#john booker routledge


Taken- JJ Maybank

Request: hi ! I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing 111, 131 & 160 with jj - his best friend gets kidnapped by the two dudes who were looking for the compass at john b’s place & he has to find a way to get her back?

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: You’ve been taken by the square groupers and JJ is anxious to get you back.

Word count: 2,484

Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, crying, fear, abuse, cursing, mentions of bruises and blood, angst and fluff.


111. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.”

131: “If I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.”

160: “Stop fighting!”

“Hey, has anyone heard from Y/N? I tried calling her to invite her to come surfing with us but she never picked up or texted me back.” JJ said to the Pogues, walking back to John B’s from the beach. His friends checked their phones, all of them shaking their heads.

“I mean you know her, she’s either asleep or painting something outside. But we gotta go get her anyway if we’re gonna go eat at The Wreck.” John B suggested already walking to his van. JJ sat in the back of the van, an odd feeling in his stomach. Pushing back the feeling, he relaxed into the seat.

A quick five minute drive went by before they arrived at your house. Your car was still in the driveway, your parents not home due to them working. They walked through the front door, they stopped in their steps as they took in the sight in front of them.

The couch and dining room table was flipped over, papers and small objects scattered the floor. There was a hole in the wall next to the front door. Broken plates and bowls were shattered all over the kitchen floor. JJ ran down the hallway into your room to see it completely destroyed as well. 

Photos of you and the Pogues were torn apart, your bed was flipped to the side, some clothes were splayed on the floor. JJ stood there like a deer caught in headlights. Pope, John B, and Kie joined his side, all of their jaws fell open. “Holy shit.” Pope muttered. JJ walked towards your dresser to see a poorly handwritten note.

‘This is your warning.’ JJ slammed his fists down against the wood, “damn it! God fucking damn it!” He yelled, his face now red with anger and fear. The Square Groupers had gotten to you, kidnapping you to warn John B and his friends that they were not messing around. 

JJ fell to his knees, his hands picking up a ripped up picture of the Pogues, all of them were smiling and genuinely happy. Now, if you took a look at someone in the group, everybody looked desperate and broken.


You woke up, your mind groggy and your body ached in pain. The last thing you remember was a rag being smacked over your mouth before darkness took over. You attempted to push the hair out of your face, however the tight feeling of a rope was wrapped around your wrists. You turned your head, noticing the dark and abandoned room you were sitting in.

Your mind felt like a static TV, it was functioning however you couldn’t focus on anything. Fear flooded your veins as you connected the dots, remembering the square groupers attacked you in your house. You groaned out in pain, the sound being muffled by a piece of duct tape covering your mouth. Heavy footsteps marched down a small staircase, one of the men walking up to you with a water bottle in his hand.

“If I take this off of you are you gonna scream?” You shook your head no. In this short period of time, you had the option of fighting against a man whose way stronger than you, or doing what you’re told in hopes that they don’t kill you regardless. The man titled the water bottle up towards your lips, your body melting as the liquid hit your tongue.

“Alright. Tell me what you know about the compass.” “I don’t know.” You lied through your teeth. “I said what do you know about the compass?” He raised his voice, making you flinch for a moment. “I said, I don’t fucking know!” You fought back however you resisted, making him furious. He hooked his arm back before his fist collided with the side of your face.

You yelped in pain, panting as your mouth began to taste the metallic trait of blood. He crouched down to your level. “You know, if I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.” He taped over your mouth and marched back upstairs, leaving you to pray that The Pogues would come find you.


JJ paced back and forth in the Chateau, his hands pulling on his hair from stress. "Jesus christ, they took her. They just marched right in and took her. I swear to god if they lay a single hand on her I’m gonna-” “JJ!” Kie shouted at the boy who immediately stopped in his place.

“Stop thinking about how she got taken and help us find a way to get her back.” John B placed his hands on the blonds shoulders, “we’re gonna find her." 

"We could try telling Peterkin.” JB offered, Pope and JJ immediately shooting the idea down. “You never fucking trust cops, are you kidding me?” JJ snapped. “Okay well what the hell do you want us to do? Wait around until her dead body washes up on shore?” John B raised his voice, getting in his friends face.

“Don’t even say that shit dude. Don’t even bring it up.” JJ stepped forward before Kie stepped between the two Pogues. “Jesus, stop fighting! When we were in her house we couldn’t find her phone, right? Pope, do you think you could try to find her location?" 

Pope nodded his head, instructing that he would need strong wifi and a good computer. JJ recommended the hotel he works at as a busboy, a kook hotel that had one of the strongest connections in the Outer Banks. 


Your eyes struggled to remain open, both men had walked down stairs to try to interrogate you. However, you remained silent which only aggravated the men even more which forced them to throw punch after punch at your body.

It had been about three days since your kidnapping, the three days felt like four months. Your eyes felt heavy, your mouth was dry but the only thing you could taste was pure metal. Your ribs and chest ached, only imagining how many bruises littered your skin. Your wrists no doubt had rope burn due to every move you made.

You slugged in your seat as you heard footsteps trample down the wooden steps. You closed your eyes and automatically assumed it was the men. "Holy shit, guys she’s down here!” Your eyes snapped open to see Pope running towards you. JJ stopped at the foot of the stairs, taking in every detail he saw.

He saw all the dark bruises, the small cuts, the irritation of your wrists, your eyes were red and had dark bags, Tears welded your eyes as you exhaled, the tape trapping your actual breath. Pope reached down and began to unite your legs. John B and Kie joined Pope to help untie the ropes and help you walk.

JJ heard the sound of footsteps above him, signaling that the square groupers were home. He sped upstairs, ready to kill the men who did this to you. You told John B to follow him, Kie and Pope telling him they would help you up the steps. Kie gently pulled the tape off your mouth allowing you to gasp, finally able to breathe normally.

The two helped you stand up, your legs nearly went numb after the blood began to flow back down. Step by step, they led you up back stairs to see one of the square groupers knocked unconscious on the floor. JJ was on top of the other one, beating his face in one punch at a time.

JJ threw a hooked punch directly to the side of his face, grunting with each action he did. Blood covered his knuckles as his face was red from pure anger. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die. You never put your hands on a lady.“ 

John B ripped JJ off of the grouper, telling him that was enough. JJ took one last look at the man before spitting on his face, "and that was your warning to never mess with a pogue.” His eyes switched to see you in between Pope and Kie, their arms around your waist as yours were splayed around their shoulders.

He walked up towards you, “is it okay if I pick you up?” You nodded your head as he crouched down into position. Carefully, he picked you up bridal style. “Is this okay?” He whispered before you agreed. He carefully walked out of the house and into John B’s van.

JJ carefully sat you down on the seat, allowing you to get comfortable. The drive was silent, no one knowing what to say that wouldn’t upset you. Every bump the van hit caused your aches to hurt. JJ who was sitting across from you, reached forward and held your hand. Without looking away from the window, you gently squeezed his hand.

As soon as you returned to the Chateau, JJ was by your side and ready to carry you. You told him you would be able to walk, but as soon as you took one step your knees almost buckled. JJ and Pope were right by your side to help you stand.

They led you into the house and carefully let go of you, standing back as you stepped in place trying to regain feeling in your legs. “Do you need anything?” John B asked, handing you a bottle of water. You quickly uncapped it and chugged the liquid, panting as you crumpled the bottle in your hand.

“Some food and a shower would be nice. Maybe some sleep.” You said before throwing the bottle away. “I can go to the Wreck to get us food.” John B offered. “I’ll come with.” Pope stepped up. “And I’ll go to your house and pack some things for you to take here.” Kie said. Your heart melted at your friend’s offers. “You guys are the best.”

John B initiated a group hug, everyone careful on where their hands were. The trio left the house, leaving JJ and you alone. “Do- do you think you could sit in the bathroom with me? I don’t really wanna be alone.” You whispered, your cheeks lightly pink at your question. Without hesitation JJ agreed.

You walked into the bathroom, JJ behind you as he closed the door. Without you having to ask, he turned around to face the door, allowing you to change out of your dirty clothes. Turning on the water, you stepped in and allowed the cool water to hit your skin. You nearly cried at the feeling as the droplets hit your skin.

You raised your hands up to run through your hair, immediately hissing in pain as you stretched your torso. “Are you okay?” JJ asked from the other side of the curtain. The boy sat on the lid of the toilet, patiently waiting if you needed any help or you fell. “I- I uh can’t reach my hair without it hurting.” You said.

JJ went silent for a moment, “do you need help?” You muttered a soft 'yeah’. “Do you care if-” you quickly interrupted him. “JJ you’ve been my best friend for 9 years, I don’t care if you see my body." 

JJ stripped down to his boxers before stepping through the curtain. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he switched his gaze up to the ceiling. You turned around and faced away from the water. JJ lathered your hair with shampoo and conditioner, his fingers giving you a soft scalp massage.

You melted into his touch, nearly moaning at how good the feeling of soap on your skin made you feel. He stood aside and let the water hit your head, carefully running his fingers through your hair he rinsed the conditioner out. "And you are all clean,” he started turning the shower off, “you can dry off and I’ll get you a pair of clothes you can borrow.” You thanked him as he carefully slid by you, still avoiding looking at your nude body.

You slowly reached out and grabbed the towel, carefully wrapping it around yourself. JJ quickly returned with a set of his shorts and an old band shirt. Allowing you to hold onto him to balance yourself, you slipped on the shorts. “I think I can get it over my arms.” You said, your arms out directly in front of you. He helped you slide it on, his eyes continued to avoid your naked chest.

JJ had always been there for you from the day you met. From shoving the 5th grade bully into the wood chips because he laughed at you, to asking you to freshman homecoming after the boy you liked got asked by another girl. He would bring you food or snacks whenever you were on your period. He was the one who took the time to teach you how to surf. He was your best friend and you were his and nothing could separate you two.

JJ led you to his room and watched as you carefully laid down in the bed. You let out a moan of pleasure at the feeling of the soft fabric pressing against your skin. “Can you hold me?” You whispered avoiding eye contact with him. “Of course Y/N, I didn’t plan on leaving you alone.” JJ went around the bed to lay next to you.

His arm carefully rested at the top of your thighs, the only area near your waist that wasn’t hurt. You snuggled into his chest, melting into his touch as he held you close to him. Soft sobs escaped your lips as your body shook in it’s spot. “Shhh. It’s okay. I’m right here.” He whispered, stroking the back of your head.

“I’m so sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” He mumbled to the top of your head. “Don’t apologize J, you guys found me. You guys saved my life.” You said, slowly pulling away to look at him. He placed a soft kiss to your forehead. His stare landed at the dark black eye you had gotten. “But you got hurt.” He whispered, his fingers holding the bottom of your chin to get a better look.

You held him by the wrist, “but I’m alive. I’m right here J.” He shifted closer towards you, holding you in his arms where you were supposed to be. For the first time in 2 nights you were both able to close your eyes and feel at peace. “Get some rest Y/N, I’ll wake you up when the food is here.” He pressed another soft kiss to your forehead before you shut your eyes.

Snuggling closer to him, you placed a soft kiss to his neck and rested your forehead in the middle of his chest. “I love you.” He smiled. resting his cheek on the top of your head. “I love you too.”

Easy Day- Rafe Cameron

(Not my gif!)

Summary: after a stressful week you and Rafe are finally able to relax together.

Word count: 777

Warnings: none

A/N: hi! I just wanted to say if you sent in a submission I’m still working on it! I had to go visit my uncle who lives 2 states away from me and I haven’t had much time to write. I found this in my drafts and decided to post it! Love you guys xx

Rafe Cameron held you close in his arms as the sunlight entered through your curtains, blinding his sight. It was only 3 in the afternoon and the couple decided to take a nap due to their long work hours. He groaned in pain as you woke up to his noises, as soon as you opened your eyes you yelped in pain as the brightness took over your vision. 

“Here.” Rafe clamped his hand over your eyes, shielding the light from entering your sight. “Is this okay?” He asked as he held his hand in place. “It would’ve been okay if you didn’t poke me in the eye.” You laughed out as you removed his hand to rub your eye.

You sat up in the bed and stretched, your bones emitting a loud popping sound. Rafe went into the bathroom to comb his hair back as you changed into normal clothes. Instead of finding a normal pair of shorts, you grabbed a clean pair of your husband’s boxers and lazily threw them on. Then put on a large plain grey t-shirt that fell loose around your thighs.

Walking to the kitchen, you began grabbing bowls for you two to eat cereal. Standing on your tiptoes, you reached your arm up high in an attempt to grab hold of the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. “Is that my underwear?” Rafe spoke from behind you, your reflexes kicking in before you could process it was your husband. 

Your elbow flung back and nailed him right in the torso, forcing him to hunch over and groan in pain. You covered your mouth in shock as you held his shoulders. “Oh my god Rafe I’m so sorry!” You repeated over and over as he sat himself down at the table, still clutching his ribs.

“You know, last time you spooked me from behind I dropped to the ground. How is my wife more badass than me?” Rafe mumbled, recalling the time you called his name from behind him. He merely let out a shriek and his legs collapsed from under him. 

You two spent the rest of your night cuddling on the living room couch, your legs intertwined as Rafe held his wife in his arms. “Today was such an easy day but I feel like I’ve been awake since 2 a.m.” you mumbled as you snuggled your face into the crook of your husband’s neck. 

“I’m happy we finally got one day of peace.” He smiled down at you, pressing his lips to your forehead. You sadly got up from the comfortable position to go to the restroom. As you stood up, you raised your arms high to stretch. 

Your stomach now clearly showed, his boxers exposed. “You know I never got to tell you this, because you elbowed me in the ribs, but you look hot in my boxers and shirt.” Rafe smirked at you. “Alright Cameron, keep it in your pants.” You laughed, walking to the bathroom. 

You did what you had to do and washed your hands. Your fingers running through your hair to smooth down any fly aways. You two had been married for almost a year, dated for 3 years prior to that. But no matter how long you were together or where you were, you would do little things to try to fix your appearance. Whether it be fixing your hair or maybe even applying mascara, you wanted to look good mostly for yourself. Rafe was always by your side hyping you up with your appearance. 

You walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. You two resumed the cuddles, Rafe spooning your body. Everything was quiet, the only sound heard was the audio coming from the TV. You sighed in content as you slowly shut your eyes. “I feel like I should be tired, but I also feel like I could run a marathon. Okay that’s a lie I can’t run for shit but you get the idea.” Rafe mumbled in your ear as he held you closer to him.

“You know, if you can’t sleep we could have sex.” You joked to the boy, who actually took it seriously. As soon as those words left your mouth he released you and began to pull his pants down. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. “For all things holy please put your penis away. I was joking babe. Okay maybe not. But not right now. We spent money on these damn movies so help me we’re watching them." 

Rafe couldn’t help but laugh at his wife’s attitude. He honestly couldn’t care what they did as long as they were together.

Where Were You in the Morning?- John B pt 4

Summary: Based on ‘Where Were You in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes.

Word count: 1,252

Warnings: None

You paced in your bedroom. 'Why did I leave him? I felt something there, but I was a little bitch and left.’ You thought to yourself, combing your hands through your hair, noticing you were still in his clothes. 

You took a look at yourself in the mirror, suddenly feeling disgusted with your  actions. You had walked out on one night stands before, but in this case it felt as though you had a 300 pound weight on your chest. 

You never expected to care so much about someone, especially someone you had just met. You changed out of his clothes and folded them neatly, placing them on the bed. Staring at the items of clothing, you were unaware about how you would get them back to him.

You nervously nibbled on your bottom lip, until you realized there was only one thing you could do. Pulling out a notepad, you took a pen and wrote 'I’m so sorry. Whenever you’re ready please text me.

Y/N xxx-xxx-xxxx"

Closing your eyes, you tried to remember where his house was. After getting a mental image of which way John B drove, you realized his house should be close to yours. You hopped into the car with the pile of clothes in the passenger’s seat. You gripped the steering wheel, knuckles turning a shade of white for a moment. You backed out of the driveway, and headed to his house, sitting in silence, but your thoughts louder than ever.

'I can’t believe I just left him like that’

'He deserves so much better’

'Im such a whore. I’m disgusting.’

'But I’m also just another girl who got passed along.’

'He was so different from the others, why?’

Your thoughts wondered to imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with John B, how much of an amazing person he is. 'He could treat me right. In that one night I got him, I felt much more than a physical connection. He understands me, solely from taking one look in my eyes. He welcomed me into his life so easily, like it was the easiest decision he has ever made.’

You squeezed a small tear drop out of your eye, quickly wiping it as you approached his house. Parking the car, you placed his folded clothes on his front step. You made a fist and was about to knock on the door, but abruptly stopped. 

Backing away from the door, you took one last look before heading back into the car. As you sat in the driver’s seat, you slammed your head on the wheel, accidently honking the horn. Jumping from the noise, you turned on the car and drove away. Slowly watching his house leave your vision.


*1 week later*

John B turned around in his bed, and saw the blonde girl he had met last night at a Kegger. His eyes stared at the back of her head, not satisfied with how things went. 'She doesn’t compare to Y/N, why did I even bother trying?’ This was his 4th time trying to get over you, but something about you kept drawing him back.

'Y/N.’ That was the only thought on his mind as he stared at the unknown girl. You left his clothes at the doorstep with your number, and he has been so tempted to text you. Tell you that he couldn’t get you off his fucking mind. Fuck it. He reached behind him, grabbing his phone.

“Meet me at this park at 3 p.m. Keep walking till you get to the lake, there’s one bench next to a rose bush. I’ll see you there- John B”

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. The mystery girl shuffled, turning herself around to look at him. “Thank you for last night.” She flirtatiously smiled at the attractive brunette.

“You’re welcome.” Was all he said before getting out of bed.


Your heart raced as you stared at the text. 'Am I ready to talk to John B face to face? Even if I wasn’t, I can’t just leave him, again.’ It was 1:30, giving you plenty of time to get ready. Never have you ever been this anxious to see somebody. 

You showered for a bit taking your time thinking about what you would say to him, how to explain how you felt. Why you left him like that. You wished you didn’t, he was the best guy you had ever come across, and you lost him because you were too worried about your own feelings.


You sat down at the bench, waiting for John B. Your leg began to shake as you got anxious, your stomach felt empty even though you had eaten before. Your heart was racing, hands were shaking, you felt like you were on the verge of throwing them. Rustling of leaves behind you made your nerves worse.

Faster than you knew it, the familiar scent of his cologne filled the space next to you. You didn’t look at each other, instead simply stared at the lake in front of you two. 

For a few minutes, the only thing that could be heard between you was the sound of the wind, the bushes rustling, and birds tweeting every now and then. “I’m so sorry.” Your breath hitched. “Leaving you there was one of the shittiest things I’ve ever done." 

"Do you know how much it hurt? Thinking that maybe we could’ve been more than a one night stand?” John B sighed, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. 

“I was scared of falling for you. I know that sounds so fucking stupid but please let me explain.” For the first time, John B turned his head towards you, looking right into your eyes. You didn’t want to blink, starting into his eyes was so intimidating. 

“I get so attached to it easily. With everyone I get attached to, they end up leaving me, hurting me. It’s been that way since my childhood. It was like a lesson, every time I tried, I would get hurt. I’m afraid to let people in because the more I let in, the more it will hurt when they leave.”

“I would never hurt you.” John B mumbled to her, his thumbs fiddling together. “I know that now. And when, when we were in bed, even before that, I felt this connection with you and that scared me. Because it was so easy to feel something with you, I knew that this feeling wouldn’t last and you would leave. When I woke up and you had your arm around me, everything felt so right. It was like a dream I didn’t want to wake up from." 

John B reached over and held onto your hand. "When I woke up and you weren’t there, I felt like I wasn’t enough for you. I tried to stop thinking about you, I really did. So many nights I tried to find someone new, but they didn’t compare to you, Y/N. I didn’t feel anything next to those girls. But when I was with you something in my mind felt complete. I honestly don’t know why but you’re one of the only girls I have spoken to that haven’t just used me for games or to get what they want." 

"What does this make us?” You asked, looking down at your locked hands.

“I don’t know yet, but I would like to find out." 
