

hello !! i’m tobi (@ssehuns), and i was recently inspired to create a space where young people can share their art with a community of likeminded people after attending a creative writing camp with logan (@reckless-emotion), my co editor in chief. it was such an amazing, emotionally charged experience that we found ourselves wanting to hold on to that atmosphere for as long as possible

–– what is anthropocene?

anthropocene magazine (@anthropocenemag) is a submission based online literary zine and community focused on sharing writing and art !! our goal is to make anthropocene a monthly/quarterly/annually publishing magazine filled with work created young people for young people
inspiration for anthropocene came from a lot of different places, but we chose the name because above anything we want our community to be focused on growth and human activity

–– how do i get involved?

you can either apply to be an editor or graphic designerorsend in advance submissions (you can send in submissions at any time, but they’ll be archived until all the editor positions are filled)

–– editors

right now we’re looking for editors to read all submissions that we get. each editor will read for one type of submission, and we need 2-3 of each. we also need a few graphic designers. to apply, just follow @anthropocenemag, reblog this post then fill out an application below !!

poetry editor application
visual art editor application
fiction/nonfiction editor application
graphic designer application

–– submissions

we accept submissions of poetry, prose, short fiction, short creative nonfiction, essays, photography, digital art, or physical art. we’re going to officially open submission after editors are chosen, but you can submit now and they’ll be archived until editor applications close

–– submission guidelines:

you can submit as many as 5 pieces at one time, and you can send in a mix of any type of work. submit by sending us an email at [email protected] with your work in a file and your first name & last initial. name the file “work name,” “type of work” (example: sunsets on a beach, poetry). the subject of the email should be issue 1 submission, “number of pieces” (example: issue 1 submission, 3)

–– what’s the theme?

issue one’s theme is keystones !! a keystone is something that everything else depends on. for example, a momentous occasion, the most important step in a process, and an important realization are all keystones. (this is a very loose theme–more of a formality–so don’t worry at all if you don’t think your piece fits the theme~please submit it anyway !!!)

–– how do i stay updated about anthropocene?

after this initial post all updates and news will come from @anthropocenemag so please follow that blog for any future updates !

you can also follow us on instagram, check out our blog, or subscribe to us on issuu.

081721. shipping out an etsy order + more journaling — about a month til i’m back on campus and i can’t wait :,)

051221. god i wish i had even the slightest clue of what is ever going on at any moment but . math notes setup for today was nice

050121. wrapped up a (shockingly) forgiving math midterm yesterday & hyped for what’s looking like a super fun weekend otherwise! can’t believe it’s already may — really don’t know how to feel about that, tbh

old journal notes & river pictures as, tragically, I’m still not feeling too good :(

I absolutely adore this film, and I have recently finished the book, and I loved that too!! The aesthetics of the film are unmatched!

Currently reading: Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell

repost of old notes as I’m not feeling too good >:(

currently missing english literature a lot; I finished the course last month, and I’m really hoping that I got an A*, but we’ll have to see!

currently reading: North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

Caring for people with Psychosis and Schizophrenia - Futurelearn Course

Cannabis & Psychosis

The greatest group of cannabis consumers are described as being between 16 - 24 years of age. The people who seem to carry the greatest risk of developing psychosis are the people who use a high potency type of cannabis daily. However, it would be wrong to assume that all cannabis users develop psychosis, and there is some evidence suggesting that there are some genetic variants linked to the dopamine system that increase an individual’s susceptibility to the psychogenic effect of cannabis. The THC present in the cannabis is the ingredient that has been identified as responsible for the psychotic symptoms, both acutely and long term, but CBD is able to reduce the THC effect on psychosis.

Understanding Autism - FutureLearn Course

Spikey Profiles:

Usually we think of people having a fairly even profile of skills, however this is different for autistic people. Most people on the spectrum have something known as a spikey profile, and this means we can’t look at an autistic person’s general skill level to predict what their other skills are like.

Although, spikey profiles aren’t usually recognized by people such as support workers. For example, autistic people with verbal communication are incorrectly assumed to be capable in areas which they struggle in, and those with less verbal skills are often incorrectly assumed to be lacking in skills and potential.

In some cases, the spike can be extreme, and some may have an exceptional ability, or a ‘savant’ skill.


did a physical and emotional spring cleaning session a week ago, and cleared out (made peace with) all my GCSE o-level notes, from 3-4 years ago. took a trip down memory lane (hence the filter) and reminisced about all the times i’d spent studying, and thought it was an apt post walking into the new year!

15.11.20| practically done with my first sem of uni now, other than a philo test in a fortnight!
