
21.05.01Fruit Daifuku for breakfast. #朝ごはん #ゴールデンウィーク #弁才天 #フルーツ大福 #大福 #日本食 #和食 #カメラ好きな人と繋がりたい #写真

Fruit Daifuku for breakfast.

#朝ごはん #ゴールデンウィーク #弁才天 #フルーツ大福 #大福 #日本食 #和食 #カメラ好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #スイーツ好きな人と繋がりたい #instafood #foodstagram #japanesefoods #sweets #japanesesweets

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「Junko Sophieの秘伝京都 Vol.3」が公開となりました。

*English follows Japanese. 中文跟隨英文。




This monthly column called “Junko Sophie’s Hidden Kyoto Vol.3” has just been released! Junko’s essays are presented in Japanese, English and Chinese.

In the July issue, Junko shares with us her thoughts on the importance of “Hare and Ke” (the ordinary and festive). She shares here thoughts on this cultural wisdom that has been a part of Kyoto life since ancient times. The July issue features photographs of Junko in kimono taken in the Gion district of Kyoto, featuring its Tang Dynasty atmosphere. She explains why she choose her summer kimono for that day and introduces one of her famous delicious summer sweets of Kyoto. Please enjoy this interesting article with beautiful photos by the photographer Everett Kennedy Brown.

月刊專欄“索菲潤子的私密京都 Vol.3”公開了!


月刊登了穿著和服的 潤子在呈現唐朝氛圍的京都祗園拍攝的照片。 她說明了那天她選擇那套夏季和服的原委,並介紹了京都夏季著名的美味甜點。如果您喜歡這篇文章和Everett Kennedy Brown精彩的照片,我們會很高興。


Fruit Kanten Cocktail ~ 6 #kanten #fruitcocktail #dessert #japanesefood #foodporn #toronto #tofoodie

Fruit Kanten Cocktail ~ 6 #kanten #fruitcocktail #dessert #japanesefood #foodporn #toronto #tofoodies #japanesesweets #gelatine #seaweed #jelly (at Ginko Japanese restaurant)

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Green Tea Ice Cream, Momiji Cheesecake and Matcha Pudding. #japanesesweets #japanese #toronto #desse

Green Tea Ice Cream, Momiji Cheesecake and Matcha Pudding. #japanesesweets #japanese #toronto #dessert #icecream #cheesecake #matcha #itadakimasu (at Ginko Japanese restaurant)

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Kobe is very famous for European style sweets. We know their quality.
However, I can tell you the shop always offers Japanese traditional sweets with very high quality and high technique.

Japanese Beautiful Summer Sweets with Seasonal Motifs. Water Haven Toraya, Tokyo, Japan

Japanese Beautiful Summer Sweets with Seasonal Motifs.
Water Haven
Toraya, Tokyo, Japan

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Summer Wagashi “Kibunegawa” by one of the famous confectionery maker Kameya Yoshinaga (K

Summer Wagashi “Kibunegawa” by one of the famous confectionery maker Kameya Yoshinaga (Kyoto, Japan) Swining river fishes behind green maple leaves and boulders in the Kibune River (Kyoto, Japan)

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