#lady d


the lady dimitrescu fever the gaming community went through amuses me because it’s what happens when straight male gamers finally experience how straight women feel when they encounter a sexy vampire

Big Art Post!!!

I have been steadily building my ko-fi page up and want to share some things here for everyone

I do:

Commissions start at $10


Digital Prints$4

You can check out my shop if you’re interested in purchasing anything! Or if you’re interested in a commission you can just hit that link above to request one!

Rates are below:

And just some samples of the work I do:

This is the cover artwork for the upcoming fan fiction “Song to the Moon” written by Lad

This is the cover artwork for the upcoming fan fiction “Song to the Moon” written by Lady Valentine (Tumbrl|Twitter(@1ady_valentine) | AO3(lady_valentine)).
Starting in March you can expect 10 chapters with an emotional & nerve-wrecking story about Miranda, Alcina & Alex Wesker with illustrations for every chapter. ❤️

Summary: “After Spencer’s death in 2006, Alex Wesker contacts Mother Miranda to make her an offer she can’t refuse. Driven by her desire to get her daughter Eva back, Miranda finds herself in a moral quandary and puts everything else alive that she holds dear at risk … First and foremost Alcina, with whom she has a troubled past. Is Miranda pinning her hopes on the right person, or will she lose everything in the end?”

Chapter 1 comes out on March 1!

For more info follow me here or on Twitter (@ZerOneSplashArt) and/or follow the author @1ady_valentine on Twitter.

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Seems like Alcina had a wonderful Valentine’s morning … Happy Valentine’s Day to

Seems like Alcina had a wonderful Valentine’s morning …

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone and especially our beloved lovebirds ❤️ ~

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 Alcina knows exactly what you are thinking. Be careful, you might lose a little blood. But it&rsquo

Alcina knows exactly what you are thinking. Be careful, you might lose a little blood. But it’s spooky season, so what does it even matter - right?

Come on, be a “good girl” and let her have her feast ❤️

This was one of my first Alcina drawings and I finally finished it. Enjoy the view with me

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I had fun contributing this cover artwork to a #MiranCina fan fiction by my dear @1ady_valentine (Tw

I had fun contributing this cover artwork to a #MiranCina fan fiction by my dear @1ady_valentine (Twitter). (… I had the opportunity to paint a hot kiss between Alcina and Miranda … What more could you ask for?)

Here’s the link to the FF “The Summer Event” on AO3 [NSFW ]: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32639419/chapters/80965894

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 Miranda: “Are you mad? Look at me.” Alcina grunting.Miranda: “Did you think I c

Miranda: “Are you mad? Look at me.”
Alcina grunting.

Miranda: “Did you think I couldn’t come to your height? Now I get my fill …”

(Mother Miranda is able to shape shift, so she could also grow herself to Alcina’s height.)

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Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader: don’t know where (don’t know when)

Summary: You find yourself somewhere impossible to imagine. A place you can’t really understand nor pinpoint. As you walk through the halls, things begin to make sense, but there is a detail you’ve latched onto–where is that singing coming from and why does it feel like home?

A/N: Again, I’m not back. But I posted this on AO3 a week or two ago and thought I should post it here too.

The inspiration for this fic came from this Tiktok by euphxricedits:

If you’d like to hear what I did while writing and get into the same mood, google the solo & echoed version of Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again,” specifically the Far Cry 5 audio.

Please let me know what you all think

Tag List:@multifandomfix@ghostsunderstoodmysoul@escapetodreamworld

Warning(s): Blood Mention

Something was odd about the halls you roamed. A minor detail out of place, altered just so that it was hidden from your mind. It didn’t matter, not really. Your feet carried you where you needed to be regardless.

If you thought about it… where were you going?

An echo through the halls touched your ears. It bounced from the walls, still decorated in their ornate golden filigree, boasting violent splashes of color. You paid them no mind. The voice haunting the halls called to you. It wrapped around your wrist, a thin red thread drawing you forward.

Keep smiling through, just like you always do…” It called.

The husky timbre crooked a finger beneath your chin, leather on flesh. Your lips pulled up in a smile. Measured steps came to a halt, though your torso leant forward, chasing the warm feeling around you. It retreated and forced you back into action.

Your skirt brushed to and fro at your ankles. Bits of torn lace caught unpleasantly, you knew better than to let it stop you. How long had you been moving through these halls, following the calls of a familiar voice? You couldn’t remember where you’d begun.

Tell them I won’t be long…” Your siren’s crooning continued.

Is that how the song went? Surely there’d been a few lines before that—a beautiful collection of lyric and pitch you must have missed.

The halls dragged on before your eyes. Too long and yet, just as you remembered. That couldn’t be right… hadn’t you felt that something was off? A miniscule detail only you’d pinpoint? You shuddered like a chill passed through you, but you weren’t cold.

A draft always traversed the Castle, yet you felt only content. Not too hot or cold. The lack of consistency caused you to stop short, eyes darting around.

At your feet lay shattered porcelain. Lifting your left foot, a shard protruded from the arch. No blood decorated the would-be wound. Though there werered stains against the edge of your skirts. Pools of the same substance dotted the carpets, smeared against the walls. A limb lay discarded beneath a chest only a few feet away.

You should feel the icy grip of fear, a tense stirring in your limbs. It never came.

We’ll meet again. Don’t know where, don’t know when….”

Looking up from the shattered vase, a door stood closed a hundred feet before you. You didn’t remember it being there before. Despite that, you knew the owner of the honeyed tone lay beyond it. Your chest finally ached in want. You moved, unseemly surroundings forgotten.

The knob turned beneath your palm with ease. As it drifted open, the faint strum of strings grew in volume, a comforting light encasing your view. There she was. Your siren, the trilling goddess you’d searched for.

You stepped through the door and found yourself surrounded in color. Her eyes never left your own. Before they’d been dull, not quite the vibrant golden they were now. How long had you wandered alone, devoid of the warm color only her presence could bathe you in?


Her hand was outstretched, lips moving, though you couldn’t hear what they were saying. The porcelain skin of her palm beckoned you. She was a beacon of warmth, safety, love. Your most dear Alcina—your sun, casting you in an unbending glow.

Three forms sat with their backs to you before the stage where Alcina stood. You recognized their outlines, stopping only for the briefest of moments, running a gentle hand over their heads. Teeth glinted back from beneath dark hoods. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela—safe.

Alcina’s finger crooked in your direction, her perfect crimson lips pulled into a smirk. Still they parted around words you couldn’t make out. It didn’t keep you from her as you rushed forward, nearly tripping over your own feet if not for the invisible force keeping you upright. Perhaps it was her gaze. Her strong, glowing eyes, so full of love. Did she see the same reflected in your own?

You placed your hand in her’s, her large fingers curling around your smaller ones. Wetness pooled in your eyes. She curled you into her soft frame, burying her nose in your hair. A single kiss was pressed to your temple.

She swayed you for only a moment before you heard it again; the gentle accompaniment of instruments. It still echoed in the large room, but it was warm this time. You had everything you had been searching for. Alcina’s lips parted at your ear and you could finally make out her words, the gentle vibrato lulling you into an eternity of peace, “…We’ll meet again, some sunny day.”

zeronesplashart:This is the cover artwork for the upcoming fan fiction “Song to the Moon” written by


This is the cover artwork for the upcoming fan fiction “Song to the Moon” written by Lady Valentine (Tumbrl|Twitter(@1ady_valentine) | AO3(lady_valentine)).
Starting in March you can expect 10 chapters with an emotional & nerve-wrecking story about Miranda, Alcina & Alex Wesker with illustrations for every chapter. ❤️

Summary: “After Spencer’s death in 2006, Alex Wesker contacts Mother Miranda to make her an offer she can’t refuse. Driven by her desire to get her daughter Eva back, Miranda finds herself in a moral quandary and puts everything else alive that she holds dear at risk … First and foremost Alcina, with whom she has a troubled past. Is Miranda pinning her hopes on the right person, or will she lose everything in the end?”

Chapter 1 comes out on March 1!

For more info follow me here or on Twitter (@ZerOneSplashArt) and/or follow the author @1ady_valentine on Twitter.

Yup, this will be my second Resident Evil fan fiction after “The Summer Event”. I am very curious how you will like “Song to the Moon”. First chapter coming March 1! 

More infos always on Twitter: https://twitter.com/1ady_valentine 

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A quick Lady D drawing <3Love her claws, remind me of Lust from FMA

A quick Lady D drawing <3
Love her claws, remind me of Lust from FMA

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Summary: Soft Alcina content yes pls

Characters: Alcina Dimitrescu x gn!reader

Word Count: 1.3k

Warnings: fluff, cuddlez :)


A loud crash and the shattering of glass had you look up from your book. It had just started to get interesting in your novel, but you felt that the thundering footsteps pacing somewhere in the house needed your urgent attention first. You made a mental note to go down to the village tomorrow and get a handy man to repair whatever your lover had no doubt destroyed.

The clock chimed, indicating the late evening hour. You shuffled off the bed and wrapped a robe around you to help against the evening chill. 

Making your way down the corridor, you came upon Alcina pacing in the main hall, roaring with incoherent sentences of fury. A poor maid was trembling in her shoes, holding up a silver platter that held a wine glass, empty and cracked. A wine bottle had been smashed against the wall, leaving a deep stain dripping down towards the floor. 

“How hard is it to do as I ask?Where on this forsaken earth can I find any proper help these days? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to run this all by myself?”

“N-no, my lady-” the poor girl stammered, unsure if the questions were directed at her.

“Shut it, cretin,” Alcina snapped. Her claws were swiping through the air, snarling at her own thoughts. The girl shut her mouth so tightly you wondered if she could ever open it again.

Taking pity on the girl, you hurried down the stairs and took the platter from her. She was startled at your approach, practically jumping out of her skin as you laid a hand on her shoulder.

“Go on, dear,” you muttered. “Go to bed. Next time, fetch me instead of waiting. It might be you instead of a wine bottle if you don’t.”

It wasn’t meant as a threat, but more a fact. Alcina’s temper held no remorse when she truly became angry.

The phone on the coffee table was hanging off the hook, swinging lazily on the cord. You assumed her regular call with Mother Miranda had not gone to plan. 

“You shouldn’t yell so much at our staff,” you set the platter down on the table and pushed some of the bottle shards into a corner with your foot so no one would lose any toes until it was cleared away

Alcina’s whole form was quivering with tension. The discussions about staff and Mother Miranda’s demands were taking a toll on the matriarch. From what you could gather, Miranda needed more experiments to be fulfilled, but Alcina couldn’t afford to lose any more working hands from the castle or potential workers from the village, otherwise wine production would take a serious beating. There was only so much Alcina, you, and her daughters could do on your own. 

“Then find me competent staff who have an actual thread of intelligence,” Alcina replied haughtily. 

“You handpick them yourself, Alci,” you said softly. “I’m not involved in the hiring process.”

Alcina sat down on one of the sofas, its wooden legs threatening to buckle and break from her enormous size. You walked over to her and gently patted her knee. 

“Come to bed. You’ve done far too much today.”

“Not enough,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “Miranda needs more experiments, yet Ineed more staff, but if I take anymore maids from the village they will get angry. We’ve practically sucked them dry.”

“Then let Karl take them instead. Get their focus away from the castle.”

Alcina huffed, “You think Heisenberg gave Miranda’s demand even a second thought? No one else would do as she asked, which is why she’s resorted to taking more of mypeople.”

Herpeople. You smiled a little. Despite her murderous intent and bloodlust, what entered her castle became hers, and she would defend it without hesitation. It might be a tad possessive and seem a bit backwards, but it meant your staff were safe from lycans and other dangers on the ground, and the lives killed for wine production and Alcina’s survival were used in every possible way before laid to rest in the cemetery. 

Perhaps that was your lover’s way of making it up to the lives she takes away, and from the guilt of living in a red-tinged cycle of murder.

“We need more people,” Alcina muttered into the hand covering her mouth while she stared into the fireplace with a pensive face. “Perhaps I should start accepting some of the male applicants-”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself,” you muttered, “how tired are you, my love?”

Her eyebrows raised in thought as she considered your question, eyes shifting from the fire to you.


“The worries can wait until the morning, can’t they?”

Her hand lowered to yours that was still resting atop of her knee and circled your wrist with her large fingers, feeling the thrum of your heartbeat against the pad of her thumb. 

“Alcina,” you placed your other hand on top of hers. “You need to sleep. Mutated immortal or not, you need rest just like all of us.” 

“But the villagers-”

“If I hear one more word about Miranda or the damned shortage of staff tonight, I will hike in the dark immediately and spend the rest of the week with Heisenberg,” you retorted sharply. “And don’t think I won’t. He makes excellent steak whenever I visit.”

Alcina bristled in jealousy at the praise you gave Karl, but relented and clamped her mouth shut.

“Good,” you smiled. You took the opportunity to clamber up onto her lap, cupping her neck in your hands and angling her face down to look you in the eyes. 

“Forget about it all,” you whispered. “Just for a moment, hm?”

You tugged her further down, until her head rested heavily on your shoulder. Her large hands wrapped around your form as a shuddering breath left her body. You could feel the tense shoulder muscles relax slightly and her weight pressed down on you. It took a bit of effort to hold her up like this, but you wanted her to be as cradled as you could manage.

In moments like this, it took some coaxing from you, but eventually Alcina would relent and let down her walls. Her gaze would soften and her frown would subside, and then you could caress and coo at her until she fell asleep. Alcina was at her most vulnerable at the darkest moments in the night, alone with you and away from the rest of the world.

When your arms and back began to strain from holding her up, you patted Alcina on the shoulder and suggested you both go to bed. She nodded meekly, eyes following you like a lost puppy. A rather large and menacing-looking puppy, but a puppy nonetheless. 

Once in bed, you hoisted yourself as far up on the pillows as possible and held your arms out for the giantess. She gave a quirk of a smile before crawling on the bed, under the covers, until her head pressed against your torso and you could feel her wisps of raven hairs tickle your nose.

The side of her face pressed into your chest, sending hot breaths along your side. The closeness of her like this filled you with warmth, and your body felt weighed down and protected as she laid on you. One of her large hands reached up and trailed fingers down your side, absent-mindedly.

Her breathing began to grow deeper and slower as you played with her hair, tracing the curve of her ear down to her neck from what you could feel as you looked up at the ceiling.

Just before you drifted as well, Alcina grasped one of your hands, kissed longingly on your palm and then tucked both your hand and hers under her cheek where she held it for the rest of the night.

A/N: I almost named this “Hold Her, Damn it!!” bc Alcina deserves to be held and cuddled just as much as all of us! Show the murderess some cozy love 

btw Babysitter pt 12 coming soon ;)

 It’s finger licking good! XDA birthday present for a friend of mine who loves this tall lady  It’s finger licking good! XDA birthday present for a friend of mine who loves this tall lady

It’s finger licking good! XD

A birthday present for a friend of mine who loves this tall lady character a lot, like who doesn’t shes quite the popular gal these days ;)

(resident evil village fanart)

Materials used:
Holbein acryla gouache, daniel smith watercolors and poscapens on arches cold press cotton.

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