
Audio Manga: ✊❤️ FKiT: Issue 0See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - Octob

Audio Manga: ✊❤️
FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26 : @henritakespictures
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #bmx #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax (at Alabama Contemporary Art Center)

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Audio Manga: Brothers YO! I couldn’t have pulled it off without you two brothers @stallworth_unlmtd

Audio Manga: Brothers
YO! I couldn’t have pulled it off without you two brothers @stallworth_unlmtd and @rchagans Thank You! Both of my bros also have work on exhibition for Urban Wild @alabamacontemporary As a matter of fact, we’re standing in front of RC’s work. Enjoy

FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #bmx #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax

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Me and super dope @that_so_and_so He and @famousgabetattoo Also have work on exhibition at Urban Wil

Me and super dope @that_so_and_so He and @famousgabetattoo Also have work on exhibition at Urban Wild @alabamacontemporary And @mobmuseumofart
Come check us out

FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #bmx #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax


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FKiT: Issue 0See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26 : @henritak

FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26 : @henritakespictures
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #cosplay #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #design #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax

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Audio Manga: Jet LifeFKiT: Issue 0See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 -

Audio Manga: Jet Life
FKiT: Issue 0
See it for Urban Wild exhibition @alabamacontemporary May 10 - October 26
#art #love #hiphop #urbanart #streetart #contemporaryart #fineart #skateboard #goodmorning #graffiti #tattoo #painting #FKiT #fashion #popart #animation #manga #comics #illustration #houseof8stax #videogames #design #urbanwild #mobilealabama #gallery #exhibition #audiomanga #museum #blessed #8stax

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Screenshot of a piece of art displayed in a virtual gallery scene. Above the work is the artist name "Ariee" in grey text. The art piece is a cut out collage image of a woman below the eye line, stuck on a pink ink background. The woman is wearing a low cut black strap dress, and on her chest a red felt heart is sewn on, with lines of red thread coming out from the heart shape. Her fingertips, collarbone and below the eyelids are outlined with pink ink. In the bottom right hand corner is the artist initial "R.E" written in pink.

~ Vulnerable heart by Ariee - on display at Zanna’s Anti-Valentine’s virtual exhibition.

Visit here: https://www.artsteps.com/view/6193689c62d9b9c76da9a8d5

Screenshot of a piece of artwork displayed in a virtual gallery. The art piece is a cut out collage image of a woman below the eye line, stuck on a pink ink background. The woman is wearing a low cut black strap dress, and on her chest a red felt heart is sewn on, with lines of red thread coming out from the heart shape. Her fingertips, collarbone and below the eyelids are outlined with pink ink. In the bottom right hand corner is the artist initial "R.E" written in pink.
Screenshot of a virtual gallery interior. On a white wall there is grey text which reads: "Anti-Valentine's exhibition" and below in smaller text is the description: "We are so done with over-priced commercialised representations of soppy, romantic love. There are so many beautiful ways to love, lets celebrate them all!"
Screenshot of an interior room within a virtual gallery. Grey text at the top of the wall reads: "Affordable Print Initiative". Below are two pieces of artwork included in the affordable print initiative - on the left is a delicate photo print of trees, and on the right is a painting of a blue and pink sunrise sky above the silhouette of bushes.

~ My work is featured alongside many other talented contributors in Zanna’s Anti-Valentine’s virtual exhibition.

Visit here: https://www.artsteps.com/view/6193689c62d9b9c76da9a8d5

I came back to Stockholm from Helsinki today. In the picture is my installation Omakuva sairauden jä

I came back to Stockholm from Helsinki today. In the picture is my installation Omakuva sairauden jälkeen / Self portrait after sickness (2016).

Tulin takaisin Tukholmaan tänään, torstaina oli meidän näyttelyn avajaiset. Kuvassa mun installaatio Omakuva sairauden jälkeen / Self portrait after sickness (2016).

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If you see this today – we are exhibiting tomorrow
Kungliga Konsthögskolanin maisteriopiskelijat
Exhibition Laboratory

Facebook event HERE!

Avajaiset / Opening
Torstaina / Thursday 19.01.2017

In January, the 1st year master students in Fine Art of the Royal Institute of Art from Stockholm, present their works in Exhibition Laboratory. The exhibition “If you see this today – we are exhibiting tomorrow” is a part of a collaboration with the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki. The students from the Academy of Fine Arts will in exchange an exhibition in Stockholm later this year.

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Tammikuussa ensimmäisen vuoden maisteriopiskelijat Tukholman Kuninkaallisesta taidekorkeakoulusta saapuvat Helsinkiin ja kahdenkymmenen opiskelijan teokset ovat nähtävillä “If you see this today – we are exhibiting tomorrow” -näyttelyssä Exhibition Laboratoryssa. Yhteistyö jatkuu, kun alkaneen vuoden kuluessa Kuvataideakatemian maisteriopiskelijat vuorostaan järjestävät näyttelyn Tukholmassa.

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Taiteilijat / Included artists:

Anna Engver
Fredrik Eriksson
Ida Idaida
Adèle Essle Zeiss
Alexander Hult
Hinni Huttunen
Henrik Jonsson
Daniel Klasson
Mourad Kouri
Ida-Johanna Lundqvist
Karolina Oxelväg
Olivia Pettersson Fleur
Fiona Rafferty
Emma Sangberg
Linda Sestrajcic
Olle Stjerne
Victoria Verseau
Axel Versteegh
Filippa Wikner
Lisa Vipola

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Robert Wałęka, ‘’Lead to absurdity’’- exhibition, 2018Robert Wałęka, ‘’Lead to absurdity’’- exhibition, 2018

Robert Wałęka, ‘’Lead to absurdity’’- exhibition, 2018

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I’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THI’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THI’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THI’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THI’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THI’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THI’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. TH

I’ve been to a galaxy far far away today! The SW fan exhibition ‘Outpost One’ in Dassow, Germany. THIS comes very close to a true Star Wars experience! So much heart and love and detail went into it. And it’s still expanding! My love for the original trilogy was fueled again!

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大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop の企画展 #標本の王国 は本日5月15日(日)が最終日です! もしもお時間ありましたらぜひ覗いてみて下さい〜。 作品はすべて抽選販売となります。 Insta

大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop の企画展 #標本の王国 は本日5月15日(日)が最終日です!

作品はすべて抽選販売となります。 Instagramからのお申込みはranbuさんのオンラインショップアカウント @ranbu_onlineshop 経由でどうぞ。


Punch needle embroidered anatomical heart pieces for an exhibition, The Kingdom of Specimens, at ranbu in Japan.

#水島ひね #展覧会 #解剖アート #hinemizushima #embroidery #punchneedle #anatomicalheart #心臓 #fiberart #標本 #企画展 #ハエトリソウ #アリ #craft #venusflytrap #ant #anatomyart #ranbu #exhibition #slug

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現在大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop で開催中の企画展 #標本の王国 は5月15日(日)迄です。 こちらはパンチニードルと手刺繍とビーズでやや立体的になっている作品です。 http://bl

現在大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop で開催中の企画展 #標本の王国 は5月15日(日)迄です。

こちらの作品は抽選販売となります。 Instagramからのお申込みはranbuさんのオンラインショップアカウント @ranbu_onlineshop 経由でどうぞ。


Punch needle embroidered anatomical heart piece for an exhibition, The Kingdom of Specimens, at ranbu in Japan.

#水島ひね #展覧会 #解剖アート #hinemizushima #embroidery #punchneedle #anatomicalheart #心臓 #fiberart #標本 #企画展 #ハエトリソウ #アリ #craft #venusflytrap #ant #anatomyart #ranbu #exhibition

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現在大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop で開催中の企画展 #標本の王国 の出品作。 パンチニードルと手刺繍とビーズでやや立体的になっています。 http://blog.ranbu-hp.com

現在大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop で開催中の企画展 #標本の王国 の出品作。

今回、私の作品とブローチは抽選販売となります。 お申込みは店頭でもオンラインでもできます(ブローチのお申込みは店頭のみ)。
Instagramからのお申込みはranbuさんのオンラインショップアカウント @ranbu_onlineshop 経由でどうぞ。


Punch needle embroidered anatomical heart piece for an exhibition, The Kingdom of Specimens, at ranbu in Japan.

#水島ひね #展覧会 #解剖アート #hinemizushima #embroidery #punchneedle #anatomicalheart #心臓 #fiberart #標本 #企画展 #ナメクジ #slug #craft #anatomyart #ranbu #exhibition

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ただいま大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop で開催中の企画展 #標本の王国 の出品作品「腎臓解剖標本」。 5/15(日)まで開催していますので、ぜひ実物をご覧いただけると嬉しいです! http

ただいま大阪のranbuさん @ranbushop で開催中の企画展 #標本の王国 の出品作品「腎臓解剖標本」。

今回、私の作品とブローチは抽選販売となります。 作品のお申込みは店頭でもオンラインでもできます(ブローチのお申込みは店頭のみ)。
Instagramからのお申込みはranbuさんのオンラインショップアカウント @ranbu_onlineshop 経由でどうぞ。


Anatomical Kidney soft sculpture for an exhibition, The Kingdom of Specimens, at ranbu in Japan.

#水島ひね #展覧会 #解剖アート #hinemizushima #オブジェ #フェルト #腎臓 #fiberart #標本 #企画展 #kidney #craft #anatomyart #ranbu #exhibition

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#tbt the second opening of #CliticalThinking at @daltongallery and the best host ever, Gallerist Lea

#tbt the second opening of #CliticalThinking at @daltongallery and the best host ever, Gallerist Leah Owenby. ✨

#sophiawallace #cliteracy #exhibition #feministart #collectart #sculpture #events #instaqueer #womenartists #instaart #artopening #womenscolleges

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#lsupersonicq    #millennial    #time capsule    #flashback    #nostalgia    #nostalgic    #vintage    #exhibition    #atmosphere    #aesthetic    #awesome    #interesting    
#arwuns    #exhibition    #time capsule    #flashback    #nostalgia    #nostalgic    #vintage    #nineties    #television    #advertisement    #advertisements    #commercial    #commercials    #atmosphere    #aesthetic    #awesome    #interesting    
How ArtSci are you? Submission are open! I am super excited to invite you to participate in the inau

HowArtSci are you? Submission are open! 

I am super excited to invite you to participate in the inaugural ArtSciexhibition,La Rencontre, this spring at ETH Zürich, Switzerland! La Rencontre is an art exhibition for scientists by scientists - we encourage everyone to submit data, videos, illustrations, or any sort of artwork that conveys a scientific idea, message, or concept – whether related to your research, side project or simply data by other scientists that you love and want to illustrate. The goal is to inspire scientists to think about and present their research in new, creative ways that promote science communication. Pieces will be displayed on the green floor in CHN in ETH Zentrum from 22nd April to 6th May, with a vernissage on the 22.04 and an official closing/award ceremony on the 06.05.18. 

Submission are open - please contact [email protected] in case of questions, or check out our website: https://artsci.ethz.ch
r our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ArtSci.ETHZ/

 can’t wait to see what the magic of science and art sparks in you! <3 

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Doing Art and Science? Consider submitting to the next ArtSci exhibit  Hémisphères  and your work pr

Doing Art and Science?
Consider submitting to the next ArtSci exhibit  Hémisphères  and your work promoted @ETH Zürich! 


(watercolour on paper)

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“Prime Time: Summer Camp Exhibition” at MoMA @MuseumModernArt ________________________ #blouinartinf

“Prime Time: Summer Camp Exhibition” at MoMA


#blouinartinfo #blouin #artinfo #museum #newyork #prime #time #summer #camp #exhibition #moma (at New York)

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Axel Vervoordt Gallery is showcasing Norio Imai’s second exhibition with the gallery “Material Ecsta

Axel Vervoordt Gallery is showcasing Norio Imai’s second exhibition with the gallery “Material Ecstasy” ⠀
@AxelVervoordt ⠀

#blouinartinfo #blouin #artinfo #Axel #Vervoordt #showcasing #Norio #Imai #second #exhibition #Material #Ecstasy #Gallery #Antwerp

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First caption of a photo submission! Submitted by mrtumulus I like people submitting photos. It save

First caption of a photo submission!
Submitted by mrtumulus
I like people submitting photos. It saves me time looking for photos to caption, and it helps me tailor the blog a bit to your visual interests

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