#writers problems


I really hate it when I finally make a pretty good progress on the newest fanfic (a Biker AU that’s gonna be posted in October) BUT THEN the time I have for writing is over.

So now I’m back to work, really hyped to continue the fic but I definitely won’t have any more time for writing today 

Ugggh chapter 26 was so damn easy to write, why is chapter 27 being a bitch?

This thousand-year-old painting from Dunhuang uncannily depicts a 21st-century author trying to writ

This thousand-year-old painting from Dunhuang uncannily depicts a 21st-century author trying to write, while a thousand demons stir up a ruckus and unhelpfully provide an endless stream of distractions.

This is the demon called OHSHITDONALDTRUMPISPRESIDENT. Permanently hunched over, its only action, endlessly repeated, is to blast tripartite flames from its ass. Note its location in the painting, just below the Buddha.

This is the demon called, STOPWHATYOU'REDOINGANDSAVETHEWORLD. Wielding its battle-axe, and barely aware that a human being is flattened to its face, it raises one hand in impassioned invective that will change no one’s mind… but shouldn’t you be doing the same thing? SHOULDN’T YOU?

Located at the center of the lower-right quadrant of the painting. 

This is the demon TIMETOCOOKDINNER. It balances a platter of flames atop its ridged, barracuda-shaped head. Located center-left of the upper-left quadrant.

This is the demon called, YOU'RENEGLECTINGYOURHOUSEHOLDDUTIES. At the very top, just to the right. 

This is the demon called, OMGIJUSTHADANAMAZINGIDEAFORACOMPLETELYDIFFERENTNOVEL! All over its skin, new demons are erupting. It has seven heads. It opens its mouth to speak, but a weasel-demon shoots out.

Located toward the top of the lower-right quadrant. 

These are the demons SELF-DOUBT and UNCERTAINTY. Self-doubt has three snake-heads, each with a single eye; they argue with each other all the time, while the little demon with the bow-and-arrow balances on top of the three bobbing reptile heads. If only he could remain steady, he could aim his arrow and hit the target. If only…

Upper left quadrant.

This is the demon LOOKATMEIHAVEAFLAMETHROWER! You’re trying to finish your scene but wait, wouldn’t it be better if it had a demon with a flamethrower, and three live snakes writhing on its scalp? Dammit, why didn’t you think of that sooner?

Toward the bottom of the upper right quadrant.

These demons are the YOURFIRSTBOOKWASBETTER BRIGADE. A dragon, a tiger, a bull, and a panther come out one by one and laugh at you.

Along the bottom of the lower right quadrant.

This is the demon called SOCIAL MEDIA.

It’s right next to the Buddha’s hand.

Post link

Me writing in my head: *everything is perfectly poetic and on point*

Trying to bring these words on paper: *sounds like a three-year-old found a pencil*


A lot of writing tips say that you should “force yourself to write, even when you think you can’t.”

I personally have always interpreted this to mean that I should write even when I don’t feel like it, but recently that I started thinking about the difference between “can’t” and “I don’t wanna.”

And I’ve come to realize that this difference is an important one.

When I can’t write, something is wrong. I could be mentally or emotionally off that day, I could have homework that is stressing me to the point that I can’t focus on the story, etc, etc.

In these sorts of situations, I am nearly incapable of writing. I always could,of course, but it would probably be bad writing. I would end up more frustrated than I was when I started, and that’s not something I want out of my writing. These are the days when I can’t write, so I don’t.

But then there are other days when I still don’t write, but nothing is wrong. I’m having a better day mentally/emotionally, I’m on top of homework, etc. These are days when I usually get sucked into the void of YouTube, or I play games on my phone for hours, or I watch TV. On these days, I never get around to writing because what I’m doing in that moment is easier than diving into plot and characters again.

And those are the days that I end up regretting the most. Because those videos are always going to be there, those games aren’t going anywhere. The writing that I could have gotten done? That stuff is less permanent.

I guess the bottom line here is this:
Recognize the differences between the days that you can’t write and the days where you just don’t want to, and then act accordingly.

If you’re having a day where you can’t write? Take a break. It’s okay to have those days. You’re still a writer, you’re just not at your A-game today. That’s all right. You’ll get back to it.

But if you’re just putting it off because you don’t want to? Stop scrolling through Tumblr and go write, silly!

I believe it might nearly be time to post another fanfiction. You know, the one I started writing last May that has been sitting in my phone notes for months on end having been edited over a hundred times whoops. Stay tuned folks… x
