
Sun in Sagittarius The Sagittarius Sun Sign has an honest, optimistic and independent personality. T

Sun in Sagittarius

The Sagittarius Sun Sign has an honest, optimistic and independent personality. They are passionate about justice and love adventure and travel. They are lucky in many aspects of life. They love freedom, intellectual stimulation and their own space. Every day is a reason for a new adventure. Self-confident, positive and enthusiastic, they’re a resource of information. Restless at times, they risk jeopardizing their relationships if they let it rule their lives.

Sagittarius Sun Signs like to find people to join in athletic as well as intellectual pursuits. If you want a relationship with a Sagittarius Sun Sign, don’t smother them. They will run far away from clinging vines. In relationships, they are sincere, straightforward and passionate. They are faithful if all their needs are met, but that annoying restlessness can create distance, both physically and mentally. Commitment is challenging due to this restless nature. They may find it difficult to be affectionate if they are more mental than emotional. This dual nature found in this Sign can also create difficulty between career and family life.

Emotionally, they need a lot of freedom. They may spend their lives flitting from one affair to another, without ever finding meaning. On occasion they may also develop a sort of fanaticism when it comes to religion. Luckily, most people born under the Sign of the Centaur are fair and concerned about others. They are usually charming, easy going, and friendly. They are honest… sometimes a little too honest.

When they get angry, watch out; they know exactly what to say to hurt you most. They are very forgiving, so if they get angry with you, hopefully you will forgive them as well. This Sign has very little diplomacy, so if you want their opinion, you’ll definitely get it!

Sagittarius Sun Signs are excellent organizers. They think fast and follow their intuition. Strong-willed, they are usually successful at any project they take on. They may end up writing books, making films or somehow influencing the world in some other way. They are enthusiastic and upbeat, and want their messages to be that way, too. They often choose to be journalists, teachers, lecturers, politicians, public relations workers, lawyers, judges, philosophers or religious leaders. If a job requires travel, it is appealing to them. Archaeologists, travel agents, traveling salesmen or jobs in the gambling industry offer a bit of excitement. Jobs that are involved with sports are also alluring, especially if they have to do with horses, cars or aircraft.

Sagittarius Sun Signs love sports. They are usually good at any they try their hand at. They are exceptionally good with horses. Regular exercise is needed to spend some of that boundless energy they have. They should be careful however… they may get hurt if they take too many risks. They love to travel… absolutely anywhere. Exotic locations, rugged locations or the beach, they just like to be on the move and see something new.

On the negative side, the Sagittarius Sun Sign can be domineering, inconsiderate and exacting. They may be quick to anger or impatient. Their private lives can be extravagant, vulgar and frivolous. On the positive side, however, they can be generous, caring and inventive.

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Moon in Cancer Cancer Moon has a knack for being in touch with their feelings, as well as those of o

Moon in Cancer

Cancer Moon has a knack for being in touch with their feelings, as well as those of others. They may be so in touch with their feelings that they become very self-absorbed. At the same time, they are so in touch with others’ feelings that they can see through any superficial statements of well-being. They have a terrific memory, especially for emotional things. The Lunar Cancer looks for familiarity and security. They tend to cling to their home, their family and friends, and their possessions. They really appreciate peace and quiet, and they are not big fans of change.

Devoted and accommodating, they do not like superficiality. When they have feelings of insecurity, they may attempt to create a sense of it by accumulating things around them. While others have moved on from a hurt, those born under a Moon in Cancer may tend to keep dwelling on them. They may tend to feel taken for granted, and they don’t like to confront others, so they may leave hints about their unhappiness to get your attention. They can become very manipulative in some cases.

They have a delightful sense of humor that borders on the loony and can be amazingly funny. At the same time, they can be moody, which can confuse those who don’t know them well. They may behave erratically at times, but they have a unique angle on life. They are also very affectionate and protective.

When they feel understood, they return the feelings of tenderness and warmth in abundance. They are very dependable, mood swings and all. They are creative and sensitive. If they don’t have their own artistic talents, they have a fine appreciation of the arts. They are vulnerable to the influence of those they spend time with. It may be difficult for them to express their own opinions, rather than just reflect those around them.

Cancer Moon may be a bit awkward socially, being shy with strangers or when they are in unfamiliar situations. Once they feel more comfortable, they will be more outgoing. They may lack motivation, and be sloppy or disorganized. They don’t like to throw away anything, including unhappy relationships. They do like to get their way, and they often set personal goals for themselves.

Moon in Cancer can be very nurturing. They may express this through philanthropy, or through hospitable and compassionate behavior. They are quick to make everyone a part of the family. Emotionally, they can become their own worst enemy. They are prone to be vulnerable and dependent. This may cause them to be overly possessive of their partner. Indifference hurts them deeply, even when it was unintended. They are likely to bottle it up inside, however and not tell anyone.

Domesticity comes naturally to Cancer Moon, and they usually excel at gardening, culinary arts and home decorating. They may be rather finicky eaters, and when upset may use food as a comfort measure. They like to be reassured that they are making the right decisions and when they feel secure and on top of things, they are unbeatable.

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Moon in Aries The Moon rules the emotional self, so when the Moon is in Aries, watch out! Aries Moon

Moon in Aries

The Moon rules the emotional self, so when the Moon is in Aries, watch out! Aries Moon is not known for restraint. They are impulsive and enthusiastic. If an idea strikes them, they are the first on the bandwagon to make it reality, without stopping to think about any obstacles that may be in the way. Spontaneous and determined, they let their heart rule their head.

Moon in Aries is happy, optimistic, and impatient. They live for the moment, forgetting all else. Instant gratification is their middle name. They are passionate and have no qualms about sharing how they feel. At the same time, they can be very independent. They don’t like to take no for an answer. They have the self-confidence to put themselves out there and they want to make a strong impression. Subtle does not describe this Sign. They are well-suited to meeting challenges that may destroy lesser people. They are clever and often approach their situations with a novel angle. Occasionally there are the few who may blame everything on other people.

Aries Moon takes everything personally, but they don’t hold grudges. If they feel slighted they will burst out angrily and let those responsible know about it. Their emotions can rapidly change, and they can throw some spectacular tantrums. These emotional outbursts are usually over as quickly as they started. They don’t normally take any time to consider the consequences of their actions. They seem to be able to just shrug off anything that goes wrong and keep going. They tend to calm down as they get older.

Lunar Aries gets bored easily. They have been accused of causing confrontations just to keep things interesting. If you live with a Moon in Aries person, keep this in mind. It may make it easier to deal with the drama that is bound to occur. They like to get their own way, and can resent any authority besides their own. At their worst, Aries Moon can be overconfident, aggressive, self-indulgent and foolhardy. At their best, they can be inspiring, kind, sympathetic, generous and tireless for a cause.

Lunar Aries has a problem differentiating between a need and a want. If they want it, they feel they need it with all their being. This can be a problem for overspending or other vices. They are charming, even when they are in the midst of a personal crisis that has all their friends scrambling to help. In the middle of these frequent “crises,” they seldom feel any concern over the needs of others.

On the good side, the Aries Moon isn’t likely to sulk if they don’t get their way. They also play it straight… they don’t go for manipulating others through guile or deception. They have an aura of innocence around them. They can achieve what many other people want, but don’t take the chance to get. They like the idea of having power, and will probably handle it fine, if a little heavy handed.

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Water signs are most at risk of losing balance in their heart chakras. As the signs in the zodiac that feel the most deeply, they are apt to either compensate by shutting down the chakra entirely, or go with the flow and let too much emotional energy in constantly, leaving them drained. Practice boundaries to keep yourself open, but safe my lil water lillies. Don’t drown ☔️

Air signs need to be extra aware of keeping their root chakras in balance. Especially those whose charts are air-heavy. Airier people will find it harder to stay grounded, and if they don’t pay attention, they can easily float away into the clouds. Remember to stay conscious of every part of your body that comes in contact with the earth, my lil air friends. Keep both feet on the ground ✨

Jupiter enters Pisces

✧ 28th December 2021

The most anticipated transit of the upcoming year is here.Jupiter, the mostabundantandluckiest planet, finally entered its own sign Pisces. It predicts that 2022 will be a much better year then the last two.

Pisces is the ultimate ruler of spirituality,imagination,dreamsandfaith. Focus on these aspects and use them to manifest your goals into reality.

Find the time to daydreamandcreate bigger goals for yourself.Write down your dreamsand try to figure out what messages they carry. Connect with the Universe and become more spiritual.

Be kind and compassionate and you will find luck on your side.

Last time Jupiter entered Pisces was in 2011. If you are old enough to remember the transit, think about what was your life like back then. Where did you experience abundance and luck?

We will be experiencing blessingsinthe areas of our lives that are ruled by Pisces. Check your natal chart and see which house is ruled by Pisces or has Pisces in it. You can expect abundance and growth there.

Lastly, when it comes to manifesting, try to see the big picture.Don’t get lost in the details. Set your intentions and leave the how to the Universe.

✨What can we expect:

  • Luck,abundanceandgrowth in the area of your life ruled by Pisces (check the House with Pisces in it)
  • The public becoming more open to spirituality
  • Psychicdreamsandvisions
  • Heightened spiritual senses
  • Becomingcompassionate,open to new ways of thinking

✨What to watch out for:

  • Overindulgence - stay away from toxic substances and habits, because you can easily get addicted during this transit
  • Escapism - yes, allow yourself to daydream but don’t leave the reality completely. Balance is key
  • Spending your energy where it’s not deserved - create healthy boundaries in all areas of life. You might be too blind to see that some people are just using you.

May 2022 be the best year we’ve all experienced so far✨

My second illustration for the Glamour Magazine horoscope. The Libra girl is wearing Comme des Garco

My second illustration for the Glamour Magazine horoscope. The Libra girl is wearing Comme des Garcons AW 2012 and has some Tatty Devine sunnies in her hand.

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virgo sun, cancer moon, aquarius rising

@tiny-student-wolf’s request!!!

leo sun, cancer moon, taurus rising @chronoph0biac’s request!!!!!

leo sun, cancer moon, taurus rising

@chronoph0biac’s request!!!!!
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leo sun, taurus moon, libra rising, cancer venus

@zyahie’s request!!!

sagittarius sun, taurus moon, virgo rising, scorpio venus

@777luna’s request!!!
