#madison bailey

MADISON BAILEY2021 MTV Movie & TV Awards, Los Angeles — May 16, 2021

2021 MTV Movie & TV Awards, Los Angeles — May 16, 2021

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Maybe Obx fandom should be more mad that Chase and all was doing his thang during a time where a certain virus is spreading across the world and hundreds of thousands of individuals are being quarantined or isolated every day. But yes, lets spread our germs around.

Maybe stop worrying about a love life that is not affecting your life and look at the bigger picture.. just this once

Where Were You in the Morning- John B series

(Gif is NOT mine! Credit to the gif owner!)

Summary: A series based on ‘Where Were You in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes. 

Word count: 1,389

Warnings: underaged drinking (lmk if I missed anything else.

You sat on a tree stump at the beach, by yourself only having a red solo cup in your hand. Your new friend had invited you to come join her at this party, but you soon realized she either didn’t show up, or ditched you for someone else.  

You told yourself you would go interact with people after you had finished your first drink, but the closer you got to finishing it the more nervous you got. Hearing a harsh sloshing sound coming towards you, you looked up to see an attractive brunette boy, walking towards you with the keg in his hands. You furrowed your eyebrows together as he plopped it in the sand right in front of you.

“You did not just carry a whole keg to me.” You laughed as the boy sat next to you. “ I had to do something. You look absolutely miserable and I can tell you’re dreading the fact that you’d probably go socialize even though you don’t want to.” He grinned, pointing down to your empty cup. “Am I right?” You chuckled as you watched him pour you another drink.

 Your eyes flickered up to him and you took in his appearance. He had a blue bandana around his neck, fluffy and shiny brunette hair, a soft smile on his lips. He had a button down shirt with only the last few buttons done. He was fairly tan and ripped underneath his shirt. His hair was wavy, with small curls on the ends of the tips. His eyes were brown as the shadows, but like honey in the lights. 

“Y/F/N Y/L/N.” You introduced yourself, his large hand gripped your small one. “John B.”

“So why are you here all alone? You look like the type to have a lot of friends.” You smiled at his words, watching as John B ran his hands through his hair, a smile on his face. He noticed how gorgeous you were, which lured him towards you when he saw you alone. “I moved here about a week ago and I made friends with this one girl Camille and she told me I should come tonight but she kinda just… never showed up.” You purse your lips, taking another sip from your drink.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Screw her, you got a better friend now!” John B grinned, throwing an arm around your shoulder. You nodded as you gently leaned into his touch. “And an attractive one.” You mumbled as his jaw jokingly dropped. “You think I’m attractive?” He gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. You pulled away from his grasp, your heart racing at the sound of his laugh.

The joking tone immediately turned tense as John B took in how beautiful you really were. “I uh- would you wanna get out of here?” He offered. You nodded your head, letting John B lead you by the hand to his  vehicle.

The ride back to his house was short, the two of you chatting about yourselves and things you liked. He pulled into his yard, putting the van to a stop. As he escorted you out of the vehicle, he grabbed your hand in his, leading you to the front door.

John B invited you into his house, which already gave you a warm welcome. “Welcome to Casa De John B. Also known as the chateau."  He laughed as he spread his arms out, presenting his residence. "It’s so… homey in here” you smiled. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” JB smiled, tapping on the doorway frame.

“Sorry for the mess, I made pancakes earlier and forgot to clean up.” He mumbled, mentally cursing at himself for not fixing up his house.

You rested against the counter, “I make the best pancakes ever.” You proudly spoke. He raised his eyebrows as a smirk danced across his lips.

“I guess you’ll have to make them for me in the morning.” You turned your head toward the floor, hoping he wouldn’t catch the pink color on your cheeks. “I promise that you will be able to taste the most amazing pancakes tomorrow morning.” You leaned forward and adjusted your shirt that was slowly riding up.

John B noticed you were uncomfortable and offered you a pair of clothes. “I would really appreciate that.” He walked into his room and returned a minute later with a t-shirt and shorts.

“The bathroom is down the hall to the right, when you’re done I’ll be in the backyard.” You nodded and walked to the bathroom. Tugging the shorts and tank top off your body, you slipped on his large shirt and shorts.

You folded up the clothes, leaving them on the seat by the kitchen island and walked towards the backyard. John B, too had changed into a more comfortable outfit. He was setting up wood in a fire pit.

He looked up when he heard you rustling in the grass, his smile instantly glowed in the night. “I was thinking we could look at the stars, if that’s alright. I don’t want to sound too cliche-”

You stopped him mid sentence, “I love star gazing.” Smiling, he nodded his head towards a large hammock that was tied between two trees. Getting the hint, you climbed in and watched him finish setting up the wood. He used a lighter to ignite the wood, your eyes were drawn to his hands that for some reason you found attractive.

He walked over to the hammock and laid himself next to you, his arm immediately wrapping around your shoulders. Your body instinctively leaned towards him. Your arm was draped across his stomach, head on his chest allowing you to hear his rather fast heartbeat. There was something blissful about the surroundings.

You could hear the firewood crackling, the crickets in the nearby bushes, the sounds of small waves echoed by the dock. You could hear his shallow breath as he exhaled through his nose. His heartbeat remained at a fast pace the entire time.

You two stayed like that for a bit, just relaxing in the night. You looked up at John B, noticing his face was beaming. He turned his head down towards you, his eyes staring into yours. “The stars are reflecting and shimmering in your eyes, and I can’t help but be attracted to that.”

His eyes flickered from yours, down to your lips. You two both began slowly inching forward, he propped himself up on his elbow. He leaned his head down and attached his lips to yours.

To begin with, it was a soft, subtle kiss, just to see how it was. Neither of you wanted to pull away, you didn’t want it to end. However, at some point you both slowly pulled away and admired the look in each other’s eyes. You guys knew you both wanted each other, and there was nothing holding you back.

He reconnected your lips with his, dancing with hers, as if you had practiced a specific routine hundreds of times.

His tongue licked across your bottom lip, begging for access to the rest of your mouth. You granted him permission as his tongue fought with yours. John B pulled away for a moment to adjust himself to get more comfortable.

But the hammock that held you had different plans. As he was about to kiss you again, the hammock flipped around, knocking you both to the ground. You hid your face in your hands, giggling like you were on top of the world, cause that’s how you felt.

John B was next to you, his face buried in the grass, he was laughing with you at the mishap. He flipped his head up, looking at you, crinkles by his eyes indicated he was smiling. 

Whenever he smiled you felt like the world was a better place. Like even though there’s so much bad around, there’s always going to be safety with him. In that one action, you felt like you have seen every inch of his kind, pure hearted soul. 

Running your hand through his hair, you two laid there for a bit, your lips still tingling from his touch. “Wanna go inside?” He asked, leaning his head into the palm of your hand. You smiled at him, nodding your head yes.

Part 2 here

Breakfast with the Moon - JJ Maybank

Summary: Based on Breakfast With the Moon by Powfu

Word count: 3,736 (this has to be my favorite thing I’ve ever written!) 

Warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, spiking a drink, stealing, his abusive father

She wants me, I know it, even tho’ I’m broken. When she looks at me, I see that she’s also hopeless.

You cuddled into JJ’s chest, your fingers lightly tracing cursive letters on his chest in hope’s to calm him down. He showed up at your front door after he had a horrible fight with his father. You could immediately tell from his eyes that he felt broken, but you were right by his side to help him slowly pick himself up piece by piece.

“Y/N?” You looked up at JJ, his index finger tracing your jawline. Without comprehending it, you leaned into his touch. His eyes looked into yours, as if he were reading your thoughts. “You know how important you are to me, right?” You nodded your head, “yeah.” Your voice just above a whisper.

I notice her emotion flowin’ out, her heart is open because she trust me (I think she loves me)

JJ shifted in his spot, forcing you to look at him. “Don’t lie to me y/n/n.” You sighed, already feeling the tear sting your eyes. You were never one to openly talk about your struggles, only knowing people pitied you after you told them. But it was different with JJ, he understood what you were going through.

He wasn’t the kind to apologize, or say how you didn’t deserve to go through that you were going through. He was the kind to give you advice on how to overcome these feelings. The type of person who wouldn’t judge you after admitting things you’ve done. You trusted him with everything in you. 

I hold her close with passion, imagining what could happen. She acting like a bandage, she healing all my damage.

You sat on the couch with Kie, talking about how your days went before JJ stormed through the front door. You furrowed your eyebrows at the boy who bantly ignored his friends, marching into his room and slamming the door shut. 

Without hesitating, you got up from your spot, excusing yourself before walking in front of his door. You softly knocked, calling his name. When you got no response, you opened the door a crack to see his body face down, shaking as he cried into the bed. You quickly entered and shut the door after you, sitting next to his body.

He scooted forward, resting his head in your lap, hands squeezing your thighs as he cried. Your fingers combed their way through his hair, quietly humming a soft tune to calm him down. “I hate him. I fucking hate him.” He sobbed into your lap, tears dropping onto your skin. “Hey, hey look at me.” You mumbled.

JJ lifted his head up slightly, your heart ached at his red eyes. “You’re almost there sweetie. Once you turn 18 you can move out of there and never have to see him again If you don’t want to. I’ll even help pay for you to move out. It kills me to see the pain he puts you through everyday. You’re almost free, baby. You just have to keep fighting, okay?” Your words eased the hurt in his chest. 

You scooted down to be face to face with him. He wrapped his arms around your body, holding you close to him. “I’m right here. You’re safe.” You mumbled against his chest.

Yeah she’s the one I’ve been waiting for to land on my planet. Unlike them other girls she got my back and she won’t stab it.

JJ sat at a table at the wreck, checking the time on his phone every other minute. He had been waiting for his date to show up, only for her to never show. He waited there for 40 minutes before leaving the restaurant.

He showed up at your front door, his hands awkwardly in his pockets due to his embarrassment of being stood up. “Hey!” You welcomed him with a grin, inviting him inside the house. “How’d the date go?” You asked him as he sat himself down on your couch.

“It didn’t.” He pursued his lips together, your eyebrows furrowed together. “She never showed up.” He bit his tongue, hating at the sound of him admitting it. Your mouth dropped open, immediately wanting to fight the girl who stood him up. 

You thought for a moment before grabbing your purse and car keys. You held your hand out for him to grab, earning a questioning look from him. “Come on,” you nudge your head, “I’m taking you on a date." 

His heart skipped a beat at your words. He quickly held onto your hand as you led him to your car, making sure to open the passengers side door for him. It was times like this where JJ felt blessed to have you in his life. 

This is true love, no there’s not a plot twist. Knowing what she’s thinking, yes I’m friends with her conscience

You laid on your bed, curled up in a ball due to your cramps making your body ache with every move you made. Your bedroom door busted open, making you nearly fall off the bed. 

JJ marched to your bed with a McDonalds bag and soda in his hand. He sat himself down next to you, pulling a pill bottle from the bag. "I went to get you ibuprofen for your cramps but I figured you would want food as well. I got a 50 pack of mcnuggets with honey mustard sauce and a coke.” You bite your bottom lip as you grinned carefully sitting up. “I love you JJ Maybank.” You exhaled, grabbing everything out of his hands.

You scooted over, patting the spot next to you. JJ sat down with his legs crossed, his hand taking a nugget from the box. You threw your head back, taking the pill to help ease the pain. Resting your head on his shoulder, you shoved a chicken nugget into your mouth. “You always know what I’m thinking, Maybank. You’re the best.”

Clearing out my toxins every time we talkin’. Kiss me in the dark, middle of our movie watching.

“I swear it’s like every time I go home it’s like he puts a 500 pound rock on my chest.” JJ exhaled, rubbing his eyes with his fist. “But that’s why you’re always welcomed here. I hate seeing you this stressed J.” You mumbled into his chest. 

You two were hanging out in your room, lights off with Finding Nemo playing in the background. “Everytime I come here it’s like a weight is lifted off my chest. I love talking to you because you understand me. You like, I don’t know, you detox my mind.”

You looked up at him, his eyes trained on yours. As if JJ had the power to read minds, he read yours and began to lean in. Your heartbeat picked up speed as his hand cupped the side of your face. Holding onto his wrist, you guided him towards you, your grip loosening as he kissed you.

You the best thing and everything a friend could be. You got my heart locked up, I could never leave.

You danced in the moonlight with Kie, your body swaying to the music that played near you two. The group decided to throw a Kegger, just because they all wanted to have fun. Kie got pulled away by some touron as a hand tapped your shoulder.

Turning around, you saw there was no one there. Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back around to see a brunette boy, eyeing your body down. “Y/N! Hey, I missed you!” JJ’s familiar voice filled your ears. You turned around and got enveloped in a hug by the blonde. “The guy spiked your drink.” He whispered in your ear. 

The hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You turned away from the stranger and walked hand in hand with JJ away from the party. You flung the liquid out of the cup, throwing the cup in the trash. He led you to an isolated, broken tree stump that you two sat on. 

“Thank you for warning me.” You mumbled, looking at the moonlight that reflected off the waves. “Of course. You’re my girl, I gotta protect you.”

Staying up late at night when we textin’. My plate’s full, but time with you I’ll keep on spending.

Your eyes snapped open at the sound of your phone going off. Picking it up, your eyes squinted as you grinned to see JJ texted you a tweet he saw. 

Clicking the tweet, you nearly laughed as you read it in your mind. ‘Craving a hug is worse than craving sex because you can masturbate but you can’t hug yourself and that’s some real shit lmao.’

'Is that your way of telling me you need a hug?’ You texted him, checking to see the time was 4:31 a.m. He immediately read your message, three dots appearing on your screen. 'Maybe… I have ice cream for you if you do.’ You threw your sheets off of your body, not caring you were wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

'On my way hoe.’ You texted back before sliding on your flip flops and sneaking out your window to your car. Speeding off to JJ’s house, you parked down the block before walking to his backyard.

You knocked on his window before pulling the screen up and crawling in. JJ stood in the center of his room with a wide grin on his face, a tub of ben and Jerry’s in one hand and two spoons in the other.

He put both items down as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you tightly, lifting you off the floor and spinning you around. You wrapped your legs around his waist as his arms adjusted themselves. He walked over to his bed, sitting against the headboard. You remained in his lap, your legs on both sides of his lap. Your hands entangled themselves in his hair, his hand on the arch of your back. 

You were about to pull away before his grip tightened. “Not yet. I don’t wanna let go just yet.” He mumbled.

I hate it when you’re not with me. 'Cause it feels like something’s missing.

You had left the Outer Banks for a trip to visit a college out of state. You knew you weren’t going to a college outside of your home, you just went to please your parents.

You were gone for a week. However to JJ that felt like a whole month and he was aching for you to come back. The entire week he has never felt more stressed. He felt like something big was missing out of his days. He wanted to call you, but he feared he would bother you. 

Without telling him you were home, you called his number. It rang 3 times before he picked up. “Y/N! You’re alive!” His voices yelled from the other side of the line. “Yes I’m alive and on my way to your house.”

“Oh-shit!” JJ yelled before you heard a loud thumping sound. “You fell off your bed didn’t you?” You asked him, driving down the streets. His dad’s car was thankfully gone, allowing you to pull in. Quickly exiting your car, you slammed your door shut.

Walking into his house, he nearly tackled you to the floor in a hug. “Wow, hi!” You laughed as he hugged you, rocking your bodies side to side. “That felt like the longest week of my life.”

I'ma show you everything and everything I hide behind. Tell you my whole story, I can take you back to '99.

JJ was currently asleep at your side, your legs intertwined. He asked if he could sleep over after his dad threw a fit after taking drugs. 

Your eyes never left his face as you remembered the first time JJ opened up to you about his abusive father. It was one night, 3 years ago. He showed up on your doorstep in the pouring rain, a fresh bruise on his face and a cut lip.

He tried to say he got caught up in a fight with a Kook, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that it wasn’t the truth. You didn’t beg him to tell you, you knew he had his own life and you didn’t want to pry. He loved that about you and knew it was time to tell you everything.

From how his mom left when he was young, then how his father became a drug addict and alcoholic. He brought up the first time he had been beaten, he was only 11 which broke your heart. He told you that acting like he was fine and just got into it with a Kook was easier than explaining about his dad. 

Loving you’s a sequence, keeps my heart beating. I'ma keep you warm even if it means I’m freezing.

You and JJ went to the movie theater, celebrating your birthday together. He had managed to sneak you two into the Kook cinema that had working air conditioning and reclining seats. 

He took you out to see a new movie, knowing that would make you happy. You told him you were gonna pay for food, but he stopped you before you could go up to the register. “I got it.” Was all he said before taking your hand and leading you to the right room.

He took you to the back row knowing that was your favorite spot. He shifted in his seat, pulling bags of snacks out of the hem of his pants and anywhere else he could hide it. You giggled to yourself quietly, your mouth dropping as he pulled a hoagie out of his pant leg. 

“Shut the fuck up.” You whispered, high fiving him as he set out the food. You pulled up the arm rest that sat between you two, scooting closer to him.

His arm immediately found its place around your shoulder, pulling you close as he ate half of the hoagie.

Your body shivered as you pulled JJ closer to you. He looked down at you, “are you cold?” “A little but it’s-” before you could finish your sentence, he was already taking his sweatshirt off and handing it to you. “Aren’t you gonna be cold?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t care. That just means you’ll have to be the one who gives the cuddles.” You laughed quietly, slipping his sweatshirt on before opening your arms towards him.

He leaned down, resting his head on your chest as he laid down. His arms slid around your waist, his eyes fluttering shut as you kissed his forehead. 

Used to act reckless, then I met you. We both eatin’ breakfast underneath the moon.

Kiara had told you this story countless times, she would tell you the story of how JJ used to steal from stores, used to sleep with girls all the time, used weed and alcohol as a coping mechanism, but everything stopped as soon as you stepped into the picture.

You didn’t know he was doing those things until he admitted it to you the same night he opened up about his father. He wanted you to know how much of a positive impact you’ve made on him, and he appreciates you so much. 

It all changed one night after you and JJ had spent the night at John B’s. JJ was in the kitchen making pancakes at 3 in the morning. You hadn’t gotten any sleep, so you got out of bed and sat yourself down on the counter. “Morning sunshine.” He grinned at you, flipping the pancake in the air to catch it in the pan again. “Morning handsome. What’s with the breakfast foods?” You asked, eyeing the raw batter.

“I got hungry!” He said, pouring yet another spoonful of batter onto the pan. “I mean… are you gonna need help eating those?” You shyly pointed to the stack of pancakes. “I made them just for you.” He winked. He gathered the whip cream from the fridge and the syrup from the cabinet as the final one was cooking. An idea popped into your head. “I’ll be right back!” You called out to him.

You went into the closet and pulled out the old Christmas lights from a box. You grabbed two pillows and a large blanket as well. You walked outside and set up the lights along the trees, turning them on to see the beautiful colored bulbs light up. You put the pillows on one of the hammocks, laying the blanket to the side.

You dragged a wooden table put from one of the corners of the backyard to the front of the hammock where the food could go. You scattered back inside and stopped him before he could go into the backyard. “Stop! Give me the food and stay right here.” He hesitated before passing you everything you needed to complete the surprise. 

Placing everything in its spot, you ran back inside, “okay I need you to trust me.” You said before covering his eyes with your hands. You led him out the backyard and right towards the hammock. “And here!” You smiled, uncovering his eyes. He stood there in awe as he looked up to the lights and the cute decorations. 

“How did you do this in the span of 3 minutes?” He asked, sitting down in the hammock, passing you a plate stacked with pancakes from the table. “I have my ways.” You winked. JJ looked up from his spot, looking at the full moon that hovered above them. “Here’s to eating breakfast underneath the moon.” He raised his fork that had a chunk of pancake on it. You raised your, clinking the metal. “To eating breakfast underneath the moon.”

People think we crazy from the stupid things we do. I love it when you’re weird, 'cause I know I’m weird too. 

You leaned back in your chair at the Wreck, Kie and Pope sitting at your sides, JJ and John be in front of you. “Kie, your father is a blessing.” You complimented her father after he gave the group free food. The restaurant was empty since it was 10 p.m. only leaving the group and Kie’s father. You stood up from your seat, collecting the plates and any garbage from their seats, helping clean up.

JJ got up from his spot, lifting his shirt up past his abs. “I have approximately 5 food babies in my stomach.” Your cheeks flushed pink as you quickly looked away. “Y/N! Come here.” You walked over to him, he watched as you, waiting for you to mimic him. You jokingly rolled your eyes before lifting your shirt up past your stomach. He reached his stomach forward to touch yours. “Our food babies will now become one.” You said, ignoring the weird looks from your friends.

“What?” JJ asked, rolling his shirt back down. “You guys are fucking weird.” Pope laughed. “You’re just jealous you’re not having a food baby with us.” You flipped your hair over your shoulder, placing your hands on JJ’s stomach. “We should get maternity pictures like this.” JJ stood behind you with his hands on your stomach, his fingers forming a heart. 

Yeah, that’s just how we live, acting like some kids. Running with the bugs through the grass in the mist. 

“Y/N I know we told John B we would go help him with the boat but can we PLEASE stop at this playground. There are no kids and it’s been like 20 years since I’ve been on a playground.” You chuckled at him, “JJ, first off you’re 16, and yeah yeah I’m going!”

You parked in the lot, JJ jumping out of the car before you even stopped. You easily hopped out of the car, JJ grabbing your hand as you ran through the grass. The night before it thunder stormed, and it was 90° that day, causing a light miss to fill the air. You laughed loudly with him, finding your ways to the swingset. You sat on the swing as JJ stood behind and pushed you to get started.

You two had a bet on who could jump farther once you both had reached a high enough swing. “Ready? One, two, three!” You two jumped off the swing at the same time JJ landed just a few inches farther than you. “Ughhhhhh.” You groaned, immediately stopping.

“There’s a ladybug on your chest.” You laughed, pointing to the small red insect. JJ carefully placed his hand near it, watching the delicate bug crawl onto his finger tips. You two watched it crawl on his hand before another one landed on your arm. You held your arm up to JJ’s hand, the lady bugs getting together before flying off his hand. “That was the cutest thing ever.”

Girl I’ll give you everything, that’s my final offer. I can be your knight, protect you from the monsters.

Your eyes snapped open at the sound of a ding coming from your phone. You opened the message to see it was from JJ.

Hi Y/N!!!! I’m not gonna lie, I’m extremely high right now, but I just wanted to get this off my chest because I’ve been wanting to say it FOREVER! I really fucking like you. I’ve liked you since the day I first met you and God, everyday with you is adventure within itself. you are my rock and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. You have been by my side through so much and given me memories I’ll never forget. I want to call you my girlfriend. I want to be able to show you off and call you my girl. I wanna give you everything I can. I’ll be like, like your knight in shining armor. I’ll protect you from bad guys and I’ll kiss you whenever you want attention. I just want to be with you because I hate it when you’re not with me. it just feels like something’s missing and I hate it. Let me call you mine and I’ll never say goodbye. 

You beamed brightly as your eyes skimmed his text. Your thumb hovered over his contact before calling him. “JJ? Hey listen, I’m all yours." 

Safe Haven- Kiara Carrera

Request: hey! I was wondering if you could do 36, 52, and 96 with Kiara? Like her house got broken into or sm and she comes to you all shaken up? thank u!

(Not my gif! Credit to the owner!)

Summary: Kie arrives at your house, shaken up and wounded. You take care of her, letting her know she’s gonna be okay.

Word count: 775

Warnings: blood, burglary, and mentions of a knife.


36. “Hey–I accidentally cut my hand, I think I need to go to the hospital. Can you drive me? … Why are you looking at me like that? There’s not even that much blood!”

52. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

96. “Here, take my blanket.”

You jumped off of the sofa when someone began pounding their fist repeatedly on the front door. You checked through the peephole to see Kiara. 

You let her in and she immediately slammed the door shut. "Hey Kie.” You welcomed her, noticing how she was holding her left wrist, your eyes switching to drops of blood falling on the floor. “Kie?” You whispered. She furrowed her eyebrows at you, “hmm?” You pointed to her bloody hand and she nervously laughed. You grabbed a blanket and threw it over her wound, applying pressure. “Here, take my blanket." 

"Oh right funny story. I accidentally cut my hand, I think I need to go to the hospital. Can you drive me- why are you looking at me like that? There’s not even that much blood!” Kiara mumbled, clearly in shock, her laugh faltering. Your eyes glazed over at the amount of pain and fear written in her eyes.

“Kie you’re soaking through the fucking blanket! Go get in the car I’m coming.” You gave her your keys as you grabbed medical tape and gauze. On the way to the hospital you were rambling and so was Kiara about how it happened. You made Kie wrap her hand up in gauze as you drove.

“So funny story actually so some guys tried to break into my house and I was holding a knife panicking in the bathroom and I called the cops and they said just get out of the house and run for safety so I jumped out the second story bathroom window and I totally forgot to let go of the knife and I landed weird slicing my palm open and as I was running I was like okay who can I go to and then I realized you feel like my safe haven and I immediately ran over to your house. So anyway how was your day Y/n?"  She spoke one sentence, not breathing until she finished. 

You held onto her non injured hand. "It’s okay Kie, we’re almost there.” You sighed, mentally thanking God that it was only her hand that got injured. 

You pulled into the hospital parking lot and made your way through the doors. You ran, dragging Kie in by her non injured hand into the lobby. “My friend cut herself badly and she needs stitches.”

~Minutes of filling out paperwork and stuff pass by~

Kiara was called in, asking if you could come with her. She was sitting down in a chair, her arm on an armrest. The doctor began to disinfect her wound, “this is gonna hurt.” He spoke as he began to wash her cut with soap and water, dunking a cotton ball into the mixture. 

She flinched as soon as the water fell into it. Kie squeezed your hand as pain ran throughout her body. “It’s okay Kie, you’re almost done.” Once the doctor finished with cleaning it, he began to stitch it up. Kiara was rarely one to cry in instances like this, but it hurt more than she could take.

You swiped away tears that escaped her eyes, pressing a comforting kiss to the side of her head. After a few minutes, Kie’s hand was stitched up and in a brace. She paid the bill and left the hospital. You drove by her house to see police cars lined up, men you could assume were the burglars being stuffed into the back of the police cars.

“Can I stay the night with you?” She mumbled.

“No need to ask Kie, of course you can.” You placed your hand on her knee, Kie’s hand immediately holding in with hers. The ride back was awfully quiet, you didn’t know what to say and she was still in shock. Mostly annoyed with herself that she got himself injured, that she didn’t protect her house. It was a moment of panic.

You pulled up in your driveway, turning off the engine and slumped back into the seat. “Come on hun, you need some sleep.” Opening the front door, you kicked your shoes off and led her to your bedroom. Kiara changed out of her clothes, you gave her an extra pair of Pjs she leaves at your house. 

Kiara laid on her side as she snuggled into your bed, carefully resting her injured hand on the pillow. You laid down next to her, her fingers accidentally touching her arm As your fingers made contact with her skin, she subtly flinched. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

Kie relaxed, nestling herself in between your arms, pressing a kiss to your cheek as a thank you. “Goodnight Kie." 

Good Old Days - JJ Maybank

Gif credit @toesure!

Summary: you and JJ meet once again after a harsh break up.

Word count: 1,982

Warnings: cheating, angst underage drinking, implied sex at the end. I do NOT condone the action of going back to someone who cheated.

You sat alone in a booth at a local restaurant, diagonal from where your friend Nicole sat with an unfamiliar boy. You had offered to ‘be a look out’ for the girl when she brought up how her friends had helped her get a blind date. Nicole had the fear that she might embarrass herself or something might go south, so you decided to lend a helping hand to calm her down.

You subtly flicked your eyes up and down from the menu to your friend as a waitress came up to you. “What can I get you hun?" 

"Just a vanilla milkshake and fries please.” The lady nodded and took the menu from your hands. You reached inside of your bag and pulled out your notebook. Finding a pen, you began to mindlessly draw little doodles of whatever came to mind. 

You were actually enjoying the peace and quiet until the front door bell chimed. Before you could react, JJ Maybank took the spot right across from you. “Can I help you?” You scoffed, closing the notebook. 

“Nope. I’m helping my friend out and it looks like you happen to be doing the same thing for your friend too.” JJ said, looking behind his shoulder to see his friend give him a thumbs up. You rolled her eyes, defensively crossing your arms.

“Okay, well how about you move to the other booth where you can 'help’ by yourself.” JJ dramatically put his hand to his heart, “does Y/F/N Y/L/N not want to spend time with me?” “The last time I was near you it didn’t end well.” You hissed. JJ immediately got quiet as the waitress came up to deliver your order.

“Oh! Would you like anything dear? On the house for the couple!” The waitress smiled, “oh no we’re not-” “actually I would love a hamburger and a chocolate milkshake please!” JJ grinned. “Coming right up." 

"Seriously JJ why can’t you just sit somewhere else?” You asked as you dipped a fry into the milkshake. JJ furrowed his eyebrows as he watched you take a bite. “What? It’s good.” You defended.

“See I could, but Steve made me promise to help him out. And now I get to talk to you which is exactly what I want to be doing on my Friday night.” Sarcasm dropped from his voice as you bite your tongue.

“Well you can leave. You never were good at keeping promises anyway.” You seethed, taking the cherry out of the milkshake and popping into your mouth. JJ became quiet once more as the sudden flashback hit him.


2 years. 2 years was all it took for something so positive and bright, to turn into something dead. 2 years was all it took for JJ Maybank to own, and then break your heart. 

You two had been dating for a full two years, both of you guys admitting you were in love. Making promises that you two couldn’t keep. One of them being, 'I’ll always love you.' 

JJ broke that the minute his lips touched some tourons at an end of the year school party. You had lost sight of your boyfriend in the middle of the party after telling him you were going to the bathroom. It took you 10 minutes to find him with the unknown girl. 

“Have you seen- oh.” Your words slipped your mind as you saw a boy and girl break away from a kiss. Only to reveal that face that made your heart break. “I better… I better g-go.” You stumbled over your words, your legs moving as fast as they could out of that house and far away from JJ.

You didn’t know what to do, what to think, how to act, what to say, everything just became numb. Like someone had just ripped your heart from your chest, and dangled it in front of your face as if it were mocking you. So you just ran, and ran all the way to your house. Dried tears stained your face as you were panting, on the verge of passing out. 

Your mind felt fuzzy, as if it were an old TV and an antenna was knocked loose, like all you heard was static and a ringing. You shook your head frantically as you paced in the living room. A rapid knock echoed in the silent room as you let out a sob. You slowly walked to the door, your hand shaking as it hesitantly reached out.

You twisted the handle and pulled the door open to reveal a frantic JJ. “Y/N please let me-” “Don’t even fucking start JJ.” You said, cautiously backing away from the door. JJ walked into the house as he tried to grab hold of your wrists. 

You pulled your wrists back from JJ’s grip as you began to have trouble breathing. “You fucking kissed some random girl. Who knows what the fuck would’ve happened if I didn’t walk into that room.” You mumbled to yourself as your head began to ache.

“Y/N you know I wouldn’t do that!” “When you’re in a relationship you don’t fucking kiss somebody else! I didn’t think you’d do that yet here we are!” You raised your voice as you paced again.

“Open your fucking eyes, it’s so obvious I’m in love with you!” JJ yelled back, causing you to flinch, his breath smelled of alcohol. Your eyes suddenly fell to the ground, afraid to look at him without breaking down.

“You need to leave,” your voice wavered, “you need to leave and not come back. You can’t look at me. You can’t speak my name. You can’t have anything to do with me, Maybank. We’re fucking done.” You breathed out, feeling as though you had a boulder crushing your body.

“Y/N. I made you a promise that I’d love you, please let me keep going with that promise.” JJ begged, his eyes burning harshly with tears. “You broke your promise, you can’t come back from that.”

JJ let out a sigh as his head slumped down, forcing his legs to walk out the front door, and out of your life.

Memory over.

“Look, this isn’t a guilt trip: I just genuinely want to know if you dislike me so I can stop bothering you.” JJ said, fidgeting with his fingers. You sighed as you swirled the straw around the milkshake. “I don’t dislike you as a human, I fucking despise what you did to me.” You admitted.

“I’ve changed Y/N. I haven’t been with any other girl, I haven’t spoken with that other girl since then. Please just give me a break. I’ve been busy trying so fucking hard. I’m doing the best I can. Please, please don’t ask more of me.” JJ frowned, his leg now anxiously tapping.

You let out a scoff, but you couldn’t lie to yourself. You missed being with JJ, you missed him so damn much, but you didn’t want to admit it. Your eyes flickered to your friend who was standing up and giving Steve a kiss on the cheek. 

Their date was over, but you and JJ sat firmly in the booth. “Let me just drive you home like the good days, just hear me out.” JJ begged. You cracked your knuckles, a habit you gained after the break up. “Fine. But so help me Maybank if you fuck it up you will never, I repeat ever come speak to me again.” JJ let out a breath of relief and thanked you.

You couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of luck when he offered, glad that you chose to walk to the diner. You two sat in silence for a bit of the ride before JJ turned on the radio. 'Wonderwall’ by Oasis played through the sound system, memories of this song hitting you in the face like a brick.

JJ began to obnoxiously shout the lyrics like he would when you guys went on drives together. He would roll the windows down, blast the volume and just let it all out.  At first you were annoyed with the boy, but as soon as he nudged you with his elbow you began shouting the lyrics as well. At that moment, things felt normal. Like nothing bad happened between them, and that scared you shitless.

When the song ended, JJ turned down the volume and began to speak, “you know, I never took your school photo out of my wallet. It’s still there. And every night after… we broke up, I would just look at it and cry. Because I drank and I ended up losing the best thing I ever got in life. And believe me I know drinking is no excuse for what I did. I lost the one person that understood me more than my other friends, than myself. And I fucked it all up. And I know I can’t take back what I did. Saying sorry won’t change the hurt I made you feel. But I want you to know I’m truly trying my best to be a different person than who I was before.” His voice was shaking as he found it hard to look at the road.

“I can try to forgive you Maybank, but that night has been burned into my memory. And it’s gonna take a lot of time before I can forget it.” You mumbled, looking out the window watching the trees zoom by.

“I’d wait 100 years if it meant that you would talk to me again.” JJ muttered as he pulled into your driveway. “Do you.. want to come in? And like, catch up?” You wanted to punch yourself in the face for your offer, but again you couldn’t deny how much you missed him.

JJ was shocked at your words, his mouth slightly open as he nodded his head. You walked into your house and to your luck, nobody was home.

You guys sat in your room, silence filling the air once again. You walked over to a picture frame on the desk and picked it up. The picture was of JJ after he had fallen asleep with his head in your llap. “Remember this night?” You asked as he looked over your shoulder.

“Yeah. I came over to make cupcakes for John B’s birthday but we ended up just throwing flour and eggs at each other.” JJ laughed loudly, remembering how he would find flour in his hair and ears for days after. “Then we sat on the couch and you laid your head in my lap. I played with your hair until you fell asleep and you snored so loud.” You smiled at the memory.

“God I fucked up.” He whispered. “Yeah. Yeah you did. When you sat across from me in the booth I wanted to flip my shit. I wanted to go off on you and say something like, 'oh fuck off you piece of shit. You think I care about you? That I give a damn about your feelings? Fuck off.’ I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me.” You confessed. 

“Damn Y/N. I- I don’t even know what to say.” JJ said as you faced him. You couldn’t help but stare at his lips, the lips you craved so desperately. You hated yourself for this. You hated yourself for making this move, but you leaned in anyway and kissed him. You were taken back at your actions, but your knees nearly buckled at his touch.

JJ gently held the side of your face as he pulled back. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said, his words echoing in your head. “I’m desperate. And I’m pretty sure you are too. This is a one time thing until you gain my trust back. But for now, just shut up and have sex with me.”

Taken- JJ Maybank

Request: hi ! I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing 111, 131 & 160 with jj - his best friend gets kidnapped by the two dudes who were looking for the compass at john b’s place & he has to find a way to get her back?

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: You’ve been taken by the square groupers and JJ is anxious to get you back.

Word count: 2,484

Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, crying, fear, abuse, cursing, mentions of bruises and blood, angst and fluff.


111. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.”

131: “If I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.”

160: “Stop fighting!”

“Hey, has anyone heard from Y/N? I tried calling her to invite her to come surfing with us but she never picked up or texted me back.” JJ said to the Pogues, walking back to John B’s from the beach. His friends checked their phones, all of them shaking their heads.

“I mean you know her, she’s either asleep or painting something outside. But we gotta go get her anyway if we’re gonna go eat at The Wreck.” John B suggested already walking to his van. JJ sat in the back of the van, an odd feeling in his stomach. Pushing back the feeling, he relaxed into the seat.

A quick five minute drive went by before they arrived at your house. Your car was still in the driveway, your parents not home due to them working. They walked through the front door, they stopped in their steps as they took in the sight in front of them.

The couch and dining room table was flipped over, papers and small objects scattered the floor. There was a hole in the wall next to the front door. Broken plates and bowls were shattered all over the kitchen floor. JJ ran down the hallway into your room to see it completely destroyed as well. 

Photos of you and the Pogues were torn apart, your bed was flipped to the side, some clothes were splayed on the floor. JJ stood there like a deer caught in headlights. Pope, John B, and Kie joined his side, all of their jaws fell open. “Holy shit.” Pope muttered. JJ walked towards your dresser to see a poorly handwritten note.

‘This is your warning.’ JJ slammed his fists down against the wood, “damn it! God fucking damn it!” He yelled, his face now red with anger and fear. The Square Groupers had gotten to you, kidnapping you to warn John B and his friends that they were not messing around. 

JJ fell to his knees, his hands picking up a ripped up picture of the Pogues, all of them were smiling and genuinely happy. Now, if you took a look at someone in the group, everybody looked desperate and broken.


You woke up, your mind groggy and your body ached in pain. The last thing you remember was a rag being smacked over your mouth before darkness took over. You attempted to push the hair out of your face, however the tight feeling of a rope was wrapped around your wrists. You turned your head, noticing the dark and abandoned room you were sitting in.

Your mind felt like a static TV, it was functioning however you couldn’t focus on anything. Fear flooded your veins as you connected the dots, remembering the square groupers attacked you in your house. You groaned out in pain, the sound being muffled by a piece of duct tape covering your mouth. Heavy footsteps marched down a small staircase, one of the men walking up to you with a water bottle in his hand.

“If I take this off of you are you gonna scream?” You shook your head no. In this short period of time, you had the option of fighting against a man whose way stronger than you, or doing what you’re told in hopes that they don’t kill you regardless. The man titled the water bottle up towards your lips, your body melting as the liquid hit your tongue.

“Alright. Tell me what you know about the compass.” “I don’t know.” You lied through your teeth. “I said what do you know about the compass?” He raised his voice, making you flinch for a moment. “I said, I don’t fucking know!” You fought back however you resisted, making him furious. He hooked his arm back before his fist collided with the side of your face.

You yelped in pain, panting as your mouth began to taste the metallic trait of blood. He crouched down to your level. “You know, if I wanted you dead, this room would be a lot quieter.” He taped over your mouth and marched back upstairs, leaving you to pray that The Pogues would come find you.


JJ paced back and forth in the Chateau, his hands pulling on his hair from stress. "Jesus christ, they took her. They just marched right in and took her. I swear to god if they lay a single hand on her I’m gonna-” “JJ!” Kie shouted at the boy who immediately stopped in his place.

“Stop thinking about how she got taken and help us find a way to get her back.” John B placed his hands on the blonds shoulders, “we’re gonna find her." 

"We could try telling Peterkin.” JB offered, Pope and JJ immediately shooting the idea down. “You never fucking trust cops, are you kidding me?” JJ snapped. “Okay well what the hell do you want us to do? Wait around until her dead body washes up on shore?” John B raised his voice, getting in his friends face.

“Don’t even say that shit dude. Don’t even bring it up.” JJ stepped forward before Kie stepped between the two Pogues. “Jesus, stop fighting! When we were in her house we couldn’t find her phone, right? Pope, do you think you could try to find her location?" 

Pope nodded his head, instructing that he would need strong wifi and a good computer. JJ recommended the hotel he works at as a busboy, a kook hotel that had one of the strongest connections in the Outer Banks. 


Your eyes struggled to remain open, both men had walked down stairs to try to interrogate you. However, you remained silent which only aggravated the men even more which forced them to throw punch after punch at your body.

It had been about three days since your kidnapping, the three days felt like four months. Your eyes felt heavy, your mouth was dry but the only thing you could taste was pure metal. Your ribs and chest ached, only imagining how many bruises littered your skin. Your wrists no doubt had rope burn due to every move you made.

You slugged in your seat as you heard footsteps trample down the wooden steps. You closed your eyes and automatically assumed it was the men. "Holy shit, guys she’s down here!” Your eyes snapped open to see Pope running towards you. JJ stopped at the foot of the stairs, taking in every detail he saw.

He saw all the dark bruises, the small cuts, the irritation of your wrists, your eyes were red and had dark bags, Tears welded your eyes as you exhaled, the tape trapping your actual breath. Pope reached down and began to unite your legs. John B and Kie joined Pope to help untie the ropes and help you walk.

JJ heard the sound of footsteps above him, signaling that the square groupers were home. He sped upstairs, ready to kill the men who did this to you. You told John B to follow him, Kie and Pope telling him they would help you up the steps. Kie gently pulled the tape off your mouth allowing you to gasp, finally able to breathe normally.

The two helped you stand up, your legs nearly went numb after the blood began to flow back down. Step by step, they led you up back stairs to see one of the square groupers knocked unconscious on the floor. JJ was on top of the other one, beating his face in one punch at a time.

JJ threw a hooked punch directly to the side of his face, grunting with each action he did. Blood covered his knuckles as his face was red from pure anger. “I’ll kill you, you sick bastard. I’ll kill you, you’re a fucking monster who deserves to die. You never put your hands on a lady.“ 

John B ripped JJ off of the grouper, telling him that was enough. JJ took one last look at the man before spitting on his face, "and that was your warning to never mess with a pogue.” His eyes switched to see you in between Pope and Kie, their arms around your waist as yours were splayed around their shoulders.

He walked up towards you, “is it okay if I pick you up?” You nodded your head as he crouched down into position. Carefully, he picked you up bridal style. “Is this okay?” He whispered before you agreed. He carefully walked out of the house and into John B’s van.

JJ carefully sat you down on the seat, allowing you to get comfortable. The drive was silent, no one knowing what to say that wouldn’t upset you. Every bump the van hit caused your aches to hurt. JJ who was sitting across from you, reached forward and held your hand. Without looking away from the window, you gently squeezed his hand.

As soon as you returned to the Chateau, JJ was by your side and ready to carry you. You told him you would be able to walk, but as soon as you took one step your knees almost buckled. JJ and Pope were right by your side to help you stand.

They led you into the house and carefully let go of you, standing back as you stepped in place trying to regain feeling in your legs. “Do you need anything?” John B asked, handing you a bottle of water. You quickly uncapped it and chugged the liquid, panting as you crumpled the bottle in your hand.

“Some food and a shower would be nice. Maybe some sleep.” You said before throwing the bottle away. “I can go to the Wreck to get us food.” John B offered. “I’ll come with.” Pope stepped up. “And I’ll go to your house and pack some things for you to take here.” Kie said. Your heart melted at your friend’s offers. “You guys are the best.”

John B initiated a group hug, everyone careful on where their hands were. The trio left the house, leaving JJ and you alone. “Do- do you think you could sit in the bathroom with me? I don’t really wanna be alone.” You whispered, your cheeks lightly pink at your question. Without hesitation JJ agreed.

You walked into the bathroom, JJ behind you as he closed the door. Without you having to ask, he turned around to face the door, allowing you to change out of your dirty clothes. Turning on the water, you stepped in and allowed the cool water to hit your skin. You nearly cried at the feeling as the droplets hit your skin.

You raised your hands up to run through your hair, immediately hissing in pain as you stretched your torso. “Are you okay?” JJ asked from the other side of the curtain. The boy sat on the lid of the toilet, patiently waiting if you needed any help or you fell. “I- I uh can’t reach my hair without it hurting.” You said.

JJ went silent for a moment, “do you need help?” You muttered a soft 'yeah’. “Do you care if-” you quickly interrupted him. “JJ you’ve been my best friend for 9 years, I don’t care if you see my body." 

JJ stripped down to his boxers before stepping through the curtain. His cheeks flushed a light pink as he switched his gaze up to the ceiling. You turned around and faced away from the water. JJ lathered your hair with shampoo and conditioner, his fingers giving you a soft scalp massage.

You melted into his touch, nearly moaning at how good the feeling of soap on your skin made you feel. He stood aside and let the water hit your head, carefully running his fingers through your hair he rinsed the conditioner out. "And you are all clean,” he started turning the shower off, “you can dry off and I’ll get you a pair of clothes you can borrow.” You thanked him as he carefully slid by you, still avoiding looking at your nude body.

You slowly reached out and grabbed the towel, carefully wrapping it around yourself. JJ quickly returned with a set of his shorts and an old band shirt. Allowing you to hold onto him to balance yourself, you slipped on the shorts. “I think I can get it over my arms.” You said, your arms out directly in front of you. He helped you slide it on, his eyes continued to avoid your naked chest.

JJ had always been there for you from the day you met. From shoving the 5th grade bully into the wood chips because he laughed at you, to asking you to freshman homecoming after the boy you liked got asked by another girl. He would bring you food or snacks whenever you were on your period. He was the one who took the time to teach you how to surf. He was your best friend and you were his and nothing could separate you two.

JJ led you to his room and watched as you carefully laid down in the bed. You let out a moan of pleasure at the feeling of the soft fabric pressing against your skin. “Can you hold me?” You whispered avoiding eye contact with him. “Of course Y/N, I didn’t plan on leaving you alone.” JJ went around the bed to lay next to you.

His arm carefully rested at the top of your thighs, the only area near your waist that wasn’t hurt. You snuggled into his chest, melting into his touch as he held you close to him. Soft sobs escaped your lips as your body shook in it’s spot. “Shhh. It’s okay. I’m right here.” He whispered, stroking the back of your head.

“I’m so sorry we didn’t find you sooner.” He mumbled to the top of your head. “Don’t apologize J, you guys found me. You guys saved my life.” You said, slowly pulling away to look at him. He placed a soft kiss to your forehead. His stare landed at the dark black eye you had gotten. “But you got hurt.” He whispered, his fingers holding the bottom of your chin to get a better look.

You held him by the wrist, “but I’m alive. I’m right here J.” He shifted closer towards you, holding you in his arms where you were supposed to be. For the first time in 2 nights you were both able to close your eyes and feel at peace. “Get some rest Y/N, I’ll wake you up when the food is here.” He pressed another soft kiss to your forehead before you shut your eyes.

Snuggling closer to him, you placed a soft kiss to his neck and rested your forehead in the middle of his chest. “I love you.” He smiled. resting his cheek on the top of your head. “I love you too.”

In case anyone was curious when they would be filming in Charleston!


♤- Angst   ♡- Fluff   ✰-Smut

JJ Maybank

Strictly His ✰

Broken Rules ♡

Truth Or Dare ♡

Pool Cleaner ✰

Like A Slut ✰

Fucked Up ♤ ||  pt. 2 ♤♡ 

Midsummers Mistakes ✰

Rose Petals ♡✰《Valentines Day》

Comfort ♡coming soon

Fruit Punch ♡ coming soon

Sunsets and Mimosas ♡ coming soon

Kiara Carrera

cherry chapstick ♡

John B Routledge

Its you 

Pope Heyward


Sarah Cameron


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Last Edited 02/22/21

REQUESTS                TAGLIST

Word count: 350


Warnings:underage drinking/drugs, tiny makeout sesh.

Inspo:I Kissed A Girl (slowed) - Katy Perry

All characters are aged up to at least 18 



One night the Pogues were playing spin the bottle, it was my turn… so close to landing on JJ but in the last second it landed on Kiara.

“guysss” Kiara came in with a wine bottle “ooh some fancy juice” JJ said smirking “were playing spin the bottle “but its full” John B said “i know, i’m not playing this until we’re all drunk… and or high” Kiara said “Ill be both” I said laughing

Once we all finished the bottle, had a few beers, and smoked a bit of JJ’s weed we all sat in a circle and put the bottle on the ground. “So we can kiss eachothers significant others?” Sarah asked “yea” Kiara said “k” the blonde agreed. “Ill go first” pope said clearly drunk, he spun it, and landed on JJ, they quickly kissed. 

We played the game going around the circle and i was next to pope so it was my turn. I spun the bottle and almost landing on JJ it landed on Kiara instead.

I went up to her and kissed her, not quickly though, giving myself enough time to taste her cherry chapstick. It lasted until we were aware that the others were watching. I then quickly crawled back to my spot in the circle.

A few days later I went surfing with Kiara, we took a break and sat down on our boards then she asked “do you remember when you kissed me?” “meerly” “I-I really liked it” she admitted “secretly I did too” i smiled but smirked at the same time

 “how about… fuck the rules” “mhm” I muttered leaning in for another kiss. She smiled and kissed me back. Then i neglected my surfboard and sat on hers as we continued the kiss for another minute.

 “Wanna see how long we can hide this from them?” i asked sneakily “we can try but i don’t think it will last” she smirked.

I- Why does chase have a fatter ass than me? Not fair! >:l

I- Why does chase have a fatter ass than me? Not fair! >:l

Post link

JJ is the only one who is not cried by anyone.. when he said that the pogues are his only family he did not lie. Kie has her parents, Pope too, Sarah at least has Topper (and maybe Wheezie too? idk) and John B, despite no one expecting it, has Big John.

JJ is completely alone.

I really hope Big John comes back and does the good father with John B and maybe even with JJ..

honestly a bit sad that people focus so much on the ships that they cancel out the characters. kie is a beautiful character even alone, as well as pope and as well as jj. I love jjpope but that doesn’t mean I’ll hae them if they don’t stay together. before being ship they are fantastic characters.
