#si x fo



top ten faces ever

[ID: A simple drawing of a person with mid length hair and cap on backwards, she’s also wear a polo shirt and a jacket.end ID]



hanging out at the secret shop…

[ID: A digital drawing of 2 people in front of a overgrown brick wall and shelf with several objects such as dolls, plushies and knives. The person on the right is a dark-skin black person with short curly hair with horns. They’re wearing a black jacket and a blue turtleneck. The person on the left is a light-skin woman with short light-brown hair with a cap put on backwards. She’s wearing a plain red shirt with two stripes and a plain blue jacket. End ID]

At last, for the first time since August of last year…

Time for another set of Lovers of Aether Incorrect Quotes!

I’ve been wanting to make this particular part for quite some time now, as you may have guessed, though there are a lot of reasons why I’m just now getting around to it. Perhaps the most prevalent was the fact that I just kept on finding good incorrect quotes— to the point where it was almost impossible to choose ten of them for one post!

But after deciding on ten of my personal favorites, I can safely say that this batch of quotes may just be my favorite of the eight parts— in fact, do you remember when I said that Part 7 had the ‘funniest and sweetest quotes yet’? The ones I’ve chosen for Part 8 take that claim up to eleven!

Before you check them out, I’ve noticed that, while formatting this post, reading each quote without clicking each one’s respective image can sometimes make it tough to know when one quote ends and another begins (Funny how I don’t catch this the first seven times). So, for the best experience, click each image and swipe/use your arrow keys to move onto the next!

Previous Parts:1,2,3,4,5,6,7

So many of these quotes are perfect for the characters I chose them for, aren’t they? Literally as I found the quotes that I used for this part, I would read one and think “Yep, that’s Psycha” or “That’s totally something Wrastor would do”. I think the single most perfect quote of this entire set is Psycha’s 'three best qualities'— it’s like it was MADE for him!!

Around the end of next month, it will have been a full year since I’ve started this Lovers of Aether Incorrect Quote series, and what I’m aiming to do is release Part 9 on that date, then Part 10 on April Fool’s Day, which is Lovers of Aether’s original release date. It’s the perfect plan!

For now, I hope that you’ve enjoyed the quotes because these are definitely my top favorites!

“all of my f/os hang out and are best friends!”

no. all of my f/os hate each other and if I ever put them in the same room they would battle royale it out for my hand in marriage

the trope where a pair of people go undercover as a married couple and have to do married couple things in public so as not to blow their cover, but then in private they start doing those same things and one of them eventually says. ‘you know we’re not actually married, right?’ and the other person’s entire world comes crashing down on them as they remember that fact because they enjoyed pretending to be married to that person > literally any other trope

Imagine you having a fear of storms and your f/o’s first instinct is to cuddle with you until you feel better.

the most romantic thing in the world is when your f/o is fluent in another language and the first phrase they teach you when you ask is ‘I love you’.

It’s late and you’re snuggling in with your f/o for the night. they notice that you choose not to place your head against their chest and they decide to ask you about it. though it’s not all that embarrassing, you still blush. most people find listening to someone’s heartbeat as they cuddle romantic, but you on the other hand…well, let’s just say that that is the opposite for you. constantly hearing someone’s heartbeat in your ear is sensory overload for you. when you explain this to your f/o, they don’t sneer or roll their eyes at you. they understand, and are always aware of their cuddling positions with you from then on.

ur f/os canon love interest isn’t real, have a great day

i know it’s cliche but it’s the best kind of cliche so bear with me here. 

a crowded ballroom. your f/o constantly look around the room with a flute of champagne, awaiting your arrival rather impatiently. their eyes fluttering around when they sudden stop upon spotting you, standing at the top of a grand staircase, dressed in undoubtedly the fanciest dress/suit your f/o has ever seen. they couldn’t do anything to hide their smile, even if they wanted to. you take your time in making your way dramatically down the staircase, graciously accepting their hand upon reaching the last few steps. 

“you look lovely, darling.” they whisper to you, arm reaching around your back as their hand slides into yours for the first of many dances that night. 

i know it’s cliche but it’s the best kind of cliche so bear with me here. 

a crowded ballroom. your f/o constantly look around the room with a flute of champagne, awaiting your arrival rather impatiently. their eyes fluttering around when they sudden stop upon spotting you, standing at the top of a grand staircase, dressed in undoubtedly the fanciest dress/suit your f/o has ever seen. they couldn’t do anything to hide their smile, even if they wanted to. you take your time in making your way dramatically down the staircase, graciously accepting their hand upon reaching the last few steps. 

“you look lovely, darling.” they whisper to you, arm reaching around your back as their hand slides into yours for the first of many dances that night. 

if you get periods, imagine being on your period while dating your f/os. Which f/os would be cool, calm, and collected, knowing that this is part of life, but still helping to alleviate your pain as much as they can and which f/os would act like you’re bleeding out your eyes, freak out, buy as many pads/tampons/chocolate/advil as they can, and constantly ensure that you’re not actually dying?
