#diy cosplay


ViaHoang Tien Quyet

I love origami. When I was a kid, I spent an entire summer working through an origami book I got for my birthday. It was amazing to watch this flimsy piece of paper turn into a beautiful, self-sustaining sculpture.

It gave me a major advantage when I started working with Wonderflex years later. The ideas are the same–you take a flat, moldable plane and turn it into a sturdy three-dimensional object. The benefit is that Wonderflex and Worbla let you create much more complex structures in half the time.

Before you start working with Wonderflex and Worbla, I suggest you do a few really simple origami. It will help you understand the importance of following an outline, using good foundations, and maintaining balance in your project.

This site has really clear instructions and a lot of different origami to choose from: http://www.origami-fun.com/easy-origami.html

This guide was made under the wing of Costume Discounters (www.costumediscounters.com). Please go check out their site!! They sell wigs, shoes, shirts, essentials…all sorts of goodies.

“I turned one of the nastiest settlements in the Commonwealth into a refuge for the lost. I thought I’d done something I could hang my hat on.”

I’m so proud of this cosplay! It took over 120 hours when all was said and done and I really love playing the character. I am really inappropriately attached to this sexy ghoul Hancock!

Of the people, for the people…

Another couple of my Hancock cosplay. Oh I wish I had another reason to wear him, but I won’t be at another convention until March 2020!

I just love playing this ghoul so much!
