#found family


Phase 6 Chaotic Siblings babysitting their drunk Uncle Muds while Mom Russel is out running errands

Mom Russel: You two keeping an eye on Murdoc? He was pretty hammered when I left

Chaotic Siblings:

Young Murdad and Baby Noodle

From my Gorillaz What If that Murdoc knew Stuart and Russel before he made the deal with the devil that erased all their memories of each other.

Gorillaz Headcanon - Drunk, High, or Sober? Edited 10.02.2021

Whenever the band goes out on tour, to the grocery store, to the bar, or generally out in public, Russel, 2D, and Noodle like to amuse themselves with a game Russel invented called “Drunk or Sober”.

Murdoc doesn’t know about the game because he’s the person the game is about.

The game begins when Murdoc starts, well, being Murdoc. Russel, Noodle, and 2D each sit back and quietly place a bet on whether Murdoc is drunk (or high,) or not. It’s not as easy to guess as it sounds because Murdoc in general acts weird.

Russel invented the game after one of their North American tours. After a successful show in one of the southern States, the band had gone out to a local bar, which was in the obligatory “cowboy/western” theme.

After a few drinks, the band was relaxing and having fun with some fans, watching as a few brave patrons tried their luck with the mechanical bull.

Russel was torn from helping Noodle and 2D tell stories of their adventures to a group of fans by a sudden storm of excited cheering. He looked up and noticed Murdoc was gone.

Noodle muttered an irritated expletive, and Russel, dread settling in the pit of his stomach, followed her line of sight just in time to see Murdoc climb up on the mechanical bull, putting on a cowboy hat someone in the crowd tossed him.

2D cringed in embarrassment as the DJ started blasting “Cotton Eye Joe”. Murdoc had purposefully picked that song because he knew 2D hated it.

Russel panicked as the bull started up, picturing the newspaper headline “Gorillaz Bassist Breaks Neck on Mechanical Bull Ride in Unfortunate Drunken Accident”. He ended up utterly baffled as Murdoc, making his Suggestive Murdoc Noises the entire time, stood up and went full “guy dancing on mechanical bull” (he would later claim that the guy had copied him.)

Russel, 2D, and Noodle alternately watched nervously (waiting for the inevitable calamity to happen), and argued over whether Murdoc was drunk, high, or sober (or relatively sober).

Noodle and 2D argued that no drunk person was that coordinated, while Russel argued that no sober person was stupid enough to try to dance on a moving mechanical bull.

Miraculously, the little show ended with the crowd cheering wildly as Murdoc dismounted, triumphant and unharmed.

He received a free souvenir t-shirt, lifetime free admission and drinks, and several propositions, then spent an hour posing for pictures in his borrowed Stetson.

He would remember nothing the following morning, proving Russel right, and his social media pages would be bombarded by fans tagging him in a certain video that made it on the internet. And of course Drunk, High, or Sober was born.

When Mom Russel says you can’t have a giant plush, but Murdad gets it for you anyway!

Mom Russel: *frowning as Murdoc and Noodle wrestle a giant cat plush through the front door* Muds, I told you we weren’t buying her anymore giant stuffed animals!

Murdad:*toothy grin* I didn’t buy it, I won it at the Fun Fair!“

Murdad singing to baby Noodle

Murdoc would have probably watched Labyrinth about 100 times with Noodle’s mom, so after Noodle was born he would sing the songs to her All. The. Time.

i too, want to spend so much time with someone that i will have seen the very best and worst of them. i too, want to know them so thoroughly that i am unimpressed by either extreme.

So this Christmas, my boss invited me to do Christmas with them if I had no other plans (I work with him, his wife and her BIL) but they had a trip in the next few days so they were really apologetic that it wasn’t a full proper Christmas, it would only be some drinks, snacks and a film with their family.

And omg it was the best Christmas! I know I have very limited experience but it was so nice! They made fresh bread and chai and an apple pie and we just hung out and chatted. It was super chill and so fun.

They’re genuinely the nicest family and I’m so touched they thought to invite me. I think I’ve been adopted but no complaints here lol

fragile things, helpless things, broken things (Chapter 2/2)

Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Mostly gen with a dash of thomato
Warning: Some made-up lore
Summary: “Then, you’ll accept the guards until the day you beat me in a spar using your polearm.”

Following an assassination attempt aimed at the heart of the Kamisato Clan, Thoma attempted to beat Ayato in a spar. The addition of a newly-granted pyro vision should make things easier, right?

A look at the three months Thoma spent convincing Ayato to let me go out without guards, for Archons’ sake, I’m just an ordinary servant!

Sequel to How the Kamisato Clan won Thoma’s loyalty (and how he won theirs in turn)

On the day of Ayato and Ayaka’s spar, the siblings sent all guards and servants away from the Estate.

Thoma, as was customary these days, had been excluded from the order. The younger servants giggled and teased him about being the Lord and Lady’s favourite, but the older ones shooed them away, looking at him with a certain shrewdness in their eyes. They, Thoma mused, were the ones who knew. The ones who had witnessed him, growing up as a commoner within a noble house. Witnessed the poorly-hidden condescension from other nobles, even though the Kamisatos have done their best to protect him from it. Witnessed the assassination attempts, the near-misses, and everything that came with being Ayato and Ayaka's friend.

Thoma herded them to the gates, where they bade him goodbye, excited by the prospect of spending a leisurely day at Narukami City. He wished he could be as relaxed as they were. His own stomach was twisted into knots. What would happen if Ayaka lost? Would Ayato continue to drown himself in his work? Was it possible that he, too, would end up leaving them the way his father did?

What would happen if Ayaka won?

“Look after the Lord and Young Lady,” said Furuta, the butler of Kamisato Estate now that Maka was gone. “And after yourself, too, Thoma.”

“Always, ma'am.”

She graced him with a shallow bow and left.

Thoma stared after her. He may be close to the main family, but in the end, he was still an ordinary servant. Not to mention, he was quite a bit younger than her. There was no reason for Furuta, his superior and elder, to bow to him, of all people.

Behind him, he heard Ayato’s voice.

“Thoma,” he said. “When you’re done sending everyone away, please lock the gates.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Sending one last glance at Furuta’s retreating back, Thoma did as he was told.

Ayaka came out of the house not long after. She greeted Ayato with a deep bow, which he returned. There was a solemn, determined look on her face. Her grip upon her wooden blade was firm and steady.

In the Kamisato Clan, Ayato’s swordsmanship was considered nigh-unbeatable. He had been a diligent and focused student, and it showed in his skill with a blade. Under Ayaka’s assault, he remained calm and collected. He had the advantage, and he knew it.

And yet.

All it took was a single, perfect strike. Ayato’s sword was thrown clean off of his hand. His first-ever loss, and it was against his little sister.

Thoma had no idea who was more surprised by the result: him, or Ayato.


From the tip of Ayaka’s sword, something had fallen to the ground. It was round, and blue, glowing with the light of divinity. A vision.

Ayaka had won the duel and earned herself a vision.

“Well, then,” Ayato said. Despite his loss, there was a smile creeping on to his face. “It looks like the gods have acknowledged your desire. Who am I to deny their will?”

Ayaka knelt on the ground, fingers skittering over the newly-granted vision. “Oniisama… This is…”

“Ah, Ayaka-chan,” Ayato said quietly. “Why did you grow up so fast when I wasn’t looking?”

Ayato knelt by her side. With steady hands, he picked up the vision and pressed it into her palms. “I’m proud of you.”

“This vision…” Ayaka said. “Oniisama, this is my promise to you. I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” Ayato said. Engulfing her in a hug, he whispered in a voice almost too low for Thoma to hear. “Father and Mother would be so proud of you.”

Read the rest on Ao3


me when a group of 3+ characters who spend all their time together and who always talk about how much they care about each other and what Good Friends they are and would literally follow each other to the ends of the earth and beyond and are visibly upset when one of them is absent and whenever one of them is hurt/unhappy they all crowd around to ask what’s wrong because they care so much don’t fucking look at me right now oh my God

Chinese translation for The Knight and the Necromancer

Guys, my sassy high fantasy gay romance has a Chinese version, which should be showing up here any day now. The publisher is DxD Press and they have gone above and beyond what I expected in commissioning artwork for these books. I am so pleased with these covers!! If you want the complete series in English, it’s here (along with related stories and audio versions).
