#elf cosplay

 Ok Ok - You’re probably tired of elves! But how about 1 more little lewd xmas elf? :p Get 70+

Ok Ok - You’re probably tired of elves! But how about 1 more little lewd xmas elf? :p Get 70+ photos, selfies, and videos in this Bentbox set!

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 It’s almost NYE but I’m not done with lewdmas!!! If you’re still in the lewd holi

It’s almost NYE but I’m not done with lewdmas!!! If you’re still in the lewd holiday spirit, head over to bentbox for another lewd elf set ^.^ Get 60+ photos, selfies, and video!

  Check it out here
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felt like sharing my face on here ☺️

 Thousands of hardcore hentai videos featuring busty schoolgirls fucked by monster cocks, alien and

Thousands of hardcore hentai videos featuring busty schoolgirls fucked by monster cocks, alien and demonic lesbians. Get your fill of raw anime porn , click here

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Happy 7th anniversary to Critical Role and also Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all who celebrate. ☘️ Here’s one of my Green Boys in honor of both events! Sorry it’s the worst and stinkiest of the many Green Boys I cosplay.

Costume fact corner: I wanted to use 2nd hand parts for this costume, so the vest and shirt are both vintage pieces. The vest in particular is so lovely, it was such a great find. I need to resize these pants if I wear this glorious disaster again, and you WILL catch me twirling around cons as him again.

The cloak isn’t fancy, but it IS very big and swooshy, and that’s what matters to meeee. I do have some tiny green beads I might add as trim or something though. What do y'all think?

Artagan: me

 Pondering…pranks…              This is such a dramatic pose for Arty, and I feel like

This is such a dramatic pose for Arty, and I feel like I’m sitting on that boulder in an awkward way, but oof. Maybe the drama is good. I’m into how this turned out, I love wandering through trees looking for a Drama Perch.
Artagan/The Traveler: me

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 ♫It’s been a whiiiiile♫I’ve been forgetting to post anything over here, my bad! Here&rs

♫It’s been a whiiiiile♫

I’ve been forgetting to post anything over here, my bad! Here’s Artagan from this summer to make up for it, with a few more to come.

I’m nearly totally done with my Halloween cosplay and after I took it for a test drive this past weekend, I’m beyond hype to be spooky!

Artagan /The Traveler: me

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“I know I’ve only just met you, but this is a tight family. Hold onto each other.”

It’s Vilya! At least a costest/makeup test. I finally figured out how to (probably) make her leg last, and there’s some yarn on its way to me so I can get cracking on the mantle I want to make for her.

These won’t be the ears I use for her, but would you believe I’ve had them since Fellowship of the Ring premiered in theaters? I wore these to the theater! I’ll be using nicer, more modern ears, but I wanted to give these a last hoorah before I retire them for good.

I started working on Vilya’s bodice last year, but I’m sure plenty of you know the quarantine cosplay doldrums. It was hard to stay motivated, but I’m back in it now!! The weather is nicer, too, so I can paint things and maybe get some freckles on my face to match the ones on my shoulders.

Vilya means a lot to me. I had mixed feelings about publicly cosplaying or posting anything about her, because she’s kind of a walking spoiler, but at least now it’s been a whiiiile since her whole thing in Campaign 2.

Vilya: me

Vilya makeup test tonight! It went way better than the last one. My old elf ears even look ok, though I do have nicer/newer ones somewhere that I need to find.

Nicer photos tomorrow, plus progress on her costume soon. I think I finally figured out how to make her leg, and I hopefully have good yarn for the mantle I wanna make her on the way.

Vilya is an NPC from Critical Role. Don’t look up who she is if you haven’t watched campaign 1 or haven’t gotten to Rumblecusp in campaign 2, though!

snapped by my partner
