#jim kirk



captain’s log stardate a billion i want to kiss spock on the mouth

#jim kirk    


We have three now incarnations of Captain James T. Kirk. This is from Nerdist.

#star trek    #jim kirk    #amazing    

Spirk sketch page

#tos spirk    #jim kirk    #kirk x spock    #schn tgai spock    

My half of a spirk art trade with @moonstag on Twitter ☺️

#tos spirk    #spock x jim    #kirk x spock    #schn tgai spock    #jim kirk    

Jim Kirk understands being a transmasc person but really liking feminine things and acting feminine, and being upset because it isn’t the breaking of gender roles it is on cis men. He knows that this is a really difficult topic for transmasc people because of the masculinity we’re expected to perform in order to “successfully pass as cis”. When cis men do traditionally feminine things, it’s considered breaking gender roles, but when transmasc people do the same things, it’s considered a sign that we’re not really transmasc. Remember that this is a toxic double standard, and that if it makes you feel happy not to conform to the traditional gender role, you do you! Don’t let people get you down. :)

#jim kirk    #james t kirk    #captain kirk    #star trek    #positivity    #transgender    #transmasc    



I love the idea of Spock being super queer, highly expressive and very emotional from a Vulcan view point. Like…

What humans see:

What Vulcans see:

the implication that kirik is gritty is a lot to take in while drunk at 1am

I see no difference

#kirk is gritty    #twinning    #star trek    #star trek tos    #jim kirk    #space husbands    #gritty    

Chekov and Sulu at the helm when Kirk, Spock and Bones get kidnapped by an old man and a hot young babe for the 20th time this week:

#star trek    #star trek tos    #jim kirk    #leonard mccoy    #chekov    

I love the idea of Spock being super queer, highly expressive and very emotional from a Vulcan view point. Like…

What humans see:

What Vulcans see:

#star trek    #star trek tos    #jim kirk    #vulcan    #queer eye    

jim kirk is 100% the type of guy to pull a loose thread even when he knows he shouldn’t

I love them your honour

#star trek    #star trek fanart    #star trek art    #jim kirk    #james t kirk    #captain kirk    #uss enterprise    #enterprise    #sketch    #doodle    #my art    #digital art    #fan art    #ipad pro    #procreate    #illustration    #fanart    #bros i love them    #theyre soulmates    #i am so late to this fandom    #but hi    #how u doin    

walked into that one

misc trek

#star trek    #jim kirk    

looking at some old promo stuff

#star trek    #jim kirk    
A wild Kirk has appeared!

A wild Kirk has appeared!

Post link
#star trek    #star trek tos    #james kirk    #jim kirk    #ion doodles    #ions star trek    

A little Kirk and Spock sketch.
