#keith kogane


¡Hola de nuevo! ♥

No pude evitar traducir Keith’s VLOG :9

Soy Keith, el paladín del León Negro. ¿Qúe debería decir? Soy un paladín.

Vuelo al león negro. Ya- Ya dije eso. ¿Vieron? Eso por eso que soy malo en esto. ¿Qué más se supone que te diga? OK. Um, supongo que soy parte Galra.

Supongo que ser parte Galra es la gran cosa. Puede que explique por qué nunca fuí bueno… conectando con la gente.

Todavía no entiendo por qué no debería decir “Voltron”. Es mucho más rápido. Una persona lo dice, ¿no? Listo. Yo digo “Voltron” y después el canto termina. No tiene que ser complicado. Lo lamento tanto. Lo lamento tanto, supongo… que tengo un poco de temperamento, así que…

No sé por qué soy de esa manera. Tal vez… soy naturalmente desconfiado porque mi mamá me dejó, y así en vez de aceptar a la gente en mi vida, yo- lxs alejo antes de que ellxs me rechacen a . Supongo que tengo unas paredes levantadas. ¡Yo- Yo me voy de acá! ¡Sáquenme de acá! ¡Yo me voy de acá! ¡Dije que no iba a llorar!


Nota de la traductora: 

  • No traduje los clips que pertenecen a la serie porque Netflix tiene la versión en castellano :9 


This is rather random, but imagine an AU in which Allura sings this song and Keith and Shiro are like: 

‘God we love her so much.’

  • Keith is a dragon who can turn into human, and Shiro is his partner, in sky and heart.

  • The two don’t stay in a place for too long out of fear of someone discovering Keith’s secret; least go into any town: too much people, and the less focus Keith is, the most likely to turn dragon he is.

‘Patience yields-’

‘Focus, I know, Shiro.’

  • During one of their trips they meet Allura on a tavern: She’s friendly and the three of them quickly fall into conversation. Well, Shiro and Allura do, Keith prefers to listen and eventually comment.

  • She tells them she’s the princess of Altea and heir to the throne. Yet, what surprises Shiro and Keith the most is that she’s also the Head of the Army.

‘How can I allow others to risk their lives in battle for our kingdom and not do so myself,’ she says.

  • They each go their way, Keith and Shiro were visiting a friend in a nearby town and Allura was going back home after a long quest to kill a dragon.

  • Nor Shiro nor Keith comment on that, despite being uncomfortable of their new friend being a dragon-killer. 

  • They cross paths once in a while, and the more they cross paths, the fonder they grow of each other.

  • Until one day, the three of them sleep together.
  • Yet, as usual, they each go their way.

  • It’s only months later that they meet her again.

  • As their enemy.

  • She’s commanding an army that’s trying to kill some dragons flying around; Ulaz and Thace, Shiro told Keith.

Good dragons,’ Keith growls. ‘She must be stopped.’

  • And so, Keith flies off to save his own with Shiro as his Paladin.

  • Normally, a dragon would never form a bond with a human, but Keith’s trust towards him was what made him do it. To this day, Shiro’s grateful of it.

  • And it’s because Keith believes in him that Shiro tells him to just grab Allura and take her to a place where they can all talk in peace.

  • Keith is adamant after seeing her eyes from afar.

‘She really hates us. If you tell her that some of us can turn human, she’ll hunt us down when we can’t transform back.’ Keith says slowly.

‘No. We know her. She’s a good person and a great commander, she’s just mislead about this. If we can explain and convince her, this may be our chance for you to have a home. You and all good dragons!’

‘Shiro, you have to consider that there’re more dangers than perks to this…’

  • Still, Shiro has his mind set up. He is convinced this might help the dragons not only from this kingdom, but also from many more. This is just one step to them being finally free of fear.

  • Shiro regrets telling her: after being grabbed by Keith’s claws and taken to the woods alone andfinding out the truth about them, her anger blinds her.

  • She swears to kill them and leaves to call for back-up.

  • Shiro is torn, he really trusted her. But he knows that by now she must be leaving to the Kingdom’s capital to letting her father, King Alfor, know about this secret of theirs.

  • Shiro and Keith make sure Thace and Ulaz are safe and say their goodbyes.
  • They return to the inn and Shiro lays on the bed. He sighs and apologies with Keith for making him go through that experience. Keith just cuddles next to him.
  • Seven days pass.

  • Seven days of hiding from Allura’s rage.

  • They are napping before departing.
  • They’ve stayed for too long, Shiro thinks as he tries to blink the sleepiness away.
  • He notices Keith is still sleeping by his side when he feels a presence beside him.

‘Don’t move.’ Allura warns. 

She’s standing beside their bed with a knife in her hand. ‘Why did you tell me about… him?’

Shiro is not sure what she’s planning, so he carefully sits up. ‘Because we know you are a good leader and a greater person, also we care about you. You deserved to know the truth.’

‘Dragons are evil. They destroy everything they come across with.’ She hurries to say.

‘Allura, you don’t soundconvinced.’

‘He’s one of them. He's…’ She says, pointing at Keith with her knife.

‘Yes. And no.’ Shiro says, while slowly pressing his hand to the hand that’s holding the knife. 

‘He was born like this, yes. But being a dragon doesn’t equal to being evil. The same way that being from human doesn’t equal to being good.’ 

  • Shiro feels Keith stir; he’s waking up and the last thing Shiro wants it’s for him to think he has to be guarded when sleeping -not again.-

‘Allura,please. You know him, you know us. Not all dragons are bad. He is not.’

  • She glares and then her hand twitches. 
  • She slowly puts her knife down just in time for Keith to open his eyes.


‘I’m here.’ 

‘Mmm…’ Shiro scoffs, Keith really is a sleepyhead.

‘Keith.’ Allura firmly says.

  • That wakes Keith up.
  • He stares at her and Shiro can tell exactly the moment he saw her knife, as he freezes ready to attack if necessary. 
  • She notices Keith looking at her knife and brings it close to her chest. 

‘This knife… belonged to my mother. She had it with her when a dragon-’ Allura stops, trying to hold the tears. Shiro and Keith fill the gap and Shiro feels Keith trying to relax. ‘I'm… the dragons took my mother away. Took many of my people… But.’ She takes a deep breath and continues. ‘But youdidn’t, Keith. Not you. And I’m-’ Another deep breath. ‘I’m sorry I let my anger led my actions. I’m sorry for what I said to you. I wanted to hate you but, but I love you. Both.’

  • Shiro says nothing. In this case, although he’s elated to hear Allura’s words, he concedes the first words to Keith.
  • A minute goes by and Keith says:

‘Were you planning this?’ 


‘Huh? I… don’t understand.’

‘I asked, whether-’

‘Not that! I heard you! But what is it that you think I planned?’

‘I accept your apologies. I understand it must’ve been hard for you. But you saying those words here, undressed as we are… Were you planning this, Princess?’

  • Just then, both, Shiro and Allura, realise what Keith is implying. 
  • Allura’s face goes red and Shiro can’t help how cute it is.

‘Well,’ Shiro says, ‘she surely is an expert strategist. And who are we to deny her from hers plans to succeed?’

‘Wait! Shiro I didn’t pla-’

‘Well now you did.’

‘You forgave me so quick… Were you never angry with me? After all I did and said to you?’

  • Keith looks at her for a while and says:

‘No, not angry. Hurt… yes.’


‘No need. I told you, I understand how hard it’s for you. I value more you having apologised.’

‘Thank you, Keith. Also, I have a favour to ask.’

‘Ask away.’

‘The dragons I was… trying to kill. Do you know them?’

‘Yes…’ Shiro sees Keith is trying to say this in a way that doesn’t add up to Allura’s guilt, but she still needs to hear it. ‘They… raised me. So I know them well.’

  • Shiro is not surprised when Allura gasps in surprise. Yet, she composes herself and says:

‘Good. Can you arrange a meeting?’


‘So that I can publicly arrange a formal apology to them.’

  • Shiro would probably be laughing at Keith’s expression if his weren’t the same. 

‘Princess… Are you sure? Not many are open to the idea of dragons being good yet and to do such a leap-’

‘Yes, I am certain. My people has done enough damage as it is. It is time that we do this, if we want peace between us.’

‘I’ll contact the Blade of Marmora and let them know of your proposal.’ Keith announces, ‘Though can’t promise anything.’

‘I know. Thank you, both.’ She says and kisses them each on their lips. 

|More AUs


  • A month after being hired as a waiter, Keith is working when a funny-looking client walks in:
  • They wear sunglasses -despite the rain,- a mask that covers his mouth, and a blue sweater with a hoodie. Apart from that, their way of walking is particular to say the least, and they keep looking at every corner of the store.
  • Keith immediately thinks ‘A thief!’ Yet, he chooses to wait and see if that’s the case.
  • This eccentric client heads to an unoccupied table and sits.
  • Keith warily goes and hands them a menu, while welcoming them to the Altea Bakery.
  • The client stares at him and request a coffee.

‘Would you want anything else? Keith says, remembering Shiro’s advice on saying ‘Would’ instead of ‘Do.’

‘You’d like that, don’t ya?’ The client mocks.

‘…I’ll take that as a no.’ Keith is at a lost, so he gives the only non-rude reply he can think of.

  • In the meanwhile, he continues to take orders from his other clients, most of them women from a nearby college and some old woman that take dance classes in the building next to theirs.
  • Still, Keith feels eyes stabbing his back, and everytime he looks for the source it’s that odd, now annoying, client of his.
  • Inside the bakery’s kitchen, while waiting for Shiro to finish with an order, he sighs.
  • Shiro notices, so he puts his hand on Keith’s shoulder and asks:

‘Everything OK?’



‘…Just this client -yeah, that one with the sun glasses- keeps staring and it’s getting annoying.’

Shiro looks to the client Keith previously pointed and sighs, ‘He looks like needs attention.’

To which Keith scoffs.

‘Done! There you go!’

‘Oh, thanks.’ Keith says, taking the finished meal.

  • When he gives the annoying client the coffee, they grunt and mumble something Keith doesn’t understand.
  • Just when he’s about to ask what’s their problem, Allura comes from behind him and smacks his client in the head with a rolled magazine.

‘Allura! What’re you doing?!’ Keith panics.

‘Hmph.’ Allura ignores him and stares at his client, ‘Lance, how many times have I told you not to annoy my workers!?’

‘Pff!! Lance? Who is- Hey! Give that back!!’ His client, Lance, complaints as Allura takes his glasses away.

‘Hm? What was that, Lance?’

‘…Fine! You got me!’

‘Wasn’t difficult. Shiro recognised you immediately.’

Lance gasps and exclaims, ‘Oh, the betrayal!’

‘Shut it! Why are you here anyway?’ Allura inquiries.

‘Can’t I help a friend by being a loyal customer?’

When Allura raises her eyebrow higher than Keith thought possible, Lance continues, ‘OK! Fine! It’s hisfault!’

‘Huh?’ Keith, who had been quiet until that moment, asks, ‘How is it my fault that you come here to do who-knows-what?’

‘Don’t play fool, you customers thief!’

‘What?’ Keith and Allura say at the same time, however, Allura looks her surroundings and then grins and says, ‘Oh, so that’s how it is.’

´Keith.’ She addresses him, ‘Lance here -he works at the Garrison’s- noticed that our female clients have increased.’

‘Hmph! I deny it.’

She ignores him and continues, ‘Yes, it’s true, our clients have increased… afteryour arrival.’ She winks at him while wrapping her arms on his. ‘In other words, Lance is jealous you are more popular than him.’

‘What?!’ This time, it’s Keith and Lance who speak at the same time.

‘No way! I am here in an official mission for the Garrison.’ Lance counters back.

‘Don’t let him annoy you too much, Keith. And you,’ she says, pointing at Lance, ‘behave.’

‘Bossy, are you?’ Lance winks his eye…. and gets a smack to his head. ‘Ouch…’

  • Allura walks away leaving an astonished Keith and a smacked Lance behind.
  • In the end, Lance leaves not before calling him his ‘Rival’ or something.
  • That day, Keith learns two things:
  • Although Allura claims Shiro to be overprotective, she is too -which is kind of cute,- and…
  • Allura’s smacks are highlydangerous.
lance: so, you like my shirt?dia 4 “fiesta de disfraces” / “costume party” para el movimiento voltro

lance: so, you like my shirt?

dia 4 “fiesta de disfraces” / “costume party” para el movimiento voltroniano latino.
it’s been 84 years… but i was able to finish it…

Post link
 Día 2: “amor no correspondido” / “unrequited love” para el movimiento voltr Día 2: “amor no correspondido” / “unrequited love” para el movimiento voltr

Día 2: “amor no correspondido” / “unrequited love” para el movimiento voltroniano latino 2018
Lance is heartbroken from Allura and won’t notice Keith’s feelings.

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 “Despertando juntos” para el movimiento voltroniano latino, día 1.Almost a week late to

“Despertando juntos” para el movimiento voltroniano latino, día 1.
Almost a week late to post this but here it is. Krolia and her little baby keef deserve to be together and be happy. I’ve wanting to draw them for a while and this finally gave me the opportunity.

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[Kidge Summer camp AU]“We were just walking there… Only two of us… In the dark&h[Kidge Summer camp AU]“We were just walking there… Only two of us… In the dark&h[Kidge Summer camp AU]“We were just walking there… Only two of us… In the dark&h

[Kidge Summer camp AU]

“We were just walking there… Only two of us… In the dark… And then we found a dead body. On a tree”

“Yeah it was freaking hanging there…”

“Do you mean hanging out?”

“…Oh my god”

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[Chronicles of Narnia х Voltron AU]

Where a bunch of children are sent away from their homes because of war. Their host turnes to be Mr Coran, an old creepy man with a large mysterious house. After finding a way to another world in the wardrobe and meeting a dryad named Allura they begin a long journey to become the Four Kings of Narnia. But legends say that there should be five kings… Who will be the fifth one?


[I’m sure that paladins have played 21 questions while being stuck in space]


keith: um yeah

pidge: lol me too. romance sucks

lance: matt told me that you used to have a crush on your math teacher

pidge: >>>:]]] lance, darling…



hunk: so, 3 people with me on an abandoned island, huh? i would probably take lance…

lance: ooooooOOOOOOH

hunk: because


hunk: he’s… my…

lance: o-o-o-o-o-o-oh

hunk: best… friend

lance: oh

lance: and that’s all? not the love of your life? just a best friend? i feel betrayed


pidge: how much lemonade can you consume in one session?

allura: le monade? is it french?

pidge: gosh your translator glitches again

hunk: maybe you better learn our language, princess. it’s not that hard

lance: okay, i’m the teacher. Here we go: *sings*

A for Allura

B for bayard

C for citizen

D for… um

keith: D for damn it lance shut up please


keith: it’s weird but sometimes i only want to sit in somebody’s living room with a cup of coffee and talk about life till the damn. y'know, the feeling of being safe and loved and trusted and… shit forget about what i said

hunk: *tears up* please continue

pidge: dude, after we return we can have sleepovers every day if you want

lance: *snores*

keith: feels like we are already having one


[I wonder about some things that would definetly happen after paladins returned on Earth…]

Lance teaches Coran how to use a smartphone and social media

A nice vacation somewhere on Cuba. Turns out that alteans’ sunburn makes their skin lighter and Keith can not swim

Krolia tries milkshake for the first time

Pidge and Keith somehow managed to steal an old van and paint a Castle of Lions on it

When paladjns understand that OH F*CK WE NEED MONEY Shiro does that kind of ‘i got u covered’ face and tells them about his salary for Kerberos mission (a big amount of bucks, actually)

Allura goes shopping

Lance, Pidge, Allura and Keith grab their pets and go to veterinarian hospital

Pidge: so yeah, his name is Dave and I think he became a little bit greener last week…


Keith has grown up and he can’t show up in his Marmora suit so here goes a loooooong process of finding some clothes

Keith: nuh, too bright. too dark. too new. too tight. nuh… too cool

everybody: WHAT THE

Coran rides a motorcycle

A workshop in the backyard of the Holts’ house

Hunk teaches everyone some gardening and since then paladins keep small plants in their bedrooms

Some more Phantom Pidge doodles, this time starring Keith! He’ll have the partial role of Valerie Gr

Some more Phantom Pidge doodles, this time starring Keith! He’ll have the partial role of Valerie Gray, being the ghost hunter and hunting after Pidge. For the most part his outfit is based on hers, but there are definite changes, especially the mask. I was gonna cover his head fully like hers, but I decided to leave his mullet showing because I want Lance to recognize him. “I’d recognize that mullet anywhere!” 
Also, I couldn’t resist Keith and Pidge being handcuffed to each other. Sendak (the role of Skulker is my plan) capturing them, wanting to hunt them down, and holding their flour sack baby hostage? Pidge wants him double dead. 

Anyway! I hope y’all enjoy this one!
Until next time!

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 @/ladybb.art Mer!Klance DTIYS on ig

@/ladybb.art Mer!Klance DTIYS on ig

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//aka a hc where sheith go to the beach after the war ends
