
A #throwbackthursday special about false advertising - Trust and Deception: Advertising Principals o

A #throwbackthursday special about false advertising - Trust and Deception: Advertising Principals of the Past #tbt

Once upon a time, advertisers were allowed to lie to us. As shocking as that may seem, there are countless examples of advertisements from the early twentieth century that claim all sorts of things.

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How To Be An Antimicrobial Steward | January 2016Infographic on antimirobial stewardship for Student

How To Be An Antimicrobial Steward | January 2016

Infographic on antimirobial stewardship for Students for Antimicrobial Stewardship Society.

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Roy Lichtenstein, Stepping Out, 1978“To many people, Roy Lichtenstein’s paintings base

Roy Lichtenstein, Stepping Out, 1978

“To many people, Roy Lichtenstein’s paintings based on comic strips are synonymous with Pop Art. These depictions of characters in tense, dramatic situations are intended as ironic commentaries on modern man’s plight, in which mass media — magazines, advertisements, and television — shapes everything, even our emotions. Lichtenstein also based paintings on well-known masterpieces of art, perhaps commenting, as did Andy Warhol in his "Mona Lisa,” on the conversion of art into commodity. Like Warhol, Lichtenstein, who had an art-school background, also worked as a commercial artist and graphic designer (1951–57), an experience that influenced the subject matter of his later paintings. Lichtenstein’s fame as a Pop artist began with his first one-man exhibition, at the Leo Castelli Gallery in New York in 1962, and continued to characterize his career throughout his life.“ (read more)

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Joan Miró, Dutch Interior (III), 1928“In 1928 Miró painted a series of three paintings inspi

Joan Miró, Dutch Interior (III), 1928

“In 1928 Miró painted a series of three paintings inspired by postcards of seventeenth-century Dutch genre scenes that he collected during a two-week trip to Holland. In this painting, he discarded the heightened naturalism and precision of these models in favor of dreamlike distortion. He used artistic shorthand to render the central figure-an archer-yet one can easily detect the arrows and avian targets.” (x)

© 2011 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

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I hope you are all well

[image id: an infographic titled “Signs of autistic burnout” by @adulting_with_autism_ (probably from Instagram? ). It has 9 small images to illustrate each point and reads;

  • nonchalance / flat mood
  • low attention span
  • exhaustion
  • scared to make commitments
  • irritability
  • overwhelmed and/ or underwhelmed
  • special interests unappealing
  • low capacity for socialising
  • unshakeable and constant anxiety

/end id]



So like, i feel like we’ve made some progress conceptualizing some aspects of bpd, a lot of which arent really stated as symptoms officially, so im just gonna summarize some points that’ve been more or less deemed collectively relatable. 

  •  no concept of units of measurement, applies to time, weight, distance, etc. cannot determine sizes without reference point 
  •  General no concept of time, memories are not stored linearly, incapable of determining passing time without a clock 
  • -‘thought cloud’ thinking, mostly abstract/conceptual where conclusions are drawn from general ideas rather than formulatic logical reasoning, meaning:  A -> ???…C-B-> A -> ??!! AD->B…. = DVS.A -> B -> C = D 
  •  no object permanence heavily related to relationships with other people, relationship and concept of person vanishes when not interacting, incapable of manifesting a mental image of person when trying recall them, may recall them more as a concept or idea
  •   maladaptive daydreaming, escapist tendency to live in an elaborate fantasy world instead of real life, often related to a ‘story’ you create of how your life should go where you may play the ‘tragic hero’, confusion results when real life doesn’t line up accordingly to this story 
  • psychotic symptoms more common than initially believed, including delusional thinking, illusory/hallucinatory things, paranoia, etc. tactile hallucinations, shadow people, insects, dots, etc.
  •  default perception of vision may be different than normal, colors are brighter, sounds/tastes/all senses are slightly amplified, static or ‘snow vision’ common, objects can warp or melt in peripheral or blurred vision, patterns and textured surfaces glitter, move, or go all trippy, solid colors or empty spaces are perceived as multiple colors simultaneously
  •  sense of hunger is nonexistent or dysfunctional, hunger based heavily on emotions instead of a physical body response 
  •  tendency to draw the following: swirls, sky imagery, eyes, trees, circuits, dots, floaty and abstract subject matter that reflects ‘living in your head’, not being grounded, and have an intangible/fractured or ever-morphing sense of identity 
  • wanting to be sick or clinging to self-destruction as a consistent quality to base identity off of is common, suffering is so ingrained into identity and sense of self that recover is undesirable, wanting to present the image of being fucked up because at least you know how to do that right - black and white/all or nothing thinking is present in literally every aspect of life and logic processing, instinctual way of processing conclusions, thoughts, and feelings only exist on two extremes with no concept of a middle ground, this conflict leads to not being able to decide any aspect of yourself which leads to nonexistent sense of self
  • dissociative symptoms work on a spectrum, may include varying degrees of depersonalization/derealization, may occur episodic or chronically, and can range from a ‘not entirely there’ permanent mental state to a temporary state of panic where you’re completely detached from reality. the range and frequency of these variations are dependent on the individual 
  • psuedohallucinatory voices or people in head, may be described as facets, alters, or some other mystery category, can be percieved as seperate entities or different parts of you, conversations with these voices are common and may happen out loud frequently. headmates
  • “imposter syndrome” very common, where you question the validity/existence of your disorder, question whether or not you may have a completely different disorder, worry about faking it or exaggerating symptoms, want to prove the existence of your illness by getting worse, etc.
  • lack of sympathy results from excess empathy, because of our ability to feel others emotions strongly, we must put up a wall and refuse to acknowledge other’s emotions at all, for fear of feeling them too strongly and getting hurt in the process. for example, refusal to help comforting someone emotionally, because allowing yourself to do so would make you secondhandedly feel the exact misery they’re feeling that lingers long after the interaction

Essential Oil Recipes for Specific Areas of Healing

Stress and Anxiety Relief


  • 5 Drops of Chamomile Oil
  • 5 Drops of Lemongrass Oil
  • 30ml of Carrier Oil


  • 5 Drops of Peppermint Oil
  • 5 Drops of Lavender Oil
  • 30ml of Carrier Oil

Muscle Tension and Muscle Pain Relief

Muscle Tension

  • ½ Tablespoon of Ground Allspice
  • ½ Tablespoon of Ground Nutmeg
  • 5 Drops of Geranium Oil
  • 120ml of Carrier Oil

Muscle Pain

  • ½ Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
  • ½ Teaspoon of Ground Tumeric
  • 5 Drops of Rose Oil
  • 5 Drops of Tea Tree Oil
  • 120ml of Carrier Oil

Chest Congestion and Mucus Relief

Chest Congestion

  • 5 Drops of Eucalyptus Oil
  • 5 Drops of Pine Oil
  • 30ml of Carrier Oil

Mucus Build Up

  • 5g of Dried Nettle Leaves
  • 5 Drops of Frankincense Oil
  • 480ml of Carrier Oil

Strengthening The Mind

Focus and Concentration

  • ½ Tablespoon of Ground Myrrh
  • 5 Drops of Rosemary Oil
  • 480ml of Carrier Oil

Mental Strength and Clarity

  • 1 Tablespoon of Dried Rosemary
  • 5 Drops of Peppermint Oil
  • 5 Drops of Spearmint Oil
  • 480ml of Carrier Oil

Combating Fatigue


  • ½ Tablespoon of Dried Juniper Berries
  • 5 Drops of Thyme Oil
  • 480ml of Carrier Oil

Citrus Energy

  • 5 Drops of Lemon Oil
  • 5 Drops of Lime Oil
  • 30ml of Carrier Oil

Good Night’s Sleep

  • 5 Drops of Lemon Balm Oil
  • 5 Drops of Ylang-Ylang Oil
  • 30ml of Carrier Oil

Upset Stomach Relief


  • ½ Tablespoon of Dried Catnip
  • 5 Drops of Ginger Oil
  • 5 Drops of Spearmint Oil
  • 480ml of Carrier Oil

The next Aromatherapy post will cover the Magickal side of scents, including but not limited too, Bottle Spells, Spiritual Components and Ritual Baths.

YES, YES. I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT. Spare Bike is going to be a special movie and will be aYES, YES. I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT. Spare Bike is going to be a special movie and will be a


Spare Bike is going to be a special movie and will be aired in September 2016. ((http://yowapeda.com/sparebike))

AND the anime season 3 will be aired start in January 2017!!

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I have a Youtube Channel now! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
To celebrate that I tried to do the Bang Bang! Meme with Yūri and Victor! 

Esto es de un libro de Enrique Rojas (psiquiatra) titulado “El hombre light” y es que de verdad tiene toda la razón lo que tiene ete libro, si no lo han leído aun es momento para hacerlo!

El nos dice que el hombre light es un hombre que está informado, sabe lo que pasa en el mundo mas sin embargo nada le interesa, o tal vez si pero de manera superficial. 

Por ejemplo ahora ocupa el metodo zapping que consiste en cambiarle de canal, estas viendo algo y le cambias a otro canal así radicalmente, esto quiere decir que todo te interesa pero todo es superficial.

Pongamonos a reflexionar como dice T. S. Elliot, the rock, 1934.

Estamos en otro mundo, el mundo nuevo de la comunicación donde cada vez somos más los que compramos desde una computadora nueva de ultima generación, hasta un smartphone de ultima generación. Y es que hemos avanzado tanto a tal nivel que nos hemos olvidado de lo que verdaderamente es importante.  

Aqui 3 preguntas que podrías hacerte.

  • ¿Dónde está aquella vida que perdimos en vivir?
  • ¿Dónde está la sabiduría que perdimos en el conocimiento?
  • ¿Dónde está el conocimiento que perdimos en la información?

Si salias a las calles y veias a todo mundo viendo el cielo, tu oficina entera está pegada a la ventana, o tus compañeros de clase fue y viendo como locos el cielo y  tu timeline de twitter repleta de fotos del sol dentro de un aro, esto fue lo que paso

No tiene nada de ver con la luna u otros astros, no es una señal ni el principio del fin del mundo.

El halo que rodea al sol se produjo por las nubes que están cristalizadas por el frío, cuando los rayos del sol atraviesan esas nubes aparece el halo.

Regularmente este fenómeno meteorológico se observa en lugares muy fríos como Alaska.

La proyección de los rayos a través de las nubes crea un efecto iridiscente, por lo que se reflejan colores verdes, azules o rojos similar un arcoíris.

Hi, I’m Nav! Nice to meet you!

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Most I can have ar any given time is 4-5 open slots, so check this post to see status—I’ll be updating as it goes. Currently:

  1. TAKEN
  2. TAKEN
  3. TAKEN
  4. OPEN!
  5. OPEN!

DM me if you’re interested!!

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Open for any asks, but I don’t do requests! If you want a sketch, you can commission me; I wish I cpild, but I’m just a broke student without a lot of free time to waste.

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I’ve got a few, but this linktree link has them all! I do make a lot of process / speed paint type videos but they’re just for Insta and Tiktok, so feel free to check that out too.

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My main OC is Cassius Snow / Xue Ying! He’s the Pale haired dragon that shows up everywhere. “Ice³ Verse” is the OC tag because it revolves around three characters that all have the cold as a theme so…. ice³. Lore should be tagged “lore” and “my art” or “cassius” as tags have most of it!

– • – • –

And I think that’s all you need for an info post! Enjoy your visit, don’t get lost :D

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Birth Family

  • Inspiring toward members of the birth family
  • Maintain a gain sense of independence away from family
  • Could be insensitive and lack patience with birth family
  • Competitive and wanting to win against birth family members
  • Arguments and disagreements with the members

Early Childhood Teachings

  • Taught the importance of being independent and self sufficient growing up
  • Living life by passions was embedded in early life
  • Informed to always be incisive, go with your impulse, and take action
  • Trained to be relentless in life and always go get what you want
  • Expressing was encouraged by the family environment
  • Narrow minded teachings have been a key theme in the early life

Value System

  • Always fight for what you believe in
  • Want to be aggressive, compete and win
  • Go with impulses and what inspires in the heat of the moment
  • Work towards being enterprising and pioneering

Gained Assets

  • Ambitious and Self Motivated in Pursuit of making money
  • Achieving financial independence is very important
  • Very competitive and passionate with making money and wants to be number 1
  • Takes the lead being assertive in trying to make money
  • Pursues pioneering efforts and shows courage by creating a business
  • React quickly to situations where turning a quick dollar is possible
  • Show impatience with making money
  • Could take foolish risks and crash and burn in financial opportunities
  • Show resilience to get

Spent Assets

  • Inspired very easy to spend income on things
  • Self motivated and spends on things of passionate interest
  • Ambitious and Competitive with spending money
  • Tendency to be impulsive and careless with spending habits
  • Trouble saving money due to reckless spending habits
  • Gets into “financial accidents”
  • Occurs financial debts, bounces back accounts
  • Narrow Minded and selfish in spending habits
  • Arguments and fights pertaining to how money is spent


  • Pursue owning anything that is of self interest
  • Loves the chase and passionate thrill of ownership
  • own items that are extremally ambitious to attain like rare items
  • Competes with others over possessions, perhaps having to copy and own what they do
  • owns things are related to the nature of ruling planet Mars
  • May like to own things that are of a military nature like guns, swords, knives,
  • war movies, books
  • Can own items related to sports like sporting equipment or sports memorabilia


  • Expressive and passionate speech
  • Inspires others through speech
  • A majority of speech can be influential, trying to help
  • Self Motivated speaker, speaks only when feels right
  • Competes through speech. Turns into debate.
  • Argumentative and possibly angry tone
  • Speech may be relentless
  • Possibly say things impulsively without thinking
  • Foolish or reckless with speech, Possibly lie or overexaggerate

What Goes into the Mouth

  • Passionate about eating
  • Courageous and will try anything almost once
  • Aggressive eater. Probably finishes portions fast.
  • Eats first at the dinner table. May not wait for others.
  • Prefers hot and fiery types of foods
  • Eats on an impulse with no questions asked
  • Fan of Competitive eating

Return to the A Study of Astrology Masterpost

Btw, next time I’ll upload my The Stanley Parable stuff (and my drawings with the invisible narrator) on a side-blog to prevent my main-blog from becoming too cluttered, hahah.

The blog is extremely new and a work in progress but if you’re interested in the game (and my drawings) feel free to follow it.
