and Grim-san!

Ortho: Hello! Are you all heading to the cafeteria?

Deuce: Yeah. If you want, how about you join us? That really popular bakery from the town at the base of the mountain is coming today.

Ace: I mean, even if you mention that bakery… Unlike us, Ortho doesn’t eat anything, right?

Ortho: Thanks for inviting me! True, I don’t need to replenish my energy by consuming food, but…

Ortho: I’ve always wanted to spend lunch chatting with my classmates. So, can I come?

Grim: Fine, guess I’ll allow you to join us this time. ‘Cause even if you come, you won’t take any of my grub away!

Ortho: Hehe, thank you, Grim-san.

1. Have you gotten used to your class?
2. Are you having any difficulties?

Ortho: Everything’s going well. I had been going to classes with my brother anyway…

Ortho: And I do have some Ignihyde classmates in 1-C, too. So I haven’t had any issues so far.

Deuce: That’s good. We might be in different classes, but…if you ever find yourself in a pinch, you can always come to me.

Ortho: Heheh, you’re sounding just like a proper model student. Okay, if I ever need anything, I’ll ask you!



Ace: It’s really crowded today, too. Uhhh, let’s find some open seats…

Ortho: The far-right hand side as you face it has a higher percentage of empty seats.

Deuce: The far-right side… Oh, he’s right. That table should sit the five of us.

Grim: Great job, Ortho.

Ortho: It’s nothing much. And, I can show you a map of the names and seats of all the students currently in the cafeteria, if you’d like?

Ortho: Oh, look at who’s at the next table over…

Ortho: Jack Howl-san, Epel Felmier-san, and Sebek Zigvolt-san!

Ace: Urgh, it’s the noisy one… No wonder the table next to them is empty.


Jack: Ugh, both are just as annoying…

Epel: Fufu, looks like you’re fitting in already, Ortho-kun. From far away I couldn’t tell you apart from the other students.

Jack: True. Your school uniform’s also just like ours. You’ve completely become a proper Night Raven College student.

Deuce: Ah, that reminds me. Jack, once you finish eating, can I talk to you for a minute?

Deuce: There’s something I want to confirm about our club activities today.

Jack: Hm? Yeah, sure.

Ortho: Club activities, hm… Since I’ve finally been enrolled as a student here, maybe I should join one too.

Grim: Aren’t you already in the Boardgames Club? Back during the school festival, you were there.

Ortho: I was just helping out, I’m not a member of the club.

Ortho: I did go there sometimes with my brother, so I am familiar with the faces there, but…

Ortho: Even outside of that club, I often find myself playing boardgames with my brother or other dormmates anyway.

Ortho: I don’t really have any specific clubs in mind, but… Right now I think I’d like to challenge myself to something new.

Epel: Then, how about joining the Magift Club?

Epel: I bet someone like you could help us out by analyzing all the opposing teams and players!

Epel: You’d be like our secret weapon, perfectly able to pinpoint where every single player is as they dart across the large playing field! How’d that sound…?

Ace: No way, if we’re talking about clubs that Ortho would be the super star, that’d definitely be the Basketball Club!

Ace: He’d easily be able to shoot a three-pointer from the centerline, yeah? He’d totally be our top scorer.

Ace: If you became our shooting guard, Ortho, we’d win all our games easily.

Deuce: Then how about Track and Field?

Deuce: You could customize your gear to match the event you participate in… I’d totally love to see you run, Ortho.

Jack: I feel you, but, hm… Exercising is all about motivating yourself to grow, right?

Jack: I’m sure you’d be able to swap out your parts to get faster, or increase your jump distance, but…

Jack: If you’re not gaining muscle, or learning a new skill, won’t it feel like you’re not really accomplishing anything?

Sebek: Heh, then he should consider the Equestrian Club that I am proud to be a member of. Not only do we focus on physical training and cultivating new skills…

Sebek: But we also focus on building that sense of trust between ourselves and our horses. It is indeed a profound sport.

Ortho: Oh, I’m so happy that you all want me to join. All your clubs sound fun! But…

Ortho: I think that it’d be difficult for me to participate in any competitions because I wouldn’t be able to compete fairly as a “human.”

Epel: I see… And if you can’t compete, then I guess it could get boring, huh?

Ortho: Not really. I think I’d be able to enjoy the activities of whatever club I join.

Ortho: Like Deuce-san and Jack-san said, I could always try different kinds of customizations.

Ortho: But right now, instead of upgrading my abilities by customizing my parts, I’d rather have some new experiences.

Jack: I get you. Then why don’t you try something you’ve never done before?

Ortho: Hmm, when you say something I’ve never done…do you mean like something with nature, or fine arts…?

Ace: Oh, well, if you’re gonna say that, then why not pick a culture club? We’re all in athletic clubs here, so I don’t think we can really help though.

1. Yeah, this school has many culture clubs.
2. I wonder which will allow you to do something new…?

Ortho: I checked the information in the club activities guide, but there are too many clubs… This wouldn’t be enough to make a decision.

Ortho: Hey, [Yuu]-san. Are you free after school today?

Ortho: I’d like to actually go observe the clubs in person… Do you think you could come with me?


Grim: Guess it can’t be helped, I’ll go with you too.

Grim: Along the way, I’ll also teach you about the activities of the Gastronomy Research Club that I started!

Epel: I hope you find a club you like!

Ortho: Thank you!

Ortho: Then, once classes end, I’ll come get the both of you at the 1-A classroom.



Ortho: Sorry I kept you waiting, [Yuu]-san and Grim-san! Alright, let’s go check out the clubs!




Pop Culture Club

[Ortho chats with Cater, Kalim, and Lilia]


Gargoyle Research Club

[Ortho chats with Malleus]


Science Club

[Ortho chats with Trey and Rook]


Mountain Lover’s Club

[Ortho chats with Jade]


[Interior Hallway]

Grim: Siiiigh… I’m so tired already. And for some reason, my stomach’s making weird noises.

Ortho: Isn’t that because you were snacking while walking around…?

Ortho: Even if everything you picked up was just harmless grass or nuts… I don’t think any of them are that suitable for cat-like animals.

Grim: Funya!? I’m not a cat!

Grim: Also, I wasn’t snacking! I’m in the Gastronomy Research Club, so it makes sense that I’ll try to eat whatever looks edible!

Ortho: Is that right… I guess when it comes to activities where the main objective is to eat barely edible plants, it’s a little difficult for me to understand.

Grim: Grr… I thought that maybe if Ortho joined up, I’d find a bunch more delicious food, but… too bad.

Ortho: The last group to check out is… Oh, the Film Research Club.

Ortho: Heheh, I can’t wait.

1. Do you like movies?
2. Are you interested in acting?

Ortho: Hmmm… I’m not sure.

Ortho: When it comes to the movie’s story or acting, I don’t really know if I have any strong feelings one way or the other.

Ortho: But I wasn’t really capable of human-like responses or movements back when Nii-san had just finished making me.

Ortho: So, in order to learn how to express proper emotions, I started watching movies as reference.

Ortho: I still watch them often during my free time.

Ortho: It’s still difficult for me to express the impressions and emotions I gather from movies in my own words, but…

Ortho: I bet I’ve watched so many movies that I’d be just as astute as any movie critic!

Grim: Oh, movies, eh… Sometimes I’ll let [Yuu] watch some movies with me!

Grim: But I end up falling asleep a ton, 'cause I get bored… Ortho, you should show me some exciting movies!

Ortho: Sure. Next time you find one that’s interesting, let me know what it’s called.

Ortho: I’ll draw up a list for you that’ll suit your tastes, all based on the story, directing, and casting.

Grim: Awesome! I can’t wait.

Ortho: We need to finish up looking at clubs before it gets dark. It looks like they’re filming in the courtyard today. Let’s go!



Pomefiore Student A: Please, don’t go… Ur… Uweeehhhhh~~~~!!

Vil: Cut! Excuse me, please, come here.

Pomefiore Student A: Is there something wrong with my acting?

Pomefiore Student A: I thought I was able to perfectly capture the sorrow of a young man who had just lost a loved one…

Vil: Then, let me as you this. When you are truly saddened, do you cry loudly like that?

Pomefiore Student A:Eh…

Vil: You underestimate your audience. Everyone has had some sort of experience with pain and heartbreak.

Vil: There’s no need to overexaggerate your facial expressions or body language…

Vil: As long as the protagonist… As long as you are able to simply express what is in your heart, then it will definitely resonate with those who are watching you.

Pomefiore Student A: I-I apologize. I will be careful not to overdo it.

Grim: Vil’s being so strict, like he always is.


Ortho:(Up until now,

Ortho:I’ve always watched movies from the perspective of learning how to perfect the more human-like emotional expressions…)

Ortho:(It seems like it’s difficult for real humans to properly express their feelings too…)

Ortho:(As long as you are able to simply express what is in your heart, then it will definitely resonate with those who are watching you…)

Ortho:(What could that possibly mean?)


FLASHBACK(To Chapter 6)

Idia: You now have self-awareness… as in, you have a “heart.”

Ortho: A… “heart”?

Idia: Yeah. From here on out, no one will ever be able to overwrite your memory or emotional programs as they please.

Idia: Of course, that includes me too, despite being your creator.

Idia:That’s why you can choose what you want to do… Choose with your “heart.”


Ortho:(This “heart” of mine was born from an alteration in my magical circuitry…)

Ortho:(Can feelings from the “heart" of a humanoid also resonate with the “heart” of some other human…?)

Ortho:(No one has ever attempted it ever before. I want to know… I want to test it!)

Vil: We will resume shooting in 10 minutes. Make sure to review all the advice that I have just given you.

Film Research Club Students: YESSIR!

Ortho: Vil Schoenheit-san!

Vil: Oh, if it isn’t Ortho. With [Yuu] and Grim, I see. What is going on?

Ortho: Please allow me to join the Film Research Club!

Vil: …I see.

Vil: If we were to utilize your skills, I’m sure we would be able to increase our directional abilities. Or, perhaps…are you hoping to be an actor?

Ortho: Yes! I would like to try to express my “heart” more.

Ortho: If I could experience another person’s life and feelings through the Film Research Club… I think I would be able to learn more about my “heart.”

Vil: Alright. If so, then I’ll need you to audition.

Vil: …Is what I would say, but I’ve already seen more than enough of your acting skills at the Island of Woe.

Vil: Perhaps you’d be able to perform as a villain that brings the world to the depths of despair.

Ortho: Does that mean…?

Vil: Welcome to the Film Research Club. We’re happy to have you, Ortho.

Ortho: …Yeah! I look forward to it!

♠️ Happy birthday Deuce ♠️


“Hey.” Aina says, smiling when Deuce jumps and looks up at her with widened eyes. She taps her cheek with her free hand, inclining her head towards him, and he takes the hint to swipe at the spot she’d indicated again. The bit of icing he’d missed finally comes away and he sags a bit with relief.

“Hey.” He scooches a bit to let her sit beside him, pink dusting his cheeks as he folds the towel Cater had tossed him so there’s a clean patch left in case more plates of icing go flying. She doesn’t think they will, given that Riddle has begun ushering people to tables and couches and birthday cake has started making rounds. Deuce clears his throat, unsure what to do with his hands and still reeling from being the center of attention for the whole dorm. “Thanks for coming. I uh… I wasn’t expecting it to be like this.”

“Heartslabyul knows how to throw a party.” Aina concedes, bumping her elbow against his. It’s a bit like nudging a warm brick wall, but Deuce’s smile is so happy that any discomfort melts in the face of it. “Are you having a good time?”

Deuce blinks, surprised, before his features smooth out into contemplation. His eyes soften and the smile that quirks his mouth is softer than before.

“Yeah.” He says after a moment’s pause, sitting up a little straighter with the assurance of what he’s feeling. “Yeah, I am. I mean, with everyone turning out like this, how can I not be?”

Somewhere, a shout has gone up. Aina catches the word hedgehog being tossed around, but can’t parse any further context before Riddle adamantly puts whatever was being requested or demanded down.

“That’s good. I’m glad, to be honest.” Shifting to face him she finally hefts the box that’s been tucked against her side since arriving and offers it to him. “It’s a little bit later than the others, but happy birthday Deuce.”

Once more his eyes go wide, newly kindled sparks of delighted surprise brightening their depths. Aina gives the box a shake as he gawps at it, not even bothering to hide the smug grin spreading across her face.

“That - I didn’t think you’d…” Deuce trails off, gingerly accepting the box. He carefully turns it towards it’s side, gently shaking, and makes a face at the quiet rustle from within.

“Didn’t think I’d give you a present? Rude.” Aina chides. “It’s your birthday. And you’re my friend. Not to mention you actually invited me, so I’d be an even bigger asshole if I didn’t bring anything.”

Deuce shot her a look over the box, lips pursing together into a pout. “Hey, it’s not that I’m ungrateful. Just, y'know, surprised. You’ve had your hands full with… everything.”

“Still.” Aina tapped the lid of the box with her knuckle. “Open your present already. Before someone decides to steal it or something.”

“As if.” A shadow of Deuce’s rowdy smirk crossed his face and he turned his attention to the box, eagerly lifting the lid and setting it aside. Peacock green paper crinkled as he dug into it, parting to reveal his gift. A furrow appeared between his brows as he lifted it out, confusion momentarily overriding everything else. “…shoes?”

He held them up, turning them this way and that as Aina watched.

“Your civvy shoes,” she reminded him, propping her chin up on one hand. “the ones you wear back home. You mentioned that getting another pair was too expensive, so I resoled them. The laces are new as well, courtesy of Grim. They’re enchanted against water damage and wear and tear. It’s not much, but it’s something I thought you’d find useful.”

That’s why you asked me for them!” Realization lit up Deuce’s features and he stared at her, mouth slightly agape.

“Happy birthday.” She grinned in response, pleased with the look on his face. “If something happens to them down the line, I can patch them up for free. If you want, that is.”

The shoes tumbled back into the box and Deuce shot forward, hooking an arm around her shoulders with a laugh. Aina shoved at him playfully, snickering as he jabbered over her head.

~Maid Festivities Stickers~

We like to announce that we have three stickers coming out Leona and Deuce!

Release Late May (5/32)

¥260 each

I’m am not screwing around… We just have technical difficulties with Leona refusing to wear a dress it’s either a butler outfit or we have to bring in the rope and my friend the chair Epel was in one of those chairs but was compliant? when Vilcame

Lilia wears the outfit without a care in the world

Deuce is wearing it but his face needs to cool down just like me ace has been put out of commission (due to laughing at deuce)

The event will continue just let me get him the in dress
