
Our Mugwort masala incense sticks are earthy and grounding and highly magickal! In the Middle Ages, Our Mugwort masala incense sticks are earthy and grounding and highly magickal! In the Middle Ages,

Our Mugwort masala incense sticks are earthy and grounding and highly magickal! In the Middle Ages, Mugwort was connected with St. John the Baptist, who was said to have worn a belt of the herb during his time in the wilderness. St. John’s Herb, as the plant became known, had the power to drive out demons, and sprays of the herbs were worn around the head on St. John’s Eve as a protection against possession by evil forces.

In China, bunches of Mugwort were hung in the home during the Dragon Festival to keep away evil spirits. The Ainus of Japan burn bunches to exorcise spirits of disease, who are thought to hate the odor. Planted along roadsides by the Romans, who put sprigs in their shoes to prevent aching feet on long journeys.

Spiritual benefits:

  • Carry to ward against wild beasts, poison and stroke.
  • Prevents elves and other evil things from entering houses.
  • Said to cure madness and aid in astral projection.
  • Mugwort is burned during scrying rituals to aid in clarity.



Purveyors of the Finest quality spiritual and metaphysical provisions.

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 Osha Root is a very powerful plant and one of the most important herbs to Native American tribes wh

Osha Root is a very powerful plant and one of the most important herbs to Native American tribes who treated it with high regard, utilizing every part of it. It also goes by the name bear medicine, mountain ginseng, empress of the dark forest and Indian root. It is a member of the parsley family and has a scent like peppery celery. The root has been used in smoking blends, as well as incense and smudging for purification and protection. Warriors believed that carrying one or wearing it as a talisman while hunting or in battle would protect them.

It has many modern medicinal uses including upper respiratory, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an excellent cleansing herb and can increase the power of other smudging herbs when used in combination.



Purveyors of the Finest quality spiritual and metaphysical provisions.

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