#just wait


@legman-lensherr​ continuing from here X

“Yay!” Luna beams, jumping up and down for a few seconds before fishing out pink glittery nail polish out from her pocket and shows her grandfather the bottle. “I want to use this one!”

watching the venture bros for the 100th time


Muriel: Julian, what’s a thot?

Julian: It means a very thoughtful person.


Muriel: Thanks, Asra. You’re a really nice thot.

Asra [with Julian wheezing in the background]: I’m a what now

KNK deserves better


Unfortunately, it has been 30 days since Logan smiled. I have found many gifs of him tho and I’d like to share them,,,

And I’m bringing back this one because it’s true

Unfortunately, it has been 30 days since Logan smiled. I have found many gifs of him tho and I’d like to share them,,,

And I’m bringing back this one because it’s true
