#its funny because its true


Technically, it’s the 5th day but it still applies.


People with anxiety don’t have a train of thought. We have seven trains on 4 tracks that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross and all the conductors are screaming.



what do you MEAN I have to finish writing the fic before I can receive praise and feedback?? why can’t I just pry my brain out, shake it at my laptop until the fully-formed fic comes loose, then gently blow off the brain and pop it back in like a fuckign gameboy cartridge


discourse aside, one reason i headcanon enjolras as gay is because i think the way he would incorporate it into his worldview would be incredible. like i don’t think he would believe straight men actually exist. he would be arguing about how men are objectively more attractive than women since they are of course superior intellectually, physically, etc. so naturally one will be attracted to a man over a woman but it is the duty of citizens to form patriotic unions whence come new citizens that will be raised to cherish the Republic and patrie. thus the beauty of a woman is not physical but the way in which she assumes the form of the Republic herself in bringing forth citizens that will be suckled at the breast of Liberty, drinking the milk of Equality. thus while a man may hold great affection, nay admiration for a woman as she performs her sacred duty, it is impossible to compare to the love a man feels for his equal in the bonds of Fraternity, his brother in arms who valiantly guides him towards the new dawn of the ages. obviously you all only have mistresses for clout.

and everyone is like ENJOLRAS WHAT



Hello you’re watching my new hit series ‘Assholes in Hell Town’.

Based on a sad book you haven’t read, Assholes In Hell Town follows the main characters Sadistic Bitch Lady, Sad Woman Who Deserves Better, Mediocre Man Who Deserves Nothing, and Somewhat Decent Other Guy Who Gets Completely Fucked Over as they do interesting things for about three episodes, then abandon those interesting things entirely in favour of making unilaterally bad choices and having just the worst sex. By this time you will feel obligated to continue watching, but it will absolutely feel like homework for adults.

The season finale will end with a compelling cliffhanger which will be resolved completely within the first five minutes of the next season in favour of pursuing a much less interesting plot that you expect will get enjoyable at some point.

We at Story Is A Product hope that you will enjoy the brief glimpses of kind and likeable side characters that you wish you were watching instead, right before we kill them off in horrific in gruesome ways to show that the real world is a soulless façade made of heartbreak and broken dreams. Please remember that there is no good in humanity and pain is inevitable.

Then watch out for our six worse spin-offs, What Happens Next For The Character You Didn’t Care For, The History Of The McGuffin, Watch The Next Generation Suffer, Sidekick Learns A Life Lesson, Prequel Where The Original Old People Are Played By Young Actors We Picked From A Hat, and recent social media phenomenon, The Same Series But Shorter And Three Inches To The Left.

You won’t believe how bad we fuck the last two episodes of this show until you see it for yourself! Watch Now

oh, there are so MANY series that this applies to



Striking a blow against the capitalist fetishisation of productivity by devoting enormous and elaborate effort to something utterly pointless.

we’re already on Tumblr, Dave




When you enjoy dialogue so much that you end up completely avoiding describing the places properly

When you get so caught up in the banter that you forget to clarify who’s speaking with dialogue tags:
