#incorrect society quotes




Helena: Listen up teens. There’s nothing “meme” about smoking cigarettes. It’s not “Netflix and chill” to take a drug. Fidget spin yourself into church.

“Pokémon Go” to confession

I really like this addition thank you

Heya!! We made it!!

Thank you so much everyone! Haha

Told you I’d let you know.

Send me some things, theories, asks. As a thanks for reaching this milestone lol

Allie: From now on, we’ll be using codenames. You can address me as eagle one.

Allie: Harry. Codename - “been there, done that.”

Allie: Will is “currently doing that.”

Allie: Grizz is, “it happened once in a dream.”

Allie: Becca. Codename - “if I had to pick a girl.”

Allie: Sam is… “eagle two.”

Sam: Oh thank god.

Send me some stuff.

Qs and shit, I wanna know who’s following this trash blog

Harry: I’m playing a game. It’s called “I take a shot every time I feel depressed.”

Kelly: That game exists and it’s called alcoholism.

Allie: Everybody’s got a gay cousin.

Grizz: Bitch! I don’t have a gay cousin…

Grizz: Wait, shit.

Grizz: I am the gay cousin, oh my god!

Littl bit of self promoting…

Wanted to let yall know that I have an art account on tumblr, @macektches where I post drawings and uh art. Mostly South Park stuff, rn but I want to warm up to the society fandom again by drawing the characters that people suggest, so go, give me some suggestions and I will, in fact, draw them ;)

Some examples of my current style, thanks for reading

Harry: I’m giving up alcohol for a month.

Kelly: Wow, really?

Harry: Wait, you misheard me.

Harry: I’m giving up. Alcohol for a month.





Helena: Listen up teens. There’s nothing “meme” about smoking cigarettes. It’s not “Netflix and chill” to take a drug. Fidget spin yourself into church.

“Pokémon Go” to confession

I really like this addition thank you

why is this so funny to me

It’s a joke

Grizz: Did Sam just tell me he loved me for the first time?


Grizz: And did I do finger guns back?

Allie: Yeah, you did.
