#stray kids layout


[@ mga]

yoongi, walking towards bts: hey guys this is my new friend he lives with us now.

namjoon: yoongi you cant just take-

yoongi, hugging changbin protectively: HE’S MINE

woojin: i can’t believe you and chan broke the bed last night

changbin: yeah, it must have been wild

minho: haha yeah…

[last night]

minho: i bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling

chan: try me

felix: [tapping fingers on table]

chan: [taps fingers back furiously]

hyunjin: what’s going on

jeongin: they’re talking in morse code

felix : ..-. .- - ……- -.. (fat head)

chan: [slams hands on table] YOU TAKE THAT BACK

hyunjin: you’re wrong, seungmin doesn’t have a crush on me.

stray kids: yes he does

twice: yes he does

day6: yes he does

got7: yes he does

2am: yes he does

2pm: yes he does

jyp: yes he does

asc crew: yes he does

stays: yes he does

seungmin: yes i do

interviewer: so what’s one thing you’d change about your team?

chan: *watches as jisung and seungmin harrass jeongin, jeongin yells at them to go away, hyunjin and changbin bicker, felix argues with woojin about anything and everything and minho manages to chime into every conversation with intense yelling*

chan: i wouldn’t change them for the world.

chan:hey hyunjin how’s dinner coming along?

hyunjin, trying to put out a fire with a cloth: uh yeah it’s coming along great!


chan: how did you set fire to water without turning the stove on

chan: so who’s turn is it to give a pep talk!

jeongin, sighing:changbin’s

changbin: fuck shit up out there but don’t die!

felix, wiping a tear: so inspirational

hyunjin: the real question is, what type of word is yeet?

hyunjin: is it a verb? can you yeet away?

jisung: or is it an adverb? can you DO something yeetily?

changbin: what if it’s a noun? can you BECOME a yeet?

minho: it’s 3am, can you shut u-

chan: hang on a second, minho. they have a point, please continue.

jisung: are you mad at me?

minho: take a guess


minho: take another guess.

felix: LOOK at these hands

chan: i’m looking at them

felix: i’m going to KILL you with them


chan: they’re kinda small :/

chan: so what’re you guys going to be for halloween?


changbin: my crippling anxiety

hyunjin: my fear of social interaction

seungmin: …… i wanted to be spider man ……


jisung: ok cool but i have 7 binders full of pokemon cards i could literally battle u right here but u would LOSE. i have a charizard ex card u wouldnt stand a CHANCE against m

hyunjin: what is one thing you would change about me??

changbin: your last name



minho: what is one thing you would change about me??

felix: your last name

minho: we have the same fucking last name you dumb piece of shit

and here we have han jisung accidentally turning on a loud toy, trying to hide it and being caught by felix


the rest of stray kids: ❣️❤️❣️❤️❤️❣️❤️❤️❣️i love you❤️❣️❤️❣️❤️❣️❤️❣️❤️

jeongin: how did you guys say that out loud
