#i apologize


hey y’all! so i know i don’t have that big of a following on here, but i’ve been gone for a while because of me not having enough storage on my phone to do anything in regards to school, so here’s the important things (at least, of what i can remember lol) of what’s been going on:


so in my school, it’s a Performing Arts Academy. I am a Musical Theatre major, and so each MT class gets to do showcases, and ours happened to be Once on This Island Jr.! I got to be Mama Euralie, as well as be one of the Vocal Directors of the show! It was an amazing experience and will go down as one of the best things to have happened this school year. Here’s a picture (some) of my class and I during the number, Pray.

(if you’d like to see more videos/pictures, click here!)


So I’m not sure if y’all knew this, but a while back (August, to be exact), I released a single with one of my best friends of about six years and counting, Joey Miceli, who is a senior at my school. This is him:

(he is also, by the way, a TOTAL PRO at what he does– he has two albums out right now, both of which I’m featured on, and every lyric he writes is all his own on both. i truly am not saying this just because he’s one of my best friends, but because he is truly and sincerely talented. it would mean the world to me if y’all checked him out because he deserves WAY more recognition than what he gets right now!! pleaseeee go check out everything he has done!! youtubeinstatwitter facebook itunesspotifywebsite)

So we’ve released a song together back in August called Loveline (x,x,x), and in February, we went ahead and released ANOTHER song together! It’s called Back Again, and it’s a bit different than Loveline, but a good bop nonetheless. Getting to write and record songs is very cathartic for the both of us, and getting to release songs gives us so much joy, and I’d love and appreciate it tons if you guys could give it a listen! (and maybe even let me know what you think?)

Listen to Back Again here: itunesspotifyyoutube

(BONUS: To watch Joey and I perform BOTH Loveline and Back Again LIVE, click here!)

okay so that’s pretty much all i can think of off of the top of my head, also observing the fact that these were the two main events that really have stuck with me and give me a lot of joy and nostalgia lolol. thank y’all for going this far and sticking around, and hopefully i won’t be gone for too long! much love and light to y’all!! <3

i’m good at writing and the words just flow so easily most of the time. i can write childrens stories, i can write essays, i even have a 15 chapter story i wrote in 6th grade, but when it comes to writing about her and how she makes me feel.. the words just suddenly stop.. it all just becomes this emotion.. this feeling that i cant describe. it’s impossible to put into words how perfect she is. the word perfect doesn’t even begin to describe her and no analogy, no metaphor, would even be able to help you completely understand the way i feel when i think about her. i can keep saying she makes me feel warm like that one particular sun spot on the couch on a warm spring day but thats the bare minimum of how it feels. i can say things like safe, and comforting, and calming but again those words even fail to explain just exactly how i feel when shes around. i’m no poet and i’m not some big english major or some shit but i just know that there is not a single word, not a single sentence, not a single metaphor or analogy, not a single image, not one single fucking thing on this huge ass planet that could properly describe the way i feel about her, or how amazing she is, or how i feel around her… it’s so complicated but so simple at the same time..

Selina’s 4am Thoughts

I know there is no justifying the terribleness if JKR naming the one of the only POC characters two last names of different cultures. Just because they are historically “Asian”. Nice, lumping everyone on a continent together.

But I had a thought that could redeem this.

What if her name was Cho-Chang. As in one complete last name, from both parents of varying cultures. And what if (this is a guess, I don’t know if this is an actual thing but I think it’s cool), outside her family, no one actually knew her first name. Like everyone calls her Cho because that’s the first part of her last name and while it may not be her first name, it’s considered a sort of nickname.

I also like to think that her being a Ravenclaw (while it may be a stereotype, rude) is because she is extremely intelligent, creative. She is the character we like to bash for crying a lot. But it makes sense, her boyfriend was murdered. And yes, she and Harry kisses but people rebound. Especially when they are mourning, plus Harry and Cedric both being triwizard champions created a connection between them. And Cho just wants her boyfriend back, so she projecting him onto the only person like him.

Cho gets a lot of flack, and she doesn’t deserve it. She’s grieving and a textbook way. She had to be smart, in any kind of way. Doesn’t have to be academically, to get into Ravenclaw. To be honest, I just want her happy.

*I am in no way defending JKR, I just thought of this and thought it was a cool idea.*

While watching strike back when Felix betrayed the team I said, and I quote, “nevermind he is no longer a material girl I cannot root for him”, but the more distant we get from the finale the more I think about him and how well written he is and how highkey iconic he was as ✨flairmidable✨ and how he’s just a kid guys and how he’s keeping me glued to this show like never before and I hate him he is very very bad bad I’m putting him in timeout (affectionate)

(Also doesn’t help that he looks like Adrien aka my son aka blorbo from my show I love both my boys and I want to see Adrien beat him up for what he did and then for them to become best friends and twins I also want Marinette to find him and then beat him up again and then for him to drink his respect woman juice and then for them to become friends and-)

Hello humans! 

I know, I know. You barely hear from me, I let this blog almost die, I am not working as well as I used before. I sincerer apologize for that. I truly do. 

I have an explanation for that. As you know, I am a positive little robot. I try my very best to be as positive and cuddly as I can get. However, something went wrong in the last year with my program. A terrible virus attacked me and made me terrible sick until this very day and it seems like it will never go away. And the worst part is, the virus attacked my positivity and my motivation program. So I was literally unable to do some work. Now, I have a scan program and an anti-virus software as well. I hope I will be able work again soon. I miss you all, lovely humans. 

Please be patient with me and take good care of yourself. 

Remember: you are loved, you are valid, you matter. 

Okay, real talk people! Here’s the “boss” of the positive robot who cuddles. The real reason why we have been quiet the last months (I’m really sorry about that) is because my mental health is going through hell and I had a big crisis (still have). I couldn’t stay positive, I couldn’t write, I could do nothing. But I’m doing better each day and my recovery is doing great. I try to be more active here again but I can’t promise anything really. 

Take care of yourself! Your mental health is important! Take that from me, trust me. I love y’all! 


i apologize in advance if i am posting some of these blurbs/drabbles and they take up your dash! i’m on mobile and can’t do the little page break thingy. ;(

wait i figured it out!

thanks google

i apologize in advance if i am posting some of these blurbs/drabbles and they take up your dash! i’m on mobile and can’t do the little page break thingy. ;(

I’m a very tired college kid and a mother of two dogs
