#indie horror

So we all didn’t get to see what Mrs.Ho looks like(I believe we all aren’t that interested either),

So we all didn’t get to see what Mrs.Ho looks like(I believe we all aren’t that interested either), but based on the stereotype in Taiwanese culture of this kind of illegal business, I assumed her to be a short, chubby, toad-like old hag. 

But my roommates and I were talking about what if she was…..sexually appealing(don’t ask how we got here, we were serious and we know it’s strange.) So this came out.

(Spoiler alert!)

Don’t get me wrong, we don’t like Mrs.Ho. The main character was very wrong and did something unforgettable, but she was much, much worse. Our protagonist wouldn’t have lost it all if it wasn’t for her driving him to the wall for money. 

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kardcore: DEVOTION還願 is honestly one of my favourite games.


DEVOTION還願 is honestly one of my favourite games.

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// ooaaa……

// ooaaa……

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I have fallen into the indie horror scene once again but alas there will be shitposts. I’m sor

I have fallen into the indie horror scene once again but alas there will be shitposts. I’m sorry to the followers who follow for my ygo art, alas I don’t have the energy for human porportions at this hour.

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For anyone who’s gone through the demo or wants to know what happens beforehand before the full pilot is released, you can read the promo comics here:


It  features the main villain, who didn’t appear in the demo.


Otherland is an interactive visual novel made in RPG Maker VX Ace. It is a whimsical horror based on Alice in Wonderland (book) and inspired by other horror titles like Little Nightmares, Fran Bow, Ib, and Pocket Mirror, while still having its own personal charm. It tells a story about how nothing can be ever be perfect and perfectionism isn’t always perfect - this includes life not being perfect itself. That no matter how beautiful paradise may seem, it still has its flaws.


Gilbert Warrens was abandoned at the doorstep of the Kingsman Orphanage as a baby by his mother, Meredith. As his thirteen years tolled by, he came to saw things that no one else could see, except him. Creatures, spirits who lived alongside the people of London. No matter how many times he told the other oprhans that there were these odd things around them, they all pegged him as a liar or insane.

 So, he and his only friend, the young demon faun who watches over Gilbert’s good health, are left together to share their lives in the orphanage. Until one day, the circus beyond their wildest dreams comes to town square. A circus of magic, a circus of wonder - The Circus of the Paradise. El Paradiso.


Original artwork and story
Characters who will travel alongside you
Exploration & lore
Three unique endings all dependent on how you treat others and yourself
Bonus Content (upon final chapter)


I’m just starting to fly through these maps. I have an easier time getting indoors finished since repeating patterns aren’t as noticeable as repeating trees. I still won’t have it done by the end of this year, but that’s ok. Have a deer.



✨ If you love what you’ve see so far, don’t forget to donate to my Ko-Fi~

My Patreon is also available if you wish to receive rewards! Every penny you send me helps my disabled ass live. ✨


Please notify as soon as you follow so I can start posting content.

The final stretch of the demo. This has to be my favorite map I’ve drawn since I was able to work with more colors! There are 3 more rooms to draw before I finish the rest of the programming. Haven’t been more excited to complete something.

For some reason I forgot to post this in the cluster of images a few months ago. The intro has a lot

For some reason I forgot to post this in the cluster of images a few months ago. The intro has a lot of cutscene images and I’ve been slowly hacking away at redoing the scenes from the cancelled comic. My free visual novel is continuing, but slowly. Seeing the last post I did for this game back in May is painful to see.

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Three new screenshots from the prologue / pilot episode. Is she collecting roses or doing something much worse? “Oh, Mrs. Meredith Warrens. What are you doing with that little rotting bucket?”

(Please don’t spoil if you’ve read the teaser comic from last year.)

- The stamina doesn’t come into any ‘boss’ play until Chapter 1
- The ‘real’ world is one of the few times there is lack of color; it’s meant to make El Paradiso that much more appealing.
- The only maps left to make for the prologue are the orphanage, which has several maps due to it’s size
- Work will be slowing down due to Animal Crossing (This is a project I chose to do to tell my story for fun; There’s no need for me to be absorbed into it every day, as episodes are periodic.)

There’s no text or dialog yet, but the programming for Bubo is all done in this room. He follows you around without blocking you from interacting with his things. I’m trying to make the NPCs react to things as realistically as possible. (You wouldn’t be stepping on your own friend’s heels!) Instead of him just being set up as a party member and staying glued to you or wandering around aimlessly, he follows the player at a slower pace. In some instances, there will be no other option than to have them as party members to prevent crashes and characters interfering with cutscenes.
