#julian rants


my mom has covid.

if intersex people undermine the sex binary and gender binary, why do so many people only mention us while arguing with queerphobes online. if our existence is so critical, why are we so forgotten and ignored. why aren’t we uplifted. why are we invisible.

some of you make the tastiest looking flags ever i love queer pride

i would just like to remind people that h*rmaphrodite is in fact a slur against intersex people (the h slur). don’t refer to us as that, either as individuals or a group - unless someone says it’s okay for you to call them that (some of us do identify with the term).

i wish i could know the stories of the intersex people in my family from generations past, but at least i know they must be there.

if someone says no once, it’s still a no later. if someone isn’t confidently saying yes, it’s a no. if you don’t know someone well, don’t expect any kind of closeness from them. if you want to touch someone in any way, ask first and refer to the above when they answer. people owe you nothing but basic human decency. respect people’s boundaries.

if i have to see someone act like just saying you have a hormonal imbalance - lying about being intersex - will protect you from misgendering again i think i might just cry

dont rb this, its a vent post not a hot take and it doesnt show all my nuanced thoughts on the matter, thanks

you ever wonder how things would be if the AIDS crisis never happened

food has got so expensive it’s ridiculous. this 8 piece fried chicken at the store used to be $5.99. now it’s $10.99. 75 cents a piece to $1.37 a piece. the fuck.

My 21st birthday is coming up on Sunday so I thought I’d share my Venmo. It’s not a necessity thing, just a birthday thing… although I don’t have an income, so once I spend money it’s gone lol. 

being fat is good actually

i love when gay men look all tough and intimidating and then they’re the sweetest person you’ve ever met. i would die and/or kill for you.

i always thought i’d be so self conscious about being on HRT with large chest but i’m almost excited about it? like yeah. i’m a guy. i got big tiddy. what about it, i’m queer and proud.

i’m not cute because i’m short, i’m cute because i’m cute. there is a difference. i do not want to be infantilized.

why did it take me until now to finally remember “i like your shoelaces” was the secret tumblr code. i was there.

more men in crop tops please

i want a tattoo of the lil autism creature


All of you anti-pan bi’s and anti-bi pan’s are literally so infuriating. Stop with the revisionist bullshit. Literally just think critically for ONCE people.

Stop using the bisexual manifesto agaisnt non bi mspecs. Stop saying bisexuality is transphobic or pansexuality is transphobic. Stop saying pansexuality doesn’t exist and is just bisexuality. And for fuck’s sake recognize polysexual people?

Neither bisexuality or pansexuality are transphobic or problematic. Some of the people who use the terms may be, but the terms themselves are NEUTRAL.

There is nothing wrong with coining a more specific term to describe being attracted to all genders. Would you tell lesbians to not call themselves lesbians and that they’re just gay/homosexual? No! You wouldn’t. Just like lesbian, pansexual is a term to simply specify attraction further. So is polysexual.

Bisexuality includes trans people always has. Bisexuality isnt just about being attracted to men and women and includes nonbinary people.

Pansexual and polysexual may be used by some transphobes to describe being attracted to trans people but that is an issue with transphobes not pansexuality or polysexuality.

Bisexual is functionally an umbrella term but that doesn’t mean you can shove individual people who specifically do not identify as bisexual under it and call them bisexual.

Literally. I promise you this shit about bi pan hostility is so FAKE stop buying into it. PLEASE.

I am BEGGING you, as someone who has been involved in the lgbtq+ community for nearly half their life, STOP IT.

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