#gif not mine


I present to you… Jaejoong and his sex face.

- Admin Sun


Kai thinking: Hm, anyone wanna do me..?

- Admin Sun

If you’re just starting out, instead of choosing a card at the beginning of your day, instead pick one at the end of your day. Keep a journal and try to see how that card relates to the day you had.

Happy New Year

Entered 2019 watching the Super Trash Bros video. Not even lying, only proud.


Tenth Doctor x Reader x Eleventh Doctor 

Epilogue to this oneshot

Summary: It happened during another crazy adventure, like always. It hadn’t been long since you both had to say goodbye to Donna, and you needed to be distracted from the sadness resting within yourself, so off you were to the next space & time-adventure.
The one thing you hadn’t expected though, was for you to meet the future Doctor again - and this time he claims to be your husband.
(Takes place during ‘Day of the Doctor’)

It was infuriating, to see the Doctor having to prance around with queen Elizabeth, acting like a couple, while you had to stay in the Tardis and check the readings. You knew that it was to save the world from a Zygon invasion, but still, you couldn’t help the jealousy and doubt arising in you. After all, even though the Doctor and you had gotten closer after the incident on Azitora 5, you still danced around each other, too unsure of how to proceed. You had no way to label your relationship with the Doctor, as you hadn’t had time for a proper conversation about it yet. And you knew why. The Doctor had a hardened shell around him, too hurt by previous experiences to want to open up fully. It had taken you a long time to learn about the time war, and even more time to learn the names of some of his previous travelling companions. At one point, you had wished that you could have been more like Martha, with how she had forced the Doctor to stop hiding his past from her. But alas, you found yourself gasping for air in the deep waves of regret and anger that rolled off the man, every time his past came up.
One might think your worries were unfounded, seeing as his future self had told you about his romantic relationship with your future self. However, time can be rewritten, and you really didn’t want it to be. Didn’t want to risk it. 
It still hurt when the Doctor did his fake proposal to the queen, even if he sprung back on his feet seconds later and revealed his true intentions for doing so. But you did not have much time to dwell on it, making the decision to disobey the Doctor’s order and take off after the group when the horse had transformed into a Zygon. 
You were not close to them, as they had taken off running long before you could even comprehend what you saw on the Tardis’ screen. 
When you finally managed to catch up with them, they were standing in a clearing in the forest, and there were two Elizabeths’. That should have been what worried you, but instead, you fixated on the swirl of light in the air. 
‘’…a tear in the fabric of reality. Anything could happen!’’ You heard the Doctor exclaim. 
A fez dropped out. 
And then, just a bit later, so did a man. A man you recognized very well, even after only meeting him once - or, well, seeing that face once. It only took a few moments, before your Doctor had understood what was happening, both of them taking out their sonic screwdrivers to show the other that they were indeed both the Doctor. 
‘’…Compensating?’’ Your Doctor asked the other, 
‘’For what?’’
‘’Regeneration, it’s a lottery.’’
You couldn’t help laughing at that, pulling everyone’s attention towards yourself.  
‘’Oh, hello love.’’ The future Doctor left your Doctor behind and hastily made his way to you. Before you had time to respond, you let out a small yelp as you found yourself dipped, his lips connecting with yours. 
In the background you heard a scandalized Oi, what? but found it hard to focus with the way he moved his lips against yours, holding you up with one hand around your waist and the other underneath your head, his fingers tangled in your hair. 
Just as he pulled you back on your feet, you felt someone pull on your hand, away from the one who had just kissed you.
‘’What do you think you’re doing? They’re my partner!’’ You Doctor tugged on your hand, trying to get you closer to him, and further away from the other Doctor, whom he was levelling with an angry glare.
‘’Well, they’re my spouse.’’ The future Doctor tugged at your other hand, though gently, as if to not hurt you during the tugging war between him and his other self, who had now gone still, eyes wide open and his jaw slack.
‘’…Spouse?’’ His voice was small, unsure and if you listened closely, filled with an undertone of disbelief. His grip on your hand has loosened, to the point where it slipped from his grip as you were pulled into the chest of the other Doctor, your hands on his shoulders to stabilize yourself, as he shot the Doctor a victorious smirk.
‘’Yes, spouse. Consider yourself a lucky fella, you’ve got that to look forward to.’’ He then shifted his eyes down to you, a gentle grin on his face, ‘’Hello again.’’ 
‘’Partner? Doctor, what do you mean, partner? Who are these people?’’ Came the queens voices, understandably confused at the current events happening in front of them. 
The two Doctors glanced at each other, searching for words to explain, before the future Doctor took the word again.
‘’Well, you see, this lovely person,’’ He gestured to you, ‘’Is my spouse. Happily married for a few years now.’’ He then gestured to your Doctor, ‘’However, since I’ve been very busy, they’ve been travelling with this gentleman here for a short while - they’re travelling-partners, right?’’ He glanced at his past self, who was still glaring at his future self’s hand still placed on your waist, before snapping his eyes up again and giving a reluctant, ‘’Right.’’
‘’Now, your majesties, probably a good time to run.’’
A lot of things happened after that. You met another version of the Doctor. One, who was younger yet looked older than the Doctor’s you were with. The Doctor - your Doctor - and his future self seemed scared of him, but before you had time to ask, the queens’ soldiers emerged and took you all away. 
You then met the Doctor’s future companion, Clara. A lovely woman. Very quick, you noticed soon after meeting her. It had been a bit strange at first, since this woman too knew your future self, and spoke to you with a familiarity that you couldn’t reciprocate, but you soon found yourself chatting away with her, growing more and more accustomed to her. She was by your side at the Doctor’s wedding with queen Elizabeth, distracting you with funny stories of future adventures, so that you could do something besides staring at the man you loved getting married to someone else (even if he had no feelings for her).
‘’This future version of the Doctor, I mean your version of the Doctor, is he always this… affectionate?’’ You whispered to her. The future Doctor had indeed been very clingy with you since the moment you had met him during the incident on Azitora 5. You knew that with every new face came a new personality, but then again, you had only known one face for so long. It almost seemed impossible that the change would be this obvious. 
‘’Oh no, he’s usually much worse.’’ Clara whispered in return, stifling a giggle, ‘’He’s clearly trying to hold back here. I think he realizes that this version of you probably isn’t very used to it yet. Future you is though. Oh, you two can’t go ten minutes without snogging, even when there’s a crisis going on.’’ She rolled her eyes with a grin on her face. ‘’It gets very embarrassing when the Doctor does it in the middle of explaining his plans to the terrified people around him.’’
‘’He does that?’’ You gasped, embarrassed by just imagining such a situation. 
‘’He does it often.’’ She laughed at your reaction. 
The future Doctor joined in on the conversation as well, just before the married couple had to kiss, slinging his arm around your neck and turning both of you away from the sight while recalling a story of a small planet that had the strangest traditions for birthday celebrations. 
It was later, much later, that you met your future self. After stopping the zygons, after storing Gallifrey away, frozen in time, you stood with your future self before you. The Doctors’ were busy talking about the fate of Gallifrey just behind you, standing in front of the picture of their home planet. Your future self had appeared just then, a bit cross at being left out of the action, but mostly concerned about the Doctor and Clara. 
Their eyes locked with your own, both of you taking a moment to observe the other, taking in all the differences - big and small. 
Their hair was different, you noticed, and you could spot small scars on their exposed skin. No doubt from their adventures with the Doctor. Before you knew it, you were within a feet distance of each other, still silently looking at each other. 
‘’Wow, that’s weird.’’
Your voice intermingled with your future self’s. Both of you let out a little laugh at that. The weirdness of the situation was indescribable. 
‘’Alright, Doctor, if you could keep your attention on saying your goodbyes instead of making goo goo eyes at your spouse.’’ Came Clara’s voice from behind you. 
‘’I am not making goo goo eyes.’’ Came the Doctors’ annoyed voices, spoken at the same time. 
You were back in the Tardis, having said your last goodbyes to the others. The future Doctor had brought your knuckles to his mouth to leave a small peck, before turning back to your future self. The last glimpse you caught of them before the Tardis’ door closed, was future you leaning into the Doctors’ side, who was hugging them with one arm, leaning his head down on theirs and they looked at the picture once more, speaking in hushed voices. 
Saying goodbye had been hard. You were so glad to know that the Doctor’s home planet was safe after all, but it hurt to know that he wouldn’t remember it, that he would feel the guilt for so many years before he, perhaps, found Gallifrey again. But this was how it was, the best you could do was to be there for him until then. 
‘’So, where to next? Any particular mood we’re going for? Or…-’’ 
‘’Wherever you wanna go.’’ You interrupted him, ‘’I’m sure I’ll enjoy it anyway.’’
He shot you the excited toothy grin that made your heart do backflips, and started his usual ritual of twirling around the Tardis’ console, pushing buttons and pulling levers, before reaching the lever he always pulled last before takeoff. 
His hands stilled on the lever. 
‘’(Y/n). You remember how I said we wouldn’t be able to remember any of this? Due to the paradox?’’ He spoke gently, eyes still locked onto the console panel, as if too shy to look at you. 
‘’Hm? Oh, yeah, I do… Is there something else I should be aware of? Some side effect?’’ 
‘’No! No, nothing like that. It’s just… I was thinking…’’ He trailed off, before standing upright and walking to stand in front of you. 
‘’I love you.’’ 
You felt yourself flush immediately, butterflies going crazy in your stomach. With your head spinning, you tried to make yourself say something back to the Doctor, but no sound came out from your gaping mouth as you stared back at him. 
‘’You and I won’t be able to remember that I said that.’’ He continued, ‘’And that’s exactly why I wanted to do it. Because I realized that this whole thing, I’ll experience it again in the future. The zygons, saving Gallifrey… getting married somewhere along the way. And… I wanted to experience this again too.’’ He admitted sheepishly, but not breaking eye contact, as your eyes searched his, confused. 
He continued; ‘’I know I love you. That’s not going to change just because we won’t remember this little adventure, and eventually, I’ll get to say it again for the first time. Or maybe, it’ll be you who says it then.’’ He paused for a moment. ‘’I’m… I’m not good at these romantic gestures, but this. This felt right. Like it was something I had to do, after everything that’s just happened… Or maybe I just couldn’t help myself.’’ The Doctor finally smiled. Just a small, nervous smile, and it strangled your heart. 
You had longed to hear those words for so long, to be sure that your affections were returned, and yet doubt clawed at your mind, unable to accept the reality that was unfolding in front of you. 
‘’But, time can be changed, right? How do we know for sure that it’ll work out?’’ You asked him, reaching out to hold his hands in yours, trying to convince yourself that this was indeed reality and not some cruel illusion. His hands held yours gingerly, squeezing gently as he let out a low chuckle. 
‘’Well, you did just spend a good portion of this crisis getting snogged by my future self, so I think we’re safe to assume that it will.’’
You let out a gasp, ‘’It wasn’t nearly that much! And besides, he’s you! It’s your fault for being such a sap in the future.’’ He laughed at that, tugging you behind him as he walked back to the lever, and then brought one of his hands up to cup your chin, the other one landing on the lever. 
‘’You know, there’s one other thing I wanted to do.’’ He titled your head up, and tilted his own down, ‘’…If you don’t mind.’’
You brought your hand over his, leaning in closer with a smile on your face, ‘’I don’t think I do. So go ahead, Doctor.’’
As he brought his lips against yours, you heard the telltale sound of the lever being pulled and the Tardis began to hum, as everything faded.  

You felt a bit tired. The sort of tired you feel when you’ve just woken up from a long night’s sleep - at peace and very unwilling to move. You felt a puff of warm air against your face, prompting you to finally open your eyes slowly, before they jumped wide open when you saw the Doctor’s face just inches from yours. His eyes were closed as well, but began to slowly blink open as you took a step backwards.
That’s when you noticed his hands holding yours. 
He noticed too, and let go of your hands with a nervous laugh. He scratched his neck as he looked to the floor for a moment, but then focused on the Tardis’ screen. 
‘’Well, looks like we’ve landed somewhere, somewhen. I’ll just… go have a quick look.’’ He muttered, striding towards the door. You didn’t answer, too busy trying to get your giddy nerves under control, your heart beating much too fast for your liking. 
‘’Oh, huh, doesn’t look like the worst place to have landed. Should we go take a look?’’ He offered his hand to you. The light from outside caught in his hair, and you almost tripped over your own feet as you walked closer, those cursed butterflies zooming around in your guts, as you slid your hand into his.  
‘’Of course. Anywhere with you Doctor.’’


(can u tell that i didnt know how to end it? lol)

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