#incorrect quote


Jack, fresh out of surgery and high on anesthesia because he’s a dumbass and almost died: whoaaaa you’re so beautiful… are you a model?

Alyssa, laughing: yeah no

Jack: who are you? what’s your name?

Alyssa: my name is Alyssa. i’m your girlfriend

Jack: w h o a

Randall: What’s your biggest fear?

Gabrielle: Being forgotten.

Randall: Damn, that’s deep.

Randall: Mine is the Kool-Aid man, but I feel kinda stupid about it, now.

Randall: Vera’s right. We have to do this. Change is inedible.

Alyssa: Don’t you mean inevitable?

Randall: *spits out a bunch of pennies*

Randall: I did not.

Randall: I want to tell you a joke but I only remember the punchline.

Gabrielle, rolling eyes: Go ahead.

Randall: Tooth-hurty.

Gabrielle, sighing: When is the best time to go to the dentist?

Randall: You complete me.

Jack: music is just wiggling air

Gabrielle: don’t do this. Don’t do this to me today.

Hamish: and colour is just wiggling light. Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.

Gabrielle: ple-

Lilith: artists and musicians are just magicians of the wiggle.

Randall: an artists best quality: their wiggles.

Gabrielle: i’m leaving the pack

Randall: *sorting through his mail*

Randall: Baby shower invitation? Haha, no thanks, Jack and Alyssa. I have a regular size shower that I can use whenever I want.

Vera: I will need that you and Jack pretend to be dating on the mission, Alyssa.

Alyssa, blushing: I… yeah, ok.

Jack: *trying to hide a smile*

Vera, knowing she’ll regret asking: What’s that, Jack?

Jack: I’ve read enough fanfics to know exactly how it will end.

Randall: since it’s impossible to know which part of my life is the middle

Randall: I have decided to have an Ongoing Crisis

Randall: i’m declaring today international ‘nothing tries to kill us’ day

Randall: anything trying to kill us today will have to just not

Nicole: if i got a dollar for every time i thought about you, i’d only have one dollar because you’re all i think about.

Lilith, voice cracking: have fun being broke, weirdo.

Randall, after kissing Nicole for some reason or another: Lilith’s gonna kill us.

Nicole: Yeah. This is a mistake.

Randall: A mistake that we’re gonna laugh about one day.

Nicole: But not today.

Randall: Oh, no. Today’s gonna be a mess.

Lilith: This may shock you but not everyone here likes you.

Gabrielle, filing her nails: Sounds ridiculous but go on.

Randall: I’ve been flirting with you for 2 years.

Gabrielle, unimpressed: Do you really consider finger guns flirting?!

Vera: Are you working on the spell?

Jack: My book is open, I have a knife in my hand and I’m not about to get up and do something else.

Jack: But no, I’m thinking about the beatles.

Alyssa: I can’t believe we’re stuck in this stupid forest together!

Jack, burning the map: truly unfortunate

Vera: Of course I care about everyone in the order equally.

Hamish: We were attacked while you were away.

Vera: Is Jack okay?!

Randall: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I strong or weak?

Jack: Strong.

Alyssa: Weak.

Lilith: An idiot.

Vera: I hope you all have a verygood explanation for this.

Randall: We have four, actually.

Jack: We couldn’t decide on one.

Lilith: So you can pick your favorite.

Hamish: I’m so sorry about them.

Randall: Hey, it was your idea in all of these!

Gabriel, putting on shades: Hope you like bad boys because I’m bad at everything.
