
I think that nice-cream is one of the best parts about being vegan and for some reason non-vegans ju

I think that nice-cream is one of the best parts about being vegan and for some reason non-vegans just don’t get told about the joy of dessert for breakfast until they join the club

Here is my recipe which does include healthy fats (cue audible gasp from the hclf vegans )

3 overripe frozen bananas
1-2 tsp vanilla extract
2- tbs- ¼ cup plant milk (I used almond) add a little at a time just to loosen the mix in the blender
1-3 tbsp peanut butter ( I think you could use pb2 but I haven’t tried. Remember that some healthy plant fat in your diet is good for you and this boosts the protein for those who worry about that kinda thing.

Stick everything in the blender and whizz until smooth and delicious

I like to top with milled flaxseed to get those good ol’ omega 3s

I have a cup of coffee strictly for the B12 in the almond milk of course

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Day 7! I’m so glad I am on the final what I eat in a day ! I could never imagine doing it as a

Day 7! I’m so glad I am on the final what I eat in a day ! I could never imagine doing it as a regular thing (such a faff!) but it was interesting to see the amount of bread I eat haha.
Today I had banana+peanut butter nice-cream topped with milled flaxseed ,mixed grains and vegan quorn burgers and finished off with a giant plate of potatoes and sriracha (I think there are about 3-4 big potatoes on that plate )

I will be going into more details on a few foods that I think deserve more info throughout the week so look out for that!

I shall also keep you guys informed on this agonising week of no bread

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Day 5. So full disclosure I was so busy doing diy house stuff (not the cute YouTuber kinda DIY but m

Day 5. So full disclosure I was so busy doing diy house stuff (not the cute YouTuber kinda DIY but more the drilling into walls and building shelves ) I forgot to take pictures of everything I ate but fortunately I am a creature of habit and already ate the things I didn’t take pictures of earlier in the week haha .
I was perusing the ramen section at the super market and low key lusting after the shin cup noodle but always thought they had anchovies I them. Imagine my surprise when I looked through the ingredients and saw no animal products! This is one of my favourite “junk” foods so I was so so so happy enjoying a Saturday treat

Also for uk peeps veetee are coming out with a new packaging for their rice meaning that the old paging is being sold super cheap at lots of supermarkets (I have seen them at Asda and Lidl for around 78p ua packet) it you’re like me and like to keep microwave rice about for when you CBA I recommend stocking up as (in my opinion) the whole grain and especially the Jasmine rice and delightful

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Day 3. Busy ol’ day today and one you wouldn’t ordinarily see a food post from me haha.

Day 3. Busy ol’ day today and one you wouldn’t ordinarily see a food post from me haha. As you can see it wasn’t the most nutritionally complete day but I tried biscoff spread for the first time today and feel like a fool for not trying it sooner. Is it total junk? Yes but omg it’s soooo dreamy

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