
 Dhelmise - The anchor pokemon“A Dhelmise is often brought along during rescue missions afte

Dhelmise - The anchor pokemon

“A Dhelmise is often brought along during rescue missions after storms or other incidents at sea. It’s responsibility is to find those, who did not make it out alive and would otherwise be lost to the dephts of the ocean. Parts of the souls of the unfortunate drowned may be absorbed by Dhelmise, giving it a place to grieve and connect with other lost souls to ensure that they do not have to endure their fate all alone. Very old Dhelmise have felt the sorrow of many people at sea.”

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This is Ryotega, he’s a seasoned battler but he’s got a good heart.

This is Ryotega, he’s a seasoned battler but he’s got a good heart.

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So recently i’m drowning again with given and most importantly with the heartbraking mafuyuki and i just wanted to talk about a little headcanon.

Since Mafuyu said he still feels Yuki with him i just thought about him just talking with yuki sometimes.

Idk like “you know yuki today me and uenoyama went to the ocean and it was really beautiful” or (from mixes) “i’m afraid that i will fell apart like it happened with us, what should i do yuki?”, asking for advices or simply missing him.

The fact that when they gave their band name, mafuyu didn’t said ‘my ex boyfriend’ but 'my boyfriend’ makes me think that he still can’t cope with that (and i mean it’s pretty normal, he died like less than a year before) and just can’t say my ex.

My god, i’m still crying for them T-T

“Is this thing on?” 

Tony Stark sat alone on the main floor of the ship Benatar; His legs crossed and stance exhausted. He stared out the windshield of the ship for a second before turning to his mask lying on the floor in front of him.

“Hey Ms. Potts…” He said, not taking his eyes off of it. “If you find this recording, don’t feel bad about this; a part of the journey is the end. Just for the record, being adrift in space with 0 promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.”

Tony now had his head against the interior of the ship, his eyes wandering back and forth between his annihilated helmet of his once proud persona of Iron Man, and the beauty of the universe before him. His breaths were shaky, the once proud Billionaire Playboy philanthropist was no more, in his place was a shaggy, hopeless, scared little boy who had abandoned all hope. 

“Food and Water ran out four days ago, oxygen will run out tomorrow morning; and that’ll be it.” His voice started to crack, the reality of his death was just now hitting him. He rubbed the back of his head, almost guiltily, waiting a few seconds before continuing. “When I drift off…” It seemed like he was already at that point “I will dream about you. It’s always you.” He pointed toward the camera of his suit signaling his undying love for his fiance before reaching over to turn off the recorder. 

Just as soon as he hit the button the faint sound of static began to emanate from his helmet. Tony took his hand away from the mask for a moment as the lights behind the eyes began to light up with such magnitude that he hadn’t seen in days, or maybe even weeks. He’d lost track of how long he’d been on the Guardian’s ship. 


A voice from the helmet suddenly sprang to life. He grabbed the helmet from the ground, almost crushing it in his hands; held in front of him he began to talk into it.

“Yes? Yes hello? Is someone there?” He said into it, hoping to get a reply.


The voice was clearer this time. Tony Stark recognised the voice almost immediately: Pepper.

“Pepper!” He exclaimed, so ecstatic to hear her voice again. “Pepper can you hear me?”


“Yes It’s me!” He said, practically crushing the helmet in his hands

Pepper’s voice cut out for a second; it’s static still faintly heard behind it, but there was nothing. Suddenly, it came back on again

“Tony. I don’t know how much time I have, I don’t know if you’ll even get this message, but you need to listen to me.” 

It became clear to the Iron Man that she could not hear him through whatever she was using to contact him.

“You can’t give up now.” Pepper’s voice rang out, “All of us need you. We need Earth’s mightiest hero.”

Tony sat in silence, listening to her talk as if she was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.

“If you die here, I won’t forgive you!” She boomed, the steel beams and foundations shook within the ship “I can’t raise our child without y-” 

Her voice suddenly cut off, Tony desperately tried to get the signal back, picking up the helmet and pushing as many crevices of it as he could. Out of anger, he suddenly threw his mask to the ground, parts of it flying around the craft. Realising what he had done, he picked up what was left and held it in front of him. The light in the eyes were still on but it was faint. He sat staring at it, unable to let his emotions in any longer as the light faded into nothing, an empty void of meaningless sorrow. He moved the helmet towards his chest, cradling it in his arms while rocking back and forth like a child. 

He soon noticed that the helmet was getting wet and reached one hand up to his face, he wiped away the tears and sat the object back on the ground where it had been. 

Tony stood up, his legs shaking and walked over to the control panel. Gas had run out days or maybe weeks ago, the food supply had been gone for four days and the water for the same amount. Even he was surprised that he was able to stand. He took one look at the oxygen supply before turning back towards the main area. 5 hours left. He walked back over to the edge of the seating area.

He began to sit down before almost falling over; he caught himself on one of the armchairs and stood back up, using the chair as support. He leaned down, putting one palm on the ground and slowly sat down. He let his feet dangle over the side.

It was so beautiful. The colors that filled the darkness of the sky were unlike any he had ever seen before. It was if he was in front of the whole universe, on display for everyone to see. His breaths became shaggy again as he felt the muscles on him tense up again. If it was anger, regret, his depression, or something else, he could not say, but everything was gone. There was no one. No one at all.

Tony let his eyes droop, the dizziness starting to take over once again. He propped his hand on another arm rest to keep himself from passing out. 

In the distance was a star, apart from any others in the sky that night. He tried to focus on it but it was too hard to see, the light emitting from it was stronger than all the others, it suddenly hit him that this was not a star. Tony rose, his adrenaline rushing through all portions of his body. He found the control module and started pushing buttons that he had tried to figure out during his time, 

“What’s the universal sign for ‘help I have no food and water and my oxygen supply is going to kill me in five hours’?“ He said sarcastically to himself. 

Everything was dead: all systems had shut down. Tony checked through every single one on the ship, there was just one that always worked: A contacting system. Tony looked for something to play, anything could do, he rummaged through the compartments within the ship with blinding speed before coming across something he never thought he would see. A cassette player, and it had a cassette inside! Tony took the headphones out, and turned the speaker on, max volume was hopefully enough. He pressed the button on the cassette player, a melody began to play, he flipped through the channels one by one, hoping to catch the attention of whoever was on the ship. Suddenly the melody began to play,

“Never Gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you~”

On the second ship, a distressed Carol Danver’s was pacing around. Her fists burning at the thought of anything that irked her. Her messenger channel suddenly lit up with color. She ran over to the controls and pushed a button, a song rang loud through the hull of her ship. 

“Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you." 

Carol Danver’s looked around confused, her status screen showed no active ships in the area. Using advanced sight, she took a closer look through the reaches of space, her eyes reaching a small cruiser drifting around. 

Tony Stark gasped for air, his hunger and dehydration finally getting the better of him. He thought of Pepper, of Natasha, of Steve, of Bruce, of Clint, of Thor, and every other Avenger; he didn’t even know if any of them survived, but the most he could do was hope that they wouldn’t meet the same end as him.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, a blinding light enveloped the whole ship, Tony looked with hope as the light of the other ship enveloped everything around him. 

"Guess it’s too early for me to die huh?” He said to himself, slightly anguished at the fact that it wasn’t his time. 

[ This comic is inspired by a vey cute/ hilarious singing scene of Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver from

[ This comic is inspired by a vey cute/ hilarious singing scene of Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver from Inside Llewyn Davis , just go and watch it on Youtube ]

Oke please here me out. What if Poe was adopted at a much younger age, like 6 years old maybe? So Leia took him in and raised him under one roof with future Disney prince Ben Solo. Poe became Ben’s Big Bro and everyone’sfavorite because of his charm and cute smile :) Everything was fine until Ben had to go Jedi trainning. No one told Poe where his li’ bro was going. “he has to go far far away” they just said. Poe eagerly learnt to fly so he could go into space to find his Ben :)


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I’m gonna call this done, lol. I suuuuper don’t wanna shade it.

I have a ton of art to post, get ready >:) including a ton of bigender Diluc au stuff :0

genshin transfemmes wip!

mona……….. [blush]

(AU) these two sketch ideas were provided by a mutual on tiktok, @/strawberry_in_distress!

1. Diluc comforting Jean + giving advice

2. Klee styling Diluc’s hair :D

Hope you like it!

He/she bigender Diluc AU has been eating my brain whole. No thoughts only t4t diluven.

I can’t get enough of this au lol


TS!Sophie Headcanons

  • Sophie has Tourette syndrome, meaning she makes noises and movements which she can’t control because of a neurological condition in the brain. These repetitive phrases or movements are called “tics”.
  • She has a variety of tics, both vocal and physical.
  • One of her vocal tics at a young age was “suldreen” and she could never figure out why she kept repeating it. Her parents found it odd, too, because they’d never uttered “suldreen” around her - she’d just been blabbering it since birth. Her dad calls her “Soybean” because of it (and Sophie despises that nickname).
  • Sophie has a few tics that are in English, from the time she spent in a human environment. 
  • For example: Sophie has a tic that’s an obscure line from Sherlock because her human mom and dad used to watch the show frequently and they loved it, so it’s emblazoned in her mind. In the first episode, Sherlock tries to convince a police officer that he’s in shock because he’s got a blanket, so he can’t answer questions in an interrogation.So, Sophie ticcing, “I’m in shock! I’ve got a blanket!” over and over again. (She does an impersonation of his british accent and everything).
  • Sophie with a cursing tic, but it’s in English so no one knows what she’s saying and by god is she glad.
  • OR, alternatively, once she manifests as a polyglot, it’s a curse in trollish or ogre or a different language and only one of her bodyguards gets it and they’re thrown off guard by it.
  • She’s being interrogated by the Council during a Tribunal or something of the sort, and out of nowhere she yells, “FUCK” and immediately turns red with embarrassment, but the Council is just confused as hell and tries to move forward-
  • Sophie develops a “no reason to worry!” tic. Alden thinks it’s precious and flattering. Sophie finds it anything but. (Especially since her brain makes it a point to impersonate his heavy accent when she does it).
  • After a long time with Silveny, she developed a tic where she just shouts Keefe’s name. Keefe thinks it’s the greatest thing in the world, and makes it a point to respond even if he knows she’s just ticcing.
  • “Yes, Miss F?”
  • “Shut up, you know I’m not talking to you.”
  • Sophie getting a vocal tic of a food.. and it’s super random, like, “ripplepuff”. And she keeps ticcing and she doesn’t know why she even developed that because ripplepuffs aren’t that amazing to her - it’s not like they’re her favourites or anything, but her brain just decided “ooh, new tic!”. 
  • Fitz hears her repeating it and one day brings her a little tin and says he has a surprise.. and when she opens it she starts giggling and her brain takes hold and she tics again and again and they’re both smiley and giggly-
  • She ends up ticcing so much from the excitement that she reacts with physical tics and smashes them in with her hands or chucks them across the room.
  • Speaking of physical tics: a common physical tic that Sophie has always had is facial grimacing. She scrunches up her entire face and her eyes close tight and her shoulders temporarily lift before she’s released and she returns to relaxed position.
  • Keefe (lovingly) calls it her Scrunchy Face.
  • (It was originally “Grumpy Face” but then Keefe realized that might not make her feel too good and he wants her to know he’s not making fun of her for doing something completely normal. He just finds it cute!)
  • Sophie’s most common response to stress is plucking at her eyelashes. And Sophie is stressed a lot, so she tends to repeat the action. She does it so often that one day her brain is like, “haha!! new tic!!”. Not only that, but it spreads to her eyebrows and soon she’s plucking and prodding and ugh, she’s so frustrated because her eyebrows are uneven. (She has to take elixirs to make the hair grow back faster).
  • When she starts wearing gloves after manifesting as an Enhancer, it’s a texture she has to get used to, so she develops a tic where she clenches her fists super hard.
  • That one can really hurt at times because her hand won’t unclench and her nails dig into her palm-
  • Sophie getting tics when she’s flustered… Yeah, she tics super hard around Keefe and Fitz. She hopes nobody notices.
  • Sophie has a tic that’s her scrunching up her nose and squeezing her eyes shut and making a tiny sound… honestly sounds a little bit like she’s trying to fake a sneeze.Her shoulders also shrug when she does this.
  • Sophie ticcing when she meets the alicorn babies for the first time because she’s so happy they’re alive and well.Andwow, they’re so pretty and cute. Her tics are all coming out at once though and she’s shrugging and scrunching her face and squeezing her eyes closed and her head jolts to the side every now and then and she’s shivering and she keeps yelling different vocal tics that have nothing to do with the situation.
  • Sophie getting a tic that’s her making popping sounds with her mouth.
  • Or blowing raspberries.
  • Spoiler alert: this one does not come in handy when she’s using a straw. There have been quite a few times where she’s ticced and blown into the straw, so her drink violently bubbles and splashes over. (It’s easier for her to leave her cup on the table and drink through a straw, though, as opposed to picking it up and risking throwing it on the ground).
  • Sophie getting tics in the middle of conversation and she gets embarrassed because they keep interrupting her, which makes her reach the conclusion a bit slower. (Obviously nobody minds, however).
  • All this being said, tourettes is not something that’s always light and happy - it’s not constantly a cute, smiley thing where she simply makes funny sounds or funny movements. It affects her life and can make her miserable.
  • One of her tics is holding her breath. This makes for obvious breathing difficulties. She sucks in her breath and won’t exhale for extended periods of time and she can’t do anything to make it stop, which makes her panic-y (and that doesn’t help the situation anymore). She likes someone to be there to work her through it.
  • Most of the time it’s Grady and Edaline, but if they’re not home and it happens, her bodyguards are always willing to help lay her down on her back and hold her hands as she goes through it. And we all know the rest of her friends are also extremely willing to help!
  • Just think about Fitz and Keefe on either side of her, holding her hands. Fitz is transmitting to her, assuring her she’s fine and she’ll be through it soon enough… Keefe monitoring her emotional state sending her blue breezes in hopes to help keep her calm…
  • Sophie getting frustrated because she gets very emotional when the adults or authoritative figures in her life won’t listen to her/don’t trust her and she tries to speak to them, but they keep brushing her off and she keeps ticcing as she’s trying to talk because she’s getting so emotional and her tics keep getting more intense and frequent and she’s trying her best to keep her cool and keep pushing through and trying not to cry because she doesn’t want them to see her like some kid that can’t control herself (even though that’s stupid because you can’t control tics, but she still feels self conscious about the way she’s seen).
  • Sophie trying to bake with her parents and accidentally getting batter everywhere because she couldn’t keep from ticcing. She feels really bad because half of it is on the floor for them to clean up and they had to take some utensils out of her reach,but Edaline and Grady don’t mind; they’re just happy to spend time with her. (Sophie still feels bad).
  • Sophie getting really nervous before going to sleep because the lights are out and she generally just has a hard time sleeping and feeling safe at night so her anxiety starts to rev up which makes her tics go haywire and she’s ticcing so much that it’s hard to settle down so she hails Dex or transmits to Fitz-
  • Sophie also has a tic where she hits herself or the things around her, so she gets a lot of bruises from that. She also destroys a lot of things with it, which makes her sad.
  • For example: Sophie accidentally ticcing and hitting her friends and she feels so horrible and keeps apologizing because she could just hear the echo of the slap, but they hold onto her hands and promise that it’s okay, they know she didn’t mean to.
  • Sophie being told to be quiet and sit still in detention, but she can’t and the mentor doesn’t know and snaps at her and Keefe stands up for her like, “Dude, she can’t stay quiet, let her breathe.”
  • It would make it so much harder to walk around if her tics got intense because she can’t control them and sometimes the movements are jarring and throw her off-balance. That’s why she’s labeled “clumsy” by most peopleand she hatesit.
  • Sophie’s PTSD, Anxiety, and Tourettes generally like to work hand in hand. Say Sophie gets very anxious and emotional at the sight, feel, or thought of fire. Since she’s so emotional from the trigger, she’ll tic more, and the high-intensity moment might trigger a tic attack. 
  • These can last from a range of minutes to hours.
  • Her tic attacks can not only include intense bursts of ticcing, many times without pause in between, but they can also include muscle tension and changing in breathing. Her joints usually stiffen and burn, and her breathing can either pick up speed or go drop to a slower, concerning rate. It’s a very uncomfortable place for Sophie to be stuck in.
  • Sophie panicking after a Neverseen encounter and she has a tic attack. 
  • Elwin just… holds her. He tries to keep her from hitting herself too much or bringing any more bodily harm.
  • Sophie ticcing while she’s abducted and restrained in the first book, but because she’s restrained and not able to really move, it makes her joints all achy and stiff and it burns and her interrogators get more and more aggressive in their handling of her because she isn’t answering (she’s ticcing so much that it’s difficult) and she won’t sit still-
  • Sophie trying her hardest when Mr. Forkle picks her and Dex up to not tic and hold on to Dex so that Mr. Forkle doesn’t set him down.
  • Sophie getting a really intense tic attack when she’s forced to keep that circlet on her in Everblaze. She can’t stop ticcing and it’s hurting her head and she’s sobbing and begging for a sedative because she doesn’t want to be awake.
  • Sophie having to be lulled into sleep by Silveny throughout most of her recovery in Flashback, because if she tics too much, she sets back all the progress she’s made on healing her arm.
  • (UNLOCKED SPOILERS) Amidst the struggle, however, there is triumph, too. The first time she doesn’t trigger a tic attack at the feeling and sight of fire is during Unlocked when she sets the warehouse on fire. Even though everyone is harsh with her about it afterwards, Sandor makes it a point to mention to the adults that heisvery proud of her, in a way, because he didn’t even have to carry her out of there like he usually does when she’s around fire and is triggered - she walked out of there on her own.


when did nandor first watch twilight did he go to the movie theater himself did he go to a midnight viewing was he deeply invested in the discourse i need to know the details do you think he tried going to school or something to be like edward twilight but he could only find college night classes and also it was boring as fuck

do you think for the following films he made the entire house go with him to each of the premieres i think that would be cute :)

i just also want to imagine that it was nandor that made guillermo watch twilight.  like guillermo was a total snob and was like ‘no i’m a interview with the vampire bitch like…fuck twilight’.  and nandor was like 

From the series of: Wolfstar raising Harry

Harry loved Sirius’s drawings.

Since he discovered them, stored in a box on top of a closet, he’d sometimes spend hours looking at them one by one. Most of them were drawings of Remus, of course, and contained a signature of Sirius Black and a date written in ink in the corner of the sheet, all dating from 1975 to 1979. Most of them were clearly captured moments at Hogwarts, in the Gryffindor common room, or in the boys’ dormitory, as his godfather himself had told Harry. Some showed Remus sitting in an armchair by the fireplace reading a book, others were doodles of his profile sitting on a chair in the classroom a few feet away. One showed Remus sleeping on some pieces of parchment on a table, and on another he held a cup of something steaming, while sitting on a window, looking outside.

Harry loved each of those drawings because he felt like he could almost be there, feeling the moment when he looked at them. He had found one of his father, fallen asleep while sitting with his cheek pressed to his hand and his crooked glasses, which Sirius said was one morning when he fell asleep in the middle of Professor McGonagall’s class and ended up getting detention for it. Sirius let Harry have that one, and the boy hung it on the wall next to his bed. He loved looking at his father every night before going to sleep, and wished he had one of his mother too. From the pictures, she seemed so beautiful. Harry even tried to ask his godfather to draw his mother, but he said he didn’t know if he could draw anymore and that he certainly wouldn’t remember her features so perfectly to do so. Even though he couldn’t quite explain why, Harry felt very sad that night and Remus realized that when he went to say good night.

“Your mother was amazing, Harry. She was beautiful, not only on the outside but also on the inside. She and I were great friends. You have every right to feel sad that you haven’t met her. ”

“That’s not it,” the boy replied. “Not exactly.”

“So what is it?”

“It’s just… you and Sirius don’t remember what they looked like anymore. In time, you’ll will forget even more, and I will never really know, and they didn’t deserve it. To be forgotten. ”

Remus couldn’t answer for a moment. He nodded, swallowing hard, and finally murmured:

“You’re right.”

Sirius didn’t know what gift to give Harry on his eleventh birthday. He always gave him a toy or they went to meet some place the boy really wanted to meet, but this time Harry was already too old for toys and he wanted to give the boy something more important to celebrate his eleventh birthday and his entry into Hogwarts, when the official invitation finally arrived. But July came and it was almost over and Sirius didn’t know what to give him until Remus told him what Harry had said about his parents, and he figured out what to do. He would try to draw a picture of Harry with his parents as best he could.

However, Sirius soon came to the frustrating conclusion that he definitely didn’t know how to draw anymore. His skills were nowhere near what they were before, during his hot , inconsequential youth, when art was part of who he was and there were no other worries, when he had not lost the people he loved most and everything was still easy. Or maybe it was easier because back then, when he managed to name his feelings for Remus, he just had to look at the boy to feel all the nerve endings in his body inspire to put on paper what Lupin really was: a masterpiece.

It was with this in mind that he stopped wiping the quill on his face absently and looked at Remus, that was facing the other way in front of the sink making coffee and wearing a frayed old shirt that had once belonged to him – or so he thought, but couldn’t be sure. For so many years they had been sharing everything, that even most of his clothes already belonged to both of them. No, Sirius thought, sitting at the kitchen table with the parchment and ink in front of him. I still see a masterpiece when I look at him.I could still draw him  on every inch of this scroll without even having to look at him for long. But the problem, he soon realized, was that Harry was right. It wasn’t Remus he needed to draw, it was James and Lily. And he no longer remembered his friends’ faces, the little details that made a difference, that made the drawing more real.

Black dropped the quill on the paper and sighed heavily, scratching his eyes with his hands and resting his face on his palms. He felt Remus approach from behind and kiss his cheek close to his ear as he dropped a cup of coffee in front of him on the table. They had both woken up just minutes ago, it was still early Monday morning, and the first thing they did, as always, was to check the mail and go to the kitchen.

“What’s the matter?” Remus sat next to him and pulled out the newspaper to read.

“Harry was right when he said that. I don’t remember them anymore, not everything… Not enough to draw them.” Sirius sighed heavily, staring at the sketch he had tried to start.

“It doesn’t have to be perfect, Sirius.” Remus touched his arm. “Harry will love it anyway, you know that.”

“His birthday is tomorrow and I could barely get started on it yet. And you know how I hate doing things in half…” Sirius ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. “Isn’t it ridiculous? That I’ve forgotten them? He was my best friend. My brother.” He looked at Remus, bewildered, searching for some words of comfort. “Do you remember them?”

Remus dropped the coffee cup in his hands and turned to his husband.

“Do you know how much time has passed?”

“Ten years,” Sirius concluded, without much thought. In October of that year the death of James and Lily would complete ten years. Time had literally flown by, for if Sirius thought of the beginning, in the first weeks after their death, when he thought he would never recover, he could see the great path they had taken. It was only a few years ago that they stopped scratching each calendar day, another craze they had acquired together, to count the days they had survived missing the Potters. Each scratched day was both a victory and a deeper pain. Each scratched day was like a burden to both of them, a reminder that no matter how many days were scratched, the pain would not pass, the longing would always be there, and they would never return. It was then, realizing that this was doing more harm than good, that Remus decided it was time to stop. Sirius still remembered the night when, before bed, his husband stopped in front of the fridge with his quill in his hand and stared at the calendar for countless minutes. Finally he took it from the refrigerator door, dropped it on the floor and looked at Sirius. The only thing he said was “do it” without explaining anything. “Do it, and we’ll get it over with. And leave it behind.” Sirius took his wand from his pocket and pointed it at the calendar. He muttered a spell that set the paper on fire and they both watched it burn for a while.

The other day, the longing was the same.

“Ten years,” Remus agreed, bringing him back to the moment. “It’s too much time. You can’t remember everything, Pads. It’s not your fault. I don’t remember them either. But we still remember the main things, the most important moments. Nothing can take it from us.”

Sirius nodded, he was right. Remus always knew what to say. He then felt one of Remus’ gentle kisses on his lips before the man turned back to the Daily Prophet on his hands.

Sirius took a sip of his own coffee and looked back at the parchment, determined to try his best. He dipped the tip of the quill in ink, but when was about to begin, Harry appeared in the kitchen yawning and shuffling his feet. Sirius quickly pulled a sheet of newspaper over the drawing and dropped the quill. He watched the boy stop in the middle of the kitchen and scratch his eyes, adjusting his glasses in place and running his hands through his messy hair. He blinked a few times and looked at the two men sitting at the table before smiling and saying good morning.

For a moment it was as if Sirius saw James Potter for the first time again, on the Hogwarts Express platform. The boy, growing taller and slender every day, with round glasses and tousled, minimally curled hair, had the same dark skin as his father, the same careless, quiet expression, almost the same voice and manner. Sirius could see, for a brief second, James Potter’s face perfectly in his mind. It was a brief, fleeting image, but it was enough to make him sure he could finish that drawing now.

“You look so much like your father,” he said, unable to hold back the thought.

“Except the eyes,” Remus added, also watching the boy.

“You have your mother’s eyes” Sirius agreed and smiled.
