#julius belmont


I’m in the mood to just… summarize a Julikado fic I might not even get to writing.

So, Soma, Mina, Yoko and Hammer, in all their youthful scheming, attempt to… set Julius and Arikado up. They all get it in their minds that the two would be cute together. And duh! They clearly like each other!! Why hadn’t anyone thought of this sooner? It’s perfect!

Soma and Mina’s method is to try to reenact Parent Trap to get the two alone together. 

Not too harmful, it does result in some backfiring when Arikado nonchalantly comments on Soma and Mina’s relationship and Julius starts ruthlessly teasing the young adults on how cute they are together. Failure. 

Yoko makes them reservations at fancy restaurants and speaks to them in only suggestive eyebrow wriggling. 

Actually quite pleasant. Arikado laughs?? It’s as subdued as one would expect, but what isn’t expected is his apparently existent sense of humour?? As the crew is spying on the two, they really feel “GOD! HOW ARE THESE TWO NOT ALREADY TOGETHER!?!” 

To seal the deal, Hammer… puts mistletoe around. Bumps into Arikado so he’ll fall into Julius’ arms… Hands the two notes “from each other” asking “Do you like me? Yes or No”.

At this point Arikado is not entertained, and Julius knows exactly what’s going on. And the crew is still banking on getting the two to kiss. But their plans are dashed by Arikado’s sudden unavailability whenever they want to trick him into another dinner date. Julius’ response to any questioning is: “Oh, Arikado? We’re partners.” and the kids just want to strangle him. How doesn’t he SEE?

They call for an intervention and demand Arikado and Julius acknowledge the sparks there. 

Thoroughly pissed, Arikado refuses on principle. However, Julius finally busts out laughing and tells the group: “Arikado is my partner.” He holds up his left hand, wearing a silver ring. 

A quiet resounding “oh” as Arikado face-palms. 

After Julius loses his memory following the events of 1999, Alucard changes his identity to Genya Arikado and lives a normal domestic life with Julius. Finally, Alucard has a normal life, all only at the cost of Julius’ memories.

Julius doesn’t have to remember Alucard to love him. 

Soma:“Julius, how do I ask people out?”

Julius: “Well, first you—”

Arikado: “Don’t ask him, he asked me out in a McDonald’s parking lot.”

Julius: “And yet, you said yes.”

Julius:“Damn, it’s dark in here.”

Soma: “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

Soma: *rapidly stomps feet*

Soma: *sketchers light up*


Belmonts flirting with Dracula: a compilation cuz i do what i want.

Trevor: You don’t need a Cyclop to get ME as hard as a rock.

Dracula: *Tries to kill him faster*


Simon: You are such a fine piece of meat, you would deserve to be embedded in a wall.

Dracula: The fuck does that even mean.


Juste: Are you the moonlight ? Because you’re the light of my nights.

Dracula: Are you the sunlight ? Because i feel like i’m burning around you… burning with HATRED.


Richter: Is it hot in there or is it just you ?

Dracula: It’s just y


Dracula: Hold on


Julius: *exist*

Dracula: Stop trying to romance me.


Sonia: *kissy noises* Eyyy chica! *whistles*

Dracula: You are dating my son.


Christopher: So… I see that you’re also a single father…

Christopher: *bites lip*

Dracula: Yes. And I plan to remain so. Forever.




Leon: *spits in Dracula’s face* Whore.

Dracula: Marry me.

mewkwota:The Meaning in His MadnessWhenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all mewkwota:The Meaning in His MadnessWhenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all mewkwota:The Meaning in His MadnessWhenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all mewkwota:The Meaning in His MadnessWhenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all mewkwota:The Meaning in His MadnessWhenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all mewkwota:The Meaning in His MadnessWhenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all


The Meaning in His Madness

Whenever I work with a character, I always like to work with all facets of their personality. While Trevor is normally coquettish in my works, I do want to emphasize that it does not mean he just plays with his descendants all day.

I constantly describe Trevor as “formidable” and have a lot of reason for doing so. He takes his role as the current eldest Belmont very, very seriously.

Trevor: “Words can’t be said of how utterly disappointed I am in each and every of you.”


Trevor: “Not you, Julius. You’re wonderful, and we’re all happy you’re here.”

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Julius: *carrying a load of grocery bags in both hands*

Arikado: *reaches out a hand to help him*

Julius: *switches all the bags to one hand* 

Julius: *takes Arikado’s hand and holds it*

Arikado: “THAT’S NOT WHAT I-”

Arikado: *sighs*“OKAY.”

Soma:“I accidentally ate Julius’ leftovers. How long do you think I’ll live?”


Soma: “Ten what?”

Julius, entering the room:Nine.”

Belmont? More like Belt-mont

So, when I was still drawing Vampire Leon, I had the thought that I just love that nearly all the Belmonts have a belt where there shouldn’t be a belt and not many of them wear real belts around the waist.

I’m not gonna cover every design of the characters, that would kill me, but like… look at all these Belmonts.


belt around coat and belt around thigh, the starter of the trend. the belt around the coat is not doing anything that metal girdle isn’t already



belt around coat and white choker around neck, I’m counting this as a belt. I guess her belt is keeping her coat closed this time at the very least?



belt across chest and belt around?? elbow?? also,,, could count those lil knife sheaths on his boot belts,,, also if you just glance closer and look at the chain connected to his belt that circles around his thigh,,, hot,,, but also really weird



belt around waist and something around his bicep, probably a fucking belt or bandages- does the thing around his head count as a belt? I dunno??



okay, i gotta give it to him, he’s wearing a belt where you’re supposed to, but it’s around his tunic for that aesthetic (and maybe to hold weapons)



GIANT belt around waist but also belt around bicep and belt around neck??kinky

(what the fuck even are those things hanging from his leather corset?? they look like they’d whip around and hurt his legs?? masochist??)




side note: I’m just now realizing how similar Leon and Juste’s designs are… they have a lot of similar design elements




(don’t even mention what the fuck is happening with the belt situation in RoB/DXC I don’t wanna think about it)


now the question is do I talk about LoS Victor or concept Victor… eh, different timeline


wow that’s just a regular ol’ belt around the waist. it seems that vampire hunting is not the only thing he rejected about his family legacy. technically the sheath around the leg could be considered a leg belt



studded belts around waist and wrists??? and BELT HANGING OFF WAIST, he looked at his Grandpa Richter’s clothes and said “but how do I give it more rebellious teen energy?” Ya know, at twenty-five



no belt?? nobelt??SACRiLEGE??but it’s okay, stylish neckerchief instead

Maybe Julius has a secret belt hidden from prying eyes. Maybe he’s just wearing high-waisted pants, and if he took off his waistcoat you’d see belt.

Why am I thirsting over the possibility of a belt I’ll never get to see?


Arikado:“Julius, the only way to get through is with your brute strength.”

Julius:“But after that, I won’t be able to fight.” 

Soma: “I GOT THIS!” 

Soma: *pulls out credit card, swipes it between the barrier and the floor, unlocking the barrier*

Julius:“So, Soma has become Dracula. It seems I need to keep my promise to him.”

Arikado:“Ifonly he had equipped the talisman.”


Arikado:“Then he wouldn’t have become the dark lord.

Julius: “Alucard, what the hell.”

Arikado:Hint hint.

(954): I just went in my fridge and said to my turkey “see you thursday”. I seriously ha

(954): I just went in my fridge and said to my turkey “see you thursday”. I seriously have issues

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Soma, staring at his fingers:





Julius: I just asked how old you are-

Soma: Can you shut the fuck up for a second ??
