#sun sign

♉ TaurusTaurus begins on the 19th of April, and ends on the 20th of May. This sign belongs to the ce


Taurus begins on the 19th of April, and ends on the 20th of May. This sign belongs to the cerebellum and neck, which controls the lymphatic system of the body; that is, the waters or fluids of life.

Such persons generate life forces very rapidly, and are very determined in whatever they undertake; they are characterized by the common phraseology of “stiff-necked”; they are very unyielding, and are natural conquerors. As a rule, they will have their own way and accomplish their own desires at all hazards. They are great lovers of literary pursuits, and inclined to be studious, but imitators rather than originators of thought. They adapt themselves readily to the customs of society, and are apt to become leaders through their adaptation to the demands of the people, and their great ability to commit to memory from books and authorities, and their powers of mental and physical endurance. They are governed by their sensations, and are influenced in their decisions by their feelings, appetites, and passions. They have fine intuitions in all that pertains to business. They are very sensitive to psychic influences, which makes them apparently more stubborn than they otherwise would be, because they realize intuitively that they are very easily led through their sympathies. Young people born in this sign are apt to be misled by their associates. They are very zealous and sanguine in every cause they espouse, and therefore are liable to extremes. Frequently they are very zealous church members and preachers; they are zealous friends or enemies, but easily turned aside or mollified in this respect. They have a very strong brain, and are apt to be hard students and make superior educational attainments. They feel the minds of others, and it is very difficult for them to distinguish the difference between their own mind and the mind of those associated with them. Because of this, persons born in the sign of Taurus should make all their decisions when entirely alone, and never decide any important business matter while in the midst of business excitement; for if they do, they are more apt to make the decisions from the influence of those around them than from their own mind. The early morning, when they first awake, is the best time for such persons to make their decisions and lay their plans for the day. Children of this date of birth are largely dependent on their education for their future position in life. They have strong appetites, and are apt to be inclined to epicurean habits. Their passions and sex nature are strong, and they are in danger of excesses in that direction. Women born in this sign are in great danger of being misled by their feelings and passions. When a person has gained their sympathies, they have gained control over them to a very great extent. Both sexes have a great deal of jealousy in their nature: they are somewhat in danger of great extremes. Yet, when they are well instructed in the right way, they are very tenacious to carry it out, and cannot be controlled against their will.

These persons are liable to dropsy, from two causes. First, from getting an over-amount of vitality through eating too much, and having what they eat too rich, and getting too fat; second, through strong appetites and over-indulgence of the sex passion. Remove the cause, and the cure is accomplished. They are, as a rule, best adapted to city life.

This nature comes from the parents being very potent in the sex life, and quite satisfied with each other and their surroundings; but this frequently is wholly on the part of the father.

[Source: Solar Biology, by Hiram E. Butler, (1887)]

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♎ LibraThis nature is born between the 23d of September and the 23d of October. It belongs to that p


This nature is born between the 23d of September and the 23d of October. It belongs to that part of the body called the reins, and is the head of the trinity of the reproductives; therefore it is a conservatory of the reproductive fluid, and as designated in the ancient mythology, represent the serpent, or psychic principle.

The leading characteristics of all persons born between these dates is centred in their foresight. They are very positive and decisive in everything they do; they are not prone to reason except from the standpoint of intuition and observation. It is advisable that they carry out their first decisions in all matters they undertake, unless they are acting for, or under the control of, another. They are very susceptible to the psychological influence of other minds, who act mainly upon their principle of intelligence: they thus take on the mental conditions and nature of others, and feel and act like them. Many of this class are found among the spiritualists, because of their great susceptibility to the psychic control, and their natural spiritual intuitions. As children they need a positive control by the parents; and in early life they should have a special drill in every department of their nature. There are three different types born within this period: the first has large perceptives and a receding forehead, and usually large organs of conscientiousness (according to phrenology); such persons are best adapted for speculators. If they will cultivate a moral habit of life, they need never be short of money; they should speculate in horses and cattle, or in any articles that can be bought and sold again quickly, and where there is not much stock kept on hand. These persons are guided very perfectly by their intuitions; for instance, in trading horses, if there is anything wrong in the horse, no matter what it may be, nor how obscure, they can point it out instantly. So long as they follow their own intuitions, they will rarely be deceived or cheated. They love excitement, which seems to be their natural sphere. These persons are apt, however, to be led into gambling instead of speculation, where they soon weaken their powers, and die a premature death, through drink, bad company, etc. This class is most liable to Bright’s disease. They are not susceptible to reason; they act on the spur of the moment, and from their intuitive perceptions.

In the second class the forehead is comparatively straight and narrow. These persons are best adapted for mercantile pursuits, buying and selling goods; they have a keen intuition as to what they can and cannot dispose of successfully. Are apt to choose, in marriage, persons who are born in Pisces, whose nature is reason, and hence there is sure to be inharmony, from misunderstanding of each other’s motives, from the fact that Pisces always wants a reason, and is capable of giving one. Libra can never give a reason for anything; they know they are right from intuition, but they cannot tell how they know; and nothing excites or annoys them more than to require of them a reason for their decisions and actions. They are frequently quick and high-tempered, which greatly depletes and impairs their health.

In the third class the forehead is round, and broader through the temples. These persons are well fitted for book-keepers, and possess great intuitional aptitude for the languages. They are enthusiastic lovers of scientific knowledge, always ready to take hold of and examine any new thing. Are great students of books, and love to collect works relating to scientific and mystical subjects. They have the finest natural mechanical abilities of any of the twelve signs. They are best adapted to the higher branches of mathematics. Frequently they are found as public speakers and writers. Many of them are also good actors.

All persons belonging to Libra have great imitativeness; they are originators and inventors in mechanical matters, but imitators in other departments of life. They are naturally inclined to be religious, but have many sceptical and materialistic tendencies to overcome. They are affectionate and demonstrative in their love, active, industrious, and social, but dangers from licentiousness always lie around them. It is seldom that any great height is attained by those of this sign, except in the educational sphere. Being students rather than originators, they frequently spend a lifetime in study and research for knowledge, examining every new thing that comes up, carefully studying and weighing it in the balance of their intuitions; and if they can adapt it to the fine interior nature which they possess, they are apt to accept it verbatim et literatim.

They have very fine sensibilities, and are just and honest in their dealings. They have in their innermost selves a fine ideal world of love, order, harmony, and equity; and as they do not find this in the outer world, they are inclined to frequent periods of melancholy. They seldom like to push their way out into the combat of life, but rather seek a sphere of quiet, where they can act from their soul or intuitional nature. They are frequently writers and professional men, and their great imitativeness gives them fine mechanical, and sometimes artistic abilities.

Their liability to disease is through their excessive activity in all the departments of life, and especially through an excessive use of the perceptive faculties. They are apt to exhaust the vital forces from the reins, and therefore bring on pains across the small of the

back, and kidney difficulties. When the pain begins to be felt across the small of the back, the sex nature should be restrained, and quiet and rest secured, with plenty of wholesome food as their fitting medicine.

The parental conditions which produce a child in this sign are a strong, devoted love on the part of the positive parent, but frequently the opposite, or aversion and deception on the part of the negative one; so that persons thus born are like grand souls that have been confined in darkness, and who are searching with the spiritual eyes for light, and therefore the frequent seasons of melancholy.

[Source: Solar Biology, by Hiram E. Butler, (1887)]

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Scorpio is wayyy over-sexualized

Im tired of everything relating to any Scorpio placement being sexsexsexsexsex!Sexse-you get the idea. Scorpios love vulnerability!Scorpio’s love truth!Scorpios love seeing you in your purest form! And while one of the few times people let their guard down long enough and show that part of themselves is for sex, Scorpios just want know you. They wanna know what book you pick out from the library and why, was the cover catching to you? Did you walk straight to the non-fiction section of the library? Do your eyes automatically glaze over when they see a thick book? Are all the authors you pick out women? Do you read the summary inside the cover or do you flip to a random page and start reading? And that’s in a platonic/romantic sense.

In everyday situations they’re quick analysts of people. “The shoes they’re wearing are well worn and slightly dirty so the person they’re with probably isn’t their date” “this man stood next to me on purpose and is trying to act nonchalant by staring at the fire exit sign as if it’s his actual focus” “this guy who’s tried to get with every girl at this party by flashing his Mercedes keys either stole his parents car or is a only child, or both. Explains his confidence.”

They don’t like small talk because small talk tells them nothing about you. And if they know you they know how to respond to you/protect themselves.

Scorpio rising ⬆️ do not walk into a room and start “eye-fucking” every person. In reality you may not come across as a “warm” person and your eyes are always searching/analyzing/observing, you keep your back to walls, your limbs stay close to your body in social situations.

Scorpio mars don’t always feel the need to have sex anyone and everyone with an insatiable libido. Lies, superficiality, and crossed lines do make you tick though. You are very very passionate and specifics rely on the house your mars is in. Admittedly you aren’t opposed to anything non- traditional in the bed room.

Scorpio Venus aren’t destined to end up with someone dark, cold, violent, and drives a motorcycle. You look for people like you, who want every detail of the other person out in the open and only then will you give them every detail of yourself. You want someone(s) to share your heart with no doubt but you need to be able fully trust them. Your goal is for some to see every inch of you in your rawest form and still choose to love you.

These are the main things but you get the picture.

Yes I know you can’t compare astrology to you’re sexuality but this what I have figured out in people their charts, thought I would share. 

Aquarius/scorpio: can make someone have gender issues, and make that person transgender, non binary, etc

Scorpio (esp venus)/sagittarius placements: makes a person quickly bisexual

Pisces placements: I have noticed a lot of gay people have strong pisces in their chart

Air signs: can make a person more towards the asexual spectrum because they think more rational about their feelings and attraction towards people.

Libra: I have noticed a lot of libra’s are aromantic, which may sound weird because they get ruled by venus what is the planet of love

Leo moon: may jump from this sexuality to the other because they have some trouble figuring out what their sexuality is

Virgo/taurus placements: mostly makes a person a vanilla and like basic stuff 

Aquarius placements: is literally attracted to everyone and call themselves mostly pansexual

Leo placements: may indicate this person was pushed out of the closet without being ready for it.

signs as stranger things characters

Aries: Chief Hopper

Taurus: Will

Gemini: Dr. Martin Brenner

Cancer: Lucas

Leo: Nancy

Virgo: Mike

Libra: Eleven

Scorpio: Steve

Sagittarius: Dustin

Capricorn: Jonathan

Aquarius: Barbara

Pisces: Joyce



No wtf it’s too hot so its just me getting burned all the time, it’s fun for like a week then you get bored, and I’m definetly NOT beach bod ready:
Taurus ᯽
Pisces ☾
Capricorn ᯽
Virgo ᯽

Yeah I enjoy it, I mean no school right? Gives you an opportunity to have fun and not worry but you know sometimes it’s nice to see all your friends at school:
Aries ☼
Aquarius ➶
Libra ➶
Gemini ➶

I THRIVE on summer, tanning is my strange obsession, the beach is my home, I do whatever I want and just don’t care. Also don’t have to run into any snakes at school:
Leo ☼
Sagittarius ☼
Scorpio ☾
Cancer ☾


Aries: Partying ☼
Taurus: DIY projects ᯽
Gemini: Traveling around the world ➶
Cancer: Going on an adventure ☾
Leo: Tanning ☼
Virgo: Cooking ᯽
Libra: Swimming ➶
Scorpio: At a pool party ☾
Sagittarius: Going to the beach ☼
Capricorn: Riding their bike ᯽
Aquarius: Writing their book ➶
Pisces: Vacationing ☾


Exposing myself like:


Aries:Whatever you’re thinking about right now…don’t do it.

Taurus:Virtual kiss. You’ll get through it

Gemini: For ruling the 3rd, communication sucks lately huh

Cancer:Other people exist

Leo:Talk to someone

Virgo:Go to sleep

Libra:Just get it. Take it. Please.

Scorpio: STOP IT!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!

Sagittarius:Make the decision

Capricorn:Not everyone is your project. Go complete the thing you were procrastinating for weeks

Aquarius:It’s ok

Pisces:Take a chill pill

Pisces-Aries Cusp (March 19 – March 24)

  • Learning patience is your most important task. Develop social skills through working alongside others. Try to curb your impetuous side–weigh alternatives and consider consequences before speaking or acting. Get to know yourself better.

Aries I (March 25 – April 2)

  • Cultivate your quiet side, yet do not neglect your aggressive urges or let them get bottled up inside. When you feel frustrated, try to understand the problem and then take the initiative. Acknowledge your need for affection and support. Do not hesitate to ask for help when you need it. 

Aries II (April 3 – April 10)

  • Resist overwhelming people with your energy. Act responsibly. Try not to be too needy of attention and beware of leading others on. Confirm your inner values and develop hidden talents.

Aries III (April 11 – April 18)

  • Tune in to what people are really saying. Beware of those who wish to monopolize your time and energy. Ideals and ideas can be worth of devotion, but also destructive. Make sure that others want to be helped or led before you offer. Try to keep in touch with the actual state of things. Beware of being carried away by your own enthusiasm.

Aries-Taurus Cusp (April 19 – April 24)

  • Try not to overpower others. Learn to back off and allow things to happen as they will. Although your hands may itch to do the job, give others a chance to do it their way, even if they make mistakes. Try to remain sensitive to the feelings of those around you.

Taurus I (April 25 – May 2)

  • Beware of taking on too much responsibility. Consciously work on changing yourself periodically. Beware of procrastinating in the name of prudence or good sense. Open up your horizons by exposing yourself to different disciplines and points of view.

Taurus II (May 3 – May 10)

  • Seek to be more affectionate and playful. Beware of strident, dogmatic or inflexible attitudes. Remember that others have gifts to teach also, and that the best teacher is often an eternal student. Set a good example by admitting your mistakes. Rework and revise your ideas periodically.

Taurus III (May 11 – May 18)

  • Dig deeper and explore the depths of your personality. Try to take matters a bit more seriously if you wish others to do the same in regard to you. On the other hand, never give up your natural and instinctive approach to life. Set your personal standards a bit higher and expect more of yourself.

Taurus-Gemini Cusp (May 19 – May 24)

  • Monitor the pace of your activities carefully. Seek to be more consistent and less casual in jettisoning people and ideas. Don’t come on so strong. Turn off your mental motor from time to time. Confront your fears and insecurities. 

Gemini I (May 25 – June 2)

  • Work to finish what you start. Develop the patience to interact fully with others. Your ideals may have to be sacrificed at times for the sake of harmony. Avoid escapism in its manifold guises. Keep busy and happy, but do not neglect your inner emotional life.

Gemini II (June 3 – June 10)

  • Try not to come on in a rush. Be clear in what you say but also diplomatic. Don’t be inattentive to the impression you make or the idea others have of you. There is great value in silence. Take the time to develop deep friendships.

Gemini III (June 11 – June 18)

  • Sometimes what is right in front of you is just as interesting as something risky or exotic. It may not be incumbent on you to influence the course of things. Allow yourself to express negativity when it is called for. Give yourself easy rewards, too.

Gemini-Cancer Cusp (June 19 – June 24)

  • Exercise your magical powers with care. You may need to be a bit tougher on yourself. Keep your eye on the goal and resist any tendency to drift. Do not lose yourself so readily in ecstatic experiences or you may have trouble finding yourself again. Beware of repressing your feelings or allowing destructive emotions to control you.

Cancer I (June 25 – July 2)

  • Don’t armor yourself too heavily– on the other hand, remain discriminating. Allow others the freedom to take risks. Though your salesmanship may be excellent, it is not always appreciated. Don’t only challenge your fears– overcome them through self-liberation and action.

Cancer II (July 3 – July 10)

  • Make a real effort to get out in the world. Toughen your stance a bit and try not to be so sensitive. Develop your financial sense and cultivate your talent for maintenance and continuity. Keep contact with those who care about you. Put your active fantasy and imagination to productive use.

Cancer III (July 11 – July 18)

  • Don’t be too sure you know what is right for people. Work to keep your own house in order. Allow others to express themselves freely. Perhaps no one doubts your good intentions, so it may not be necessary to justify them. Be confident of your abilities at a deep level.

Cancer-Leo Cusp (July 19 – July 25)

  • Even out the highs and lows; the rewards of stability are great. Cultivate self-discipline but never lose your spontaneity. Build a calm center that boslters your confidence and remains at the heart of your being. Concentrate more on living in the moment, free of past problems and future expectations. Pace yourself for the long haul.

Leo I (July 26 – August 2)

  • Learn to accept people as they are– both the positive and negative. It is probably useless to try to camouflage yourself, but do try to be more diplomatic and sensitive. Although you are good at making decisions for others, you may have overlooked making some crucial decisions for yourself. It doesn’t make you less of a person to be a bit more easygoing.

Leo II (August 3 – August 10)

  • Watch your temper. Hotheadedness can throw you off balance and aid your opponent. Compromise and diplomacy are virtues to be cultivated, not weaknesses to be despised. Remain open and vulnerable to love. Don’t be too hard on yourself, or too demanding. ease up a bit on the expectations you place on others.

Leo III (August 11 – August 18)

  • Try to tone down your demanding and commanding side. Hold the mirror up to yourself as well– examine your motivations carefully. Battle to keep the combatant in you more peaceful. Take some distance from yourself. Admitting weakness can also be a sign of strength.

Leo-Virgo Cusp (August 19 – August 25)

  • Don’t blame the world for not recognizing you if you hide yourself away. Be more transparent– let people see what you are really like. Beware of keeping secrets even from yourself. Allow others in, to share in both your joys and sorrows.

Virgo I (August 26 – September 2)

  • Soften your stance a bit– take things as they come and let them go as they will. Try to keep your work and home life separate. Step out a bit and demand dependability from others, too. Protect yourself from hangers-on and parasites. Occasionally be more selfish and unashamedly demand benefits for yourself.

Virgo II (September 3 – September 10)

  • Try to maintain flexibility and acceptance without compromising your high standards. Open your heart in love relationships. Be aware of your condemning and unforgiving side. Gentleness, kindness and diplomacy are traits worth developing. Beware of putting yourself above the law or outside society. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability.

Virgo III (September 11 – September 18)

  • Try to be more sympathetic to the feelings of others. Not everyone is as strong-willed and directed as you. Don’t get bottled up in your head; cultivating a love of food, sleep and sensuous activities is essential to the grounding of your energies. Do not hide behind or rely too heavily on those who would serve you.

Virgo-Libra Cusp (September 19 – September 24)

  • Don’t be overly concerned with appearances. Keep alive in your search for beauty– avoid becoming jaded, trendy or compulsive. Beware of neglecting spiritual goals or falling prey to excessive materialism. Keep your nervous system under control. 

Libra I (September 25 – October 2)

  • Cultivate self-confidence. Beware of being too aggressive in your criticism of others– your bark can bite. Be consistent in your stance. Fight the impulse to procrastinate, but at the same time resist interfering with things that work, even if they do not meet your expectations. Mistakes are just part of the game. 

Libra II (October 3 – October 10)

  • Try to find your true heart’s desire. Once you have found it, remember to show you really care. Don’t always give things away– hold on to what is most valuable in yourself. Learn to limit your explorations of interesting but distracting subjects that can sidetrack you from your main purpose. Make some hard choices, but preserve your dreams and visions.

Libra III (October 11 – October 18)

  • Beware of making promises you can’t keep. Consider carefully the possible repercussions of your actions. Sometimes it is necessary to play at a part but don’t kid yourself in the process. Be more considerate of the feelings of others; devote sufficient time and patience to emotional matters.

Libra-Scorpio Cusp (October 19 – October 25)

  • Try to relax and have fun. Learn to be less picky. Do not cut yourself off from unusual experiences but maintain your poise and balance. Continue to battle with life and resist escapism or the throes of self-pity. Leave the past behind and embrace the future. Cynicism and sarcasm are poison to you.

Scorpio I (October 26 – November 2)

  • Supply the same constancy you expect from others, but also be less hard on yourself when it comes to mistakes. If at all possible, try to both forgive and forget. Leave excess baggage behind– the injuries of the past can be too heavy for anyone to bear, even you.

Scorpio II (November 3 – November 11)

  • Let the sun shine in and the light within you shine out. Don’t take thing so seriously. Work on leveling out your moods and see how much happiness you can bring to yourself and others. Put your singular insight to productive use. Learn to laugh more at the illusions of the worlds and also at yourself.

Scorpio III (November 12 – November 18)

  • Keep a critical eye on yourself. Respond to the highest challenges and occasionally take meaningful risks. Be mindful of what is important in life, of what endures and has lasting value. Always aim high, and don’t be afraid of failure.

Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (November 19 – November 24)

  • Follow your vision of life but don’t lose touch with where others are. Keep your intentions honest and your motives pure. Develop the objectivity to stand back and observe yourself living. Try to be more forgiving and less possessive.

Sagittarius I (November 25 – December 2)

  • Strive to keep your emotions on an even level. Beware of allowing yourself an overly high-minded or high-handed attitude. Keep control over your expectations and try to be more forgiving. There is nothing wrong with compromise, or with occasionally losing. Watch your tendency to exaggerate.

Sagittarius II (December 3 – December 10)

  • Try to get out a bit more and do what others do from time to time. Don’t drive yourself into a corner by believing that no one can understand you. Make an effort to let others into your private world. Resist turning off to life: keep things fresh and renew your commitment.

Sagittarius III (December 11 – December 18)

  • Learn to enjoy the little things, the simple pleasures of life. Try to be more understanding of others. Apply your ethical standards to yourself and concentrate more of your energies on personal growth. Find a way to blend in when necessary and avoid ruffling feathers.

Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (December 19 – December 25)

  • Learn to temper your intensity. By understanding yourself better, you will be less at the mercy of your moods. Work on improving social relationships and continue to befriend others. Beware of any tendencies to close yourself off. Allow your warm and loving side full rein and keep your heart open.

Capricorn I (December 26 – January 2)

  • Let others take the lead more often. You may be wise, but remember that wise women learn more from fools than fools from wise women. Work hard at trying to admit mistakes when you make them. There is no particular merit in holding on to an outworn creed or outdated idea.

Capricorn II (January 3 – January 9)

  • Recognize your limitations– they do exist. Allow yourself to give in occasionally, even to fail and acknowledge it. Showing your more vulnerable side should not be threatening. Try to keep your ideals grounded and be sure your “reality” is not in fact an illusion.

Capricorn III (January 10 – January 16)

  • Don’t be afraid to take chances. If you do not dare to fail you may not achieve your true heart’s desire. Your insistence on security may be misplaced at times. Try to be more flexible where the feelings of others are concerned. Do not assume that your values have absolute or universal application.

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp (January 17 – January 22)

  • You must find an outlet for your creative energy. Communicate what you experience. Try not to be discouraged by lack of understanding, ignorance or negative criticism off the deep end, but, rather, find those who understand and appreciate you.

Aquarius I (January 23 – January 30)

  • Clarify a realistic picture of yourself in your mind’s eye. A certain amount of undesirable personal interaction is always necessary; try to be a bit more thick-skinned and, if necessary, downright insensitive. Cultivate calm, patience and persistence rather than always going your own way. Learn to handle frustration and be tough enough to quietly demand the very best for yourself.

Aquarius II (January 31 – March 7)

  • Try to get in touch with your own deeper feelings. Sometimes it is better to meet problems head on. A bit of pain now may prevent much more later. Don’t be too dependent on others’ opinions of you. Have the courage to be yourself and don’t feel you have to please or entertain.

Aquarius III (February 8 – February 15)

  • Accept your need for other people and cultivate meaningful social interaction. Remain open and accepting, but demand that others accept you as you are, too. Your psychic abilities are valuable. use them constructively. Beware of allowing rejection to lower your self esteem.

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp (February 16 – February 22)

  • Don’t give up on the world or retreat behind fences. If necessary tear obstructions down to rediscover your sensitive self. Learning to trust may mean ceasing to fear. Without denying your need to explore the depths and heights, take the middle road more often.

Pisces I (February 23 – March 2)

  • Sometimes you need to be more aggressive. Keep in touch with everyday matters and remain attentive to your needs and the needs of others. Beware of alienation through placing yourself on a higher plane. Seeking a higher state of consciousness need not mean avoiding shouldering the work of life.

Pisces II (March 3 – March 10)

  • Try to remain realistic in your outlook. Resist the lure of escapes, in all their varies forms. On the other hand, leave a window open on the world. Continue to strive for trust and acceptance, but remember to stand up for yourself as well. Improving your social position may make certain things easier for you. Your suffering may neither be unique or, for that matter, necessary.

Pisces III (March 11 – March 18)

  • Be more demanding of yourself in your personal development, and contribute actively to the life around you. Beware of neglecting to build a firm foundation. There is a limit to what you are capable of overcoming–make life easier for yourself, and be willing to compromise when necessary.

The Secret Language of Relationships: Your Complete Personology Guide to Any Relationship with Anyone, Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers

Sun Sign

Your sun sign is best described as your answer to the question, “Who are you?” It is your personality and character traits, at least your most prominent ones. That being said, all of your signs are meant to tell you about yourself and they should all be read in context. That means if your sun is a fire sun but the majority of your other placements are water then you will display some fire attributes, but also a lot of water traits because that is what you have more of.

The Signs Are…

♈️Aries - Born March 21 to April 19. Aries’ are confident, motivated, brave, passionate. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Fire, Metal: Iron, Ruler: Mars, Season: Spring, Stone: Amethyst, Diamond, Color: Red, Symbol: The Ram

♉️Taurus - Born April 20 to May 20. Taurus’ are stable, dependable, stubborn, loyal, strong. Modality: Fixed, Element: Earth, Metal: Copper, Ruler: Venus, Season: Spring, Stone: Emerald, Color: Green, Symbol: The Bull

♊️Gemini - Born May 21 to June 20. Gemini’s are social, adaptable, curious, versatile. Modality: Mutable, Element: Air, Metal: Mercury, Ruler: Mercury, Season: Spring, Stone: Agate, Color: Yellow, Symbol: The Twins

♋️Cancer - Born June 21 to July 22. Cancer’s are loyal, caring, sensitive, intuitive. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Water, Metal: Silver, Ruler: Moon, Season: Summer, Stone: Pearl, Opal, Color: White, Yellow, Symbol: The Crab

♌️Leo - Born July 23 - August 22. Leo’s are confident, assertive, dramatic, warm. Modality: Fixed, Element: Fire, Metal: Gold, Ruler: Sun, Season: Summer, Stone: Ruby, Color: Orange, Gold, Symbol: The Lion

♍️Virgo - Born August 23 to September 22. Virgo’s are intelligent, analytical, practical, loyal. Modality: Mutable, Element: Earth, Metal: Mercury, Ruler: Mercury, Season: Summer, Stone: Sapphire, Color: Blue, Beige, Symbol: The Maiden

♎️Libra - Born September 23 to October 22. Libra’s are Idealistic, Fair, Clever, Diplomatic. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Air, Metal: Copper, Ruler: Venus, Season: Autumn, Stone: Diamond, Quartz, Marble, Color: Green, Blue, Symbol: The Scales

♏️Scorpio - Born October 23 to November 22. Scorpio’s are Perceptive, Determined, Focused, Intelligent. Modality: Fixed, Element: Water, Metal: Steel, Iron, Ruler: Pluto, Mars, Season: Autumn, Stone: Topaz, Opal, Color: Purple, Symbol(s): Scorpion, Eagle, Snake, Phoenix

♐️Sagittarius - Born November 23 to December 22. Sagittarius’ are Adventurous, Independent, Optimistic, Outspoken. Modality: Mutable, Element: Fire, Metal: Tin, Ruler: Jupiter, Season: Autumn, Stone: Topaz, Color: Turquoise, Symbol: The Archer

♑️Capricorn - Born December 22 to January 19. Capricorn’s are Ambitious, Resourceful, Wise, Prudent. Modality: Cardinal, Element: Earth, Metal: Lead, Ruler: Saturn, Season: Winter, Stone: Amber, Onyx, Color: Brown, Black, Grey, Symbol: The Goat

♒️Aquarius - Born January 20 to February 18. Aquarius’ are independent, leaders, inventive, smart. Modality: Fixed, Element: Air, Metal: Uranium, Ruler: Uranus, Season: Winter, Stone: Amethyst, Color: Blue, Symbol: Water-Bearer

♓️Pisces - Born February 19 to March 20. Pisces’ are Artistic, Perceptive, Intuitive, Compassionate. Modality: Mutable, Element: Water, Metal: Tin, Ruler: Neptune, Season: Winter, Stone: Jade, Color: Purple, Blue, Green, Symbol: The Fish

Sun Sign in Taurus

Source: Joanna Martine Woolfolk

  • Birth Dates: (April 20 – May 20)
  • Feminine
  • Element: Earth
  • Quality: Fixed

Taurus is quiet, affectionate, patient, stable, determined and practical, stubborn, and resistant to change.

  • Ruling Planet: Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty and the arts, pleasure, emotions. In astrology, Venus’s influence inclines toward a love of luxury and exceptional creative ability.
  • Symbol: The Bull

Strong, stubborn, plodding, can be both fierce and gentle. The glyph represents the horns and head of the Bull. It also outlines the chin and Adam’s apple of the human throat (the part of the anatomy that Taurus rules). In symbolic terms, the glyph is a half-moon forming a cup that rests on the circle of the Sun. The cup represents material power and wealth derived through the force of will (the circle).

Polarity: Scorpio

Taurus is the sign of property and money. Its natives put high regard on collecting possessions and are known to cling to what is theirs. Scorpio, Taurus’s opposite sign, is the sign of legacies and shared wealth. The wealth of Scorpio people tends to be spiritual rather than material, which they give to others in the form of teaching, writing, and the healing arts.

Part of the Body Ruled by Taurus: Neck and throat

Many Taurus people have beautiful speaking and singing voices. But they are vulnerable to colds, laryngitis, sore throats, and thyroid problems.

  • Lucky Day: Friday
  • Lucky Numbers: 6 and 4
  • Birthstone: Emerald

Protects against infidelity and deceit, ensures loyalty, and improves memory.

  • Colors: Pale blue and mauve

The soft colors of refinement and gentleness.

  • Flowers: Violet and Poppy
  • Most Likeable Trait:Dependability


You are the person others count on in the clutch, the one who perseveres when less determined spirits fall by the wayside. Because perseverance is the quality most needed for success, you tend to be successful. You are not the pioneer who first strikes out for new territory, but the determined settler who follows and builds houses and towns and cultivates the soil.

There is a pronounced stubborn streak in you. Your greatest strength resides in your tenacity and steady, relentless drive. You are a purposeful achiever who has endless patience to see a thing through, to make it a success. You are the original immovable object and irresistible force.

Taurus is a fixed sign, which means its natives are not fond of change. You simply cannot be rushed into anything new. A different approach creates unease and anxiety in you. You are most comfortable and secure with the familiar. Everyone knows you have a temper, although you rarely show it.

You need order in your life—you get anxious when things are out of control. And because the unfamiliar makes you feel insecure, you tend to cut yourself off from fresh experiences. You need to be more open to change. Having beautiful things is important to you, and your instinct for collecting even spills over into relationships.

You hold fast to those you care about. You have a few close friends rather than many casual acquaintances. In love, you’re happiest when involved in a caring, committed relationship. You’re deeply sensitive—a rebuff or harsh word is very upsetting to you—and with strangers, you often feel self-conscious.

You’re thought of as a serene influence, someone to depend on, and you’re admired for your organized mind. Not many people realize that you’re sensitive and easily wounded. You are trusted as a tastemaker, and your artistic and esthetic opinion is welcomed. Because you have sound instincts about money, your financial advice is also sought. On the other hand, people resent your tendency to be dogmatic. Even if you’re right, others don’t understand why you have to be so unyielding.

Sun Sign in Aries

Source: Joanna Martine Woolfolk

  • Birth Dates: (March 21 – April 19)
  • Masculine
  • Element:Fire
  • Quality:Cardinal

Aries is active, energetic, excitable and impulsive, optimistic, open to change and new experiences

  • Ruling Planet: Mars, the ancient god of war, aggression, and conflict. In astrology. Mars’s influence denotes courage, passion, and competition. It can foster tension and accidents and rules over fire and danger.
  • Symbol: The Ram

Assertive, sexual, able to climb to great heights. The glyph represents the horns and long nose of the Ram. It also pictures the eyebrows and nose of the human face (the head is the part of the anatomy that Aries rules). In symbolic terms, the glyph is two half-moons joined by a straight line, which indicates idealism tied to authority and leadership.

  • Polarity: Libra

People with Aries tendencies strongly project their own personalities and can be very self-oriented. Libra, which is Aries’s opposite sign, is the sign of partnership. Natives of Libra feel incomplete without a partner or lover and strive for happiness as a pair.

  • Part of the Body Ruled by Aries: The head

Aries people are prone to headaches and subject to minor injuries around the head and face.

  • Lucky Day:Tuesday
  • Lucky Numbers: 1 and 9
  • Birthstones:Diamond

Attracts love, financial success, and brings luck in new ventures. The diamond is particularly lucky for Aries people when worn on the left side of the body.

  • Color: Red

The color of fire and excitement.

  • Flowers: Geranium, Honeysuckle, Sweet Pea
  • Most Likeable Trait: Courage


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and symbolizes new beginnings. It connotes quick changes and sudden forks in the road. Your life is marked by arriving at a certain place and then being turned in a new direction- adventures!

There is a dynamic restlessness to the Aries character. With the Sun in this sign, you are an activist and doer. New ideas are exciting and patience may be difficult.

When others first meet you their instant impression is of someone exciting, vibrant, talkative. If someone brings up a topic, you will be delighted to tell in great detail exactly what you think about it. As an Aries person, you gravitate toward the center of action.

You are audacious and intent on getting your own way. Since your nature is to express power, you treat opposition as an annoyance to be brushed out of the way. You are a natural leader who exudes self-confidence. From an early age you feel you are headed for success.

Happily, you are also generous about helping others in a crisis. You are an openhearted friend who shares ideas and advice and likes to pick up the check. You have a quality of largesse. You are not interested in the small or petty. “Go for the best” is your motto.

Your upbeat, magnetic personality pulls people toward you—you bring excitement into their lives. They envy your aggressiveness in meeting a challenge. Whatever the problem, you give the impression that you have an answer ready.

You like to be in charge and have an intense drive to succeed. This puts a lot of pressure on yourself. Inside, you’re filled with nervous energy and worry about how you’re going to handle everything. You hate to be bored; you’re always looking for something different—new people and places that promise excitement and adventure.

You have very little patience; you need to practice sticking things out. You’re also impatient with people who can’t resolve a problem. You believe in taking action. What you do have is great generosity and enthusiasm. And although you suffer from occasional self-doubt, you know that if you really want to do something, you can!

You’re also admired for your honesty; you don’t gloss over difficulties. What people don’t like is your tendency toward bossiness and your deserved reputation for being sharp-tongued. They’re afraid to cross you in an argument because they know you can cut them to the quick.

 Aries - Allspice, Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal Resin, Cumin, Deerstongue, Dragons Blood

Aries - Allspice, Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal Resin, Cumin, Deerstongue, Dragons Blood Resin, Fennel, Frankincense, Galangal Root, Juniper, Musk, Peppermint, Pine

Taurus - Apple Blossom, Cardamom, Daisy, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Magnolia, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Plumeria, Rose, Thyme, Tonka Beans, Vanilla Beans, Violet

Gemini - Almond, Anise, Bergamot, Citron Peel, Clover, Dill, Lavender, Horehound, Lemongrass, Lily, Mace, Mastic Resin, Parsley, Peppermint

Cancer - Calamus, Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Lotus, Myrrh Resin, Rose, Sandalwood, Violet

Leo - Acacia, Gum Benzoin, Cinnamon, Copal Resin, Frankincense, Juniper, Musk Oil, Nutmeg, Orange, Rosemary, Sandalwood

Virgo - Almond, Bergamot, Cypress, Dill, Fennel, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Lily, Mace, Moss, Patchouli, Peppermint

Libra - Apple Blossom, Catnip, Lilac, Magnolia, Margoram, Mugwort, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Sweet Pea, Thyme, Vanilla Bean, Violet

Scorpio - Allspice, Basil, Clove, Cumin, Deerstongue, Galangal Root, Gardenia, Ginger Root, Myrrh Resin, Pine, Vanilla Bean, Violet

Sagittarius - Carnation, Cedar, Clove, Copal Resin, Deerstongue, Dragons Blood Resin, Frankincense, Ginger Root, Honeysuckle, Juniper, Nutmeg, Orange, Rose, Sage, Sassafras Bark, Star Anise

Capricorn - Cypress, Honeysuckle, Magnilia, Mimosa, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Vervain, Vetivert

Aquarius - Acacia, Almond, Gum Benzoin, Citron Peel, Cypress, Lavender, Gum Mastic, Mace, Mimosa, Patchouli, Peppermint, Pine

Pisces - Anise, Calamus, Catnip, Clove, Eucalyptus, Gardenia, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Lemon, Mimosa, Nutmeg, Orris Root, Sage, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Star Anise, Sweet Pea

herb correspondences

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This weeks astrology & how it will affect you

May 23rd - 30th

(Check Sun/rising)

  • Saturn Retrograde 13° Aquarius - Sunday
  • Super Moon Lunar Eclipse 5° Sagittarius - Wednesday
  • Mercury Retrograde 24° Gemini - Saturday

- a door closes -

This is a week of self-evaluation, truth telling, full disclosure and the removal of outgrown circumstances. A Super Moon lunar eclipse at 5° Sagittarius on the karmic South Node of Fate on Wednesday May 26th is bracketed by Saturn Lord of Time and Karma turning retrograde on Saturday May 29th. The triple event opens a season of dealing with whatever needs to be faced and sorted.

Themes of truth, lies, fake news and lost in translation communication are entangled with Mercury retrograde conjunct the eclipse.

At this total lunar eclipse, you are permanently closing a door behind you ready to open a new one at the 19° Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10th 2021. Lunar eclipses are emotional as they create final endings. They can make you sentimental, more aware of the passage of time. Memories and dreams come up to the surface. Look back to the last Sagittarius lunar eclipse in June 2002, then 2012 when the Nodes of Fate were reversed, to help you to join the dots in what’s now come full circle in your own life.

Remind yourself that this deep space eclipse wave is not head stuff - it’s somatic, physical, integrative - and be diligent about grounding. Energy will be magnified as this is a Super Moon Eclipse with the moon at its closest to the Earth. It heralds a geo-cosmic storm potential along with turbulence in geo-politics and the financial markets that extends from May 23rd - 29th.

New! In June, as yet more veils are lasered away by the June Solar eclipse and the Cancer Solistice, your life stream is going to hit some turbulence.

♈︎ ARIES ♈︎

It’s a big week. On Wednesday, the Super Moon lunar eclipse overshadows your 9th / 3rd houses. A course of study may be completing or a mentor leaving. Circumstances changing around you beyond your control are nudging you to update your thinking and discard old beliefs that distort the accuracy of your inner map of the world. Now is the time to gently let an outgrown relationship or contract go, to leave a group you no longer fit into and clean up your social media contacts.

Be proactive.

♉︎ TAURUS ♉︎

Think back to June 2002, the last Sagittarius Lunar eclipse, to notice what you bought, sold or invested in. This cosmic wild card is activating your money axis of both earned income and joint or inherited resources so, as both Saturn and Mercury are turning retrograde, don’t make any large commitments, sign any important contracts or buying anything expensive. Your emotions will be running high and you may lose your perspective in the heat of the moment. Wait until the dust settles after the June 10th Solar Eclipse.

Channel this supercharged energy into getting your finances in order.

♊︎ GEMINI ♊︎

Happy Birthday Gemini, whenever it arrives. Your month opens dramatically with a Super Moon lunar eclipse bracketed by both Saturn and Mercury retrograde. Emotions usually run high under lunar eclipses and you may be drowning in nostalgia or missing someone gone from your life. This cosmic wild card closes a door permanently on a relationship. It could be romantic, professional or a friendship that is beyond fixing. Eclipses reveal what you haven’t seen before - the truth comes out and it’s impossible to ignore. Wether someone breaks up with you or you break up with them, move on and see it as creating space for new people to enter your life.

Don’t try to rekindle the ashes.

♋︎ CANCER ♋︎

On May 26th a doozy of a Super Moon lunar eclipse activates your 6th / 12th houses - your axis of well-being and retreat. It will close a door on aspects of health, routines and self-care that have been undermining or sabotaging you, whether you realized or not. It’s time to break any toxic habits cold turkey and to replace them with healthier alternatives. That might include leaving a job that stresses you instead of inspiring you. Since both Saturn and Mercury turn backwards at this eclipse, double check all you communications before you press send.

Clearing your own ecology.

♌︎ LEO ♌︎

It’s set to be an intense and emotional week with a Super Moon lunar eclipse bracketed both Saturn and Mercury turning backwards. For you a solar Leo, your 5th / 11th house of self-expression are in the frame for change. A door will close on one of your pet projects, plans or passions - you might have completed it, run out of juice or simply given up on it. All the better to start envisioning something new and more exciting at the June 10th Solar eclipse. In the 2 weeks between these powerful cosmic wild cards, back things up, upgrade your communications and clear the decks.

This is a permanent closure.

♍︎ VIRGO ♍︎

For you as a Solar Virgo, this week’s powerful astrology is all about family. On Wednesday, a Super Moon lunar eclipse closes a door permanently on some part of your home life. It might be a changing of the guard when someone leaves or someone arrives. You might realize - finally - that you have had enough of where you live and need to find somewhere more harmonious. Or you decide to move to another city or country. Expect to feel emotional, nostalgic for good times go by and allow yourself time to grieve and then release sad memories.

Home is a state of mind, not a place.

♎︎ LIBRA ♎︎

Wednesday’s potent Super Moon lunar eclipse is falling across your 3rd / 9th house of communication. it’s not going to be business as usual as the cosmic wild card is sandwiched between Saturn and Mercury turning backwards. Your 3rd house is about siblings and neighbors so tread carefully, aim to tie up and resolve any problems and leave them behind permanently. You might be finishing a study program or deciding to drop it altogether if the juice is gone out of it. Make sure you double check emails, texts and social media posts before you press and send.

Lost in translation.


A Super Moon lunar eclipse on Wednesday 26th bracketed by both Saturn and Mercury turning retrograde are going to ratchet up your emotions. Lunar eclipses can be very nostalgic, reminding you of good times gone by and of people who are no longer part of your life. If you need to, treat yourself gently and take time to grieve. For you as a solar Scorpio, changes are going to affect your finances, both your income and your shared assets. A door may shut permanently on one source of income or you may decide its time to pull the plug on a professional contract. Keep in mind that Trickster Mercury is unreliable and don’t make any big commitments to investments for at least another 3 weeks.

Sealing financial leaks.


Something big is week comes … you’re about to experience a lunar eclipse in your own sign for the first time since summer 2002. For more clues to which part of your life is coming full circle, you could also think back to eclipses in 2012 when the Nodes of Fate were reversed. Expect to feel more emotional than usual, and if you need to unburden yourself, find a trusted friend to confide in. This cosmic wild card is taking you through a door way then closing the door behind you where your personal vision and plans for the future are concerned. It will shine a light on what and who needs to be left behind so you can create a new and bigger dream for yourself.

If circumstances shift around you, don’t try to cling on them - better times await.


Cut yourself some slack, it’s going to be an intense and emotional 2 weeks. On Sunday May 23rd, your won Planet Saturn turns retrograde until October in your 2nd house. Your finances are slowly and inexorably being restructured until March 2023, so collaborate with the process, add to your savings, cut debt and ask for money owed to you. On Wednesday, a Super Moon lunar eclipse shines a light into the engine room of your chart, the deeply private 12th House. It might excavate old memories, bring on nostalgia for people and times past or reveal where your blind spots are. People around you may seem irrational, so keep a low profile and give yourself time to reconnect with your ancestry, your dreams and your spiritual life.

Glimpses of the unseen.


It’s a fast moving, intense week when events and circumstances change around you beyond your control with a domino effect in your own life. First on May 23rd, your co-ruler Saturn turns backwards until October. See it as an opportunity to review your support systems - relationships, where you live, work, finances - and strengthen your foundations so you are both flexible and resilient. Wednesday’s eclipse is a Super Moon on steroids and emotions will run high. It is closing a door permanently in your 11th House of friends, groups and networks. You may leave an association behind or drop a friendship that you’ve outgrown or, conversely, someone may drop you.

Take some quite time mid-week.

♓︎ PISCES ♓︎

It’s set to be an emotional week so make sure you have some quite time to yourself. A Super Moon lunar eclipse on May 26th falls at the top of your chart activating your career and public image and closing one door permanently. A promotion you hoped for might fall through or someone at work might leave creating a vacancy or you might find an unexpected golden opportunity to move on elsewhere. If you do, seize it with both hands. It looks as if you’re more then ready for a new challenge and the next eclipse on June 10th might just deliver it. Keep in mind that Mercury is retrograde from May 29th so use the time to dig for information, check out helpful contacts and do some detective work.

Full circle in your career.


Whatthe signs wanna do when they feel sad

Aries you usually want to indulge in the sadness. Watch YouTube videos of children being adopted and of dogs being saved to get all the tears washed out. When the weather is stormy, you will literally run outside to feel like you’re one with the wind and be kind of glad that no one sees your tears in the rain. When it’s sunny you get extra mad though, cause the weather doesn’t match your mood. Dramatic much, babygirl? But don’t let anyone tell you which emotions you should suppress (me included), suppressing anything doesn’t make it better. Feel them all.

Taurus you probably pretend the sadness isn’t there for most of the day, then break down when you’re alone. Cuddling under the blankets, talking to your plants (it’s not weird when it’s working to get your mood better!) and maybe, just maybe, letting a roommate make you a cup of tea and talking it all through with them. It can help to let people in, but you’re entitled to your secrets as well, if you want to keep them. However you feel safe.

Gemini when you’re sad, you want nobody to know but you want everybody to know at the same time. You want to keep it private, but what you really need is the comfort of friends being there for you. You tend to not tell anybody because your sadness is so sudden, so immediate and groundbreakingly deep, that you don’t think anyone else could deal with the surprise of it. But you really wish, someone would just magically know… and understand.

Cancer You want to feel seen in your sadness. It can be a challenge for you, because you’re already so close to your emotions. So every time something sad happens, you might feel like you can’t show it - everybody would be like “oh this again”. What you do not know however, is how others admire your capability to feel deeply and show it. Not everyone is so connected to their inner self. Let it be a gift to you.

Leo when you are sad, you think you’d need an army to get you upright again. When actually, all you need is one single person who knows you, to listen closely. To tell you what you’re good at and what you mean to them. Do not be afraid to share your pain, it could help so much to just let someone take some of the weight off you. You already know who you need to talk to.

Virgo when you’re sad, you might find solace in some words you wrote down, in a book someone lent you, or in a song. It’s through shared melancholy that you start to feel that you understand what you’re really going through. That is an important tool you need to keep track of. The mediums that help you feel better are something that cannot only distract you, but more so deepen your comprehension for yourself, and therefore your sympathy for yourself. Use them often.

Libra The way in which you feel sad might not be understandable to everyone, as you tend to be unable to show all of it. Please know that there is no wrong way to feel the feels. You are worthy of support and you don’t have to burst out crying just to prove how much someone hurt you. You might just know it yourself, deep in your mind. It’s still worth explaining and it might even be good for you to open up about it. Maybe there will be a perspective you hadn’t thought about.

Scorpio when you’re sad, you’re mad. You’re mad at the whole world. And rightfully so one might say, cause it has lead you here. The thing is: you have a right to feel that way. You have been let down, and it’s totally okay to feel horrible about it. “It’s gonna get better” doesn’t help you, because you live in the now. But maybe it helps to think about it this way: all emotions are true. All of them have a right to be here right now. You don’t have to debase them, you can just… acknowledge that they are here right now, without judging yourself for having them. Just let yourself be angry right now. That’s totally justified.

Sagittarius when you’re sad, it’s more often than not because of something a person did to you, often unknowing it would hurt you. Baby. Darling. Honey. It’s gonna be okay. This is not the end, and I know it sucks to feel left out or just not understood, but sometimes other people do stupid things. Sometimes they lack the empathy and the understanding to get why that thing they did hurt you, and sometimes they just don’t want to understand. But: there are others, others that will treat you right. And here’s a little secret for you: the ones that are good for you outweigh the other ones by far. If not by number, then by power. One person makes you laugh? Makes all the dumb people small like bugs.

Capricornwhen you’re sad, it might help to channel your sadness through art, through writing or meditation. If you create something and pour all your grief into it, you can release so much more than just the pent-up emotions. You can release better energy to move forward. It doesn’t even have to be good, or pretty, it just has to be yours. You don’t have to show it to anyone. Just… make something.

Aquarius when you’re sad, the world around you will usually know, but only those who pay close attention. You can hide quite a bit, but if you’re not truly “there” in the moment, friends will notice your absent-mindedness. You have to give them a chance and let them in if you want a guiding hand. They might feel your sadness, but you are good at hiding, and nobody can really read your mind. Other people might know an easier escape than the one you could think of alone. The world can feel so light when someone has a surprising solution for your problem. Or, you know… Just a shoulder to cry on.

Pisces as you’re a very caring person, the world feels upside down when you’re sad yourself. If you don’t care about all this and don’t listen to horoscopes anyway that’s fine, but just remember this one thing: others can only help you if you let them in. And there might be more love and understanding in store for you than what you could imagine to deserve. Your empathy and all the good you bring into the world do not go unnoticed. You will get this positive energy back to you, I promise. People are a mirror. And you my friend, emanate something pretty good to reflect back.


✨Hot Girl Summer✨ for the Signs

Libra cooling down with a ventilator while your friends ask you for forgiveness (they said it’s unnecessary to buy it and now it’s 86°). Discovering new music, but also listening to oldie summer hits. Laying in a hammock all by yourself. Going to a barbecue in a backyard. Wine cooler with fruit to drink as you watch a soccer game. Light thoughts and daydreams.

Scorpio laying in the shade, dreaming of someone fanning you with a big palm leaf (actually, it’s not too unlikely that there is literally someone there to fan you). Drinking summer cocktails with fresh mint. Reading to forget the world a little bit. Playing the lottery. Chilling on a rooftop.

Sagittarius sliding down slides in the adventure waterpark. Rocking these seasons’ colors. Going to the drive-in cinema. Collecting wildflowers to press in a book, then forgetting them there. Putting lemon slices and raspberries in your water. Going outside in the summer rain.

Capricorn Walking around with a parasol. Preferring smoothies to milkshakes. Napping in the afternoon. Enjoying walking home after a long evening of fun, as now the streets are empty and the air has cooled down. Baking apricot cake. Squinting at the sun.

Aquarius Lighter strands in your hair from being in the sun. A painting date with your best friend (changing the canvases every two minutes between you two, to create two Frankenstein-paintings). Making a fruit salad. Swimming in a lake while it’s raining.

Pisces Propagating plants. Wearing all linen. Taking a bike ride to a really nice icecream-shop. Beach sports. Braided hairstyles. Watermelon as a cold snack. Sitting on a picknick blanket back-to-back with a friend and talking to each other. Sleeping outside.

find part two here


Single on Valentines Day Aesthetic for the signs

LeoGetting down with a really, really good book and taking some time to get into this other world. Baking some bread and eating it with too much butter. Getting a flower from a shop or from the vase in your house and wearing it behind your ear, just to feel cute.Showing yourself some kindness and treating yourself to a massage that you give your own hands, to remove the tension and relax every muscle in your fingers. Feeling like you owe the world nothing, but you owe yourself the world.

Virgomaking some Art today, doesn’t matter if it’s good or not, just some painting, or some music, or crocheting or finishing a home project. Making something. Then having a calm moment, taking a walk and smiling at all the dogs that cross your way, and the owners too, if they seem friendly. When at home, using some of that good skincare product that you don’t want to use everyday because it was expensive. Indulging in the knowledge that you have to be nowhere today, you have no social obligations, you can just do what you want.

Librathe day could feel heavy, but heavy in a good way, in the soft, velvety way of knowing exactly what you want and the delicious hope that you’re gonna get it eventually. Making some good tea, putting on a coat and boots and drinking it out on the balcony in the freezing cold. You drink the hot tea and the air is so clear and good for you. Today, your realize the depths of one of your friendships and the true meaning of soulmates.

ScorpioUsing the day to do something you’ve been wanting to do for a while, like finishing a sewing project or even just calling a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Showing your plants some love and watering them, spraying them with water, maybe taking some cuttings. Doing your eyeliner just so, and feeling really confident in your body because you should be, and you’re absolutely stunning. Laying naked on your bed without any reason and maybe painting on yourself with watercolor, just for the joy of the colors.

Part 1

Part 3

Tortured artist vibes from the signs

Aries running through a storm, their friends roll their eyes and think Aries does it for the dramatic effect, but actually they do it to finally feel something, feel a lot, feel everything all at once again. Also, cutting off their ear (or other not-so-great coping mechanisms) because they cannot deal with their own mind telling them lies.

Taurus sitting on a swing set in the backyard of their grandparents, head upside down, looking at the clouds and at the upside-down meadow until they get dizzy. Taking forever on creative block, but then sitting down and finishing an amazing painting in one single 5-hour-session.

Gemini sucking on a pink lollipop and accidentally cutting their tongue on it, then sucking on their tongue. Assembling old figurines they found at antique flea markets. Walking around in an extravagant nightgown (or craving doing that, but they don’t own the appropriate nightgown for afternoon promenades around the house).

Cancer crying in the bathtub (if they don’t do it often enough, they will realize that they actually enjoy a good cry from time to time and that they miss it quite much to let go like that). Making inappropriate jokes about murder stories, especially about true crime. Finding inspiration in many things but not trusting their gut, because they think they want to be someone else, so they don’t trust their own ideas even though those are so good.

Leo sitting in their perfectly decorated bedroom at their absolutely not tidy desk that shows the things Leo is passionate about in a very open, kind of in-your-face way. Writing bad poems and good lyrics to songs, but only being able to do good art as long as the passion that tortures them, fuels them.

Virgo feeling torn between a simple life in a cottage doing botanical illustrations, getting cooked for by their perfect fae wife, and dancing in fairy rings to eery harp music but kind of feeling alone out there and just not knowing if it’s enough.

Libra thinking about joining a cult just for sociology research reasons. Thinking they are rational and reasonable all their life, until a lover with a bad influence sweeps them off their feet and makes them question everything they think they knew. Getting a taste for the new, the unknown, the forbidden. Can be dangerous.

Scorpio regularely thinking about trying magic mushrooms but then they just end up staying up late and turning on music and looking at themselves, naked, in the mirror, half of the night, contemplating between “I am a goddess, I am a diva” and “I am worth nothing, my soul is too dark for this world”.

Sagittarius dancing slowly in the sunset light and feeling like everyone around is watching them (which they are absolutely doing). Feeling misunderstood while having lots of people ask every day how they are, but they still don’t feel like anyone could possibly bear with the truth. Believing in a god or an entity from above, but also unleashing them on their enemies with kind of a chaotic energy.

Capricorn dark circles under their eyes, they stand up early, go outside with a cup of tea, stand in the frosty grass and kind of enjoy the cold creeping up their legs. They find inspiration in sounds, in scents, in colors. No one appreciates their art in a way they think appropriate, although still, everyone appreciates it, and not every artist can say that about themselves.

Aquarius showing their frustration or lack of inspiration in an unusual way, Aquarius send all of their action and passion into being lovers. Sometimes lovely and romantic and almost perfect, sometimes tragic and melancholic and with torn-apart hearts, they try to hold onto the people that make them feel the hardest, to get themselves to draw new inspiration from every meet-up, every heartbreak, every new kiss.

Pisces painting on their own legs with watercolor, dreaming about being far away, or back home, or with someone they miss. Quietly breaking inside when they feel like they’re not giving enough. Producing beautiful, meaningful artwork but not being able to see the worth of it themselves. Feeling a shimmer of hope on every new morning though.

Zodiac Pairings and what they discover from each other

Aries x Cancer

Aries realizes that there is healthy love out there. Cancer realizes that is is alright to feel uneasy sometimes if it means you can also be swept of your feet.

Cancer x Gemini

Cancer realizes that they like to be there on shared adventures just as much as calmly making time for each other. Gemini realizes how much they’ve longed for someone who truly cares for them.

Scorpio x Leo

Leo realizes what they searched for was in front of them all along, just hidden behind a mask they couldn’t see through. Scorpio realizes what an asset it is to commit to one another.

Leo x Taurus

Leo realizes that actually, they can be interested in stuff they never cared for, if it’s the right person showing it to them. Taurus realizes they don’t ever wanna feel constricted by someone or deadlocked in a realionship.

Things the signs might say as September rolls around

Taurus: “welp, that relationship did not work out as I planned. Well let’s go and garden some autumn flowers and also liven up my oldest friendships”

Gemini: “I don’t fucking know how my mysterious, secret lover turned into a cinnamon-baking stay-at-home boyfriend of the century, but autumn is coming so hey let’s just roll with it and he might make some apple cinnamon crumble for us”

Cancer: “This summer went by in a blink, and I am in love again, and I am heartbroken again, and I kinda don’t get why these two always go hand in hand in my life”

Leo: “time to go on an autumn hike! And to a gala! Maybe not on the same day but maybe yes actually!”

Virgo: “It’s TIME to REDECORATE! Okay okay where are my fairylights? Damn I gotta give grandma a call and ask for some garden pumpkins. Damn, did I just say ‘damn’? I should really stop watching these drama TV shows… maybe 'Stranger Things’ was just a little too much for me”

Libra:“Oh. My. God. It’s almost September and I haven’t restocked my favourite pencil set and my favourite notepads and my favourite markers and WOW there’s a sale in the home&furniture section at Harrods brb”

Scorpio:“changing friends, living my best live, always being on the edge… You know my brand!” *sniffles*

Sagittarius: “Have you read the article that was in today’s New York Times? What do you mean you haven’t? I’ll send you a link. And also a playlist to listen to while you read it. Have you seen that the new Lorde album came out?”

Capricorn: “let’s go for a walk! An autumn walk near the sea. Man it would be nice to have a dog to walk right now. Wait let me ask the neighbor! Autumn is awesome. I’ll pick some apples on my way to them”

Aquarius:“singing to keep the bad thoughts away, singing to be happy, singing to not think… not think about the apocalypse which will probably happen any day now and oh my lord now I’m thinking about it I can’t stop the climate change is real I don’t know what to do I will just keep - singing to keep the bad thoughts away…”

Pisces:“does anyone want gum? I got some from this nice lady at the park who always talks to the bugs”

Aries:“Halloween Halloween THIS IS HALLOWEEN” [Libra from the background: “It’s fucking August!”]

aries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINISaries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aestheticrequested by: anon **NO MORE REQUESTS IM FINIS

aries sun / cancer moon / capricorn rising aesthetic

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