#guided meditation


This is a guided meditation/trance/energy work session to help heal emotional pain to prepare you for mindblowing pleasure.

I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know your experience…

I started teaching yoga live online when the pandemic began (I’ve been teaching and studying yoga for decades - before it was popular). I also started to do counselling sessions for Creative people who have felt a little lost these days, who have lost their passion or have let the voices in their head stop them. If you want to join me in a yoga class or talk to me about my sessions, hit me up. We’ll talk. And your first yoga or a meditation class is FREE. Also, starting Sunday April 18th I will do an intro to yoga class, Basic Bits, three times a month that you could join in. Let me know if you want to know more and check out my new Website! RestlessSpiritProductions.com. It is also a place for me to house my creative work (screenwriting).

Hope to see you there!

#therapy    #hatha yoga    #yoga postures    #meditation    #guided meditation    #cklove    #restlessspiritproductions    #writing    #writer    #screenwriter    #screenwriting    #hollywood    #santamonica    #toronto    #filmmaker    

This week my ogham is all about Phagos, the beech tree. Phagos represents knowledge, especially written knowledge, and the recordings of all of the world. It’s energy is useful if you also want to check out either hereditary knowledge or stuff from your own past lives. So, I wrote out a meditation to work with the beech tree to find old information.  I’d love to know if anyone tries it! :)

Read all the way to the end and see the notes at the bottom.

Close your eyes and picture yourself at the edge of a forest. The light is bright, warm, and the trees are in full bloom. Sweet smelling plants are strewn about the green forest floor. There is a single path down the middle of the forest. You have no fear. The path is well lit and the energy is welcoming. If you look just right, you might see a faerie or other forest friend. You enter the forest.

You calmly walk down the soft forest path. The sights and smells within the forest soothe your soul. A little further down the path you find a small circle of beech trees. As you near the circle of trees, you notice a small sign that says, enter if you wish to learn. Excited for new knowledge, you take a breath and step within the circle of large beech trees. You take a moment and look at each tree. Each unique, but beautiful. Then you find one tree that feels warm and inviting. There is a small patch of grass next to the tree that is perfect for sitting in. As you sit beside the tree, you notice this tree also feels so familiar. Like you’ve met before, but not sure where. A gentle breeze moves through the forest. On this breeze is a voice: “This isn’t just any beech. This is your beech tree. This tree carries the records of you. Each ring holds the stories of each life you’ve lived.”  

The beech tree smiles, in just the way a tree can smile, and shakes it’s branches in agreement. You look at the tall tree and ask to be shown the story that is impacting you the most right now. The beech tree seems to open its trunk to show you each of the rings held within. One of the rings begins to glow and you know this is the story you need to see. The ring seems to open up. You’re transported to the time and place you need to see, but you are only there to observe. As the story plays out, you listen to any guidance the tree has to offer, if any.

When the story finishes, you find yourself back in the warm forest next to the beech tree. You thank the tree for sharing this information. For a few moments, you just enjoy the company of the tree besides you. You stand and thank the tree again. The tree reminds you that you can come visit any time to learn more, but not all information is revealed as wanted. Information is revealed as needed. 

You step out of the circle of beech trees and return down the path out of the forest. Each step brings you closer to your body. When you’re ready, open your eyes.

*Notes: this can also be changed a little so the tree represents family history if you’re interested in looking at ancestral knowledge. 

*Try not to make too much sense of it at first. If you wish, just write everything you saw and felt while watching each story. Don’t think about it, just record. When you’re ready, you can go back and analyze what happened and why. At first, just hear the information and record it. 

Guided Meditation for Relaxation, Reduce Anxiety & Help You Sleep
