#fanfiction inspo


A bunch of different dialogue prompts #62

  1. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve been listening to myself speak for twenty years.”
  2. “Let’s just say we have unfinished business.”
  3. “You’re in my way. Move.”
  4. “Don’t worry, it’ll all make sense later.” “I sincerely doubt that.”
  5. “Do you have to wear that?”
  6. “You drugged them?!” “Yeah, what’s the problem?”
  7. “Are you always this jittery?”
  8. “What are you doing?” “Tidying.”“…Why?”
  9. “Listen here, ugly.”
  10. “Let me throw up real quick-”

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #61

  1. “Why is no one dead?”
  2. “Riveting.”
  3. “Fascinating.”
  4. “I hate that I can’t tell whether you’re joking or not.”
  5. “Why are you doing that? This is not a thumbs-up situation.”
  6. “You better watch your back!”
  7. “This is feminism, baby.” “It’s really not…”
  8. “Who still asks for permission?”
  9. “Lighten up, it’s tradition!”
  10. “You hungry?” “Famished.”

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #63

  1. “Since when are you part of the group?” “Since I can beat up all your asses, that’s when.” “…I’ll give you that.”
  2. “Any questions?” “Several. First of,”
  3. “Pay attention, this is important.”
  4. “I get the feeling that you don’t like me very much.” “I don’t.”
  5. “This feels illegal.” “It’s not, I checked.” “That doesn’t make me feel better.”
  6. “Are you two fighting again?!”
  7. “On the bright side, it can’t get any worse.” “I strongly doubt that.”
  8. “You can keep telling yourself that, but it won’t change what happened.”
  9. “And who’s going to pay for this?”
  10. “Coming from you, that doesn’t really mean much.”
  1. “Oh, dear.”
  2. “Could you put the knife down while you’re talking, please?”
  3. “Okay, I get it now.” “You do?” “Yeah!” “Areyousure?”“No.”
  4. “All right, now let’s get back to me yelling!”
  5. “Let’s eat a kiwi or two and calm down.” “You know I don’t condone cannibalism.” “No, no, that’s not what I meant-”
  6. “How is it only Wednesday…” “It’s Monday.” “NO!!!!”
  7. “Great, you again.”
  8. “You mean to tell me she hasn’t read 1984?!”“Michael, she’s 4.”“And??”
  9. “Hm. You know, I didn’t really care to know that.”
  10. “It’s getting worse, isn’t it?” “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”