#fit motivation


I love it when I get to the gym with no real set time or distance in mind and I can just switch off and let my mind wander off,tonight was one f those times and before I knew it,I had run 10km in my quickest time so far.

I’ve been MIA for a while as I’ve been away training with the fire sevice.I am loving it! See if you can spot me in the pics…I’m the smallest one there lol

Ran my first 10km race at the weekend:Athens gold hill 10km is an infamous local race up and down very long steep hills and cobbled streets which proved to e very slippery in the pouring rain,even though I broke my toe the day before and the course was flooded over knee height in 3 sections,I still managed a decent time of 58 mins ‍♀️ not bad considering.
