#help pls


2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be

Casting sides for Carmen: we only have the first page, if you have the other five pages please DM us, we’d love to have them.

*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google → slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining. Since the supply in eBay sellers’ inventories has dried up, we are also looking for folks willing to share PDFs (phone app PDFs are fine, e.g. Genius Scan) of scripts from their personal collections.

Okay so I’m having a bit of a crisis here and I’d love some help,

So far in my life I’ve identified as a polyamorous lesbian cause the I never understood the concept of dating only one person. Lately in my life I’m very close to being in a relationship and I’m beginning to realize that I don’t think what I’m feeling is romantic attraction. Now, I’ve always viewed romantic relationships as friendship premium and that’s probably why I couldn’t understand the concept of dating just one person, especially considering I’ve never understood the concept of having only one best friend. I want to be intimate with someone in a way that is usually considered romantic but also the moment there is romantic intent involved I feel kind of repulsed. I’m very confused cause I might just be autistic/neurodivergent (I’m not gonna be diagnosed ever cause I’m afab and get good grades so gg) and just not understanding romantic attraction or I might be aromantic? Grey romantic since I kinda want an intimate relationship? Or maybe I’m just freaking out at the concept of being in a relationship since this is a first. If someone who knows about this stuff could just help me out I’d really appreciate it cause I’m in a very weird situation right now and as a Virgil kinnie I’m ✨ totally freaking out✨


hey guys, I’ve run into some pretty serious economic duress due to like. several things outside my control and it’s making me anxious and afraid about the state of my future

if you enjoy my work and have anything you can spare to help, any help at all counts and is appreciated

my ko-fi is here if you are able to help

someone stop me from making every au i think of about suna


I have made a terrible mistake:

*endless stream of Ys and honks for like 3 days in groupchat*

So… I made this post about three weeks ago.

They’re still honking.

guys i have been out of the kotlc tumblr loop for so long pls update me what’s been going on

@cadence-talle@an-absolute-travesty@bookwyrminspiration @everyone whose name i know but whose url i’ve forgotten

Hey there, I’m trying to post a gifset after years and I’m having a hard time because Idk how tumblr works anymore. Anyway, I saved them as draft and I checked it out to see how they look in my blog and they are cropped. The gifs are 268px x 300px. I believe I need to do something on my theme. Can anyone help me pls???

I have a question about neurodivergen…cy? that’s not a word, is it?

Anyways, I’m not 100% sure what the word means. I have a pretty good grasp on it, but I do have one question: is someone who has selective mutism neurodivergent? Google won’t answer my questions >:( /gen

ok so for some adult stuff because i’m old now: we bought a house last year and i’m still not done furnishing it. currently obsessing over what rug to get for the living room
