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The Sims in Japanese! (And other videogames and manga without furigana)

Want to play The Sims in Japanese but don’t know enough kanjito play it? I recently discovered a way to do it! And it probably works in lots of other videogamesANDmangathat do not have furigana!

It’s not perfect, I admit. But it really helps. And it’s free, by the way.

ThesoftwareI began using is called Capture2Text.

You can know more about it here: http://capture2text.sourceforge.net/

And you can downloadit here:


You just have to press two keys of your keyboard and then select what you want to translate.

And here is how I use it:

I don’t know if there’s a way for the software to separate the words and to give me their pronunciation. But that’s easy to solve. I basically just copy the word/text from the software and paste it into Jisho (https://jisho.org/).

I do not know much about its settings either, but here are the main ones that I somehow changed:

Why did I start using this?

Because I would need to know thousands of kanji to play it in Japanese, so I could easily look up the words in the dictionary using their pronunciation. But I just know 400 kanji right now. I could wait until I know most of them, but I’m into language immersion (seriously, guys. It works.) and I really love The Sims 2, 3 & 4. So why wait? I will keep learning kanji, of course (it’s more important than I ever imagined when I began learning this language, because I thought learning vocab would be enough). But through this method, I can even improve my kanji knowledge. Reading immersion can improve our vocabulary, grammar AND kanji.

So… if you’re like me, try it out!


It’s easy to get the meaning of the individual words through an addon like Rikaichamp(https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/rikaichamp/) and, if you still don’t understand the meaning of the sentence, just click “language switcher“ and it will give you the translation. I don’t recommend it though. As Matt from MIApproachsays, «Growing your capacity to tolerate ambiguity is essential to making rapid progress. Unfortunately, tolerating ambiguity often doesn’t come naturally. Most of us have grown up in a culture that places a lot of value on “understanding things.” Because of this, for most people, being able to tolerate ambiguity is a skill that must be actively cultivated over time.»

オノマトペ /의성어/ Onomatopoeia


日本語 - 한국어 - English / Japanese - Korean - English

1. ふわふわ - 말랑말랑 /폭신폭신- fluffy

2.ドキドキ - 두근두근 - butterflies / pounding heart

3. はくしょん - 에취 - achoo

4. ピンポン - 딩동 - ding dong

5.トントン - 똑똑똑 - knock knock

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 3

Fish : 魚 (さかな)

Frog : 蛙 (かえる)

Crow : 烏 (からす)

Owl : 梟 (ふくろう)

Penguin : ペンギン

Snake : 蛇 (へび)

Deer : 鹿 (しか)

Reindeer : トナカイ

Flamingo : フラミンゴ

Pigeon / Dove : 鳩 (はと)

hiragana (平仮名)

katakana (片仮名)

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 2

Fox:狐 (きつね)

Wolf:狼 (おおかみ)

Bear:熊 (くま)


Tiger:虎 (とら)


Elephant:象 (ぞう)

Giraffe:麒麟 (きりん)

Squirrel/chipmunk:栗鼠 (りす)

Sugar glider:モモンガ 

Animal Names in Japanese

Part 1

Animal (s) : 動物(どうぶつ)

Bird : 鳥 (とり)

Cow : 牛(うし)

Horse: 馬(うま)

Dog : 犬(いぬ)



Wild Boar:猪(いのしし)



Guinea pig:モルモット

The solar system


Space :

宇宙 (uchū) /우주 (wooju)

Alien :

宇宙人 (uchūjin)/외계인 (oegyein)


惑星 (wakusei)/행성 (haengseong)

Sun :

太陽 (taiyō)/태양 (taeyang)


月 (tsuki)/달 (dal)


水星 (suisei)/수성 (suseong)


金星 (kinsei)/금성(geumseong)


地球 (chikyū)/지구(jigu)


火星 (kasei)/화성(hwaseong)


木星 (mokusei)/목성(mogseong)


土星 (dosei)/토성(toseong)


天王星 (ten'nōsei)/천왕성(cheonwangseong)


海王星 (kaiōsei)/해왕성(haewangseong)


冥王星 (meiōsei)/명왕성(myeongwangseong)


星 (hoshi)/별(byeol)




彗星 (suisei)/혜성(hyeseong)

The Japanese alphabet

(片仮名 / katakana / カタカナ)

ア イ ウ エ オ a i u e o

カ キ ク ケ コ ka ki ku ke ko

サ シ ス セ ソ sa shi su se so

タ チ ツ テ ト ta *chi *tsu te to

ナ ニ ヌ ネ ノ na ni nu ne no

ハ ヒ フ ヘ ホ ha hi *fu he ho

マ ミ ム メ モ ma mi mu me mo

ヤ  ユ  ヨ ya yu yo

ラ リ ル レ ロ ra ri ru re ro

ワ    ヲ wa wo

ン n


*ウァ *ウィ *ウェ *ウォ*wa *wi *we *wo

*ヴァ *ヴィ *ヴ *ヴェ *ヴォ *va *vi * v *ve *vo

ガ ギ グ ゲ ゴ ga gi gu ge go

ザ ジ ズ ゼ ゾ za *ji zu ze zo

シャ シュ ショ sha shu sho

ジャ ジュ ジョ ja ju jo

ダ ヂ ヅ デ ド da *ji *zu de do

チャ チュ チョ cha chu cho

バ ビ ブ ベ ボ ba bi bu be bo

パ ピ プ ペ ポ pa pi pu pe po

Country Names in Japanese pt2

USA - アメリカ or 米国(べいこく)

France - フランス

Italy - イタリア

Australia - オーストラリア

Portugal - ポルトガル

Spain - スペイン

New Zealand - ニュージーランド


English words that are used in Japan pt 2

ice cream (アイスクリーム), is also referred to as just `ice` (アイス)

pen (ペン)is also called a ballpen (ボールペン)

chime (チャイム)

drama (ドラマ)

television (テレビジョン), is usually shortened and referred to as `terebi`(テレビ)

English words that are used in Japan

Ball (ボール)

Card (カード)

Service (サービス)



Salon (サロン)

Country Names EN/JP/KR


Country / 国(くに) / 나라

China / 中国(ちゅうごく) /중국

India /インド/ 인도

Indonesia / インドネシア/ 인도네시아

Pakistan / パキスタン/ 파키스탄

Bangladesh / バングラデシュ/방글라데시Japan / 日本(にほん) / 일본

Korea /韓国(かんこく) / 한국

Animal Names in Japanese pt4

Bee : 蜂 (はち)

Camel :駱駝 (らくだ)

Goat :山羊 (やぎ)

Mosquito : 蚊 (か)

Otter : カワウソ

Peacock : 孔雀 (くじゃく)

Zebra : シマウマ

Kangaroo : カンガルー

Hyena : ハイエナ

Hedgehog : ハリネズミ

Comparing Chinese character readings in Japanese & Korean pt 1

Fact : Japanese and Korean have a lot of words from Chinese. Because of this there is a lot of words that sound the same or similar. Also this plus the grammar being the same is the reason why Korean is the easiest to learn for Japanese people and vice versa.


Chinese characters - 漢字 kanji / 한자 hanja

promise - 約束 yakusoku / 약속 yagsog

Family - 家族 kazoku / 가족 gajok

Tool - 道具 dōgu / 도구 dogu

High School - 高等学校 kōtōgakkō / 고등학교 godeunghaggyo

School - 学校 gakkō/ 학교 haggyo

Japan - 日本 Nihon or Nippon / 일본 ilbon

Korea - 韓国 Kankoku/ 한국 hangug

Fruit names in Japanese

Fruit - 果物(くだもの)

1. Apple - 林檎 (りんご)

2. Banana - バナナ

3. Grape - 葡萄 (ぶどう)

4. Peach - 桃 (もも)

5. Watermelon -西瓜 (すいか)

6. Melon -メロン

7. Pear - Japanese pears - 梨(なし)

- 洋梨(ようなし)

8. Orange - オレンジ

9. Mandarin - 蜜柑(みかん)

10. Lemon - 檸檬(れもん)

Movie names (EN / JP)/映画のタイトル(英語 /日本語)

English : Moana (モアナ)

Japanese : モアナと伝説の海

EN trans : Moana and the legend of the sea

モアナ - Moana

と - and

伝説(でんせつ) - legend

の - (particle)

海 (うみ)- sea/ocean

English : Big Hero 6 (ビッグ・ヒーロー・シックス)

Japanese:. ベイマックス

EN Trans: baymax

日本語 :偉大な6人のヒーロー

English :Frozen (フローズン)

Japanese: アナと雪の女王

EN trans : Anna and the snow queen

アナ - Anna

と - and

雪(ゆき) - snow

の - (particle)

女王(じょおう) - queen


The body in Japanese


Body - 体(からだ)

Head - 頭(あたま)

Arms - 腕(うで)

Legs - 脚(あし)

Feet - 足(あし)
