#gay girls


Mom: don’t talk to boys. Don’t look at them don’t breath on them don’t be near them don’t think about them they are disgusting you will be shunned for talking to a boy before marriage don’t think like them you are better than boys don’t breath the same air as them

Me: (becomes a lesbian)

Mom: where did I go wrong. This is wrong. This is disgusting and immoral you need a MAN. ONLY A MAN. A HUSBAND A BOYFRIEND ANYTJINF

16 year old me: okay, so I’m gay. But I won’t be one of those stereotypical gay, I’ll be real cool and low-key about it

Me now: rainbow flag, rainbow key chain, smaller more portable rainbow flag, rainbow lanyard, neon sign that says ‘GIRLS’ really bright, and I’ll take that donut with the rainbow sprinkles on it.

My gf: (goes to hold my hand in public)

Me: ew gay

My gf: Dani, we are gay

I have drawn Tsuki with her love interest Olive!

Tsuki is a the shortest character in my story which she doesn’t like but she still loves Olive dearly… even tho she has to tippy toe just to try and kiss her ^^

If she doesn’t like flowers and tchotchkes I don’t want it

It appears eating an ice cream on the beach with a pretty girl and eating her later is too much to ask atm?

I have a weakness for studs and the most ignorant thing someone can do is compare them to a boy.

Just because you don’t have long hair and wear skirts or do girly things most certainly does NOT make u any less of a woman.

You are beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you any different. Rock that short hair, baggy clothes or whatever.

Same goes for fems just because you may not look like the “stereotypical lesbian” does not make you any less gay.

Your sexuality/gender is valid regardless of how you look!!!

Just imagine you are at the roller rink, you are struggling and a beautiful girl rolls by and notices. She takes your hand, you have the best night of your life and she asks to see you again. You end up dating and going on cute dates and you eventually get married and adopt amazing kids.

Well that’s how I imagine my happy ending anyway hope you are all having a good day

“when I die,” she said

and suddenly every detail of her was stuck in my throat

and I was breathless, my lungs begging for air

even then, I wanted to kiss her

I didn’t care if that made my heart stop

or if my lungs shrank

I wanted her, I wanted to be drowned by her

so I did

I kissed her until I couldn’t distinguish my tears from my desire, until the tide had risen and fallen

until the only thing separating me from death was the frantic beat of my heart

but it was fine

cause my hands felt the beat of her own heart too

“move on.”
