#hades x kore


Based on a youtube video:

-minthe and hades meet at work-

Minthe: nothing happened, calm down

Hades: i’m ok

Minthe: it’s ok

Hades: i said i’m ok ?

Minthe: mhm

Hades: ….

Minthe: i mean, obviously, i have things to do too. Just like you that you don’t answer me, i’m here doing my things too because-

Hades: because what

Minthe: because i have priorities in my life

Hades: priorities my ass-

Minthe: can you please pay me attention?

Hades: but I’m not talking to you, you’re talking with yourself

Minthe: how can i make you understand-

Hades: are you high?

Minthe: i chat you every day in every moment of the day

Hades: i’m a busy man…

Minthe: you could at least call me so we can stay in contact… But you don’t even answer me

Hades: because you’re annoying….

Ok guys i think we should forget a bit about what the fuck happend on episode 115.

Rachel smythe is the creator of lore olympus, of course, and she is the one who brought all happiness, sadness and cheerfulness to us with Lore Olympus.

I think she obviusly deserves the hiatus to rest. She and her team have been the ones that brought this gorgeous and fucking fantastic comic. They deserve all and more they’ve got.









Me knowing that next saturday the first season of Lore Olympus ends

Hades was DRUNK and persephone was naked: he was a gentleman


Me on December 2019: this is gonna be my year!

Me on june with loads of homeworks, shitty virtual classes, depression, anger, wanting to visit my family and friends:

*Persephone and Hades arguing*

Hades: You think you’ve got it all figured out, but you have no idea.

Persephone: Whatever you’re planning, it won’t work. Also, that suit makes you look like a sexy orchestra conductor. Here, wave this pen around.


Persephone:Right, we’re fighting.

Persephone: Hades, I’m so happy I could kiss you!

Hades: *nervous laughter*

Hades: Ummm… Neat!


Hades: *laying facedown on his bed*

Hades: I can’t believe I said “neat,” Zeus. “Neat.” Nobody says neat anymore! It’s the goddamn 21st century! It’s not neat to say neat, but I said it anyway because I’m a huge loser!

Zeus: *idly turns page to book he’s reading*

Zeus:Hey, don’t beat yourself up. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what happened when Hera confessed to me?

Hades: Didn’t you like, thank her?

Zeus: *closes book and stares out the window*

Zeus: I thanked her.

Zeus: I can’t believe you and Persephone broke the bed last night!

Poseidon: Must have been a wild night.

Hades: Haha… yeah…

[Last night]

Persephone: Bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling!

Hades: Try me!
