#be your own hero

 In the depth of winter,I finally learned that within methere lay an invincible summer.Albert Camus

In the depth of winter,
I finally learned that within me
there lay an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

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Choosing to set and enforce boundaries even and especially when it is difficult is an act of heroic

Choosing to set and enforce boundaries even and especially when it is difficult is an act of heroic self love. It is heroic self love to realize, vocalize and prioritize your needs because you know in your bones that your healing depends on it, that your soul is calling for it and your younger self is crying for it. To say, “No.” Despite the fear. Despite the malice of others. Despite the mockery, refusal, rejection, resentment, disregard, ignorance, anger, hostility and abandonment that will come to do battle with the brilliant light that is your knowledge of self worth. It is heroic self love to speak your mind, to draw the line, to put your foot down and risk standing alone and away from all that is familiar but that threatens your vitality as well, to surrender the socially preferred role of “agreeable person”, all for the simple fact that your sacred smile is worth it. When we stop expecting the healing journey to be easy we make room for the glorious moments of overcoming that remind us that we are our own heroes, we are the knights for whom we have fought the fatal sleep of despair. We heal when we give priority to our wellness. We heal when we draw the lines that create our safe spaces. We heal when we put doors on our sanctuaries.⁣⁣ And we heal when we see ourselves standing up for ourselves.⁣⁣⁣

Today I’d like to acknowledge everyone who has established boundaries for which they faced loss but which they enforced and maintained in the name of truth and healing. 

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Quote from my Everyday Hero poem from my book She’ll Find the Sky

Things people rarely say:

•it is okay if you fall out of love and you dont know why, you are not a bad person

•your mental stability will always be more important than your s/o. You need a healthy relationship with yourself as much as you need one with others

•you have every right to remove yourself out of any relationship that you are not 100% happy and feel safe in. Be your own protector, remove yourself from the hazardous people.

•you’re not required to explain yourself to anyone that asks why you’re relationship ended. Your life, your relationship. Your business.


Be your own priority. You deserve to love and appreciate and care for yourself. Self-love is the strongest form of love you can receive, and it only comes from yourself.

I love you, now you gotta love you too.
