#incorrect society


Heya!! We made it!!

Thank you so much everyone! Haha

Told you I’d let you know.

Send me some things, theories, asks. As a thanks for reaching this milestone lol

Allie: From now on, we’ll be using codenames. You can address me as eagle one.

Allie: Harry. Codename - “been there, done that.”

Allie: Will is “currently doing that.”

Allie: Grizz is, “it happened once in a dream.”

Allie: Becca. Codename - “if I had to pick a girl.”

Allie: Sam is… “eagle two.”

Sam: Oh thank god.

Welp we reached 300

Thanks to everyone for deciding to follow me!

I’ll let you know when we reach 420.

Send me some stuff.

Qs and shit, I wanna know who’s following this trash blog

Harry: I’m playing a game. It’s called “I take a shot every time I feel depressed.”

Kelly: That game exists and it’s called alcoholism.

Allie: Everybody’s got a gay cousin.

Grizz: Bitch! I don’t have a gay cousin…

Grizz: Wait, shit.

Grizz: I am the gay cousin, oh my god!

I also wanted to say that there are 1700 of you following me and boy am I grateful, I was inactive and waiting for the season two we were promised and part of me feels like I’ve exhausted all the relavant content you want to see… please please let me know if you have any other interests, and maybe I can turn this into a successful blog that focuses on all types of things.

I know that this is content you were promised and I thoroughly enjoyed talking about theories and how much I love grizz with you all. So I’m sorry if I can’t provide more.

Littl bit of self promoting…

Wanted to let yall know that I have an art account on tumblr, @macektches where I post drawings and uh art. Mostly South Park stuff, rn but I want to warm up to the society fandom again by drawing the characters that people suggest, so go, give me some suggestions and I will, in fact, draw them ;)

Some examples of my current style, thanks for reading

Harry: I’m giving up alcohol for a month.

Kelly: Wow, really?

Harry: Wait, you misheard me.

Harry: I’m giving up. Alcohol for a month.





Helena: Listen up teens. There’s nothing “meme” about smoking cigarettes. It’s not “Netflix and chill” to take a drug. Fidget spin yourself into church.

“Pokémon Go” to confession

I really like this addition thank you

why is this so funny to me

It’s a joke

Grizz: Did Sam just tell me he loved me for the first time?


Grizz: And did I do finger guns back?

Allie: Yeah, you did.
