#haikyuu x reader


Atsumu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev | chapter 61 | next

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU, text
  • Warning: mdni, angst

One and only: 2021/08/28- Saturday

Thoughtfully, you put your phone down, tell Atsumu he can come in, and watch the door open a bit.

“Hey, are you okay? Ya disappeared faster into the bedroom than Omi-Omi when he sees a crowd of people running towards him….” Atsumu asks, who slowly enters your room. Actually, he also wanted to go to bed. After all, he has to get up early tomorrow because the training starts already at 7 o’clock in the morning. But you went into your room so abruptly, only with a half-hearted “good night”. So he was worried, wanting to ask if you’re fine.

It’s nothing new to you that Atsumu just walks around in his shorts at night. He always sleeps like that. But somehow the sight of his bare skin, his well-trained chest, makes you shy.

“I do not know… I want to sleep but somehow I’m so confused… And then the whole thing with Watanabe and Osamu… I…”

“Hey babe, stop thinking about Samu. Otherwise, you’ll wrinkle even faster than you’d like.” He teases you warmly before he crawls on the bed and sneaks under your blanket. Before you can say anything, you can feel his arms wrap around you, how he pulls you towards him and gives you a kiss on the hairline.

His hand gently grazes your back and you feel his breath on your skin, senses how you get warmer again. What’s wrong with you? Why is your body acting so weird?

“What are ya thinking about?” Atsumu asks, who turns on his back with you in his arms. You hear his heartbeat loud in your ear, notice that it is a little faster than usual. But you don’t think it’s a big deal. Interpret nothing in it.

What you’re thinking about… You don’t think you can tell him that now. Isn’t it weird to tell him that his presence and his brothers are confusing you? You’ve to think of something else to talk about.

“Did you know that Osamu thinks we’re a couple?” Inside of your mind, you’re just shaking and slapping your head. What a stupid question… But that’s the only thing you could think of right now. Atsumu says nothing for a moment before he clicks his tongue and sighs.

“And? Let him think what he wants. I’ve told him so many times we’re just friends, but somehow he never wants to believe it.”

Just friends… Why are those words so bitter in your ears? Why do they make you sad?

“I mean, could ya even imagine that? To date me? Wouldn’t that be weird?”

Every word that comes out of him hurts you so much right now that you’d like to silence him. But you can’t put a pillow on his head and tell him to stop. Might make him skeptical. Again, you’re looking for an excuse not to answer his question. Not to mention you couldn’t even answer the question. Again, all you can think of is a silly subject.

“Tell me, Tsumu, did you have any other relationships besides the one I know about?” You ask and look up at him, when he suddenly looks at you with big eyes. A big question mark is written all over his face before he turns his gaze to the ceiling. No longer looks at you and sighs.

“Only the one you know about, and that was enough for me.” He says with a bitter undertone. Almost broken. Now that you’re thinking about it, you never knew the reason for the breakup. Except they weren’t together anymore.

“Why…?” You ask carefully, feel your heart getting more restless.

“Huh? I didn’t tell you that, did I? Where do I start? Toxic relationships are probably in our family. I really thought that I had fallen in love with the gal, that she was more than just a fling, but she seemed to have noticed that. That I had these silly hearts in my eyes, that I loved her… Because she’s lied to me all over, took advantage of me and ruined me. Maybe ya can remember that I slept a lot in those two months, and almost got kicked out of the volleyball team because my performance was getting worse and worse. I went to the doctor because I couldn’t explain my terrible condition and he did all kinds of tests until he told me that my body was showing symptoms of poisoning. In the end, it turns out this bitch fed me day after day with a small dose of some kind of poison. With the small amount, I never tasted it in the food. But for a longer period… She wanted me to lose everything so I could be hers alone. She was so morbidly jealous that she would have done anything to make sure that I would never come into contact with other people again, that I couldn’t sign any female fans, give them a selfie or a wink. Yeah, and what am I supposed to say, the case against her was dropped because she has been classified as not sane and sent to a psychiatric hospital. And why didn’t I have a girlfriend after her? Well, I’m sick of women. I know I could never trust another woman. The only woman I trust blindly, the hell, I’d even jump off a cliff for her, is you.”

His words are so sad that you can almost hear your heart shattering into a thousand pieces. That Atsumu of all people, who’s such a good guy, had to go through something like this. It breaks you. It makes you angry, and before you know it, the first tears roll down to Atsumu’s chest.

“Hey, tell me, are you crying now, you fool?”

“You’re a fool yourself… Why didn’t you tell me?

“I don’t know. Thought it wasn’t that important. It’s not a big deal.” He says in a quiet voice, wipe away your tears before he puts his hand around you again. But he knows that it wasn’t your last tear he wipes away.

“Not that important? Not that important?! Tsumu, she almost killed you! I - I can’t imagine a life without you. Neither will your friends and family! Tsumu, don’t say that this… that you are not important. You’re the most important person in the world to me!”

Your words are full of hysteria. You are completely off the track as the words come out of you, as you have risen to lend more weight to your words and to look at him angrily. Even if the expression of you is more sweet than angry.

The most important person in the world… And yet, he is not the man who will stand by your side until the end of your life. Because that’s going to be a different man. Maybe even Osamu, if you give him another chance. Atsumu smiles bitterly, looks out the window, away from you. But he can’t look into the darkness for long, when your soft hands pull his face in your direction, make sure that he looks at you again as you bend forward to him, nose-tip at nose-tip.

“Did you hear me? I said you are the most important person to me.”

His eyes widen. He notices his pulse beats faster and feels how his face will soon gain color when he quickly puts his hands around your shoulders, presses you back with your face on his chest before stroking your hair, so you won’t notice how he’s red from head to toe.

“I heard you, babe. You’re also the most important person in the world to me. Now sleep…” Although his voice is weakening, sad, your eyes are getting heavier and before you can continue about telling him how angry you are that he never told you about it, you fall asleep. Atsumu waits a moment longer, makes sure your breathing calms down.

“You’re my one and only. So please don’t leave me so soon.”

He says so quietly that you wouldn’t even understand if you had been awake before he streaches out his hand, turns off the bedside lamp and also closes his eyes.


Atsumu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 60 | next

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni, angst

Talk to her: 2021/08/28- Saturday


Atsumu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 59 | next

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU, text
  • Warning: mdni, angst

So confused: 2021/08/28- Saturday

You’re still confused, noticing your heart beating wildly, and don’t calm down at the firm grip of Atsumu, who won’t let go of your hand for a second, even though no one can see you out here anymore. With a heavy sigh, he sits down on the ground, pulls you down by your hands towards him on his lap, so that you do not have to sit on the floor.

“I’m really sorry about the kiss. That was really stupid of me.”

Actually, you know this kiss came from earlier only because Watanabe had forced it… But why can’t your heart calm down right now? Why do Atsumu’s words feel so hurtful, even though they are not? Gently he caresses your stomach, holds you tight in his arms.

“I kind of thought… Aaah, I don’t know what I was thinking either. I guess I just didn’t want Osamu to see ya sad.”

He didn’t want his brother to see you sad. Thoughtfully, you look aside at Atsumu’s face, which is so close in front of you that you can only see it blurred. But relaxed, he snorts, closes his eyes, doesn’t see your questioning face.

Were you really sad? Yes, of course it’s a strange feeling to see Osamu with Watanabe. After all, you fell in love with him. But was it really so? Actually, you’re just realizing that it doesn’t make you that sad. No, it just confuses you right now. Does that mean you’ve already closed up with Osamu so quickly? No, that can’t be true. Is it just a defensive reaction from your body that’s trying to tell you, you don’t have a chance with him anyway, so leave it? And what does all this have to do with Atsumu?

“Tsumu I think I-”

Just as you take a deep breath to tell Atsumu that you don’t know what’s going on inside your head, you hear loud voices from the living room.


Not only do you both want to go out for fresh air, Osamu also needs a moment to himself as he goes to the guest bathroom and lets cold water run over his face. It just can’t be. This can’t be happening. Was he really so blind the whole time? The kiss between his brother and you it literally tore Osamu apart. He had the feeling that his heart was breaking and crumbling. You don’t have that feeling with someone you care about only as an employee. He knows this feeling all too well, because back in school he already had this feeling, not as strong as now, but he knows very well that it’s love what he feels for you.

“I really fell in love with you…” He whispers bewildered into the mirror, cannot believe that he only now realizes what had been deep in him. All that with Watanabe, all those weeks he was miserable, wanted to convince himself that he was happy, all that was wrong. He wanted to tell himself that the love for her was real, but it was just as fake as Atsumu’s hair color. Why did he try to convince himself it was a good idea to give the past another chance? Why didn’t he want to see how much you love him? Why was he so stupid and hurt you for her? Why was he so naive, arrogant, and selfish? Why couldn’t he listen to his brother at least once? Why…

But these are not the only questions bothering him. So many other questions go through his mind. Just a few weeks ago you told him you were in love with him, so why is Atsumu by your side now? Why is he kissing you? Why do you let him?

And… What’s he doing with Watanabe? It wouldn’t be fair to lie to her, tell her that he loves her, now that he slowly understands that she’s not the woman he wants to see at his side. No, actually, now that he’s looking at himself in the mirror, she’s the woman who broke him, took away what he really cared about, his friends and you, made his work difficult, put him in such ugly and uncomfortable clothes, made him stay up so long just to watch her stupid shows, took his money to buy stuff only for her. But can he be mad at her? Absolutely not. After all, he is the one who is to blame for everything and he knows it.

But he had already broken your heart. Can he really break Watanabe’s too now? Wouldn’t that be unfair? Desperately he looks out of the small window when he sees you sitting on the terrace with Atsumu. Again, he feels this sting in his chest as he watches you. How his brother caresses your skin is so close to you, and you don’t seem to find it uncomfortable. What are you talking about, he thinks?

Shaking his head, he buries his hands in the sink, takes a deep breath before looking in the mirror. There’s no point in sinking into pity now, especially if he deserved anything but pity. If he still wants to have a chance for you to forgive him for his mistakes, for Watanabe to end it without screaming or anger, he has to act now.

Determined, he walks out, wanting to tell Watanabe that the two should go home to talk about their relationship when he sees her with Suna, her body sitting on his lap. Disgusted, Suna stares at her, tries to push her away from him, but she tries to brush his neck with her fingernails, whisper something in Suna’s ear and seems to see it perfectly fine that she is flirting with Osamu’s friend while Kita is still in the room talking to someone on the phone. Probably his grandma asking if everything is okay.

“Are you done now? I don’t think you’re right in your head… flirting with me even though your boyfriend’s in the house. You realize that’s slutty and that none of us are interested in a chick like you?” Suna hisses madly, gets up and doesn’t care that she’s falling to the ground before he sees Osamu and his eyes grow big for a moment. But they quickly regain their old form.

“Ayumi, what are you doing there with Suna?”

“Osamu, my love, I just wanted to get to know your friends better. But Suna was so mean to me! First, he pulls me to him and then he pretends I’m flirting with him, but I didn’t! You have to believe me.”

“Believe you? I saw everything… Get to know my friends by jumping around their necks?”

“Oh boy, I think you’re overstating things a little.” She says as if she hadn’t just stroked Suna’s neck and chest, licked her lips after whispering something in Suna’s ear. She probably didn’t even really love Osamu, wanted to get close to his famous friends… How embarrassing of him to fall for her. But once again, he won’t be blinded. Osamu knows full well that she tried to wrap Suna around her finger. He never would have reacted like that otherwise.

“I can’t believe it…”

“Osamu, honey, what’s the matter?” She says visibly nervous, walks up to Osamu and wants to grab his arm, but he quickly pulls it away from her, shouts loudly to her that she should not touch him. The entire room is suddenly quiet, even the music stops playing.

“Excuse me?! Who do you think you’re talking to here?”

As if someone had flipped a switch into her, she swaps her previously innocent, sad look for the look of an arrogant beast who thinks she’s so much better than the rest of the world. A real slap in the face, thinks Osamu, who once again realizes how stupid and naive he actually was all the time. How incredibly stupid to think that this woman would love him and especially that he would love her when his dream woman was right in front of him.

“Who I’m talking to… With an arrogant snipe throwing herself at the next best man who has more money than her current boyfriend. What was that? You come back, and as soon as you know that Suna is going to gain fame, you spread your legs like scissors. You really are the last… Get out of here… Take the car keys and drive away in that stupid car, it’s yours anyway. But get out of my sight, you snipe.“ Although Osamu’s loud voice is getting quieter, she is getting more angry and you could almost get scared of her with her mocking laugh.

“Excuse me? Did you really think I am impressed by your words now? To make one thing clear, Miya Osamu! You’re nothing but a pile of misery! A man who can’t even hold the woman he’s loved since childhood. For an idiot like you, I just can’t waste my time. You really are the -”

“Okay, that’s enough.” Suna suddenly interrupts her, who pushes her roughly at the back, past Osamu.

“Hey, I’m not done with that filthy scum!”

“Oh yes you are. And now get out of here if you want to keep doing your boozy modeling jobs.” He clicks with his tongue, pushes her into the hallway and makes sure she doesn’t get tempted to go back into the living room.

Why did he do that now? When Osamu actually deserved the words and especially the pain. What he did to you was so wrong. Suna can’t even remember how many times he was with you in Atsumu’s apartment to comfort you when Atsumu was in Argentina. Well, but in the end, Osamu’s probably his friend after all… Did he want to spare him the embarrassment? How ironic, when he was the one who told Atsumu to pull out the camera to film Watanabe’s or Osamu’s stupid face as soon as something happens. In the end, all he had to do was film the moment when Atsumu pressed his lips on you like a teenager in love. Because Osamu was a broken man at that moment, someone who just realized what was going on and what he had actually lost. To be honest, the extreme closeness between you and Atsumu was something new for Suna too. That’s probably why he doesn’t want to pick on Osamu anymore.

Although Osamu still hears Watanabe’s insults that she shouts out of the hallway, he’s completely blinding them out. Because he sees Atsumu standing with you on the open terrace door, you both look at him with horror but also with pity. How long have you been standing there? Did you hear everything? How humiliating…

“Hey Osamu uh… I- Yeah, so anyway, I’m sorry about what just happened.” Akagi’s voice suddenly sounds from the background. Puzzled, he leans against the kitchen door and looks over at his friend. Looks like everybody in this house knows what just happened.

Although Osamu’s friends apparently knew long before him how fake Watanabe really is. Only he didn’t want to believe it. Maybe this unnecessarily dramatic scene was somehow good. Good to draw a line and focus on his friends, work and himself. Still, he can’t be happy right now. Even if it’s probably good to end a toxic relationship.

“It’s okay. You’ve told me enough times. That was just the confirmation you were right.” He says offended, but you feel a hint of anger in his voice. Is he mad at Watanabe? Angry with himself?

“Yeah, well, that’s true, Osamu, but that still doesn’t give her the right to flirt with your friend in front of your eyes. I think we would all have been happy for you after all if Watanabe had surprised us in a positive way, if she had really changed.” Kita says, who puts a hand on Osamu’s shoulder and looks at him seriously.

“You know, I-I need some time to myself. I’m gonna call a taxi and… and drive home.”

Osamu must feel terrible right now. He must be sad to be so deceived by his biggest love. You know how it feels. It’s not unlike you and Hyuwara. Only the relationship you had wasn’t as manipulative as Osamu’s.

And yet even though Osamu hurt you, you cried yourself into sleep more than once because of him, you’re not mad at him right now. Actually, you’re sorry for him. Asking, you look up at Atsumu, grab him by the sleeve before he nods as if he understood what you were trying to tell him.

“You know, Y/n and I were gonna go anyway, if ya want… Then we can take you with us. It’s just a detour of a few minutes.” Atsumu says, before he gently pulls you towards him, the hand at your waist. And again, you suddenly get incredibly warm on the touch. Your gaze wanders from Atsumu to his brother, who’s just waiting for you to look at him. Nobody says anything for a moment when Osamu breaks the silence again.

“I don’t want to trouble you -”

“Come on, that’s okay, right, babe?”

“Yeah, we’re kind of driving past the store. Dropping you off there doesn’t bother us, Osamu.” You add, and you just see Suna and the other guys look at you skeptically. Even with Kita and Suna, you had let your feelings run freely, were with them when you had felt lonely. Still, none of the men say anything. Each of them just looks at Osamu, waiting for his answer when he just nods gently, brings a soft “okay” out of his lips before Atsumu and you nod, and start saying goodbye to the rest of the men.

You drop him off at his store; you don’t have to talk to him about the whole ride. So what’s going to happen? You drop him off, and go home. A place you really need right now. Because somehow this whole evening is confusing you.

It’s quiet all the way through the drive. Atsumu tries to ease the mood again and again, but his brother doesn’t seem to be really ready for talks. Which is also understandable at the moment. Worried, you glance back at the back seat, where Osamu stares out of the window. You’d like to know what he’s thinking right now.

You don’t notice you’re staring at him until he turns his eyes slightly towards you, looks at you with a shy but sad smile, when you find your head turning away from him and your hands clenched into fists. Atsumu realizes that something is bothering you right now, knows that his brother is the reason. Barely audibly, he sighs before he puts his hand on your leg, the other one still on the steering wheel as he strokes your thigh.

Directly you relax your cramped body, even if your abdomen cannot relax. Because it tingles with the warmth that’s on your skin. Osamu doesn’t miss seeing your shoulders slump again. You seem calmer now that his brother is so close to you. The way he caresses your skin, the way he looks at you so lovingly for a blink of an eye, the way you act in his presence. That’s right, isn’t it?

Bitterly he laughs quietly, shakes his head before he looks out the window again, never looks in your direction again, as it just hurts too much to see you like this with Atsumu. It’s only when the car stops that he glances at you, says goodbye to both of you, and closes the door behind him. Just as he wants to get the key out of his jacket pocket, he turns once again to the car. Atsumu is still there, waiting for Osamu to go to the store before he leaves with you, but Osamu does not move. At least not towards the house.

“Y/n, can I talk to you? Just for a second…” He says when he opens the door to your seat and looks you in the eye.

Irritated, you look at him, are not sure what he wants from you, but Atsumu lets go of your leg, tells you that he can look up some stuff on the phone, before you nod and get skeptically out of the car.

“What’s the matter, Osamu?”

“Look, what I did was really stupid. It was wrong, and I’m really ashamed of everything I did to you. I tried to convince myself that you had no feelings for me. Why, I don’t even know for sure. I took advantage of you and your kindness and were hurting you just because of a woman I don’t even love. Where I was trying to convince myself to love her to somehow defend that you shouldn’t just give up on a long-term relationship. Watanabe should have stayed my ex. I know I can’t undo what I’ve done. And you can be mad at me too, because you have a right to be.”

He pauses for a moment, thinks about how to proceed. Actually, he’d like to ask you to give him one last chance. But he doesn’t dare. He knows he doesn’t deserve it. He’d like to tell you how amazing you look today, how much he’s missed you since you left. How much he missed seeing your smile in the morning, hearing your voice, writing to you about trivial things. How much he’d just like to call you his Miss Miya again, watching you look aside embarrassed. But it would just be selfish to ask you to do that again, when he was the biggest asshole here, probably as much, if not more, than your ex-fiancé. He takes a deep breath before he looks at you again with a sad smile.

“I just hope that someday, when you’re ready, maybe we can talk again, fool around… Maybe sometime again… I just hope that someday we might be able to make a fresh start, even though I could understand if you don’t want to. And I respect that, too. I, uh, I just want to say that I wish you all the best and that you, well, you can come back to the store anytime, or just to me. My door is always open for you Y/n. Eh, I’m really sorry…”

You notice how his words sound lost, honest, but also so sad. Even if you’re still disappointed in him, his words still touch you. Hesitantly, you step forward, put your hand on his arm, and search for his gaze.

“Ignoring you while you’re my best buddy’s brother and at the same time hanging out in our group of friends is gonna be hard, don’t you think? Don’t get me wrong, I’m disappointed and I don’t know how to talk to you right now, or how I feel when I see you, but thank you for your apology. But, please give me time, I need distance to understand what’s happening around me. So… uh well, see you, Osamu…”

He can’t believe your words at all, notices a small spark of hope growing inside of him, even though you didn’t tell him you’d forgive him. But maybe there’s a way for both of you, a way you can go together. Osamu has to pull himself together not to show his joy, just squeeze his lips before he takes your hands firmly into his and looks deep into your eyes.

“Thank you Y/n, thank you!” He’s just saying, before he lets go of your hands, pushes his hand behind you to grab the door handle of the car.

“Come home safe until then, Y/n.” He says with a quiet voice, when he opens the door and closes it, says goodbye to you and Atsumu once again with a sad but somehow happy smile.


Osamu’s route - Epilogue [3/3]

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 77 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni
  • Note: Atsumu’s route will start tomorrow.

You’re my future: 2022 - 2026


Osamu’s route - Epilogue [2/3]

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 76 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

Baby trap: 2021/11/10 - Wednesday


Osamu’s route - Epilogue [1/3]

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 75 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

Burn in hell: 2021/10/20 - 10/29


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 74 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

Good morning my love: 2021/10/02 - 10/03 - Saturday & Sunday


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 73.1/73.2 |  next  

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU, text
  • Warning: mdni

With you: 2021/09/18 - Saturday

Like on your last date, you’re nervous. But this time not because you’re tense, but because you’re happy to see him again. Even if your nerves are on edge. Somehow, you have to talk to him about what’s going to happen to you two. Are you just friends? Or maybe there is more?

Osamu tried as hard as he did the last time not to tell you where you were going until the end, when he took you to the lake next to his parents’ house. A place where you used to spend so much time. He had prepared another beautiful meal, had a small book with him, which actually belonged to his parents.

Together you laughed until sunset, looking at the children’s pictures from the book. Osamu and Atsumu have always been like the typical siblings. If they weren’t sulking or bickering in the photos, they would make funny faces and destroy the family photos. Even pictures from your school days are in the book. Just pictures of you and Atsumu, Osamu and his friends. None of him and Watanabe. Did he take them out before? No, the photo album is too full for that. Weren’t there any pictures of them? Actually, you don’t really care. You don’t want to waste any more thought on her.

After arriving at the last page, you enjoy the silence for a few minutes, the rustling of the leaves, and the gentle sound of the lake. The soft grass under your bodies and the sun’s rays that slowly fade away before Osamu helps you up when you walk along the lake together.

First shy, then determined, his hand rests on your lower back, caressing you gently while you walk next to each other with no actual distance. You perceive his warmth and his pleasant fragrance. You just have to bring it up again… Not knowing where you are with him is hard to bear, especially when, with everything he’s doing here, your heart is beating faster and faster. You get weak every time you look into his dark eyes, into that gentle smile.

You take a deep breath, walk slower with Osamu’s steps as you open your mouth to ask him the crucial question.

“Y/n, can you sit down for a minute?”

But Osamu interrupts you, pointing to the wooden fence behind you, which protects the people from falling into the lake to the left and right. Right now, you want to get back to your words, want to tell him that you want to talk to him too now, when he steals your words again.

“I need to talk to you, actually I’ve been planning on doing that for a while… But I just didn’t want to overburden you with everything. So, will you sit down?”

His voice is tense, yet never unkind to you. Nodding, you sit on the low fence, watching Osamu squat in front of you, hands on your knees. Even though he says nothing, your heart beats wildly and you unconsciously hold your breath.

“You asked me what you meant to me, what you are to me. And the answer to this question is actually quite easy. For me, you’re not just an employee who supports me in the shop. To me, you’re the woman who walked into my store on May 30th of this year and turned my entire world upside down. On the positive, of course. Because you’re so breathtaking, so wonderful, I can think of nothing but you and your voice, your laugh, your eyes… You’re not just a friend, at least not to me. Because you’re so much more important to me than that, and I long for the days when we got closer. I often think of our kisses, the sex we had… Not because I just want to sleep with you, no… Y/n I have been in love with you for a long time, but unfortunately I noticed it too late. But if you wanted to give me one last chance, not just as a friend, but as a boyfriend, I think I’d be the happiest man on earth.” Osamu says resolutely and lovingly.

His words sound calm, but inside he is about to explode with nervousness. Still, you hardly breathe. Notice how your eyes become glassy with the words that kissed your ears earlier. You don’t know what to say. You’re speechless, even though you have so much to say right now. So it’s true that he also fell in love with you. That he wants more than just a friendship with you.

“Hey Y/n, please say someth-”

“I- I love you too, Osamu.” This time you are the one who interrupts him with a shaky voice before the first tear slowly runs down your cheeks, but Osamu’s thumb captures them. Relieved, he looks up at you, smiles before he gets a little closer.

“M- May I kiss you?”

“Yes, Osamu. Yes, of course.”

You haven’t even said your words, when you already feel his smiling lips on yours as they kiss you gently, as if you were as fragile as butterfly wings.

“I love you so much Y/n, and I’m so glad, so glad…” He whispers to you between your loving kisses. Kisses and words you’ve been waiting for so long. You never thought that this kiss would trigger so many emotions in you. Frustration, pain, love, passion, hunger… All at once. But… You’re so relieved, and even though you feel his skin on yours, know that his words are not an illusion, and all this is not a dream, you don’t want to let him go.


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 73. 1/73.2 |  next  

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

Precious employee: 2021/09/18 - Saturday


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev |chapter 72.1 / 72.2 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

Snow white: 2021/09/11 - Saturday


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 72.1 / 72.2 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

A farmer’s day: 2021/09/11 - Saturday


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 71 |  next  ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU, text
  • Warning: mdni, angst

Important:Since I am not home in the next few days, I will not be able to upload a new chapter until Saturday. I’m really so so sorry, but where I will be my internet won’t be stable enough to upload the chapters.

Strawberry mochi: 2021/09/09 - Thursday

You check the time on your phone when Osamu walks up to you with a picnic basket and a backpack, shyly waving at you. You two were in the hospital together, and you wrote to each other again, but this is the first meeting after you wrote to him about giving him one last chance.

Osamu is as nervous as you are, but he still has a lot to make up for. He will not get your trust back from now on. He can’t, and he knows it. But he hopes that over time he can prove to you how serious he is and that he will not make another mistake.

A bit strange, you both greet each other, don’t know exactly if you should bow, shake hands or hug. With a weird wave, you both look at the other shyly, before you laugh when Osamu points at the flower arch towards the park.

“Come, pick a nice spot, or rather a free spot.” He corrects himself, because the day is nice, sunny and not too warm, perfect to visit the park. A lot of couples are sitting here, some groups of friends. But you have a good eye, because you quickly find a nice place, in the middle and yet somehow cut off from the others.

You’re about to sit on the grass when Osamu takes off his backpack and pulls out a blanket that he lays out on the floor.

“Here, sit on the blanket. It’s softer.” Osamu says, who in the meantime gets a smaller blanket from his backpack, one you can cover yourself with should you get cold. You pick up the blanket, place it next to you while Osamu puts the backpack aside, mirrors your action before opening the picnic basket. In it are plates, cutlery and glasses for two people, a few smaller finger food dishes as well as your favorite dish from his shop, and two bottles of water, which he gets out and carefully deposit on the blanket piece by piece.

It all looks so great and delicious, you think, and have to smile now that you watch Osamu place everything in front of you. He put a lot of effort into the food. Like always. Why does he have to be so adorable?

One last time he reaches for the picnic basket, wants to close it when you notice a small object.

“Hey Osamu, what’s that in there?” You say and try to look through the small slit that is still open to the contents of the basket. A little irritated, he looks at you. Actually, he had taken everything out of the basket when he opens it again and looks inside.

“Oh, oh, that’s a polaroid camera. I got it once from Suna, but I don’t even know why… I never used it. I don’t know if it works at all.” Osamu answers you as he takes out the camera and examines it.

“Why would he give you something that doesn’t work?”

“I don’t know. It’s still Suna. But we can test it.” he says, and points the camera at you. But you’re quick and turn your head a little to the side, put your hand in front of the camera, and don’t want him to have any silly face of you on that camera. Only you didn’t take Osamu into account, because a few seconds later you feel his hair on your thighs, see the camera in front of your face before you hear the sound of a button, see how slowly a photo comes out of the camera, for now without a printed picture, because it has to develop first.

“Osamu!” you complain, gently hit him in the chest with your fist, but he only chuckles before he takes the camera out of his field of vision and looks up at you. You’re just beautiful. So lovely. He just can’t get enough of you and your smile. He could look at you for hours, and he wouldn’t get bored. No, he feels like every second he gets to see you makes him happier.

You notice how he watches you, almost adores you, when you become embarrassed. But you’re not uncomfortable. Also, it does not bother you that Osamu has made himself comfortable on your lap. On the contrary, you’d like to put your hand on his hair, stroke it and appreciate the moment. But you’re not ready yet. Also, is he? Are you really a person he may love?

“Should we, should we, eat something before it gets completely cold?” You ask him, and only now does he realize he’s got your legs under him. He didn’t notice because everything just feels right and normal with you. He doesn’t have to pretend to be someone else, just feels good in your presence.

“Oh uh… I- I’m sorry I-”

“No, no it’s okay, Osamu.”

“O- okay… To eat the food is probably a good idea.” He sighs, relieved at your words, before he hands you the chopsticks so you can start eating.

After your third rice ball, the countless fruit sticks you have eaten, you are full and can no longer eat, but your eyes remain with the small round ball in front of Osamu. All this time, you’ve been wondering what those little balls are. You can’t remember that he had something like this on the card.

The white ball slightly gives in, as the sticks take it from the can when Osamu leads it to his mouth. But before he can open his lips, he turns to you, noticing how you inspect the food questioningly.

“Do you want to try it?” He asks you, but you only shake your head slightly reddened.

“What- what is that, Osamu?”

“Oh right, you don’t know that yet. I had some time these days to change the menu card a little… And well, I wrote down some new sweets. This is strawberry mochi. In the middle is a strawberry wrapped in chocolate.”

When Osamu describes to you how he made the little dessert, you immediately feel hungry again. It sounds so delicious, and you have to admit, you would like to try what it tastes like. Yet that’s exactly what Osamu seems to notice, because instead of eating the strawberry mochi himself, he swings his chopsticks with the little ball in your direction and looks at you.

“Here, don’t you want to try it? Open your mouth.”

Without thinking further, you nod, open your mouth before the sweet yet fruity ball lands on your tongue, when you close your eyes and enjoy the dessert. Yet it annoys you that there is no room in your stomach for more. It’s just so delicious, you think, when you open your eyes and see Osamu smiling at you. Directly you blush, put your hands in front of your mouth and swallow the last bit of the sweet food.

“What is it? Don’t look at me like that, Osamu!”

“Hm? It just makes me happy that you like my food.”

“You don’t know if I like it.” You want to tease him, stick your tongue out. But he just chuckles.

“I can tell. You know, you’ve got that look of a joyful child when you eat delicious food. And you did exactly that a minute ago. If you want, you can take the box with the rest of the strawberry mochi. Well, only if you like it, of course.”

“Ah, you really are mean Osamu! However, I’ll take it, but only so Tsumu can try it.” You answer him with a slight pout, play offended even though you’re not. But you can’t leave it like that, that he’s the one teasing you. And at the same time, you just can’t stop laughing. A sight that is so wholesome for Osamu. He knows he’s got a long way to go before you can trust him again, but he’s going to try anything.

You sit there for a long time, talk hour after hour, watch people slowly make their way home, now that it’s getting darker and colder. But you have Osamu’s blanket that gives you warmth, his presence that makes time pass faster, and that feeling of doing just the right thing. Because after a long time that you have only spent sad in his presence, you laugh with him, rejoice with him and are actually happy. Of course, you haven’t forgotten all that’s happened between you, but it’s fading away slowly. Something inside you is trying to make you realize it’s right to trust him one last time. Give him one last chance to do everything right.

Meanwhile, you are completely alone in the park, only see a bird fly to its nest, and listen to the silence of the night. Neither of you want to take the first step, get up and finish your date here, neither of you actually wants your togetherness to end. But the blanket hasn’t been enough to keep you warm for a long time now. Osamu had already noticed this half an hour ago, when he had wrapped his jacket around you, holding you in front of his legs, your back at his chest. A gesture that made your heart beat so much faster.

You feel comfortable in his arms, which hold you tightly to himself. You could almost sleep with his deep voice sneaking into your ears. His masculine scent of his aftershave smells so good, and you just feel safe. Yet, you also have the feeling that Osamu is tired and cold, because he supports his chin on your shoulder, his hair tickles your neck lightly and his skin feels icy.

“I think we should go. Don’t you think?” His question almost sounds sad.

“Yeah, we should probably go, you have to work tomorrow…”

“Yes… Come on, I’ll take you home.” Answer Osamu as his warmth leaves your back, while he gets up and stands in front of you. With his outstretched hand, he waits for you to put your hand in it to help you up before he stuffs everything back in his backpack and picnic basket, except for the can of strawberry mochi before you make your way home.

For the first time, you’re not happy to be on your doorstep again, falling right into your bed, where it’s warm and soft. Because you don’t want to say goodbye to Osamu.

“Well, then… then good night, Osamu.”

“Yeah, good night, Y/n…” He says, squeezes you lightly at the shoulders because he doesn’t know what is most appropriate now before he wants to turn around. But he feels your hand clutching into his jacket, you stop him from going away any further.

“Osamu I-” I don’t want you to go, please stay here. Let me go with you. Come with me. Don’t go yet. All these phrases are buzzing around in your head right now, but none of them leave your lips. You’re too afraid, don’t dare. For fear that everything is going too fast, that maybe there is some doubt in you and you are afraid that he might hurt you if you rush everything now. That you fall in love with him even deeper while you still don’t know if he feels the same way about you.

As if he could read your mind, he smiles sadly before he takes a step towards you and covers your cheeks with his hands. In his dark eyes you see your outline until Osamu is too close to you, when you close your eyes and feel a gentle kiss on your forehead what makes your heart go crazy.

“Good night Y/n, sleep well and dream of something nice. See you soon my MVE…”


Osamu’s route

≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev  | chapter 70 |  next ∆

  • Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
  • Genre: Social Media-AU
  • Warning: mdni

Old, new employee: 2021/09/08 - Wednesday



works in progress

place on the ground— eren jaeger x reader

eren doesn’t know how to use lighters, you don’t know how to get him out of your head

nine days— katsuki bakugo x reader (request)

based off of little things with bakugo. emotional vulnerability is hard.

perfection— izuku midoriya x reader

izuku midoriya really hates his scars

untitled— katsuki bakugo x reader

you’re awfully persuasive when you’re both high, and he’ll begrudgingly do most anything for you anyway.

oikawa tooru isn’t a genius— tooru oikawa x reader

oikawa is an oddball romantic, and the planetarium isn’t open nearly as late as it should be

untitled— denki kaminari x reader

denki looks pretty smoking and he looks even better when you’re taking the hits for him.

— kisses during valentine’s day 


gender neutral ficlets featuring: nakajima atsushi, ace trappola, mammon, luke pearce, minagi tsuzuru, kyan reki, kirishima ikuya, & oikawa tooru

fandoms: bungou stray dogs, twisted wonderland, obey me!, a3!, sk8 the infinity, free!, & haikyuu

a/n: just a special little valentine’s day thing featuring some of my favorite boys <3

the type of kiss and when it happened was all pulled out of a hat at random, but i think all of these are super cute! i hope all of you have a nice valentine’s day! love always, star



it happens after dinner, as you get up from the table to wash the dishes. despite you and your boyfriend a few hours before giggling and swaying in each other’s arms as music played in the background of your new and unpacked apartment with equally flushed faces, it was this action that flustered you the most.

the heterochromic boy, feeling uncharacteristically bold, stands and pulls you back towards him by your wrist, your lips meeting his in an instant. you find yourself melting into the kiss as his gentle hands now find themselves on your waist and on your face tilting your head deepening the kiss a little more. you pull away first, flushed and needing air as you stare at grown boy in front of you. atsushi smiles softly at you as he brushes away stray hairs from your face. 

“you know you could’ve just asked me to stay?” you ask playfully, a faint blush still plastered on your features, making atsushi’s heart soar.

he only smiles cheekily at you as he retorts, “yeah, but then i wouldn’t get a kiss” the tone in his voice shifts however, to a familiar gentle and soothing tone, “happy valentine’s day (y/n)! thanks for coming into my life, i love you”


it’s unexpected, came out of nowhere on the walk to campus after picking you up from ramshackle. grim no where in sight babbling something about wanting to sleep in a little longer. the kiss was long and sweet, not like the quick, chaste pecks ace usually gives. when he moves away, you know that there’s a dust of blush on your cheeks, but you know his are worse, but you know well by now not to call him out on it. you want to ask where it came from, but he cuts you off, voice evidently showing his embarrassment.

“d-don’t think too much of it!” he looks away from you as he stammers slightly. you giggle as you shake your head fondly choosing not to say anything, but smile contently and continue to look at him as it looks like he has more to say.

“…it’s just cause cater and trey senpai lectured me the other day…said that maybe lack of affection outside might make you worried or something like that, especially since it’s almost valentine’s day. well, today is valentine’s day but i think you get what i mean… right?”

you blink in surprise, but then giggle taking his hand in yours making him splutter as you speak softly giving him smile that makes his heart pound. “…thanks ace, i appreciate it. happy valentine’s day, i love you”

he looks away grumbling under his breath, but doesn’t pull his hand away instead intertwining your fingers together with his. 

“…yeah, i love you too prefect”


it was something you never saw coming as mammon has always been quite flustered with romantic words and actions, stumbling over them slightly even when it was just the two of you. it was same as always, you and mammon making your way back home to the house of lamentation after another day at RAD hands interlocked. you were talking about the plans you and your demon boyfriend had that evening, a movie in your room, snacks, cuddles, you know, the typical sleepover works, but when you look up at the white haired male, you find that he was already looking at you.

you stop walking and nudge mammon lightly, “hey, what’s up?”

“n-nothing’s up!”, he stumbled, “s-silly human, nothing’s wrong with the great mammon!”

you raise an eyebrow but your retort dies in your mouth as you realize that your boyfriend looks more serious than normal.

he says nothing but raises your intertwined hands up towards his lips making your breath hitch. he eyes are closed as he presses a warm and heartfelt kiss onto the top of your hands. your cheeks already feel warm, but you can tell they get darker as mammon opens eyes, full of emotion.

warmth. adoration.love.

“did ya think i forgot it was valentine’s day? ya really are stupid huh”

you give him a hard shove and he complains, but you both know that neither of you really mean anything because of the giant grins on your faces. the two of you fall back into a rhythm hands interlocked once more walking back home.

“i love you (y/n), ya better not forget it!”


kisses from your boyfriend are random, but are sincere and sweet, just like your relationship. it’s valentine’s day and like you expected, luke shows up at your front door step with breakfast and your whole day planned.

for hours and hours, the two of you explore stellis, dropping by at little shops full of books, knickknacks, small cafes, pet shops, just about everywhere.

it was currently a bit into afternoon, and the detective found himself getting dragged into a little book store. it was quaint, but it had a certain charm to it; the atmosphere was calming and smelled like leather and old books. he watched fondly as you made your way through various shelved until one section caught your eye.

you pulled out a book and briefly scanned its contents before facing luke excitement practically vibrating off your figure babbling on about the contents. he admires your features, a soft look in his eyes making you freeze and feel a bit self conscious.

“hey! w-what are you looking at?”

your detective boyfriend chuckles lightly before placing his hands onto your cheeks bringing your head close to him. he places a loving kiss onto your forehead and he can feel your cheeks get warmer, something that makes a triumphant grin appear on his face.

his smile and the look in his eyes are enough to make you melt. but what really does it for you is what he says afterwards. as a lawyer, you’ve trained yourselves to be unwavering when listening to others, knowing that if you let your guard down, it can change the outcome of your case if you believe the lies and fall for the tricks.

“just someone special. my someone special to be completely specific, my watson~ happy valentine’s day, i love you. always had, always will.”

but you can’t help but break down all your walls for luke pearce.


you can’t help but snuggle deeper into tsuzuru’s hold, burying your face into his neck, the warmth radiating from him helping you drift off. but you control yourself knowing that once you pass out, your workaholic of a boyfriend would just tuck you in and get right back to work.

it’s two am, too early to be up, but for you and your boyfriend it’s the norm. especiallythe week a script is due, which it so happened to be. getting permission to stay over at mankai from izumi to take care of him during this crucial time period was an absolute blessing knowing tsuzuru’s sleep depriving habits.

it was only day two and said scriptwriter already has coffee and energy drinks for blood. so in light of that, a few moments ago, you’ve taken it upon yourself, (as quietly as you can to not wake masumi) to drag your boyfriend to bed to sleep, or at the very minimum take a small nap. it took a while, but you manage to get him in bed, but despite the longing of his body to sleep he just can’t.

there’s too many ideas for plot, character, lines all up in his head. he knows he can’t escape from you any time soon, and that you’re not gonna fall asleep before making sure he does first, so he might as well have someone to bounce ideas off of.

the two are practically pressed chest to chest, exchanging whimsical ideas for a play fit for mankai’s spring troupe, whispering everything knowing how bad of a temper his grouchy roommate could have. but as time went on, you both moved on from the theater talk to more random things.

whispers turning to giggles, and giggles turning to guffaws earning pillows thrown in your direction from masumi’s bed.

“you know what i just realized?” you whisper.

“if you say something about the laundry incident im going to hit you” he deadpans.

“tsuzuru! im serious!”

he rolls his eyes but a fond smile is present as he brushes hair out of your face, “okay what is it?”

“today’s valentine’s day!”, you whisper excitedly.

he blinks before realization dawns on his face, and you take the opportunity to make fun of him a little bit.

“for a scriptwriter and actor, you seem to be speechless. nothing to say? no sonnets to recite? you didn’t write a poem?”, you tease.

you laugh as he whisper yells at you, “don’t lump me in with homare-san!”

your laughs turn much quieter hearing a warning grunt from masumi, but you go silent as tsuzuru brings up a hand to your chin, tilting your head up and pressing an affectionate kiss to your forehead.

he then pulls you closer to him your face once again buried in the crook of your neck and you smile contently.

“sorry that you’re here taking care of me today and for the rest of week instead of us going out, but i really appreciate it”

your eyes begin to droop, but you fight it as you know he has more to say.

“and about those sonnets? and poems? i don’t think anything i write is going to express how much i love you. there isn’t enough words”, he chuckles, “but there are a few things that i can say”

his tone grows a little quieter knowing you’re on the bridge of drifting off, and you fall asleep with his sweet words the last thing on your mind.

“happy valentine’s day (y/n), i love you. more than anything.”

somehow, you have the feeling that tsuzuru wont be leaving this bed anytime soon.


the weather is sunny and warm as always in okinawa and you wait outside the kyan household with your bike one hand, reki’s gift in another. it was valentine’s day after all.

you sigh, smile and shake your head fondly as you hear the chaos that was the kyan household on a regular morning. 

loud and full of life.

your smile only widens as your red headed boyfriend comes tumbling through his front door, in hand his beloved skateboard and roses…??

you raise an eyebrow and in return he sheepishly smiles at you, his hand scratching the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. but nonetheless, he beams at you and you can feel your knees weaken.

“i got them for you! happy valentine’s day!”

your heart melts and you accept the bouquet from reki wondering how you managed to snag such a sweet boyfriend.

as you admire the flowers, reki is busy admiring you. 

(it’s one of his favorite past times. even more than skateboarding! and who cares if miya and langa say he has a dumb dopey look on his face when he does!)

you catch him staring you and you giggle, his grin only widening. though his face changes to one of confusion as pink suddenly takes his vision. you move the small pink bag away from his face and give him a cheeky smile as you place the small gift in his palm.

he puts his skateboard on the ground and looks at you, and you encourage him to open it, “go ahead, it’s for you. but start with the envelope”

he does whaat you says and gasps in excitement, “are these stickers for my skateboard?!”

“yup! take a closer look!”

he gasps again as he looks at the designs of the stickers. on them are little doodles of you, him, and your friends; the same ones he doodles on his notebooks.

he looks at you adoration clear in his eyes, “did make my drawings into stickers?!”

he smile at him nodding as he looks through all of them. when he gets to the last one, he freezes as he soaks in the design. it was a heart shaped one of you and him, the doodle looking like it’s inspired by one of your selfies together. he also takes note that the whole doodle is in your art style making it 100 times more amazing he thinks.

he takes a peak at you and see that you’re already looking at him, a fond and peaceful look on your features that makes his cheeks flare up. he looks back into the bag and pulls out a bracelet. the sight of it lights up and fumble for something in his back pocket confusing you.

but that moment is short lived as he pulls out two matching bracelets. the action makes your eyes widen and you pull up the sleeve of your jacket showing off a bracelet that matched the one you gave him.

you looked at each other briefly before bursting out in joyful laughter.

after your laughing fit was over the two of you exchanged loving looks, the two of you both have dusty pink cheeks.

“so i guess two brains think alike! who would’ve thought we would’ve given each other matching bracelets!” reki gleefully exclaims.

you giggle before launching yourself into his arms, the action making him nearly drop his present, but he reacts quick and wraps his arms around your frame.

god, he truly is in love with you.

andman does he wanna kiss you right now.

and he does just that.

your eyes widen as you process his lips on yours, but just like your boyfriend, you react quick and kiss him back. you can feel him smiling through the kiss and you’re sure he can feel you smiling too. the kiss is warm and full of passion, just like reki.

when the two of you pull away, you’re both breathless. you lean your forehead against his and give him a quick peck on the nose, a peaceful smile on your lips.

“happy valentine’s day, (y/n). thanks for sticking around!”


despite a long day of work (for you) and practice (for ikuya) and college (for the both of you unfortunately), you find yourself having a pleasant chat with your boyfriend on his bed. 

you’re both facing each other, blanket haphazardly thrown over your waists, and shy adoring smiles on your faces.

as ikuya talks about his iwatobi, his hometown, you take one of his hands and begin to play with it; you trace shapes like hearts and stars on his palms and play with his fingers, eventually interlocking his fingers with yours.

at the action, he pauses his story and raises an eyebrow at you, a knowing smile set on his features.

“what’s up?”

you hum as you squeeze his hand in yours, “nothing much, just admiring the look of our hands. they look good together yeah?”

the teal haired boy flushes and you laugh at him, your amusement evident.

you smirk at your boyfriend and he internally curses at you for being good looking. 

“you make it too easy ikuya”

“be quiet (y/n)”

your smirk turns to one of a mischievous grin to which ikuya only rolls his eyes in response. but afterwards, a thoughtful look makes its way onto his face making you confused.

“what’s wrong?” you ask worriedly.

he says nothing, but only brings your still intertwined hands close to him and places a long, loving kiss on the back of your hand. this time, you’re the one with a flushed face.

the way he looks at you after would have made your knees wobble if you standing up, but the affect on your heart would still be the same; it’s beating a little faster and you’re positive ikuya can hear it too.

“look at the time” he whispers softly.

you do as he says and turn behind to see the clock on the night stand.

3:27 AM

he chuckles as you turn back to him with a puzzled look on your tired features.

“it’s valentine’s day (y/n)”

your mouth forms into an “o” shape as the realization dawns on you.


ikuya snorts before kissing your hand once again. contentment, peace, and love shining through in his smile and in his beautiful eyes.

“i love you (y/n), happy valentine’s day”


you wait by the door as you watch your stupidly handsome boyfriend wrap up practice. you find yourself sighing as you watch tooru get hit in the face by other volleyball by no other than iwaizumi hajime.

“he just never seems to learn does he,” you find yourself muttering, rolling your eyes.

looking back up, you find yourself making eye contact with makki and mattsun, and you give them a lazy salute as they grin lazily at you. but those lazy grins turn a little more mischievous as they make their way towards you at the door.

“hey (y/n)”

“hey makki, mattsun. what’s up?”

the two friends wrap an arm around each of your shoulders and you can feel an impending headache coming on, and surprisingly, it’s not from them.

you countdown from three in your head and lo and behold three seconds pass and before makki or mattsun have the chance to say anything you find yourselvs in your boyfriend’s arms.

“leave (y/n) alone! i’m the one going on a date tonight! not you two!”

you roll your eyes at your melodramatic boyfriend before shoving him off ignoring his whines and the other third year’s snickers.

“well there won’t be much of a date if we’re late, stupid”

“you’re spending too much time with iwa-chan!”, he screams, “iwa-chan! im banning you from (y/n)! 10 feet apart at all times!”

“leave me out of this shittykawa!”

“GEH (y/n)! iwa-chan’s being a brute aga—HEY (Y/N)! WAIT FOR ME”

not listening, you begin to walk faster only turning around to give your friends and boyfriend another lazy salute, only slowly down your pace when you hear rapid footsteps catching up to you.

you smile as he matches your pace, finding a rhythm and walking next to you, still slightly panting.

“you’re so mean you know that?” he whines.

you snorted and shove him with your shoulder lightly. “well someone has to be tooru”

“i beg to differ”

you raise an eyebrow at him, amusement and slight disbelief in your tone, “are you pouting?”

“no! no im not”

“i actually have a 5 year old for company”

“your company happens to be your beloved boyfriend thank you very much!”

“that doesn’t make me feel better”


you laugh at the mock betrayal in his voice, finding amusement with the whole situation. afterwards, you smile at him knowing he’s still pouting and nudge him again with your shoulder.

“come on, this date won’t happen on its own now would it?”

the playfulness in your voice makes oikawa smirk slightly, but the fondness is there all the same.

he presses a swift but heartfelt kiss on your cheek making you laugh out in joy.

“happy valentine’s day (n/n)! love you so much kay?”, he flashes you a genuine grin, one he rarely shows in public, it’s full of childishness and excitement and you can help but but grin.

“now let’s go! we’ve got shops and cafes to visit!”

he begins to run and he grabs you by the wrist leading you to your next destination, another place to make more memories to last a lifetime.

you’re grinning so hard you think your face’ll fall off.


i love my boys all the same, but i think it’s obvious to see which ones i kind of struggled on. but! nonetheless this whole thing was really fun! i haven’t had this much fun writing in a while so it was really nice to just get back into the groove. i hope you all had a good valentine’s day!

and as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate on here or any other sites!

all too well: kuroo tetsuro

a/n: NOT ANGST!! i HEAVILY HC that kuroo loves and listens to taylor swift secretly. this is him when all too well (10 min version) comes out and y’all are in a relationship. italicized quotes are lyrics/kuroo singing. lyrics and song are obviously not mine! credits and ownership goes to ms. taylor swift <3

cw: one paragraph of SMALL angst, language, all too well by taylor swift is heartbreaking, timeskip!kuroo (so like slight timeskip spoiler,) y/n watching kuroo sing his heart out

5:48 pm

“tadaima!” you yell through your shared house with your boyfriend. your home was tiny but cozy. it was almost 6 so the room was almost dark when you arrived. kuroo was off from work today and you expected a response back but you didn’t hear anything. instead, you hear music through the walls of your house. you guessed that he just didn’t hear you. you take off your shoes and make your way to your shared room until you hear:

“…you almost ran the red ‘cause you were looking over at me. wind in my hair, i was there, i remember it all too well…”

taylor swift?” you thought to yourself. you and kuroo have been dating since high school, but through that whole period, kuroo has never mentioned an interest to taylor swift.

“and you were tossing me the car ke- FUCK THE PATRIARCHY”

a voice that was very much your boyfriend’s interrupted your thoughts. you silently and slightly opened the door peeking through the crack, hoping to not be seen. you saw your handsome boyfriend on the bed with the laptop open, in a blanket. slightly crying?? yes. your 6ft tall bf, high school volleyball captain, employee at Japan Volleyball Association is curled in a blanket crying to taylor swift.


you grab your phone from your pocket and start recording this phenomenon, crouched on the floor, through the crack of the door. this is gonna be interesting you whispered and chuckled to yourself as you hit record.


you giggled softly watch your boyfriend scream the lyrics in “pain.” this is the man you fell in love with back then. the same dorky, cocky, sweet, charming guy. your kuroo tetsuro. it’s moments like these that remind you how you fell for him. it’s moments like these that you think about when one of you are far away on a business trip.


you’re full on muffling your mouth in your sleeve so he won’t hear your laughter over the music, even though it was blasting on the blue jbl speaker. kuroo then starts sobbing and cursing at taylor for “being a musical genius and stomping on his heart” you did feel a little bit bad for eavesdropping on him while he’s singing and sobbing his heart out, but you know it’ll be over soon, and he’ll take you in his arms again.

you started thinking what it’d really be like if kuroo broke up with you. there’ll be no one walking to your desk with dinner making sure you eat your meals and not overworking yourself. there’d be no one to cuddle while you talk about each other’s days until you fall asleep. no more dancing in the kitchen while eating snacks because you couldn’t sleep at 3 am. life would be terribly different and even you started to tear up. you stopped thinking about it before you become the mess kuroo is listening to taylor swift.

“and i was never good at telling jokes but the punchline goes ‘i’ll get older but your lovers stay my age.’- AGHHH FUCK IT HURTSSSSS”

as the outro plays and the atmosphere calms, so does kuroo. he then grabs his phone and you end your recording. immediately after, your screen lights up with the name “my love <3” and a picture of you and kuroo making wacky faces. you stand up and open the door as you answer the call.

“you okay lover boy?” you ask looking at him softly walking closer to where he was on the bed. he stares back at you with wide eyes wondering how long you’ve been there, how much you’ve seen, and wondering when you even got home.

“when uh when did you get home ?”

“mmm when was it? around the wind in your hair part”


you giggle slightly at his antics. you make your way to the bed next to him and looked at him. his hair was slightly messed up from the blanket around him and his eyes were bloodshot red. with how wet his face was from his tears, you guessed he’s been listening to this song for quite a while. “yes, i did. i never knew you had a thing for taylor swift”

“i guess my secret is out the bag. i’ve kept this ‘hidden from even the volleyball team. ONLY KENMA KNOWS TOO. *sigh*…do-”

“yes tetsuro i still love you. don’t worry your handsome face about it. just because you listened to taylor swift’s breakup song doesn’t mean i no longer love you,” you tell him as you pepper kisses on his face while wiping his tears. “taylor swift makes you really vulnerable wow usually it’s me in your position.”

“IT’S NOT MY FAULT HE WAS A BITCH YOU NEED TO WATCH IT TO UNDERSTAND,” he exclaims offended. he looks back at you and he smiles softly at you. he loves you so much. he doesn’t even want to think about losing you. you’re his love, his honey, his “dopamine,” literally his high school sweetheart. he loves you more than life itself. “but later. you need to convince ‘my handsome face’ that you won’t break up with me bc taylor and jake broke up.”

“honey you’re smart but that logic doesn’t add up. i will spend every second with you to prove how much i love you my love. never forget that.”

he chuckled at that, “same with you y/n. you’re my everything,” he replies back pressing a kiss to your temple sniffling. one day, when you guys are old and grey, happily married, you’ll look back and reminisce. remembering moments like these (positively) all too well.

nekoma masterlisthaikyuu masterlistmain masterlist

does anyone know where i can read the new hakyuu one shot that came out?

iv. my friend, rintaro

genre: vampire au, reincarnation au, drama

cw: fluff, comfort, alcohol, drunk reader, orginal characters, gentlemen rintaro lol

a/n: this is so so, so heavily unedited but i wanted to get the next chapter out for you guys…. even if it’s just a bit of fluffy filler. but whatever right! but yes, i think there will be a bit of a delay on the next chapter too just cuz of how life is lol but i hope you guys enjoy this!!


Three days had passed since your fateful meeting with Rintaro, and in those three days you hadn’t seen him once. You had only worked once as well, and it was a morning shift, wondering if that was why you never saw him. When you saw him last, you cursed yourself as you locked your apartment door, realizing you’d never given him your phone number, decreasing the odds that you’d ever see him again.

Yet, when you arrived for your first night shift in three days, Alex was there waiting for you, ready with interesting news.

“I think you have a stalker,” they said, with a bit of a dry laugh, trying not to freak you out. Raising your head to look at your coworker, you let them continue. “Some guy keeps coming in asking for you, I was kinda nervous it was Osamu related so I tried not to give that many details.”

“What did he look like?” You inquired, heart starting to skip a beat. If it wasn’t Rintaro, then you were in a lot of trouble.

Alex tapped their chin, recalling the details: “tall, taller than your ex. Light brown hair, it was styled a little oddly, very flowy you could say.” That must’ve been him. It was reassuring to know that he did want to see you again. Alex continued, “he had these piercing eyes y’know I don’t know how to describe them. He’s been coming every night and for what? Like the last three days, and every time I look at those eyes I get chills.”

You were practically too stunned to speak as Alex raised their eyebrow. “Should I, like, file a police report or something? Do you know this guy?”

“Yeah, I do.” You felt yourself getting stomach butterflies. “Well, not well at least– I only briefly met him but he’s a really good guy.”

“If you say so,” Alex chuckled lightly, “but maybe give him your phone number next time you see him, y’know so the two of you communicate normally.” It was almost as if they could read your mind, knowing that you were regretting not having done so earlier.

About half an hour passed and still no customers came in. Sometimes, on weekdays it was like this: a ghost town. Tapping your fingers against the counter top, you thought you were going to die of boredom with Alex reciprocating your feelings.

Listening to them groan about waiting to just close up early, you were about to agree when the bell chimed and someone walked in.

Following his similar patterns from the night before, your friend Rintaro standing there wearing a black overcoat, and an attire you could only sum up to Wall Street-esc while his hair was still as wild as the first night you met him.

The moment he looked up at you, you met his eyes and even though Alex had made it clear there was something off with his eyes, you couldn’t understand what they were talking about. His gaze was kind, and his lips slowly but surely tugged into a smile upon seeing you.

“Looks like Mr. Stalker is here,” Alex teasingly whispered into your ear. You nudged them playfully, leaning against the counter, widening your grin.

“Hey,” you breathed out.

“Hello.” Rintaro cleared his throat, “I’m glad to see you’re in today, I was looking for you since the last time we met.”

“Me too, I didn’t know when I’d see you again honestly,” you laughed, regretting the way you phrased it, not wanting to sound rude. “But I mean it’s okay, you’re here now.”

“I apologize, I didn’t mean to make you stressed.” But you quickly interrupted him, reminding him that it was alright.

“Can I get you anything? Maybe coffee or tea?” But Rintaro shook his head, insisting that he didn’t drink anything of the sort.

“I’ll have something sweet, though, whatever you recommend,” he said haphazardly looking at the display case of desserts. You nodded, mentioning you had just the thing.

Watching as Rintaro found a seat, running one pale hand over the other. He mindlessly stared out the window, waiting for you to bring him something. He hoped that you wouldn’t notice how nervous he felt.

The sound of a plate sliding against the table echoed through the empty cafe, catching the man’s attention as he looked at your beaming face. In front of him was a small slice of apple pie, the cinnamon smell filling the air between you.

“On the house,” you said smiling, eyes slowly trailing over to the empty chair in front of him.

“You can sit if you want,” Rintaro offered and you felt embarrassed that he caught you red handed. You explained that your shift was almost over, looking back to see Alex’s sign of approval as you made yourself comfortable.

“I was thinking about how stupid I was not asking you for your number,” you bring up, not wanting to directly ask for it, still feeling a little shy.

Shaking his head, Rintaro informed you, “it wouldn’t have been of any use, I don’t have a phone.” Taking a bit of the pie he hummed, not saying anything to follow up his previous statement. “This is really good, it’s been a while since I ate anything…. this sweet, of course.”

“Wait, what do you mean you don’t have a cellphone? Who our age doesn’t?” That question caught Rintaro by surprise, raising an eyebrow as he tried not to act suspicious, taking yet another fork-full of pie into his mouth.

He simply shrugged, trying to change the subject, “is your shift almost over?”

You looked at your watch about to say no, when Alex’s voice interjected. “She’s gonna leave early, I can manage the place on my own.” They winked at you, signaling that you should go with him.

“I’ve heard good things about a bar nearby, would you like to come with me? Maybe we can become better acquainted?”

“Sounds good.”

The bar was dimly lit and filled with a sad crowd, which was mostly middle aged men desperately not wanting to go home to their wives. Because of that there was a gloomy feeling but Rintaro surely made up for it, with a slight smile.

As the two of you ordered, asking all sorts of personal questions and if you knew any better, you would’ve thought it was a date. Sipping on the drink, you followed his inquiries with your own, asking Rintaro about his childhood. Although, his answers were always so cryptic.

“I haven’t really lived in one place long,” he explained.

“So you were a military kid, huh?” But Rintaro shook his head but as you looked at him in confusion he changed the motion into a nod.

“Something like that,” he said, changing his answer.

Drink after drink, you hadn’t realized how much you had until you looked at the clock and three hours had passed. Your legs felt wobbly, like you were about to fall over at any given moment, leaning your head against Rintaro. You were drunk, the first time in a while considering Osamu hated it when you went out to go clubbing with your friends.

“You should probably get home,” Rintaro pointed out as if it wasn’t obvious. He looked down at your pouting lips and droopy eyes, he had to take you home, he knew that but he couldn’t stop looking at you. Every time he blinked he could see your past life, in a similar position, his heart feeling a foreign swelling.

He paid for all your drinks without a second thought, putting his sturdy arm around your waist, letting you lean your weight onto him. He grunted, trying to get you to follow his steps but he realized that trying to get the attention of a drunk person was easier said than done. Yet, he knew your apartment was close enough that he would carry you if he needed to.

“This way,” he eased you gently and before he knew it, the two of you were outside your apartment building. Suna had to coax you to get your keys out and to punch in the apartment code which after a scary amount of failed attempts, you were finally let in.

“Tonight was so much fun,” your words were slurred as you nuzzled into the crook of his neck, smelling the expensive cologne he wore.

“I enjoyed it too, maybe we should do something similar but more formally, like as a date?” The last part of his statement was more of a whisper, scared that you were uncomfortable with getting into a relationship after just getting out of one. He also was praying that by tomorrow morning your memories of the night would be hazy and hard to remember.

“Yes, I want that,” you muttered, rubbing your eyes harshly, “I wanna go to bed,” you groaned. Rintaro nodded, promising that the two of you would be there as soon as the elevator rang, bringing the two of you to your destination.

“I just wanna sleep!” You exclaimed, trying to rip off your shirt. Your friends had always told you that you were a bit of a messy drunk but you never wanted to believe them. Nevertheless, you struggled to strip out of your clothes, not even bothering to acknowledge the fact that Rintaro was still inside your apartment.

Standing in the kitchen, you felt a hand on your back, reminding you that he was there. He suggested going into your bedroom and you hazily nodded, stumbling forward.

“May I help you with that?” Rintaro asked and you were in such a struggle, there was nothing else for you to do other than nod and accept his aid. He removed your shirt, leaving you in just a bra as you covered up.

“Okay now turn around.” You could feel the heat rising to your face, watching as he complied. You took out your pajama shirt, sliding off your bra before putting it on. “Okay you can look now.”

By then, you were wiggling out of your work pants, sitting down on the bed. You shivered as the cold air nipped your skin.

“You should get some rest,” he sat down next to you, seeing how cold you were, “perhaps underneath the bedding?”

“You talk so politely, y’know?” You drunkenly snickered, poking his thigh, “but I like it, I feel like an old timey princess.” Rintaro laughed softly, pulling back the duvet as you rolled yourself underneath the sheets.

“Well you deserve to be treated as such, no?” You only hummed with a content smile as just as Rintaro thought his work was done, he went to stand up, feeling you reach for his arm.

“No, don’t go yet, please stay.”

Rintaro looked at you, not knowing what to say, he saw the way your eyes became glossy and he couldn’t say no. This was his chance to be the shoulder you cried on, to bring you comfort that he couldn’t in your past life. He hadn’t realized he’d been staring until he heard your quiet whimper, taking his cold hand into your own.

“Of course,” he said in a soft tone, his voice hushed. Laying down next to you, he tried to take it slow so as to not shake you too much as his weight made the bed dipped.

“I just don’t wanna be alone tonight, y’know?” The man wanted to tell you that you didn’t have to explain yourself, he wouldn’t mind staying until you fell asleep but before he could interject, you finished your thought. “I’ve just been having nightmares all week,” you frowned, “I just wanted to feel safe.”

Few times in his life did Rintaro get the feeling he did then: you felt safe around him? Yet he didn’t ponder on it long, reeling himself back into the other thing you mentioned.

“Nightmares, what sort of nightmares?” His eyebrows furrowed.

“Mmm, I don’t know, there’s a big fire, and you’re there too.” Rintaro could hardly make out your words as you drifted into sleep. He knew it was memories of a past life, and he cursed himself that only the painful ones returned and plagued your sleep. He silently wished you’d see all the better ones.

He didn’t have a chance to answer, seeing as you had quickly fallen into slumber. He contemplated leaving, he needed to get back to his own place before the sun rose, surely you would come to understand.

As he stood up, he pressed a kiss against your forehead, seeing how innocent you lay there, unknowing of the life you had been born into. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered, but it was more like a prayer. He would give you the world if you wanted, even more, he would fight against the nature of his being and lasso the sun if you asked.


© all work belongs to iwas-baby on tumblr, please do not plagiarize, repost or translate anywhere

“love potion”

includes: prince!iwaizumi x witch!reader

cw: afab! reader, fem! reader, slight dubcon, drunk iwaizumi, love potions, matting press, degradation, slight dom/sub dynamics, womb fucking (so much womb fucking, an unhealthy amount) breeding… a fuck ton of cum, multiple rounds, multiple positions, big dick iwa (duh), 69ing

for@introlovesonce upon a time collab! i’m so sorry it’s late, i just lost track of time (aka i didn’t realize it was already march) and sorry remi for bugging you in your inbox so much

this piece has not be thoroughly edited

the knights had been on their campaign for what felt like years but in reality, only two months had passed. they were faced with everything from wild boars and scaly dragons— each more difficult that the last. all being lead by the knight-prince himself, hajime from the house of iwaizumi.

trekking through the thick forest, even his white horse, who’d accompanied him through long nights and days, was getting tired. it was easy to see that his men, too were exhausted.

“at the first inn, we’ll stop and rest for the night. no camps, a nice bed for all of you.” he promised, raising the morale in the slightest. still, it was more than enough to keep them going for the time being.

it wasn’t long after he made his remark that the knights stumbled across what looked like an inn. moss was growing up its side, old brick, a small garden outside and frosty windows. surely, it could fit all them. if not, the prince would pay a hefty sum to persuade their hospitality.

“i don’t know,” he heard one of his men say, “there’s rumors of a witch in these woods…” that’s all iwaizumi thought of them—rumors. getting off his horse, he approached the front door, slowly knocking.

the wooden door opened soon after that and iwaizumi caught a glimpse of the inn’s owner. you were gorgeous, and he was instantly entranced. he watched as you bowed in front of him, recognizing him as a prince.

“we’d like to stay at your inn, if that’s alright.” he looked back, trying to roughly tally the number of knights he had with him but you only waved him off.

“all of you can rest here, what type of hostess would i be if i didn’t let the handsome prince and his men stay the night?” the prince nodded, gratefully, telling you he’d be sure to pay more than the full price. although, he tried not to let his face flush when you called him handsome.

like that, you showed the knights where to leave their horses, and where they could draw a bath if they liked. you also showed them the rooms available, preparing each of the cots.

“come, dinner!” you called for them after enough time had passed. the rowdy men gathered quickly, sitting down at the table as you presented their meal. as they collectively thanked you, your poured a chalice of wine for iwaizumi, whom you’d seated next to you.

what the prince didn’t know was that the rumors of a witch were true, and the reality of said rumors were much closer than he’d thought. unsuspectingly, he drank from the chalice you offered him, thinking nothing of it when in fact, it had been laced with a spell.

drink after drink, iwaizumi only began more extroverted, his cheeks burning pink at his drunkenness.

the men feasted the whole night as you observed them with cheery eyes. foolish mortal men, you thought to yourself, your hand finding your way to iwaizumi’s back. lightly tracing along his spin, your touch gave him the courage to stand up.

“alright, you’ve all indulge, now to your quarters and get some rest.” he ordered his men, but they snickered at the way he drunkenly slurred his words.

you finally had iwaizumi to yourself, though while they all scurried away and back to the rooms you’d prepared for them. leaning towards him, you were practically right next to his ear as you whispered: “why don’t you go get cozy in your room, your royal highness?”

iwaizumi grunted with a nod, making his way out of the dinning room. that gave you enough time to sneak into your workshop, taking a special love potion and putting a few droplets on your tongue. you amused it would be enough, those drops alone would give iwaizumi the stamina to last a fortnight.

from there, you found iwaizumi’s room, the largest one, second to your own of course. he was there, laying on his bed, his shirt undone, exposing his glistening abs. he perked his head up at your presence.

“i’m glad you’re here,” he said, and though the potion itself that laced his cup was not a direct love potion, it would unearth and heighten any existing romantic or even sexual feelings.

while locking eyes, you let the clothes you were wearing slip to the floor, revealing yourself to him.

“i’ve been thinking about you all night,” he remarked, petting your thigh as you sat down next to him, the bed dipping under your weight.

he started sitting himself up, placing his hand at the back of your neck and wasting no time pulling you in for a kiss. the prince was a sloppy kisser, his lips devouring yours like he was a hungry beast, which you happily allowed. your tongues slipped on top of each other and intertwined, letting the magic droplets seep into his blood stream at the same time.

iwaizumi was quick to position himself on top, staring down at your with lustful, focused eyes.

“to be exact, i’ve been thinking about how you’d look stuffed with my cock.” you smiled at his words, your grin challenging him. iwaizumi continued to kiss down along your neck, biting and sucking until you’d been successfully marked as his.

he spread your legs, exposing your bare cunt, already wet and ready. iwaizumi let out a heavy breath, one that he’d been holding for a while. his carefully broguht his fingers towards your folds, running his finger along your slit, collecting your juices.

while looking in your eyes, he placed them into his mouth, getting his first taste of you. it was enough to get him hard on the spot. he then put his digits into your own mouth, ordering you to suck on them.

you complied, seeing how he shuffled to rid himself of his own pants. fluttering your eyes shut, you circled your tongue, feeling how his fingers managed to reach close to the back of your throat, almost making you gag.

it was then that you felt the head of his dick against your pussy. he was thick, thicker than any man you’d taken before and you could already feel how it’s veins pulsed.

“fuck me until tomorrow morning,” you said, popping his fingers out of your mouth and tilting your head back. iwaizumi had no problem with that, cursing with he pushed his dick into you.

you let out a shameless moan, wrapping your legs around him to keep him close. he stayed sill for just a moment, basking in the feelings of you pulsing around him, your warm cunt sucking you in– it made him want to lift your legs up and fuck you into the mattress.

so he did.

he manhandled your body, moving your legs from around his waist to over his shoulders as the prince bent you in half. iwaizumi’s cock now was nestled even deeper than it had been before, kissing your cervix.

“this is what you wanted, hm? to get the prince all to yourself, to be fucked like a common whore?” if it were any other time, you would’ve laughed, told him you were more than a common whore but now, despite being a powerful witch, you whimpered at his words.

he began to fuck you, at an ungodly rate, making your mouth go slack, drool forming on your lower lip.

“more, more, please,” is all you could manage to say, and barely that. because even though iwaizumi was still wrestling with his sobriety, the love potion seemed to give him the strength to fuck you nice and good.

his hands gripped into your plush thighs, adding and extra sensation to you as the knot in your stomach was about to snap. if you weren’t being stretched apart with iwaizumi’s cock, you would’ve tried to hold out a little longer, but after taking some of the love potion as well, you couldn’t stop yourself.

iwaizumi grunted too, “fuck i’m gonna cum, fill up your womb all night until you’re little pussy can’t take anymore, do you hear me?” you nodded, having already gone dumb, your first orgasm of the night washing over your.

“this pussy’s squeezing me so good,” he groaned, throwing his head back as he pushed passed the opening of your cervix, doing exactly what he promised and filled your womb with his hot, white liquid.

his breathing was heavy, both of you coming down from your high, temporarily stalling your antics. iwaizumi slowly pulled out of you, hearing the wet noises of your shared juices spilling onto the bed sheets.

you panted, laying there for just a second longer as iwaizumi put his weight back on his ankles. cautiously sitting back up, your insides were missing the feeling of his cock; of his veins brushing against your sensitive spots, the way his thrusting made your brain foggy.

bringing yourself back up, you placed your hands on iwaizumi’s shoulders, seeing how small he made you feel, you guided him to lay down, wrapping your hand around his cock.

he was still hard, but now he was even more sensitive so while you stroked it, you were gifted the sight of his chest becoming a deep shade of red as he covered his face with the back of his hand.

“we’re not done,” you mentioned, straddling him and lining up you cum-dripping pussy with his fat dick and angry head. sitting down on his cock was a heavenly experience, eyes rolling to the back of your head while your core tensed.

he was so big, that was the only thing that was on your mind, the only thing you could think about.

“that’s it, ride my cock, just that like, like a slut, fuck.”your hands were on his chest, your own nails digging into his own skin as you humped his dick. once you built a comfortable pace you began to jump, putting scratch marks all over iwaizumi’s chest. surely the prince would blame it on some ferocious monster, which only made you grin.

“that’s right, i’m your slut, aren’t i?” you said in between gasps, hooking your feet under his thighs to give yourself a better stance.

“mhm, and i’m gonna fuck you like the slut you are, you like that?”

“yeah.” iwaizumi had added his thumb to your clit, making small circular motions, driving you crazy.

“i’m gonna cum again-” it was so close to your last orgasm but still you were at your tipping point again.

“then cum.” you heard iwaizumi growl, “cum on my cock.” with his command, your thighs trembled as you screamed out in pleasure. your body kept twitching, flinching into iwaizumi’s body as he chuckled?

“what’s wrong? had enough? wasn’t it you that said you wanted to fuck all night?” you nodded your head, embarrassed. youwere supposed to be the one in control, yet you so easily gave it up for this man. “besides, i haven’t had my way with you yet.”

iwaizumi was strong, undoubtedly so and with a swift motion, you were on your hands and knees, your ass high in the air, your hole ready for fucking once more.

the prince pulled apart your ass cheeks, letting a wob of his spit slip past his lips and towards your pussy, making you shiver at the cold sensation.

gripping his dick, he pushed himself back into you, the sticky sounds ringing once more and it was music to his ears. he held on tightly to your hips so much so that he’d most likely leave some sort of bruising but you didn’t care.

he snapped his hips into you at a steady pace because inevitably speeding up. iwaizumi snaked his hand around your waist, pressing down on your lower stomach, making you feel where his cock was buried.

he didn’t care if his men heard him, all iwaizumi could do was focus in on the way you reacted to his body. the way your pussy gripped his dick, the way you arched your back, or the way those sweet moans left your throat.

reaching forward, iwaizumi grabbed the back of your neck, pressing your face against the mattress. again, his dick was brushing against your cervix, leaving your a blabbering mess.

you whined when he left a harsh slap against your ass, his repetition left you sore and stinging but still wanting more.

iwaizumi rammed his cock into you, your own hand making its way back to you swollen clit. you tried to properly get yourself off but were too distracted by iwaizumi hitting every special spot inside you.

“let’s come together, yeah?” he panted, his voice low and seductive. you let out a small ‘mhm.’ increasing the pace of your fingers.

your poor abused cunt started to spasm for the third time that night, “good girl, good fucking girl–” iwaizumi breathed out, shooting his cum inside you, hitting your cervix once more. in attempts of getting it all out, he gave one last thrust, milking the last of that orgasm’s cum into your womb.

you were in a euphoric state, this was the first time your love potion had worked so well, especially when you could feel that iwaizumi’s cock was still rock hard inside you, ready to keep going.

but instead of continuing to pound you, iwaizumi removed himself, his booming voice echoing through the room.

“turn around.” and that you did, still on your hands and knees but this time met with his thick cock right in your face.

“taste yourself,” he told you and without a second thought, you leaned forward, taking his length into your mouth, swirling your tongue around, collected your mixed juices.

“fuck it,” iwaizumi let out, pulling you off him, leaving you whining at how badly you wanted to suck him off. instead he put his head again his pillow, signalling you with his finger to come over to where you were.

“let me see that pretty pussy.” and whatever he asked of you, you did, wiggling your ass in his face, giving him the perfect opportunity to stick his tongue into your cunt.

you happily sat on his face, grinding down on him as his skilled tongue went to work. he kitten licked your clit, sucking and flicking it with the tip of his tongue.

feeling how he moaned into your pussy, it only made you gasp with pleasure, but who would you be if you didn’t return the favor? leaning forward, you wrapped your lips around his dick once again, letting his cock head hit the back of your throat.

you could feel how he twitched and throbbed in your mouth, getting ready to take all his cum to go down your throat. at the same time, you were getting close again, loosing yourself in bliss while he ate you out.

“cum, cum again, fuck holy fucking his, swallow my cum.” iwaizumi’s voice was starting to become more strained and whiny, and just as he said that, you both came together, swallowing around him just like he asked.

your whole body was shaking as you could taste his cum on your mouth, slowly bringing yourself off of him. iwaizumi was clearly just as fucked out, letting you lay next to him.

he’d fucked you better than any man who’d come through those woods ever had, making you wonder if you should put him under a spell binding him to your inn.

although your thoughts were quickly interrupted as the prince kissed your lips, slowing himself down just a bit as his fingers found your nipples.

“don’t get tired now, okay? i think we can go for a few more rounds.” smirking at him, you nodded.

“whatever you wish, your highness.” that seemed to fuel his lustful fire anymore, leaving him to mount you and begin to suck on your breasts.

the moon was still high in the sky, giving you hours more of fun. and the prince, well he would surely be overstaying his visit.


akaashi keiji x reader, 4.9k

akaashi refers to his best friends, tetsurou and koutarou as his boys. you think that akaashi’s boys are his sons.

“How do you feel about DILFs?”

The moment the question leaves your lips, you feel the extreme heat of a judgmental gaze. The quiet atmosphere at The Coffee Club cafe was shattered. You slowly turned around and met the sharpest glare from your best friend and favourite (but feared) co-worker, Emiko. You can hear her mutter something about minimum wage not being enough compensation to deal with your questions — and every single thing she muttered was emphasised as she stacked the coffee mugs aggressively.

“Emiko,” you call out again, “I’m being serious.” If there had been customers present, this would have been a censored conversation about some safe-for-work topic like the weather or why iced coffee is better than hot coffee… but there were no customers. So you leaned against the countertop and asked Emiko again, “How do you feel about DILFs?”

“Why are you so obsessed with DILFs, Y/N?”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” you blink at her. You gasped dramatically, covering your mouth in pseudo-shock as you pointed at her. “YOU! Youlike DI—”

“Don’t talk to me for the rest of this shift.”

Keep reading
