




S2 is confirmed we gotta start placing bets on who is Becca’s baby daddy NOW sjdjjddj

Good theories I’ve heard:



-Campbell and Sam’s DAD

-An X adult (maybe teacher even)

Anyways shdhdhdhdhd I can’t wait for people’s reactions to Grizzam and Becca’s reactions to it

I think the interesting theory is Luke just because it would give Helena a good slap in the face.

BUT ALSO in season 1 we saw how upset Grizz was that Sam had got Becca pregnant, which I get. Sam did say that Grizz had slept with other women though. What if he wasn’t just upset about Sam, what if he saw that Becca had trusted his boyfriend to raise his baby more than him?

Ahdjdk listen honestly truly if Grizz is the father I’ll go myself to Netflix’s office and cancel the show on my own sndjjd


Ugh I LOVE Grizz and Sam’s drama because it’s the complete opposite of what you’d expect. Sam isn’t a jock, isn’t the conventional idea of a hot guy people lust over (and yet here Grizz and I are,) and is deaf but he’s still the one who is, from Grizz’s perspective, out of reach and attracting multiple people. Like you’d expect Grizz to be a “fuckboy,” but not Sam. It’s so sad, but so interesting to see the dynamic switched this way.

Littl bit of self promoting…

Wanted to let yall know that I have an art account on tumblr, @macektches where I post drawings and uh art. Mostly South Park stuff, rn but I want to warm up to the society fandom again by drawing the characters that people suggest, so go, give me some suggestions and I will, in fact, draw them ;)

Some examples of my current style, thanks for reading

Grizz: Did Sam just tell me he loved me for the first time?


Grizz: And did I do finger guns back?

Allie: Yeah, you did.

One of my favourite things is the fact that Grizz carries around an elastic band around his wrist to put his hair up and I think that is so precious.
