#fo imagine


Imagine coming home to your villain f/o, in tears over someone who treated you horribly and they carefully cup your face in their hands and say “I would do anything to see you smile again…I’d burn the world down for you if it meant you were happy…I can’t stand seeing someone take your light away.”

Imagine being awake late at night with your f/o and hugging, and that hug turns into slow dancing for a bit

There’s no music but that makes it better, more peaceful, like there’s noone but you two left in the world

Pet F/O + F/O Imagine

For romantic f/os

You’ve talked with your f/o about getting a pet for months and after so many weeks of searching this is it, this is that special day! You and your partner get up early, have breakfast, and practically raced to the car, where in the backseat you’ve already got a special carrier set up for y'all’s new “baby”.

Imagine seeing that one special critter you and your f/o decide to adopt together- imagine how excited and animated the creature gets too when you see each other for the first time like they’re saying ’Yes! Finally! You! I pick you!’

If it’s a creature you can hold in your hands, please think about your f/o gently cradling it, their expression soft and smitten (bonus points if you’re f/o is usually stoic or gruff!), their expression not changing whatsoever when they look up at you to tell you they love it already, that they’re so glad you decided to make this big decision with them and that they’re excited to take care of this creature with you.

Imagine you having a fear of storms and your f/o’s first instinct is to cuddle with you until you feel better.

the most romantic thing in the world is when your f/o is fluent in another language and the first phrase they teach you when you ask is ‘I love you’.

It’s late and you’re snuggling in with your f/o for the night. they notice that you choose not to place your head against their chest and they decide to ask you about it. though it’s not all that embarrassing, you still blush. most people find listening to someone’s heartbeat as they cuddle romantic, but you on the other hand…well, let’s just say that that is the opposite for you. constantly hearing someone’s heartbeat in your ear is sensory overload for you. when you explain this to your f/o, they don’t sneer or roll their eyes at you. they understand, and are always aware of their cuddling positions with you from then on.

if you get periods, imagine being on your period while dating your f/os. Which f/os would be cool, calm, and collected, knowing that this is part of life, but still helping to alleviate your pain as much as they can and which f/os would act like you’re bleeding out your eyes, freak out, buy as many pads/tampons/chocolate/advil as they can, and constantly ensure that you’re not actually dying?

Imagine being so immersed in something that you’re doing until you feel your f/o’s arms wrap around your waist. They place their chin on your shoulder and plant a kiss on your cheek. 

Imagine seeing your f/o working so late at night. You approach them and gently massage their shoulders, with them turning to you with a warm smile on their face. 

“You should rest, love.” You say and they sleepily chuckle in reply. 

“I know. I just have to finish some things up. Thank you for looking out for me.” They say, caressing your cheek and placing a soft kiss on your lips.

Imagine your f/o dressing up for an event or an occasion. After coming out with their outfit, you ask them to twirl as you shower them with compliments regarding how they look so good or how their outfit fits them. Imagine them blushing over your words and hugging you so lovingly after. 

Imagine meeting your f/o outside their workplace. Despite having endured a long, tiring day at work, their eyes immediately light up when they see you. They run to you and bring you into their loving embrace as you share a loving kiss. 

Waking up to several missed texts from your platonic F/O(s) and having a moment of concern only to open them up and it’s several pictures of some random critter they found while out and about during the night captioned with ‘this you?’ And one last very blurry selfie of them just BOOKING away from it at full speed

Waking up to several missed texts from your platonic F/O(s) and having a moment of concern only to open them up and it’s several pictures of some random critter they found while out and about during the night captioned with ‘this you?’ And one last very blurry selfie of them just BOOKING away from it at full speed

When your F/Os lay along your lap and you hold them steady with your legs and they’ve got their head on your chest and you get to hold their face in you hands and run your fingers through their hair and they curl their arms behind your back…. Good stuff

When your F/Os lay along your lap and you hold them steady with your legs and they’ve got their head on your chest and you get to hold their face in you hands and run your fingers through their hair and they curl their arms behind your back…. Good stuff


I feel like we’re always telling our f/os “I’m yours,” but please imagine the reverse! Imagine your f/o telling you “I’m yours”


Imagine sitting next to your f/o with their arm wrapped around your shoulder. They kiss your temple and mutter the words “I love you” oh, so lovingly.  


Imagine ur f/o letting u draw/doodle on their arm when you’re bored (or vice versa)

(i am so soft for this one,,,, wanna draw flowers on their arm plEase)


imagine lying down on ur side scrolling through funny stuff on ur phone and ur f/o is holding/spooning u watching over ur shoulder

what videos/posts do they find the funniest? Do you both recoil in horror when the FYP shows you something out of pocket?

I love just scrolling and imagining my f/os reactions to the videos, it’s so nice


cuddling with ur f/o where they’re lying on top of u and resting their head on ur chest and ur stroking their hair >>>>>


hi guys, this one’s for the survivors <3

Tw: mention of past abuse

Your f/o would always comfort you and make you feel safe

-they’d promise you that you’re safe now, you’re safe with them, and they’ll never let anyone hurt you

-they’d be so proud of you for opening up to them about what happened and they’d be so supportive

-if you need a laugh, they’d make fun of the person/people who hurt you with you

-and they’d assure you that that person/people didn’t deserve you

-if that person/people ever did find you again, your f/o would keep you safe and be very protective no matter what

-they’d come to recognise your triggers and would subtly put an arm around you if someone unknowingly said/did something that makes you nervous

-they’d reassure you that they love you so much, too much ever to hurt you, and that they want what’s best for you. They’d wonder how anyone could ever want to hurt you, someone they love so much

-you’re safe with them. You’re safe now


Your f/o is in the mood of giving you a long hug. They put their arms around you and holds you close to them


Imagine your f/o cupping your face in their hands and placing a small kiss on your lips, then pulling you into a tight embrace, telling you they want to keep you safe no matter what


Imagine cupping your F/O’s face and them immediately melting in your touch, their shoulders visibly hunching over. A low grunt or sigh with contentment escapes, even if they are the stoic type and find it impossible to admit how delighted and elated they feel in your presence. Your bright smile and loving eyes are your F/O’s forever.
