#i need advice


Can anyone help me with self publishing a book? Don’t know what is the best way to go about it. I’ve been looking at so much stuff I don’t know what to do anymore. Is Amazon good? I need some help. Please and thank you.

I need y’all’s advice on how to get over a MAJOR crush. and no I will not confess to him. but please give me advice because he’s a grade above me and I only ever interact with him in PE but even then we never talk or anything unless we’re forced to because of an activity/assignment or something. Just please help because I have such a huge crush on this guy that it’s hard for me to even get through the day or focus on school because when I even get a glimpse of him or pass him in the hall it’s like my legs turn to jello and my heart races super fast and then I’ll just think about him all day. At this point it’s really not healthy for me because I already have low self esteem so my crush not even looking at me or anything makes me feel like I’m super ugly and it’s just slowly making me less confident but at the same time I put so much work into my looks just so I look good FOR HIM. I really want to get over this so badly because my grades are slipping and so is my self esteem and it feels like I’m just falling in a never-ending hole.

My chest feels like it’s going to burst…

Thinking of giving my blog a major overhaul, including a username change…

Thoughts? Suggestions? 
