#kim woojin


Alright Ladies who are we betting will lift their shirt up in the next performance?


Petition to get Chan on Law of The Jungle


Again, let me stress this even further.

I want:

  • Spear fishing Chan with a sleeveless shirt on
  • Chan climbing a coconut tree and busting off all the coconuts in one swoop
  • Chan chasing after some wild animal for food
  • Bro just Chan in general on Law Of The Jungle

jaebum: what’s it like living with chan and the other kids?

woojin: imagine living with actual civilised people


woojin: now throw that thought out the window.

changbin: i’ve heard someone saying my name twice in my room, it’s either ghosts or hallucinations.

woojin: it’s me outside, you want some muffins?

changbin: what kind?

woojin: zucchini, but they taste like banana nut.

changbin: bananas can nut?

woojin: you know what? i’ll keep my muffins.
